Chapter 14 Great There's More Of Them

"What? Do you think I want to talk to you now? No, I wanted to wait and give you time to search for yourself... Figure out why you're here by your cord," 

"I don't believe this," Shai thought 

Shai wondered of this when she was young, how the book she read told her about mysterious worlds and the roles within them, staring at this being that she at first thought was dangerous now sitting in front of her, waiting for her to communicate with it, Shes not sure what to do in this situation. But it won't let her leave without talking with it, 


Shai walked to the chair, watching the figure who seemed to be bored waiting for her, and sat down, leaning into the fine leather, hoping that would suck her away from this being,

"I have seen... Many come and go. Living a life full of prosperity...Hope I have seen the future," the figure said 

It stops looking around and thinks that someone listening to their conversation. Shai watches it move not wanting to turn away, and sees it turn back, making a wine glass in its hand out of thin air, 

"The future has two ways of ending up... And I've tried to look past it. moving to other branches of time, but every single time, I try not to interfere with that realm," It said

Shai stared at him, intrigued hearing that this thing goes through multiple domains was incredible. But frightening. The figure took a sip of its wine and swirled the glass, watching it whirl around the glass 

"Do you know what I have observed in those lines?"

Shai turned her gaze to him and said, 

"No, I, fortunately. Don't have to look through multiple timelines seeing death, ruin, and destruction,"

It snapped its head at her starring menacingly, She felt something dark  come over her, it kept its eyes on her never leaving her form, Shai started to worry about what it would, Shai's worry seemed to be for no reason, the figure starts to laugh at this, before putting the wine glass done,

"You, my dear, are funny, truly. I never expected to hear that coming from someone such as you," It said 

The figure stopped when it heard another pair of feet come their way. It stepped toward Shai, stopping her from seeing what walked toward them, 

"What are you?" 

It looks down at her, its hand moves over to where its lips would be, and it puts a finger on it asking her to be silent, The footsteps become more loader moving in front of them, The figure stares down at Shai tilting its head, 

"I knew he was somewhere around here,"

Shai tried to take a peek at the voice behind the figure, but the figure kept her still glaring at her, the footsteps moving around it showing themselves to Shai, startling her. 

"It's another one of them," Shai thought

Shai looks at the figure who is glaring at them, its eye showing a deep red, they stop by her feet, bending down and looking under the chair, this causes her to stiffen, seeing another being like the figure concerns her, if there are two of them. How many more are there? 

"I know that you're hiding them,"

"What?" Shai let out

She watched an invisible force move off of her, and the figure, the being that was still on its knees near Shai, looked up at her eyes, she could see its eyes. It was a lovely shade of purple, staring back up at her.

"Your Shai, right?" 


Shai cursed herself for acting timid, but she didn't seem to mind it. It laid a hand on her own in a comforting way, They moved their gaze to the figure, before letting out a chuckle, 

"You have been scaring her, haven't you?"

"No, I haven't... this time."

They stood up and walked around the figure, seeming to be irritating the figure. They just gave it a smug smile and turned to Shai with their arms open, 

"Come here dear," 

Shai didn't know what happened, but she was in his arms. Being held by an unknown being was not something that She wanted, 

"I thought it would be nice to have a hug and not some idiotic being who wants to use you, but you don't have to..." it stopped 

"What do you mean by using? I would never do that. Not to her," the figure said 

It put Shai's hand on its biceps, trying to get a hold of this, but the one who was holding her turned and made her see his face,

"Look at you! You're just a sweetheart, aren't ya?"

Shai felt my body stiffen seeing it look at her. He looks down at her like he hears her thoughts. It can't do that! She hopes not, 

"I can actually, and I find that cute action of yours quite endearing. Now that I have your attention, I want to hear every detail of your adventure in this realm. Is that what you call it?" It asked 

Shai sees it showing a bright smile trying to ease her, but Shai still felt on edge, adrenalin coursing through her vines, 

"Let her go. don't you see that you're making her uncomfortable!" The figure said 

The other figure scoffed at him, before again staring down at her, tilting it been mocking her, 

"I'm sure she's fine in my embrace,"

The figure started to howl with laughter, Shai started to wonder if the figure was fooling her. It glares at the figure, thinking it would faze the figure, but it doesn't. The figure starts to lean on a chair, trying to catch its breath, Shai stands there in the arms of another figure, the one who wants to talk to her is laughing. 

"Are you done trying not to piss yourself," It asked

The figure gets up, telling it, 

"Shai, do you believe this? This abomination is a people person."

The figure scoffed and moved over to them, pulling Shai away from the other figure,

"His grip is weak now the time,"

Shai pulled away from the figure's grasp and backed away from them. The figure didn't seem to like that. Its eyes shine a dark red before it starts to calm itself down. The other figure smiles at this, before turning to Shai,

"Look, there is a reason why I came here." It said 

"Other than to give me a headache," the figure said 

It chuckled, 

"It's a gift." It said 

"Are they ever going to get to the

point?" Shai mentally sighed