Chapter 45 Help on the Other Side


Shai held her stomach, feeling the blood slowly stop while her hand glowed gold seemed to help her wound. She glared at Herman who was building himself up, looking at his hand rebuilding. 

"You shouldn't heal that wound, Shai. Just give up," Herman told her,

Herman dropped his arm and slowly walked over to Shai, who felt the burn in her body, her whole body burn... her hand pulsed, her breath was heavy. The gold glow on her hand became more intense as the weapon on her side shook. Herman scoffed at her seeing as she had this glow around her body more intense than the last. Herman snarled as she lifted his arm ready to strike Shai, 

"You have given me quite a scare Shai, but the start of the end of my goal starts now,"

He went to strike her down, but she moved away from him, still in the same position. Hemrna stared at her bewildered for only a moment, before trying to hit her again,

"Why did you move? Stay there," Herman yelled 

Shai glared up at him, he stopped in place, seeing the fierce stare she gave him. Herman could feel the intensity coming off of her. Herman took a step back, 

"How could she hide more power like this?" Herman thought 

Shai felt the burn on her body start to lessen, she stood up looking at her body, finding the gold had taken all of her vines, she grabbed her weapon on her side as Herman went to kick her in the stomach, Shai moved aside and aimed her weapon, 

"I thought you were going to let me end your life... how disappointing," Herman told her 

Shai shot her weapon at Herman, He moved aside to where he thought the bullet would go, however, the bullet stopped in front of him glowing a bright blue, Herman stared bewildered, he heard another shot from Shai coming towards him so he moved. He saw the other bullet stop, the bullet that was first shot started to move toward him,

"What is this?" Herman thought

It followed him around. Herman glared at Shai who was standing not far from him, watching him with her weapon having a shine to it, blue... then white, Shai had her weapon on her side as Herman kept moving away from the bullet, 

"Now you want to make me run around? Making me waste my time?" Herman mocked her, 

Herman stopped having the bullet stop as well, he went to look where Shai was but saw that she disappeared, Herman looked at him trying to find her.

"This tactic isn't new to me Shai,"

Herman glanced at where she once stood as another shot was heard, he felt it brush past him, it landed next to the other bullet and Herman stared at the bullet stunned, 

"I thought she wanted to distract me, but this is unforeseen," Herman thought

Herman heard something from behind him and went to see what it was, three bolts had hit him in the stomach, he planted his feet on the ground and saw that it affected him. he held his stomach while thinking, 

"With every planned attack... she had another way to confine me," 

Herman felt something hit him on the left side of his face. Shai moved back before running at him landing another punch on him, Herman felt a heat spread through where Shai hit. the burn went through him.... she shouldn't have these powers, it went through Herman's mind, Shai didn't stop her onslaught punching Herman in the stomach as he had done to her before.

"You calmed that I'm too compassionate to you Herman" Shai scoffed

Shai couldn't feel the burn in her hand anymore. it felt numb to her now. like she has gotten used to it. Shai punched Herman again in the stomach making him yell out in pain... no something else was hurting him... Herman glared at her and heard her say to him, 

"You believe that I was the only one fighting you?" 

Herman placed his hand on her trying to pry her hand away from him, Shai looked down at him with a cold stare that he once gave her. She moved her hand away and Herman tried to move but one of the bullets shot him in the back, making him lungs towards her, Shai grabbed him by the neck just like he had done before. 

"I've been fighting you in here, but they fighting you out there," Shai told him, 

Herman's eyes widened as Shai grabbed her weapon, which glowed the same colors, and shot it at their feet. He looked at Shai and yelled 

"What is your plan... I try to figure you out and you find a way to undermine me,"

Shai smiled at him and thought, 

"You must hurry Eurus... figure," 

A wind went around them as Shai dropped Herman and walked out in the whirlwind, she backed out of it, watching Herman twirl in the tornado. The other bullet went next to Shai, She looked at it with her weapon shaking, and the bullet went into the twister. Shai then looked up at the twister, with Herman yelling out in pain as the other bullet made lighting appear in the tornado, shocking Herman. She watched Herman. waiting for something. 

"Eurus I still don't see it," 

The figure looked around a corner to a dark street, Eurus was on the computer looking for the containment Herman was hiding in. He was only able to look through the computer files and knew that his aunt had them saved here, 

"I don't sense him here, Eurus," The figure told him 

Eurus looked at the files and saw one with the name of Sidney Lincoln he clicked on it and saw that it had the documents that were given to Judy after she was elected, he scanned through them and saw that the only had the information from the lab, 

"I still have nothing figure," 

The figure hummed, looking around the streets of North Carolina, and found that he was near the lab, the figure made a portal appear and started to walk through it but Eurus stopped him, 

"I have found something that might have helped,"

Eurus brought up a file that Judy had held for about a year, he tried to look at it but a password came up leaving Eururs wondering which password Judy would use. but a hand went onto his stopping him, 

"I know the password Eurus, you just keep the figure on the right track," Claire said 

Claire took over and pressed the pass word in while Eurus talked with the figure, 

"Are you in the lab?" 

"Yes, I am," 

The figure looked around finding the lab to be empty only for there to be computer drives, most of them to seem to be broken. The figure scanned them and saw that they were tampered with. 

"Their framework is destroyed from within," The figure mumbled 

The figure placed his hand on them and witnessed what had happened, The AI went into the facility and destroyed their devices from the inside out. the figure let go of it and heard from Eurus,

"The AI´s system isn't there," 

"Where would it be?" The figure asked 

He heard Claire from behind Eurus speak,

"It's in the area of Washington DC," 

"That's odd, why would they move it there?" The figure inquired 

Eurus looked over the document, finding that a logo was on the bottom of it having the sentence. "The open for the world foundation,"

"They moved it to there because of research issues. They then started to work with the drive before it started to act harshly to the employees," Eurus read, 

"Then DC it is. tell me the location when I'm there," The figure told him, 

The figure started to make another portal but something grabbed his shoulder stopping him mid prosses, The figure glared at them while turning, 

"What's with that look for?" 

The figure seethed seeing that the other figure was behind him, the figure knew that he was angry at him for what had happened with Shai, however, why bugging him now? 

"What are you doing here? As you can see, I'm busy," The figure huffed 

The other figure chuckled, "Yes, I can see that is why im here," 

He let go of the figure and started to help him with the portal, the figure stared at him before the other figure decided to tell him, 

"The higher up heard of what we... you have done," 


"They are not happy with the developments in this realm," He answered 

"I thought they would be thrilled about it," The figure told him, 

They both went into the portal walking down a path that led to DC, The other figure glanced at him and said, 

"They told me that there would be no other way... than to help you," 

The figure stopped for a moment before saying, "That so?" 

"Yes, it is," The other figure smiled at him, 

"They told me to help you since I couldn't stop bugging you," He said

The portal appeared in front of them, "Then I suppose I have no choice,"