Chapter 37 Emp but AI?

The Senate was illuminated by old gas lamps with the cold seeping into the room, the Senators sat in the room talking and murmuring, 

"How could we let this happen..."

"We? How could you think it was our fault? We haven't known of this," 

"No, we have Judy has been warning us of this occurring, and look what we have done. Nothing. We mock her and disregard her, this is what would happen if we didn't hear the warning. And look where we are now," 

"That doesn't make it right. She must have been lying, all Judy and her group do is spread wrong information, " 

"Are you dull? Look at the environment around you," 

They stared at the room around them, the lights from long ago lit once more with papers they hadn't seen before placed on their desk with a microphone and recorded there as well. 


"You know that... don't be blind," 

The door opened with Judy, Lee, and Alex walking in, Judy saw them staring at her and took a look into the room. "How the blind had made the strong go with their plans for far too long," Judy thought 

"Judy," The chairwoman said 

"Madam Chair, I see that you brought in some new lighting," Judy smiled 

"Yes, I had to," She chuckled 

Judy now stood in front of the chairwoman and the other Senators watched, Alex went to his chair with Lee staying near Judy, 

 "Judy I believe you have been informed," The chairwoman asked 

"I wouldn't be standing here without it," Judy said 

"For that, we will start this meeting," 

The Senators went to their seats with Lee sitting far off, Judy looked over the chamber finding most of the Senate was staring at her. Almost like they wanted to hear what she had to say. Too little too late for that. Judy looked over at the chairwoman, who had already sat down, 

"Now, please set up the boards" 

Some of the chairwoman's staffers brought out multiple boards, one of them laid it out on a stand and it showed how long we would have, 

"This is how long we have until we fall as a country. We have three days to fix what has happened, now I know you all have gotten the note that had the electricians warned of the AI stopping them from getting into the grid," 

"But we have had hackers as well fail to kick out the AI," The chairwoman finished 

They brought a new board on the stand showing the AI and how it first got into the grid, then continued going through the other, stopping the power, after they had nothing other than had hacker name that had tried to help them, 

"Other than what you see here this is all the president has done, we have come here to help come up with a solution," 

"Any takers?" The chairwoman asked 

"I will madam chair,"

Judy saw that it was one of the senators in Massachusetts, she took out her papers and said, "This is from Judy Diamond, the notes from Sidney Lincoln, Note nineteen had already warned of the AI and the power outages to the 2030 summit has been in the note along with how she died in these notes. What I have to say Miss Diamond is why would you have these in your hands," 

"Well, I have had this in my hand at the being of this year by a whistleblower," Judy said 

"Then how would we know if you had tam..." 

"If I may miss chairwoman," 

Judy saw that it was the other Senator from Massachusetts who interrupted her, he took off his glasses in shock looking at the representative beside him, 

"How could you say that utter trash when we have worse to deal with, Senator Roth," 

"If I could finish what I said, it is my time to..." 

"You mean talking about the note which is not why we are here," He cut her off 

"I believe that enough from the senator from Massachusetts Warren Roth, Dalton Strong, do you have an idea?" 

"I have only one madam chairwoman, use another AI to take the power back from Herman," Dalton said 

"Then where are we going to get that AI," 

"They have only started making new AI. They are not as developed as Herman, they can't kick him out of the grid," 

"No, there has to be something else that can kick him out," 

Alex stood up from his seat, making them stop, Alex stepped down from his seat and headed toward the board with one of his staffers behind him, they moved the other board and placed it in a new one, with a device that could knock out the AI, 

"This is what has been in the making after Yuval's questioning, they have made an Emp like device for the AI," Alex said 

The board showed the emp looked different from how they looked beforehand, it was square with a screen glowing with light,

The Senate stared with intesapathion, Judy knew of this already listening to Alex talk about it, and found it useful... At least this time she didn't have it bring Claire into this.

"And what will it accomplish?"

Alex let out a sigh before saying, "Like I said before it's an Emp for AI. it will take all the AI from the internet or out in the open from here to California the only AI that will be safe is if it is under a fortified bunker or a bag,"

Judy sighed in relief Claire wot be affected if she was in the lab. Judy hears the Senate start to charter,

"Every AI?"

"That would fix the problem but will it work without electricity?"

"It does have a screen... Do you think it will?"

"It was charged before the outage and has just enough to do the task," Alex replied

"All I have to ask is that we get the go to from Congress and the president, i will not start it without that," Alex continued 

The Senate went silent. the chairwoman pondered on this while Alex stared at Judy and Lee, 

Lee smiled at him with Judy nodded, She thought it would be the best way to use the EMP while being within the law. 

"We will tell them of this and will get their approval. For now, that will be under your care, Senator Sherman," The chairwoman told him,

"Yes, chairwoman," 

"How long will it take to get this information to them," Judy asked

"We will have messengers to send it to them, it would take a few hours," The chairwoman answered 

One of the chairwoman's staffers whispered in her ear and had two pieces of paper placed on her desk, She looked it over finding it to be the EMP, and signed it, she gave it to the staffer and said, 

"Send it to them quickly, bring security with you," 

The staffer left with security with them, The chairwoman stared out at the Senate before her eyes landed on Judy,

"Do you have any words to say, Senator Diamond," She asked 

Judy stared up at her, "It's my time then?" 

"Yes Senator Diamond it is your time," She said 

Judy looked at the Senate with a stern look, "I have only been in this Senate for three years and all I've been is my job, it's to keep my oath to the constitution and the people within it. I wonder how many of you could say that. I listened to them and have tried my best to get what they want for this country, I hope I have met their standards and have met the past standards as well," 

They saw something in her eyes that hadn't been seen in a long time, an old fire. Alex felt that passion from where he sat as long as Lee, who had seen Judy talk before but not with this fire in her eyes. it's apart from the old but so new. 

"We have let these big companies or these big political agendas get in the way of what is true. Now look at what happened. We have them taking an AI make it their weapon against us and the people we have sworn to uphold their rights. I don't know if we have done that for the past three years I have been here, but as for me, I will uphold them and put the people who have jeopardized this country in front of us for questioning for all to see and for them to face what they have done." 

Judy looked over at them all, 

"We now stand in front of a choice. We either stand for the rights that are given to us by GOD or die by these veiled people, it is your call. But as from me and people like me, I will stand doing all to stand for what I believe and what is my sacred duty," 

"I end my time,"