Battle Start!

After they finished all the needed preparation for the strategy, everyone stood in front of the entrance.

Boroz looks at everyone, "Are you all ready?"

At this moment, everyone has a serious face without a hint of leisure in it, the vibe they are giving is like a group that is going to be fighting in a war, which is actually quite true.

Fred also stands with everyone, and the group's mood also affects him making him very serious.

At this time, his camera is already out taking pictures of everyone.

This is not because Fred is planning to kill them or anything, but it's just that from his previous uses of the voodoo skill, he can make the person the picture the way he wanted. So he thought that he can also use it to maybe help in case someone is not able to evade in time or something.

After collecting the picture of everyone, Fred placed it inside his inventory so that it will be safe from anything and the squad members won't be harmed.