Chapter 35 What does Red Do?

"The next battle begins now," 

Hermes was looking at Zeus and nodded, he stared at Shai waiting for her first move to be made however, Shai was already in front of him and was about to underhook him but he moved. Shai looked around and didn't see him. 

"He's faster than Athena," Shai muttered 

The weapon agreed with her glowing a bright blue, she didn't even see him move much less run. Shai felt her gun shake in her hand to the left, She looked beside her and was kicked in the side of her head, Shai flew to the other side of the training ground with the weapon still placed in her hand, Hermes stood where she once had watched her. 

 "You will need to be faster than that to beat..." 

Shai shot the weapon at Hermes, sending a wave of lighting at him and he moved away while witnessing the lighting barely miss him. 

"Maybe I should have," 

"Watched where I was," Shai finished 

Shai was on the other side of the grounds lying in a dent in the side of the building, she was close to him with her weapon glowing a bright red. Shai shot aiming at his chest, only for the weapon to move to his feet, 

"You're doing this again?" Shai asked 

It glowed again a red in response, Shai shot it again with it still glowing red, this interested Hermes. He moved away from where the first shot was, not hearing where the second shot went. 

"What does the red do?" Hermes asked 

Shai didn't know until a bright red fire lit under his feet, Hermes was stunned but tried to move only to have fire raining down on him, he felt the fire hit his winged feet and his helmet. 

Shai couldn't see Hermes and saw that this was her chance to end the battle quickly, but she still worried she had hurt the deity badly. She only wanted to slow him down. Hermes emerged from the fire with his wings on his feet and helmet burnt. He grinned at Shai,

"That was different from what I thought Shai," Hermes chuckled 

He walked closer to her his grin never leaving, Shai huffed feeling how tense the surrounding air was. the gun shined again this time the light blue from before, She shot it again but Hermes moved from his spot running towards her, this time Shai could see him coming. the wave of light went under Athena and Zeus who were watching them,

"It seems like it still has most of its power," Athena said 

"It seems so. Shai seems to be getting a better handle on the weapon," Zeus said 

"The weapon seems like it wants her to succeed more than the others. that have tried to hold it," Athena spoke 

"You mean tried to steal," Zeus corrected 

"But I agree with you, Athena... Shai is different," Zeus continued

Shai blocked a kick from Hermes and grabbed his leg saying, "Your kicks are strong," 

"When you send messages everywhere in Olympus, it would do that," Hermes said 


Hermes lifts his other leg kicking her on the other side of her head, Shai falters moving back from Hermes with him taking this and running at her kneeing her in the stomach, Shai drops her weapon causing it to disappear. Shai held her gut leaning over until Hermes grabbed her chin making her look at him,

"I thought you almost had me back in the fire," Hermes told her, 

He gave her a grin, but didn't see her leaning her head back and gave a headbutt to his nose. Hermes heard a creak come from his nose as he held it, it might take him a bit to heal from that, his vision is slightly blurred, Shai ran up to Hermes who tried to back away but she stopped him grabbing his hair and hitting her knee with his nose, Hermes flew back and Shai felt her weapon back into her hand, she glanced down and saw that it was blue again, 

"Arent we kinda late for the lightning?" 

The weapon glowed brighter almost angry she said that, and Shai giggled slightly and shot at Hermes, He saw a flash of light coming at him and tried to move away but it was too late, he was caught in the lighting. It hit his stomach and crashed into the structure, while Shia looked at the weapon to find it glowing green, Shai aimed the gun at where Hermes lay bleeding through his nose and stomach bruised, Shai shot the weapon aiming for his foot but it moved it to his left side, the weapon glowed again a green, 

"I won't argue with ya," 

She shot it again having the bullet hit next to his right side, Hermes was leaning on his knee until big green vines sprouted out of the ground beside him entwining around him. Shai lowered her weapon and placed it on her side, Shia walked to where Hermes was and saw that he was healing already,

"Did I win or is this a draw?" Shai asked

"Seeing as im trapped here," 

He raised his arms with the vines entangling around them, and he gazed at her with glee. 

"Yeah, I would say you have won," 

Shai smiled and fell backward onto the ground, exhausted. She saw the skies of clouds and gold before Hermes asked her,

"Could use some of that fire of yours right now,"

Shai looked down at her weapon and saw that it was glowing red, she lifted her head and stared at Hermes, 

"Is that really what you want? Your wings are just staring to reaper themselves," 

Hermes looked at his feet and saw that she was right. 

"Maybe I should just ask Athena," 

"Why don't you just not show up to the senate hearing,"

"I could do that, however, they have more support in the Senate to imprison me. for that I must go," Max told them

"What support? they have only so little..." 

"Do you not see that woman has more people behind her? Knowing what I have helped." Max cut them off,

"Do not fool yourself… they have more behind them than I originally thought. It will only grow with all the evidence they have on my company,"

Max brought out a cigar and light the cigar, the numbers on the cigar were three fourteen eighteen. He breathed in the cigar while the person he was talking to said, "What do you mean? You told me these people had nothing behind them. Now you're are saying that one woman has more people behind her," 

"It's not just her," Max breathed out, 

He flicked the cigar while looking at the person with a dead look in his eye. Like he has no soul left. the person didn't see this, only wanted to have done their job and leave.

"There a multitude of people now behind her, I see more people looking for an answer for what we have done. And I see that they turn away from what we have propagated to them, they found the truth and that should be where we have failed. now I have my reason to not want to go to the senate... but after I will flee the country," Max said 

"Flee the country? do you hear yourself? you have half of the senate under your foot with blackmail and fraud."

"Some of them don't care about the blackmail I have on them... the woman Judy Dimoan seemed to help give them what they sold," 

"What would that be?" 

Max looked at the screen to see the footage of the Senate hearings with Judy speaking, another had the stock market and one had the president talking, Max breathed in the cigar before breathing out, 

"They have a new courage to fight us," Max told him 

"When did they have that? Max this only started five days ago, how can they have this much and such little time?" 

"Haven't I told you? They now have their courage and the hope of a human future, something I have been trying to take away for so long. But no, they had to find their spirit. There human spirit," Max hissed


Max looked at his phone, finding it a glitch. he dropped the phone still hearing the person's voice trying to talk, "The power... it," 

"What do you mean... he has done," 

the screen he was looking at turned off, with the power in the apartment turning off as well. Max heard the person on the phone. 

"The AI turned off the power," The voice shifts to Herman's voice, 

The phone started to shake having made cracks in the screen, Max backed away from the phone near the door knocking his hand on it, 

"Get in here, you fools!" Max yelled 

"You won't be leaving that soon Max," 

Max turned back to his phone and saw Herman standing over the phone staring at him, Herman grinned at Max, 

"We only just started,"