Chapter 34 - "Bring you to see the ancestors of our Yan family."

Yan Sui wanted to get up, but he could not get up because Meng Ting was guarding him. He could only point at the sofa beside him and say, "Please have a seat."

Yan Manjia looked at him for a while. Although she was not willing to, she had no other choice but to sit down as Yan Sui said.

"How stingy! Even a kiss isn't allowed."

When she spoke like this, Meng Ting's eyes widened even more, but he could not think of any particularly powerful rebuttals.

A kiss was truly harmless, but he still did not want his Yan Sui to kiss others.

"How long are you planning to be back this time?" Yan Sui did not give Yan Manjia the chance to pester Meng Ting endlessly about this topic for too long. Although he was not as angry as Zhen Han, but considering Yan Manjia's behavior, he also could not have too much respect and closeness to her. That attitude toward her was basically slightly better than his manner toward He Wan.

Yan Manjia shifted her gaze and leaned back. She crossed her right foot over her left. Her laugh gradually stopped and changed into a faint elegant smile, then she said, "Both of you and Han Han are at home. I've always wanted to come back and now's the time. It's your wedding. How could I miss it?"

Yan Manjia's words were somewhat sincere, but such sincerity came a little late. Yan Sui did not need it. Zhen Han did not need it either.

"I came back a day earlier, don't you even have a pleasantly surprised look for Aunty? What a bad boy!"

When he was young, he looked sophisticated. After he had grown up, he immediately became an old-fashioned man. She had looked at Yan Sui for such long time, but could not fathom more or less what Yan Sui's feelings were. He was really difficult to deal with.

When Yan Manjia looked at Meng Ting again, the look on her face softened in an instant, "Nephew-in-Law, it must've been really boring to follow Sui Sui."

Surprised, Meng Ting glanced at her, then he shook his head determinedly, "No, Yan Sui's very nice. He's very well-behaved. Don't say anything bad about Yan Sui."

Yan Manjia froze, then she could not bear but to start laughing heartily. No elegance and pride could be seen anymore. The beautiful woman was about to fall down from laughing hysterically, "Well-behaved my ass. How can this black-hearted man become well-behaved?"

If he really was well-behaved, he would be trapped badly by He Wan. How could he have such an indifferent look like this now? However, Meng Ting stood up for Yan Sui's appearance. Meng Ting was so adorable. She was somewhat addicted to teasing him.

Meng Ting looked at Yan Sui then turned to look at her with a more serious look on his face, "I don't care. In any case, my Yan Sui's very nice."

"Hahaha!" Yan Manjia laughed again when she heard these words. Both of the men, who were not laughing, just looked at her. She laughed to her heart's content, and after that, she stopped.

"Our family's Sui Sui's luck is really pretty good."

Before meeting Meng Ting, she was rather worried, but after seeing the boy, she felt that it was Yan Sui who benefited. Where else could he get the chance to meet such a pure and sincere child so easily?

Yan Sui grasped Meng Ting's hand and caressed it, then he replied to Yan Manjia's words, "It's pretty good." He could form ties with Meng Ting. He was, indeed, very lucky. Otherwise, if they would not be able to meet, then their suitable and predestined relationship would not be able to begin as well, let alone loving each other.

Yan Sui calmly admitted it, so she did not carry on with this topic anymore. She looked up and sized up the Yans' residence's living room. She could not help but sigh and say, "Nothing's changed in this house."

Yan Sui stopped looking at Meng Ting's hand for a moment and looked up. He answered, "Grandpa and Grandma have passed away. Their graves are in Nanshan. You can tell Uncle Xiao if you want to go there."

The scenery remained the same but the people had changed. How come it did not change?

When these words came out, Yan Manjia eventually became silent, but she was not reticent for long. She nodded and made an incomprehensible humming sound.

After coming back, she had always wanted to go there, but this topic was too hard to talk about for Yan Sui and her. She withdrew her wandering eyes and asked Yan Sui, "What about Han Han? Isn't he with you guys?" She said. The sorrow that flashed through her eyes was completely gone. She embraced her arms and proudly said, "That silly boy thought that he could block me. I didn't have any choice but to look up his information."

