Chapter 18 Gold

Shai looked at her hand and watched the gold moving through the lines in her skin, it moved down her hand into her wrist. 

Shai grabs the chair next to her, helping her up. She used her right hand that had gold and that made immense pain shoot through her hand. She hissed in pain, letting go of the chair and falling back on the floor, holding her hand. 


"What did he do to me?" Shai mumbled 


"I can help you with that,"


Shai lifts her head, finding the other figure in front of her holding out his hand for her to grab, Shai glares at him and says,

"If you're here to do the same then leave,"


He flinched at the tone of her voice and gave a nervous laugh.


"Look, I'm not here to do what that j…" He stopped 


He saw her hand and how bad it was turning out to be, he walked to her still holding out his hand to her, she looked into its eye.... it had eyes. She watched him stare at her hand, concern written in his eyes. He grimed at this and asked,

"He couldn't have done this,"


Shai scoffed. 


"Well, he did,"


She took his hand and with his help got back on her feet, 


"So what," Shai said 


He looked away from her in deep thought, and Shai let go of his hand, 

Shai moves around him walking to the door only to be stopped by him, holding the hand that hurts. 


"What were you thinking about dealing with this?" He asked 


Shai watched the gold move down to her elbow, the burning increased, making her whine at him, pulling her hand away from him. He flinched and watched her move away, her back facing him, 


"Shai what happened to you was that your figure ha..." He got cut off  


He reached out to her, only to have his hand slapped away, He looked at her in remorse... he had never seen this before, he only heard of it from his leaders and colleagues, but with the circumstances staring straight at him. He didn't know what to do... 




She seethed in pain, staring at him. 


"I need you to try to trust me when I do this," He said 


He walks to her until he stands in front of her, 


"Stop and go..." Shai said 


He knocked her out, hoping that would help her calm down, and it did. Shai lost her balance and fell, the figure stretched out his arms, trying to catch her. He missed her, causing her to fall on the floor on her back. 


"Oww that going to bite her in the morning," He said 


He bent down and picked her up, he huffed, walking to the couch and setting her down. 


"You are going to be angry at me later, but I have someone to talk to before then," He says  


He turns away from her, a fog covers him as he disappears. 


"This is 914 radio concluding the interview with Max Klaus, what do you think about that interview, John,"  


"What can you say, the first person who interviewed him seemed a little volatile but it was a good interview, to say the least,"   


"At least? The other interviewer was more entertaining than the last one, she gave him more fair questions, and more time to deliberate, it was better than the last one," 


Eurus shuts off the radio and turns to his auntie, she looks at him, her eyes laced with passion and anger,


"Eurus I'm going to leave for a senate meeting at noon," Judy said 


Judy stood up and walked to him, she laid a hand on his shoulder, 


"I'm going to need some help preparing for it," Judy said 


Eurus mentally sighed,


"Claire can't help, she's in no condition to help me prepare," Judy said 


Eurus placed his hand on Judy's hand, moving it off his shoulder, 


"Auntie, I will help you any way I can," Eurus said 


Judy has a small smile on her face, 


"Thank you, I need some research on Max Klaus and his organization," Judy asked 


"Ok, I will get that done, you need to get ready for it right?" Eurus asked 


He pointed at her and Judy looked at her clothes, finding oil, dirt, and coffee stains on her, she looked back at him and said,

"Yeah, that needs to happen,"


"Go do that, I will be here, and I'll watch Claire in case she wakes up," Eurus said  


Judy pats his back and walks out of the lab, Eurus looks around and sighs thinking,

"I might as well pull out some news as I do it,"


He sat in front of the computer asking, "Computer put on America news now,"


The computer turns on a light and plays the news for him, Eurus starts to look up the open for the World Foundation, 

Eurus reads through the articles, but one seems to catch his eye more than he thought.  


"The new society of greater intellectuals to make everyday life better for everyone," Eurus says 


He keeps reading the article and saves it to the computer, asking "Computer print those articles and written words please,"

the computer responds to him and prints the papers, 


"That's where she went,"


He stopped hearing a voice from behind him, a weight on the back of his chair made him turn around, Eurus glares at Herman, 

Herman looked around him unimpressed, 


"You seem to heal fast from our last.... talk," Herman said 


Eurus scoffed, 


"Leave," Eurus said 


Herman stepped back from him, 

"No, I don't think I will," Herman said


Herman walked to Claire and glanced at Eurus before placing his hand on her head, Eurus stood up and ran to them. Herman looked at him, his face stone cold, and disappeared. 


Eurus stood there in confusion, He looked over at Claire finding her in the same state. In sleep mode, unmoving but the fans are on making a low noise.


"What just happened?"