Chapter 4 Nightly Walk

Shai stirred in her slumber, the night wind blowing through the window cracks, the cold of the night air slips through her blanket, Shai slowly sat up and stretched, she looked around to find Eurus moved her to the living room, 


She got up and walked into the kitchen, 

She turned on the sink and washed her face with cold water,She lifted her gaze to the window to see the figure from before behind, Shai stood straight but still kept staring at it, The figure pointed at a wall in the corner of the hallway, 


Shai is not sure whether or not to follow blindly into what the figure wants, 


"Shai, follow me," the figure mumbles 


the figure walked into the hallway and disappeared into the wall, 


Shai, who is dreading the thought, walks to the corner and puts her hand on the corner, 


"Nothing is..." Shai said but is cut off, 


Shai went through the wall into the outside world. She smiled slightly, watching the birds dance around her, Shai walked through the grass due to leaving her feet wet, 

she started to follow the figure, noticing where the figure was walking the grass welded and died, 


"Shai," the figure said

It pointing to the sky, 


Shai walked closer to where it is looking up at the stars, sparkling brightly in the sky, small remnants of clouds left behind, purple and black mixed beautifully together in harmony, Shai felt a wave of relief wash over her. Letting out a sigh, she looked to her side to see the figure around the trees, hiding from the light of the moon, 


"Why are you hiding?" Shai asked curiously, 


The figure stared at her for a moment before looking back at the moon, 


"The moon shines so brightly. Does it not?" The figure asked 


Shai looked at the moon it wasn't a full moon. Its crescent shape made an orange glow in the sky. She can still see the details of the moon beautifully, 


"You are here for a reason," the figure said


Shai stayed silent and glanced at it, bewildered by it what it said, 


"What do you mean by that?" Shai whispers 


The figure turned its face to her, Shai looked at it shock noticing facial features on the figures, it smiled at her not menacingly but reassuring in a way, their eyes all white a little glimpse of their eyes color before disappearing,  the face is more masculine that which shocked her, 


"Soon," the figure said 


It smiled and started to disappear into dust in front of her, Shai was not sure what to do. Reach her hand out to it, Shai sighed and drew her hand back and sat on the ground staring up at the sky, 


"Can't get a day off, can I?" Shai said, joking around, trying to clear the atmosphere of the weirdness,  


"Claire!" Eurus yelled urgently


Claire popped up in front of him a bit blurry, 


'Yes, little Eurus?" Claire asked, faking a yawn, 


Eurus looked at her weirded out, 


"Have you seen Shai?" Eurus said 


"No, I have not. Would you like me to check the security cameras?" Claire suggested 


Eurus nodded at the idea, Claire started to check the security video she watched, a black figure walked over to the kitchen , and Shai followed the figure that went through the wall corner, Shai following him went through it as well, 


Claire gasped at the sight, turning her attention to Eurus, 


"She is outside for some reason," Claire said 


Eurus shocked, 


"What do you mean she's outside," Eurus asked 


Claire huffed and showed him the footage, 


"Go tell Antie. I will go search for her in the meantime," Eurus said,

He walked to his room to change, 


"It's going to be a long day," Claire said,

She disappeared to Judy's room,  


"Where the hell is she," Eurus said, walking through the woods, 


Eurus moves past the free limbs he looks around him, the sky a beautiful shade of light blue with little clouds in it, the birds chirping happily, some flying around him, signaling something. 


"Hey, little guys," Eurus said quietly, 


Holding out his hand to see if one of them would rest on it, 

Weirdly enough, it did. Chirping loudly like it's warning him.


"What's wrong?" Eurus said the bird flies off his hand and floats above him, 


"Do you want me to follow you?" Eurus asked 


The bird chirps joyfully and flies forward, 


"This sounds like one of those fairy tale movies companies like to make," Eurus sighed, following the bird, 


"How long does this frost go?" Eurus asked the bird all it did was chirp at him before landing on a branch next to a hill, 


"That's where she is?" Eurus implored 


The bird chipped happily and flies away from him, Eurus sighed and wandered to the hill, he looked around the area not noticing she was lying on a tree behind her, sleeping peacefully Not a care in this realm that would wake her, Eurus finally sat down, decided to take a break, and turned his head to find her there, 


"Good, you're safe," Eurus said,

He lay there for a good bit before walking over to her, 

He puts his hand on her face and feels a shock come off her, onto him. Eurus, surprised by this, gently moves his hand away, not wanting to get shocked again, 


"Young man," the figure said from behind him, 


Eurus slowly turns around to it, his eyes widen by what he sees, a black figure staring at him not menacingly but holding caution in them. They looked at each other, Eurus tried to collect his thoughts, trying to figure out what he wanted.


"Help her," the figure said, pointing to where she laid, 


Eurus peeked at Shai's sleeping form and nodded at the

Figure, he strolled over to her, 


Eurus glanced at the figure. It just nodded at him, telling him to continue, Eurus sighed and lifted her into his arms, 


"She will have a headache for a while," the figure spoke 


Eurus turns to it, but it is gone as fast as it comes, 


Eurus sighed and stared at Shai before hearing a voice in the distance, 


"Eurus!" Judy yelled,

She ran up to them, 


"Hi," Eurus said


Judy breathing heavily checked them both for injuries, 

Eurus pondered about what he had witnessed walking home with his auntie asking questions,