"Hey, tell me which bastard did you manage to plant inside?" Zhen Han's voice emerged from the large doorway. His complexion was dark and incomparably heavy. He walked closer, step by step, as if wanting to fight with someone. He did not need Yan Manjia to reply. He continued to sneer and said, "It was already hard wearing down your thick skin on that Xiao bastard and you even dare using that attitude here! Your face is quite thick. You're not welcome here. Get out!"

Originally, Zhen Han only could not tolerate Yan Manjia living in the old residence, but after seeing that she had acted and spoke as if nothing happened, he felt that her steps on the old residence's floor alone made people anxious.

"Get out of here. Don't you understand human language?"

Zhen Han does not beat up women; otherwise, he would have really wanted to take the place of the deceased old couple to lecture this extremely unfilial daughter.

Yan Manjia had anticipated that this kind of scene would happen since she did not return to her homeland in the past, and yet, when she really encountered it, she still felt hurt in her heart.

"Han Han…"

"Han Han my foot. Is that all you can call me? Besides giving birth to me, what else have you done?"

Zhen Han had grown up to this point and spent half of his time abroad, but this foreign land was so big and he did not live together with Yan Manjia. She had pursued her love and it goes without saying that she had not taken him into her consideration. If it were not for his grandparents, if it not for Yan Sui, he would not even have this dandy look right now.

He was really rebellious. He really needed guidance. When he really needed care, Yan Manjia was completely out of the picture. She managed giving birth to him, but she did not care about raising him. What kind of mother was she!?

Without doubt, Zhen Han also did not feel that it was regrettable. Yan Manjia was only a weirdo in his eyes. If she had taught him about life, he would have had a twisted look.

Meng Ting looked at Zhen Han who was agitated and looked at Yan Manjia who was dejected. He was aware that he did not have the right to open his mouth, but he had firmly grasped on to Yan Sui's arm. Obviously, he was somewhat unaccustomed to this intense confrontation.

He was just somewhat afraid that he would be affected by this for no reason. He was afraid that Yan Sui would be affected, too. Rhubarb and Furball also stayed close to Meng Ting. They could clearly sense his indisposition.

"Zhen Han."

Yan Sui finally spoke, but he only called Zhen Han by his name.

Zhen Han looked at Yan Sui for a while and then closed his mouth unwillingly.

At the moment, Uncle Xiao walked down the staircase while holding something in his hands.

"The Old Master gave these to you."

When Yan Sui said these words, Zhen Han glared at him, but he could not say anything. He could hate Yan Manjia, but he could not prevent the two deceased old couple leaving something behind for their daughter.

Since Yan Sui took this wooden box, it had not been opened again. It had always been placed in the two old couple's room. Now that Yan Manjia came back, this box should be given to its rightful owner.

When she faced Yan Sui's alienation, Yan Manjia still laughed and called him Sui Sui. She was not affected at all. When she faced Zhen Han's interrogation, although she was sad, she calmly let it pass. However, when she received this wooden box, she could not hold back her tears. One after another, the teardrops fell down her face. Although, she was not crying hard like she was sobbing, it could be seen that she was not as unrestrained as she had shown.

In the end, why did she not return immediately to her homeland? She never talked about it with Yan Sui and Zhen Han before.

Zhen Han stood for a while, harrumphed, and left the living room. However, he did not go out of the Yans' residence; instead, he went back to his room upstairs.

Yan Sui patted Meng Ting's hand, let him stand up, and also took along their pets with them. They went back to their room, too.

In truth, even if Zhen Han was so angry, he and Yan Sui were waiting. They were waiting for Yan Manjia to give them the real and reasonable explanation.

Yan Manjia needed some time sorting out her emotions and decide whether she should say it or not. At this time, Zhen Han and Yan Sui were willing to give her time, but they would not give her too much.

Yan Sui took Meng Ting back to their room. He stayed quiet for a very long time. Yan Sui sat on the sofa and pondered about things while Meng Ting gently embraced him without talking or moving.

Obviously, this family was not as simple as what he saw and felt. There were also grievances, disputes, love, dislike, affection and hatred. However, even after knowing this, Meng Ting did not care much. He came here because he married Yan Sui and they wanted to live together and nothing more.

As for those matters that were far too complicated, if Yan Sui talks, he would listen to him. If Yan Sui keeps his mouth shut, he would not ask, too. There was nothing to be confused of.

