Chapter 11 Another?

rightas a couple of broken ribs," Claire said 

Claire looked at the monitors with his vitalizes and x-ray. Both Shai and Judy stared at them as well, Claire glanced at Shai before shifting to Judy,

Judy noticed her hand starting to swell and trying to hide her hand, 

"Misstress, you should go rest and take something that will help your hand stop swelling," Claire said 

Judy stared up at Claire and sighed, 

"You are probably right, Claire. While I take some aspirin, please watch Eurus for me,"

Judy gets up from her chair and walks to the door holding onto its handle, she glances at Shai, When she does her pain worsens a bit, before the feeling of grief hits her but she can't dwell on that, she has to take care of her body first then apologize, 

"I will mistress... take care of you first, then you can nag him all you want, of course," Claire said 

Judy chuckled and left them in a quiet lab, warm but with this kind of situation. Cold and painful, Claire kept looking at the monitors before moving the screen into the air, looking through them, she saw that he was breathing normally with some pain, which would be fixed by the pain medication that she gave him, she caught a glimpse of Shai lightly holding Eurus hand and starting to fall asleep on the chair next to him, laying her head on his shoulder, Claire grins at this and decides to take a picture of this for later to show Judy and... Maybe blackmail. You never know when you need it. 

"That should do it... Then wait, is the flash on?" Claire whispered

In another Realm.

"Sonya, what's the matter? Did your boyfriend not text you back?" Dia asked 

Sonya choked on her coffee and looked away from Dia, who was giggling at her remark, but she liked the reaction that came out of her. Sonya must like this guy, right?

"What do you mean by that!" Sonya said 

Dia puts a hand on her shoulder and tells her, 

"Calm down. I was just asking if you heard anything from him since yesterday," 

"I only meet him like two to three days now, and don't you think that's a little too early to annoy me with the whole boyfriend thing?" Sonya replied 

"Yes, but where is the fun in that? we're best friends if I don't tease you with some boy or girl... If you are into that kind of love, then why aren't you attracted to me?" Dia asked

Sonya blushing, looks up at her with irritation on her face, Now noticing Dia raising her eyebrows, Sonya moves back into her chair and puts her hand on her face, trying to hide the redness, Dia smirks at this and snickers at her,

"Are you done teasing me, or do I have to make an excuse to go get more coffee? Wait," Sonya said 

Sonya gets out of her chair and says,


"Would you like something from the coffee shop since I'm such a good friend," 

"That would be nice, thanks, but I would like to decline," Dia said

Sonya glances at her bewildered, Dia always wants something from that shop. Most of the time, she gets Dia, her favorite, croissant with cheese, and an iced coffee with caramel and white chocolate. Honestly, I will get that for myself if I have to 

"Are you sure you are not some kind of alien? That took my best friend away because if you are, then you're doing a bad job blending in," Sonya said 

Dia laughed and said, 

"Just go get your coffee, You are not you without coffee,"

"Fine, see you in a bit," Sonya said 

Sonya got out of their office and went out of the building towards her car, then unlocked the door to go into it,

she felt something off-putting near her. Sonya decides to ignore this and continues her way to the coffee shop, 

She looked toward the road to see a car spinning out of control and landing in a ditch, Sonya quickly parked her car at the side of the road, grabbed a crowbar from her back seat then started to run to the car, she grabbed her radio on her chest and sent a warning to the police department, 

"I'm in Clover Street in the Sickle area. There is a car crash. Thankfully, it was only one car, but it seems to have major damage done to it. The other one looks fine, but the bumper is damaged, I'm going to see if they need help," Sonya spoke

Sonya ran to the front of the car, looking through one of the windows and finding one of the passengers dead by a big glass shard in their head. The one to her left was alive, breathing softly. Sonya moves to the other side of the car to check on the other person, She finds them unconscious and bleeding from her arms with shattered glass in them,

"I can get you out of this," Sonya said 

She grabs the crowbar on her hip, puts it at the end of the door, and uses the crowbar to open the car door, the woman leans forward, Sonya sees this and quickly pushes the door to see the woman has a seat belt on her, Sonya moves her arm in front of the woman and takes off the seat belt, now the woman's weight on her, 

"I'll get you out of this," Sonya said 

She puts her arm under the woman's legs and her right arm behind her back, lifts her carefully out of the car, and starts to walk away from the wreckage of the car,

"My... baby," She said

Sonya looks at the woman, Her eyes show pain, but it has more concern than anything. The woman tells her once more,

"Get my baby... don't care about, j... just get my baby," 

"Yes, miss," Sonya said 

Sonya walks to a tree near her car and sets the woman there, then tells her that she will be right back, Sonya runs back to the car but before she checks the back seat her radio goes off, 

"Police number 32612, we have a delay with another car crash. We can't be there in fifteen. We will try our best to get through and get to the injured,"


Sonya instantly answers back, 

"Come in, I have one injured and sadly fatality. I'm about to check on a baby,"

Sonya tried to open the door, but it was stuck. She went to her hip to find the crowbar. She started to try and find it, but someone had it,

"Is this yours?" 

