Chapter 39 Not again.

"Are you sure you are ok?" 

Athena wrapped new bandages around Shai's midsection, Athena placed the old ones on the ground while Shai watched Ares talk with Zeus, 

"She seems to be strong enough to hold the weapon," Ares said 

"Yes, she does but she knows the weapon as well... it's like they have the same goal," Zeus told him, 

Athena noticed this with a soft hum making Shai stare at her, Athena stood up wrapping up the last of the bandages while staring at her, 

"Shai, you have done well in your battles," Athena said 

"I wouldn't say that I have... it's just something that was brought upon me," Shai told her, 

"You should think of it so lightly," 

Athena strongly stopped her and put away the bandages, her spear appeared in her hand, her voice was stoic, 

"You have fought against us and won, be proud of that. not anyone can say that Shai... but they couldn't say if we are real or not," Athena said 

"You are right on that Athena," 

Shai was cut off by Hermes who flew next to her and now stood by her with his hand on her shoulder, Shai turned to him and saw that he had a very serious look, 

"Why question what has been done?" Hermes asked 

"Im not trying to sound like I'm questioning it, but it all seems like a dream," 

Shai stared at the training ground in a daze, it still had the surrounding clouds that floated around the grounds with the rubble made from the earlier fight still on the ground. 

"I guess that would make sense for you. If I were in your place, I would feel the same, " Hermes said 

"You have done a lot Shai. don't doubt what you have done this day. for what it makes of it we will remember," Athena said 

Shai smiled at them before Zeus called out to her,

"Shai I want to ask something of you," 

Zeus walked up to him with Ares behind him, the look in his eyes told Shai that Zeus was up to something. Zeus smiled at her and asked,

"Would you want to fight me?" 

Shai felt her heart drop again worse than it had done when she fought with Ares. Shai halted her breathing, so Hermes patted her back getting her out of shock, She stared up at Zeus, 


"I asked if you wanted to fight me?" Zeus asked again, 

"Have I had enough training to fight the AI," Shai inquired 

"Yes, you have, but I saw how you fought on your feet. how you knew what was coming. you read them like a book," Zeus complemented 

"I want to fight you and see what that realm has in store," Zeus continued 

Shai can see the lighting crackle around him. Shai thought for a moment, "Would it be that bad to fight him..." 

Her weapon appears in her hand seeming to agree with her, but She starts to think against it, 

"Yes, but I have already gone through three fights with them... should I fight with him after that?" 

Her weapon shook in her hand making her glance down at it, the weapon shook again like it telling her to stop thinking. To stop doubting. The deities around her noticed this and knew that the weapon was telling her something. but didn't know what, 

"It talking with her again? What would make it do that? So contrarious of it," Zeus thought 

It shook once more with Shai now staring back at Zeus, 

"I agree to the fight," 

Zeus grins. Athena and Hermes looked at each other while Ares was amused to see Shai fight against Zeus, It was harder than he thought to try to win over Shai. He was mistaken to think low of her. She went on thoughts and instincts, that he could commend her for. Athena and Hermes had the same thought, It would be hard for her to win this battle but if she did, the weapon would be trusted in her until death. 

"Athena, Hermes, and Ares go to the ledge then we will start our battle Shai," Zeus told them, 

"We wish you luck Shai," Hermes said 

He flew up to the ledge and Athena gave her a warning,

"This will not be as easy Shai," 

She followed Hermes with Ares following her, only giving Shai a glance before agreeing with Athena.

"I agree with her this once. If you thought I was easy, this will be a true challenge for you," 

He jumped onto the ledge and watched with the other deities, Zeus turned to Shai with sparks of lighting coming off of him, and the clouds from around the training ground changed from white to gray with bright flashes of lighting in them. Zeus had a lightning bolt strike his hand. he held the bolt in his hand admiring it before telling Shai, 

"I won't hold back because you are the chosen holder, Shai," 

Shai gave him a grin of her own and twirled her weapon, her weapon glowing red with green hints in it, 

"I hope you don't Zeus," 

The clouds had thunder ringing through them, Shai glanced around her seeing the clouds draw near them with Zeus watching her, trying to see what she would do... or if she would figure out what he was planning. Shai felt her weapon shake from left to right and Shai looked around her, 

"If I move, it will shock me, this is his plan. Making me not able to move," Shai thought,

The clouds were nowhere on both sides of her, with Zeus now aiming his bolt of lighting at her, Shai felt her weapon shake and saw that a new color shined around it, it was white with hints of blue and green in it, She aimed her weapon at him which Zeus thought was off. The clouds were now where at arm's length of her when her weapon shook, Shai aimed her weapon and was about to shoot when Zeus threw the bolt at her, Shai shot the bullet. She witnessed the lighting coming at her with the clouds being so close to touch. Shai looked up at the lighting that was only an inch from her face when a big gust of wind took the bolt in it, the clouds started to swirl around her with Shai, the bolt was in the clouds but it grew in the cloud with Shai staring around her. 

"This is kinda weird," 

Shai has a soft smile with her hand touching the clouds, but her weapon shook, gaining her attention. It glowed a bright blue which Shai aimed at Zeus, who watched the clouds and the lighting, 

"She found something new," Zeus thought 

He smiled at this and stepped towards the clouds that now looked like a tornado, Shai saw that Zeus moved as the weapon shook again, giving her a signal. She shot the weapon, but it moved to his feet, it stopped swirling for only a moment before moving at Zeus. He held out his hand ready to dissipate the tornado, however, vines came out from under him, and placed his hand back at his side right as the tornado swirled before him. Shai watched as engulfed Zeus only to see his shadow. 

"I've never seen anyone do that before," Hermes muttered 

He has seen other deities move his clouds even make them disappear but not this. Not turning his bolt against him. Athena is stunned but wants to see what he will do next, Ares watches on with no emotions shown. 

"He's going to get out of that," Shai muttered

The weapon shook, agreeing with her as the tornado slowly dissipated, Zeus stood there the vines still clung to him, the lighting didn't affect him badly only singed his beard. He looked at Shai amused and pulled his arm away from the vine, 

"I haven't seen that before..." 

Zeus got himself out of the vine, making the evaporate leaving green sparks flying away, He shook them off his arm and made another lightning bolt, Shai aimed her gun and placed herself, in thought. 

"Just trust what you know, go forward, and fight. Maybe you might find something new." 

She saw that Zeus had moved himself to her far left, He aimed his bolt and shot at her, Shai moved out from it and saw what the bolt left. There is a crater with blue light still coming off it. Shai saw that he threw another bolt and moved aside, 

"You can not keep dodging Shai," Zeus yelled out, 

She was on one of her knees staring up at him with her weapon glowing, it shined a dark red. it almost looked black. She shot the bullet at him only for it to hit the ground below him. Shai stares at it before looking down at her weapon, which is glowing white. 

"What was that?" 

The weapon shook again as if telling her to trust it. Which, she didn't have a choice in that matter. Zeus was now beside her, ready to hit her neck.