"Eight years ago, on March, when Grandpa and Grandma were on their way back after visiting their old buddies in the eastern part of the city, they run up against a chain of traffic accidents. Their car fell off directly from the flyover. The driver and the bodyguard in the front seats were dead on the spot. Grandpa and Grandma were saved for half of the night. When I arrived, Grandpa could only say a few words while Grandma could not even open her eyes again."

At that time, Yan Sui was really sad. He was able to have a normal childhood because of their protection. He had relatively stable and unrestrained time to grow, but by the time he was able to start repaying them, they unexpectedly passed away like that.

Yan Sui turned his head and noticed that Meng Ting was pressing closer and closer to his head. It had been eight years since this matter had happened. He was able to tell the whole story smoothly. However, what he said to Meng Ting was different from the simple narration that he gave others. He poured out everything to Meng Ting.

He spoke to Meng Ting with a touch of sadness and remorse.

"Zhen Han was really close with Grandma. When he heard the news, he almost collapsed. He kept giving Aunty a call for the whole night. Even though he couldn't get through, he still kept on calling her…"

It was not like Zhen Han wanted Yan Manjia to come back, but he felt that before his grandparents were cremated, they would want their daughter to come back and see them. A few days before that incident, Grandma intentionally nagged Zhen Han, "When will our Manjia come back?"

However, up until their bodies were cremated and the funeral was done, Yan Manjia still had not come back. When she called back Zhen Han, he already blocked her number. After that, she called Yan Sui, and after she had found out about the situation, she was taciturn for a long time, she did not say anything and hung up the call like that.

Nevertheless, the replacement process of the person in power in their family was not as smooth and steady as what outsiders thought. Even though Yan Sui grew up with elite education at an early age, he was only twenty years old during that time. He had only been dealing with the Yans' business for less than a year after he graduated from college.

After he took over as the head of the family, he worked hard for three consecutive years and he almost regarded his office as his home. He became steadier each day, became more serious each day, and became more taciturn each day.

From an outsider's point of view, Yan Sui had been firmly in control of the Yans for eight years; however, for Yan Sui, each day and night during those eight years—how many difficulties, hardships, and calculations did Yan Sui have to deal with?This was his normal condition during those eight years.

"Zhen Han wasn't angry for himself. He was angry on behalf of our grandparents."

Yan Sui finished speaking, there was a little anger that spilled out of his eyes.

Meng Ting, who had been quietly listening to his story, no longer held the man in his arms. He straddled over and finally sat on Yan Sui's lap once again. After that, he embraced Yan Sui and rested his head on his shoulder, while patting Yan Sui's back gently. He did not say anything to console the man. He could not think of any word that was suitable.

However, he could sympathize with Yan Sui's feelings—that sad feeling—it made Meng Ting feel sorry for him. He wanted to hug Yan Sui and console him like this.

Zhen Han could vent on Yan Manjia and could vent on Yan Sui, but Yan Sui could not do the same. He took over the family and he did not have the qualifications to be reckless and willful. He was also angry, he was also sad, but he could not show it.

He needed to suppress them so much so that he could be in a state of absolute rationality. There was no doubt that Yan Sui really went through hardships. However, at this moment, he received sympathy from Meng Ting. It had been a long time since he received sympathy that could make people moved.

Yan Sui embraced Meng Ting back gently. His looks softened a little. He rubbed Meng Ting's nape and whispered, "I don't feel sad anymore."

"You're lying," Meng Ting stated what he felt with a muffled voice, "You obviously still feel sad."

Yan Sui smiled helplessly and rested his chin on Meng Ting's shoulder. He closed his eyes and did not speak anymore.

Yan Manjia did not know how long she had cried while holding the wooden box. When Yan Sui took Meng Ting down to have dinner, her eyes were red and the makeup on her face was also an awful mess. She went up to the third floor while carrying the wooden box in her arms. The room at the end of the corridor was her room. Nothing had changed at all, even the furnishings in her room. Everything had been preserved as it was during the prime of her life before she went abroad.

After she washed her face well and came out, it was right on time when she saw Zhen Han coming out of his room. Both mother and son looked at each other. Zhen Han angrily snorted once more, but he did not return to his room anymore; instead, he went downstairs. He did not do it for the sake of having dinner. He wanted to see Yan Sui and Meng Ting. He must not be roped in by Yan Manjia's pitiful appearance.

Yan Manjia looked at Zhen Han's receding figure for a little while, and only then did she follow him down. Four people sat down and the dishes are almost ready, too.

