
Dimi traveled through the void corridors checking every door. He looked anxiously for the one his master had mentioned. He found many worlds that held grand civilizations, though none as grand as his home. There were also many worlds which were pristine, untouched by sentient life. Still more were barren, destroyed by the 4 great demon realms. The void corridors to those realms were faded, their realities dying. Between realms he took time studying the corridors, he walked on translucent blue paths, the centers nearing invisible while the edges completely opaque. They appeared to glow though he was unsure if that was due to them glowing, or if it was a reflective property. There was no railing and he had tested the edges, If he stepped off he would fall, though where he was not sure. All around there were sparkling dots, each one a realm that the void corridor must eventually reach. As he went further from the center the realities grew more erratically placed, random, and where they were the corridor merely followed.


Dimi traveled along the path for hundreds years, never faltering even though he seemed to make no progress. He spent only a few months in each realm, he would have died long ago if he had been mortal. He knew he had moved forward as the distance between realms grew more with each one he found. Eventually he would find the realm he wanted.


The void corridor had grown fainter now, and it was thinning out. Perhaps the end was in sight. Dimi grew tired, he just wanted to rest. In the many realms he had been to he had gathered immense strength from those he had fought. Now he must be just below the strength his master had obtained. As he walked he came upon the end. The path he had walked for millennia had ended just like that. Not even at a realm, not a single realm was nearby. Looking out there were more stars but he could tell they were farther away than even he could hope to traverse alone. As he gazed out he looked down, far below there was a single speck, it seemed to call to him. He was tired of walking, and was willing to try this one last spot, so giving it minimal thought, he leapt. He fell, and fell, not stopping or slowing, nor accelerating. The moment he had passed the path's level gravity had stopped pulling him, yet he still fell.


His fall lasted several years, when he approached the dot it grew large. There was a city surrounding it, made of material that was reminiscent of the path. When he landed he found it empty, heading to the realm in the center, one that was much bigger than all the others he had found, he entered the doorway. On the other side he found a lush plains, animals were all over, and he could see ruins of a once beautiful city. The architecture matching those in the void. He walked for ages, following roads he found and finding his way through forests when the roads became overgrown. The animals here were fierce, but posed on threat to Dimi. They could sense his strength and would leave him alone, though there were many who sought comfort in his presence and he accepted them in. Eventually he found his way to a small hut in the forest. One which still appeared clean and well kept even though he had not seen a single living being. Approaching the hut, an old man made his way out resting on a cane. Dimi could sense something off about him, though both the man's strength and stature told him the man was indeed very old, the man's eyes almost glowed with an unknown nigh infinite strength.

"Why does one from a high world come here to this lowest of realms?" The old man spoke with a crack in his voice as though speaking strained him.

"My master and creator sent me out to find an inheritor to his strength." Dimi gave a sign of respect, placing his arms across his waist and giving a small bow.

"If it is power you seek you will find none here anymore. The Eldar have long since died out after they were cut off from the well of magic." The man's eyes flashed a cold glare at the city in the distance.

"Then this will be the end of my journey, I only wished to find He Who Eclipsed All Else as was my master's desire. He would know who to grant the inheritance to. However I am tired and wish to finally be done with my quest so I will settle down here somewhere." Dimi sank and began turning to go look for a spot to rest.

"Who was your master that he might possess, both knowledge and an item, so powerful?" The man had immediately stood up straighter and stared inquisitively at the mention of who Dimi wished to find. His eyes roaming to the pouch at his side.

"He was The last true king of the Malori, the race of gods, known as Eliaru a ninth rank Infernal." Dimi spoke of his master with a tinge of sadness.

"Ah of course, the Malori, second only to the Eldar who ruled the flow of the well of magic. He must have been great indeed to have known of Eclipse and found the Fruit of Soul."

"So you know of the one master spoke of? And you know what the fruit is?" Dimi stood straighter, looking at the old man expectantly.

"Hahaha of course I know who I am." The old man straightened up and set his cane down. As he stood up straight he grew taller and his form faded away. From his back two pairs of wings formed, one a deep black bordered with gold, the other a pure white bordered in blood. His body became a tall and thin when fading to a shadowy grey mist. In his head lay but one eye that appeared as though it held all the secrets of the universe, forever deep and all knowing. "I am Tumuolathlamo thlu luimetosaolu lamolu thlu Somurame, The Eclipse and The Soul. You carry my Fruit of Soul which was destined to find it's way to one of the blood of Eclipse here on this world. It is to arrive there with my Fruit of Eclipse where one of the blood of Soul will obtain it also here."

Dimi bowed his head and took out the fruit offering it up to Eclipse, "Then I offer it to you that you may deliver it to them."

"It will not be long now... well, not in an immortals sense of the word." Eclipse gave a knowing look to Dimi. "You will give it to the young man when the time is right."

With that Dimi left to find a place to wait, living amongst the forest animals and learning to live for himself.