Sonya jumped and placed her hand on the counseled gun, then turned to see Leif with his hand in front of her, holding the crowbar. Sonya didn't say anything, she grabbed the crowbar and started to open the door, Leif was behind her watching the whole thing, Sonya broke the door open and tried to push the door like the other, but couldn't. 

"You know I'm here. Let me help," Leif said

Sonya looked at him before Leif had grabbed onto it, and she moved the door. She didn't use her strength, she just touched the door with her fingers, and it moved away, hell even broke open with Leif, who used his arm and pushed it away, then smiled at her,

"Here you are, my lady," Leif said

Sonya bewildered went to check on the baby, who was knocked out from the crash, his breathing was slow but deep and she sighed in relief, she started to move over to unlock him from the baby's carriage, and softly moved him into her arms, holding him closely, 


Sonya hushes the baby as it starts to cry, She moves away from the car to the baby's mother, who is trying to stay awake. looking up at them, her eyes show no more concern or pain, but joy and relief. It seems that a mother is always worried, isn't they? 

"Michael," the woman muttered

She holds her hands out for her son, Sonya moves Michael into her arms, and the woman starts crying holding him, he doesn't know what going on so he just grabs her hair giggling, Sonya smiles at him and then looks behind her for Leif, but she can't find him... He was there, right? Or was it all a part of her imagination?

"Miss the ambulance is here," the woman said


Sonya turns to her and then says, "I'm sorry, I should have helped you mo..."

"No, you...d.did more than enough for me and my son. Thank you," she said

Sonya watched as the medics ran to them and started to check on the woman, Sonya watched as the medics helped her onto the stretcher and moved toward the ambulance, miraculously, the baby looked at her and waved his hand at her. She was shocked but waved back at him shyly,

"Hey, Sonya, I thought you were just going out for coffee. Here you are, being a lifesaver," Dia said

Dia put her hand on Sonya's shoulder, Sonya turned to her and said,

"It's my, no. our job, you know that,"

Dia chuckled,

"Indeed, good job now. Why don't we go get you that coffee I wanted," 

Sonya gives her glares at her,

"You said that you didn't want any!" Sonya said


She hits Dia in the shoulder, which Dia shrugs off, and starts to walk toward Sonya's car,

"Come on, let's get moving, I need some caffeine in my blood," Dia yelled

Sonya was about to yell back at Dia, but she saw something in the corner of her eye, She turned her head in that direction to see a black figure in the woods. near the road watching her move,

"That was what I felt that thing was watching me? But if that is here, then where was Lei... No, it," Sonya thought,

She stared at it, The figure just gawked at her, not looking away, but something felt off about this, Sonya looked at the people moving around her, it was like time had stopped for them. She looked at Dia to see her walking backward slowly. Trying to ask something of her,

"How did you?" Sonya asked

She swerves her head to it, to find the figure in front of her, mockingly leaning its head at her, while it does that Sonya moves her hand slowly to her gun, with faint memories of what happened the last time. she saw this thing going through her head,

"Don't try anything. I'm not the one you think," it said

Sonya flinched, shocked at how soft its voice was to her. The last time it was deep and brash, Sonya reluctantly moved her hand away from the gun, making the figure happy,

"Thank you, I didn't think you would after my friend had a conversation with you," It said cheerfully,

Sonya slowly nods and says,

"W...what do you mean by your friend,"

It giggles at her, finding it adorable, 


"Why thank you, you see, I have heard from a certain friend of a friend and a couple of more friends, words get around, you know, so," It continued

She nodded, finding it odd that it was so carefree. Sonya let out a nervous chuckle and said,

"I thought it was a male. cause that wasn't human, none of this is. No offense,"

It laughed at this,

"Indeed, he seems to have some spirit fire in him that is, to be frank with you. he can not control himself, but I think my time with you is done. Thank you for your time, dear," It said

It gives her a wink and leaves.

"Sonya, come on, let's get moving," Dia yelled