At the dining table, no one spoke and everyone was immersed in eating. Yan Sui had Meng Ting pick up some dishes for him and ate pretty well. As for Zhen Han and Yan Manjia, they somewhat lost their appetite.

When everyone had finished eating, Yan Sui opened his mouth and said, "Let's go to the study."

After all, the living room was not a good place to talk about serious matters. The best sound-proofed place in the whole house was the study.

Yan Sui said as he turned to look at Meng Ting. His tone softened a little, "You're coming, too."

Meng Ting nodded. He did not like the seriousness of the study, but he also told himself that Yan Sui's study was different from other people's study. Besides, that room also had the desk that Yan Sui asked his people to buy for Meng Ting. There was also a space that belonged to him.

The lights were on, the curtains were drawn back, and the sky was gradually getting darker, but the light in the study was still as bright as daytime.

There was also a sofa in front of the French windows in the study, which could sit four people. After Meng Ting sat down, he tried moving the sofa. Unfortunately, he could only change his idea.

Yan Sui swept away his gaze, moved away to his own seat, and reached out to Meng Ting. Meng Ting immediately got up and sat next to Yan Sui.

This two were inseparable and were an eyesore to others. Yan Manjia and Zhen Han thought so at the same time.

Yan Manjia and Zhen Han also sat down, and there was a long silence. Yan Manjia was thinking about what to say and Zhen Han was trying to restrain his temper.

About five minutes have passed before Yan Sui opened his mouth to break the silence, "Let's talk."

No need for exchanging greetings and no need for transition. He just spoke direct to the point.

When his words came out, both Meng Ting and Zhen Han looked at Yan Manjia. In their own standpoints, they could not figure out why Yan Manjia did not have time to return home and look at her deceased parents.

The light in Yan Manjia's eyes gradually faded, her makeup was washed away, and the forceful personality that covered her facade was also gone.

"I suspected that my elder brother didn't die."

When she said this, the study was quiet. Yan Sui and Zhen Han did not expect this. She did not go back to her country and got someone, who should have died ages ago, involved in this matter.

"Although I've only seen his figure from the back, I'm sure that it's my elder brother."

Zhen Han looked at Yan Sui carefully. He knitted his eyebrows. After that, he looked at Yan Manjia once again and said, "Tell us more about it."

"I went after Brother Xiao Zi in F Country…"

Xiao Zi was the 'Xiao bastard [1]' that Zhen Han referred to earlier. This was the first swear word that Zhen Han learned and used to refer to him.

([1] We made a correction about the Xiao slut in the previous chapter so please feel free to check it.)

He was the man that Yan Manjia really liked since she was a child. In the past few years, she had been chasing after him in the country until she went abroad. She had done crazy things for him. This Yan Family's Miss's face had been trampled on many times, but she was still not willing to give up.

More than twenty years ago, even Yan Manjia herself could not explain how she had gotten Zhen Han. Even if she gave birth to a child who was not Xiao Zi's, she still did not give up her pursuit of love.

In M country where they settled, she heard that Xiao Zi had fled to F country with a woman. She came over to 'display her strength' but she did not see Xiao Zi; instead, she saw a familiar figure, which she thought she would never see again, in a flea market.

She shouted, "Elder Brother, Elder Brother! It's me, Manjia!"

That one afternoon, she was looking for Xiao Zi in a flea market. While she was looking for that man like crazy, instead of seeing him, she saw the back of her older brother which seemed like only an illusion. However, she considered it once again and she really did not think that it was only her imagination. She went crazy for more than a month looking for her older brother in the whole city and even in neighboring villages and towns. She wanted to turn the world upside down to look for that man.

However, her older brother, Yan Sui's father, Yan Yu, did not leave any traces at all. Yan Manjia had always been a person who did not know how to give up. When she could not find him in F Country, she continued expanding her range for the search. When she could not find him, she vowed not to rest.

Unfortunately, during that time, her parents met a traffic accident back home. When she heard the news, they had already died.

On one hand, there was her deceased parents who were still not placed in their coffins, and there was his older brother who had been regarded as 'dead' for so many years in the other. Yan Manjia chose to stay abroad. Between the dead and the living, she chose the one who might still be alive. She wanted to bring her older brother back and together, they would visit and kowtow in front of their parents' graves.

