Chapter 62 You owe me nothing

"They took the world?" Zeus let out

"Yes, they have their operatives organizing to take their world over. Either it is thought the government or thought the necessities of the civilians." Art explained

Zeus has seen this happen before, but this was fast. They take their time when they do something this drastic. They must be frightened. They were dangerous if they had taken such steps. Athena, Ares, and Hermes remembered that time as well, It was of great strife for that world filled with escalation. It was bloody. But that blood reset on the higher-ups. It was cause of them.

Shai looked at Art perplexed. Did Art mean the war when she was born. She watched it roll on with the blood and ruin following it. The riots that come from the lack of life are uproar from the lack of mobility, but then something changes. Making what seemed to be an endless war stopped all together. It was freeing to see it, it went to worse before it got better but when it did, it was more of a country than she had ever seen. 

"This is how the other war started," the figure let out

"It was, they took over the other relams while trying to take Shai's, there was a deal,"

Art said, looking to Zeus, He knew what Art's talking about, and so did the others. They stared down at Art, almost disgusted by what she told them. Shai stared at them, trying to see the whole picture. They knew more of what happened with that war, that what the higher ups are trying to do now is like before. But they have only a few to go against.

"A deal?" Eurus let out,

The deities turned to him, and Eurus stopped himself from flinching, Eurus cleared his throat and said,

"I just want to ask, what the deal was about?"

He felt the piercing stares from them, thinking he had crossed a line he went to apologize, but the figher interrupted him,

"It was twenty-nine years ago, the higher ups just had their plan start with a better way to travel through the realms, the portals,"

The figuer glanced at the other figure and saw that he motioned him to continue. He looked at the deities, seeing them being fine for him to continue.

"They already had the means of the portal for a while, but after they made an adjustment to it, it became one more strangle hold for them, and they used it."

The figure glanced at Zeus, his hand are on his chair, gripping it tightly. Zeus looked at the figure with his eyes having a faint glow. He looked over at the other deities, and they were as affected as him.

"Do you want to say the rest?"

"I would," Art interrupted

She turned to Zeus, "If I may?"

"Go ahead, Art," Zeus told her

"They first took over the government's slowly before going for the necessary goods of the country's, taking It as there own. They then went making wars hidding themselves in their army's, but there was a deal made for that realm,"

"We have to make a contract with them to help them when they wanted us too," Art continued

"That is why it was stopped so suddenly," Shai let out

Art glanced at her, giving her a sad smile and a nod. Art turned back to the figuers saying.

"It was for control over the other relams, different world that had their own deities watching them go about their everyday lives, but they took them. Placing them in a pocket of time. Freezing them in. We were the only few to make a deal with them ending the war, but the rest waits in their frozen time watching the figuers walk past them every day,"

Shai and Eurus aghast, they took all of these powerful beings and locked them in time? They were that powerful. Shai noticed a weight on her chest and realized how big of a task she has in their hands. Shai felt the weapon start to appear agian at Arts words. It shook slightly with a dark shine. Art glanced at it, letting out a faint gasp.

"You were able to handle the weapon,"

"I wouldn't say handle, but yes,"

Art noticed its dark color, which was unnerving to her. But she gave her a faint smile before looking at Zeus,

"That is why you are confident in fighting them this time,"

"I am, we have the weapon they've held for decades, to be used to end them, I can only hope," Zeus said

"Then you will need it, I didn't know it would be in your hands, Shai,"

"Nether, did i,"

Shai glanced at it and saw that it was still there, it is more apparent than before. It wants to listen to them. Shai looked away from it to Art, She glanced at her but her gaze went to the figure,

"Who's decision was it to go against them?"

The figure glanced at Shai, she gave him a grin before he answered her,

"It's Shai's decision. But we all aggreed to it."

Art hummed at his answer, and the holder made the decision that had been long thought of. Only a wish in their minds. That she will help make it reality.

"You have made the decision, Shai, That they... We have dreamed of "

Art turned to her, pointing at her, not the weapon. She felt a grin start to grow on her face, and Shai saw their eyes were on her,

"For that, we may be in your debt," Art told her 

Shai didn't know what to say. She just wanted to do what I'd right and flip the preferable middle finger to a corrupt system. Shai just wanted to help them and find a way back home. She didn't want them to feel obligated to do that, 

"You aren't in my debt," Shai said 

"Shai, you don't know what this has done for us," Athena let out 

"I know what you have told me so far, i still say you owe me nothing,"

"We have waited for this time Shai to go against them. It only took you standing to the woman and telling her no,"

Shai stopped and looked at him, Shai befuddled. Until she understood why he said that,

"If one stands in the way of it, then anothor will stand and so on and so forth, until they have a large group of people willing to fight with them," Ares continued

"I understand..."

"We have tried it before Shai, but we failed."

Ares tone shook her, he voice faltered at the last syllable. It must have been hard for him to say that.

"But with what we have now. I'm certain that we will archive their destruction,"

Ares leans toward her and points at her,

"That is why she said that, i know you don't want to have the praise of us. You just want to go home. And if you do the right thing as well, then you have,"

The room went silent, Shai felt humbled by Ares. He knew all that she had felt, it was striking to her. But it was all at the same time, Eurus stared at Shai and noticed that she's thinking it over, but her face was so destraughed. She had all of this on her shoulders from something she had nothing to do with. it was frustrating him, to say the least. but that will not change it,

"You see her, right?"

The deities turned to him. They forgot he was there. The figures where qwick to turn to him and the figure mutters,

"We know who she is,"

Eurus glanced at him, "I wasn't talking to you, figuer. i know you see Shai, but i want to hear it from them," 

"I don't believe you know what you.. 

"I want to hear it from you," 

Eurus truned to the deities,

"Did you not hear me? i told you..." Zeus was cut off 

"Do you see how much she has sacrificed for you?" 

They stopped, Athena taken back, glaring at him while Hermes watched intreged. Ares is glareing at him as well. His gaze could burn Eurus with how intense it is. Ares walked towards him, and Eurus stared at him undetered by him, 

"We understand what she is doing, boy," 

"You do? then what has she sacrifised to help you," 

Eurus looked over the figuers and pointed at them, "They know what she has done for them, but what do you know?" 

"I know what you are getting at boy," 

Ares glared at him, then the end of his eyes glowing red. Eurus stared at him unfazed by his intimidation, Ares tightened his fist and said,

"We understand the virtue of this. The sacrifice she has made will be remembered, Eurus,"

Ares has his helmet hiding his face, but Eurus could see a tear drop down his face, Ares took off his helm. He looked at Eurus again, but this time his gaze was soft,

"For we have lost much as of she."

Ares turned to Shai and gave her a soft smile, "So please, help us with this, and we will help you,"

Shai was slightly taken back, but she understood that emotion, the gratitude. Shai gave him a smile back,

"That has already been decided,"

Hermes, Athena, and Art glanced at each other. They understood that all too well. But seeing Ares do that made them remember who they have lost. Shai turned to Zeus and asked

"What do we do next?"