"But he was gone. I've looked everywhere and I couldn't find a trace of him again." After so many years, sometimes she began to wonder if she was wrong or not, but she and Yan Yu grew up together. How could have she possibly misjudged it?

Yan Manjia said as she gnashed her teeth. If Yan Yu was right before her eyes now, she would have pounced on him and bite him a few times.

Zhen Han looked at Yan Manjia for a long time, then he humphed again and looked away. However, this humph was obviously less 'angrier' than before. After some time, he looked back at her again and said, "Why didn't you say so before and make Yan Sui and I misunderstand you? Was it that amusing?"

He had been so angry all these years. Was it only an indifferent matter to Yan Manjia!?

With this in mind, he got angry once again.

Yan Manjia looked at Zhen Han and there was regret in her eyes. She sighed softly and said, "I've said it at that time, won't I just make you more trouble? I can't help you with anything, but I can inconvenience you guys for following me around."

More importantly, she did not want to make Yan Sui disappointed. Naturally, Yan Yu was his biological father. It was impossible for him to pay no attention to his father.

As for Zhen Han, she was indeed not a good mother, but it did not mean that she did not love him at all. It was just that in the past few years, she valued her love more, but in the end, her love was all in vain.

"You've been searching for so many years, but have you let anyone know that you suspected that he wasn't dead?" After Yan Sui quickly sorted out his thoughts, he interrupted the confrontation between the mother and the child, and asked this question.

When she heard him ask this, Yan Manjia turned to look at him and lightly shook her head, "No. I know what to say and what not to say. Because of this, I found it so hard."

"Okay, also, you don't need to worry about it, I'll look into this matter."

Eight years ago, Yan Sui's position was not stable enough, not experienced enough, and not strong enough, but now, he was sufficient. When he said this, Yan Manjia nodded and had no objections.

She looked at Yan Sui and Meng Ting who were seated together, then she looked at Zhen Han once again, and heaved a sigh, "Sui Sui, I don't know what difficulties my brother had, but he's a very good man."

Maybe it would be hard for Yan Sui and Zhen Han to understand these difficulties as they did for her decision at that time. However, the fact was that if they could, they would never want to face such a choice.

Yan Sui did not nod and did not shake his head. His feelings for Yan Yu was very subtle. Whether he hated his father or not, he did not know, but he felt that quite a few matters had dragged on until today and should have a reasonable explanation.

"Don't let Sister-in-Law know about this matter," Yan Manjia did not want to mentioned He Wan. When she mentioned her, she was sullen and there was a little coldness in her eyes, "She almost forced my brother to 'die.'"

Of course, there was some anger in her words, but only a little. He Wan was not only a more complicated matter for Yan Sui, but also for Yan Yu. It was because he was 'dead' that she passed her hatred on to Yan Sui.

Yan Sui nodded lightly. He looked at Yan Manjia and Zhen Han looked over as well. Yan Sui then said, "Everyone should come back and live here."

This 'everyone' not only included Yan Manjia, but also Zhen Han. There were rooms that originally belonged to them in this residence. Zhen Han's work place was near to this place, but he did not want to come back here previously because of Yan Manjia. Now that this matter had been clarified, he could come back and live here to make things more convenient for himself.

Yan Manjia just returned to her home country. Although there were other residences in Haicheng, the old residence was different for her. She was one of the few relatives who Yan Sui and Zhen Han could barely acknowledge.

"What do you say Little Ting Ting?" Yan Manjia looked at Meng Ting, who never looked at them after they spoke. Yan Sui and Zhen Han were Sui Sui and Han Han. Only he had 'little' as an endearment.

Meng Ting held tightly on Yan Sui's arm, then he responded to Yan Manjia, "I have no objection. I'll listen to Yan Sui."

He thought about it and advised Yan Manjia and Zhen Han repeatedly, "You guys should be obedient, too. If you'll listen to Yan Sui, he'll take care of us. It'll be very exhausting for him."

He felt that if they would not go back, were disobedient, and would not listen to Yan Sui's words, they did not show understanding and sympathy for the hardships that Yan Sui had gone through as the person-in-charge in the family.

When Meng Ting spoke like this, Zhen Han, who formerly had some reluctance, also did not say anything.

After thinking about it, Zhen Han glanced at Meng Ting and said with a little sarcasm, "You're the most obedient!"

Meng Ting did not notice his sarcasm. Even if he did, he did not mind it. He nodded, "Of course, I listen to Yan Sui the most."

Zhen Han looked up and rolled his eyes when he heard this. Yan Manjia covered her mouth. She laughed as she leaned forward, and she was not able to speak in time. Yan Sui turned sideways first, blocking Yan Manjia's line of sight, and like a reward, he ruffled Meng Ting's hair.

Meng Ting looked up and looked at Yan Sui in the eyes, then he chuckled. He was thoughtful and extremely cute.

Zhen Han glanced at them, then the space between his eyebrows wrinkled slightly. After that, he looked at Yan Manjia with a bit of scrutiny, "Did that Xiao bastard also come back or not?" That could be the reason why she came back. Looking back on Yan Manjia's previous deeds, it was entirely possible.

Yan Manjia shook her head. She smirked then she seriously responded to Zhen Han, "I don't know. I haven't been in touch with him for three years. I came back because I wanted to come back."

Zhen Han conscientiously looked at Yan Manjia, then he looked away. He was still very indifferent.

Yan Sui remembered something. He faced Yan Manjia and said, "Oh, that's right. Meng Ting doesn't like foreign etiquette. Please take note of this a little from now on, Aunty."

Yan Manjia elegantly did not decline when she heard this. She changed her smirk into a passionate stare, "Nephew-in-Law, you're so cute that I want to kiss you so much."

Meng Ting, who was earnestly listening to their conversation, immediately shook his head when he heard this, "You can't. I can only kiss Yan Sui." Did he not tell her this earlier? "Don't kiss Yan Sui too, okay?"

Although Meng Ting sounded like he was negotiating and Yan Manjia had no interest in moving closer, he was still going to block her. His Yan Sui would not let others kiss him. Meng Ting was really sure about this.

Yan Manjia covered her chest and sat back on the sofa. Her little heart quivered because of the expression that budded in Meng Ting's eyes when he suddenly looked over.

Zhen Han clicked his tongue out of disgust. He raised his chin, got up, and was about to go out the door; however, Yan Manjia, who was supposed to be sitting down, suddenly pounced up on him, and Zhen Han subconsciously caught her.

After that, she held Zhen Han's face—left cheek, right cheek, and even his forehead and chin were kissed all over, "Mwah, mwah, mwah, mwah…I feel like dying."

She kissed him and suddenly cried. Zhen Han's face was smeared with slobber. He really did not feel good. Even though he did not push Yan Manjia away, he could not bear it.

"What are you crying for?" Zhen Han hated and avoided coming in contact with anyone, but he still pulled Yan Manjia up. After that, Yan Manjia leaned on his chest.

"I could finally hold my son in my arms. I mustn't cry, but I still cried…"

Zhen Han looked at the clean shirt that had been messed up by Yan Manjia. He was about to go crazy.

He gave a look at Yan Sui that cried for help, but Yan Sui merely swept a glance at him indifferently, and he did not even give Zhen Han a chance to send a cry for help to Meng Ting. He led Meng Ting by the back and left the study and gave some space to the mother and son in the study.

There was no such thing as motherly love in Yan Sui and Meng Ting's life, so regarding Yan Manjia's sudden emotional outburst, they could not comprehend it at all. However, they could somewhat understand a bit her state of mind—her impatient desire to reconcile with Zhen Han.

"Aunty's a bit odd, but also cute."

After returning to their room, Meng Ting put down his vigilance and thought about it again and again. After that, he summed it up by saying this.

Yan Sui ruffled Meng Ting's hair, but he thought it was not enough. His hand returned to the front and caressed Meng Ting's tender cheek. Meng Ting stood still obediently and allowed Yan Sui to move deliberately. When Yan Sui had enough, he withdrew his hand. Meng Ting took a step closer, reached out, and hugged Yan Sui's waist tightly.

The two men unconsciously retreated back to the bedside, step by step. Yan Sui sat down, and Meng Ting was still stuck to him. He raised his head and looked at Yan Sui. With a sudden force, he pushed the man down on the bed. He held Yan Sui by his neck and stuck his forehead on Yan Sui's neck, rubbing against it again and again.

He seemed to have something particularly important to say, but he was a little shy. After a long time, he whispered, "Yan Sui, only I can kiss you, okay?"

Yan Sui could not help but laugh and Meng Ting got confused about this.

"Do you mind it so much?"

When Yan Sui asked this question, he thought that if others might kiss his Meng Ting, he would not be happy, too.

"Yeah, I don't like it. I particularly don't like it." Meng Ting leaned on Yan Sui's body. He looked at the man intently. The look on Yan Sui's face was pitiful, yet adorable.

Yan Sui embraced Meng Ting and asked him to prop up, so that they could look at each other face to face. The corners of his mouth slightly curled up and he promised, "Okay. I won't let others kiss me."

Meng Ting did not respond. He pursed his lips and earnestly kissed Yan Sui all the way from his forehead to his chin, and only after that did he respond to Yan Sui, "Be good, too."

Yan Sui was so good. As to why Yan Manjia and Zhen Han wanted to say that he was bad, Meng Ting could not figure out.

The corners of Yan Sui's mouth slightly curled up when he heard it, then he reflexively placed Meng Ting under him, and his gaze fell on Meng Ting's lips. The man leaned over at once, then exchanged a sweet and sticky kiss with the boy. Although he could not escape the flames of his desire, Yan Sui had some experience in restraining himself.

Before going to sleep, Meng Ting took the initiative to come forward and give the man a firm hug, "I can't help you with work, but I'll always accompany you."

Meng Ting was not sensitive to other people and other people's matters, but Yan Sui's feeling was an exception for him. Meng Ting could sense that Yan Manjia's words had made Yan Sui very concerned.

Yan Sui gently hummed. That bit of gloom that was originally left in his heart subsequently vanished.

Having someone accompany him felt really good.

Time passed and, finally, it was already early in the morning of the seventh of July. Today was the day Yan Sui and Meng Ting held their wedding ceremony. The wedding was held at the Yans' old residence. This was regarded as the confirmation of Meng Ting's status in the family.

Starting two days ago, except for Meng Ting, everyone was completely busy. Apart from being pulled to try out his wedding clothes, he did not need to worry about other things. He only had to take the dog for a walk, play with the cat, and do whatever he liked to do.

Yan Manjia, who had returned to the Yans' residence, also could not help with anything else. However, she could ward off He Wan and that was very helpful.

Yesterday, He Wan came over. She was attacked verbally by Yan Manjia for less than half an hour. In the end, she left panting in rage. She had not come back here yet today, but since Yan Manjia was back, if He Wan come back here, it would not matter much.

Furthermore, He Wan would never be willing to come. The only thing that she could control was Yan Sui's marriage. Now, when she had tasted the results, it may be too unlikely for her to come.

Most of Yans' ancestors were literati officials and they were top-notch people who truly have heritage, so this wedding ceremony did not follow the Western style, but a festive old-fashioned wedding ceremony.

When Meng Ting woke up, he went to the room that Uncle Xiao had prepared for him at the beginning when he came to this residence. He changed into his wedding clothes here.

The red satin had three colors embroidered at the bottom: gold, silver and black. It was not too much, but its exquisiteness aroused people's admiration. When he came out of the changing room to a room where a few people waited, all eyes were on him.

Meng Ting's skin was originally white. Under the bright red wedding clothes, his skin was as white as snow, and it was more exuberant than snow. He originally had some gorgeous facial features, but now, he was even more charming.

He glanced at the mirror, then he turned around to look at Yan Sui. He asked softly, "Does it look good?"

Yan Sui stared and looked at Meng Ting in the eyes. There was silence, then he nodded gently, "It looks good."

There was no need for makeup to confirm it. Meng Ting already looked stunning wearing this.

Meng Ting smiled and his eyes were filled with joy. He took a step forward, then he drew nearer after a few steps. In the end, he gently held Yan Sui's hand, "Yan Sui, I'm very happy."

"What are you happy about?" Yan Sui asked while knowing the answer, and he also held Meng Ting's hand. He gently stroked the scar in Meng Ting's palm with his thumb.

Surprised, Meng Ting looked at Yan Sui, but he still spoke frankly, "I'm happy to marry you."

Yan Manjia and several servants who were still inside the room retreated quietly. There was no space for them to stay here anymore.

Yan Sui pulled Meng Ting gently. He took the boy into his arms then landed a kiss on the space between Meng Ting's eyebrows, "I'm happy, too."

Before the age of twenty-eight, no, he did not expect it before last month that there would be a day when he would be in such a mood to be in his own wedding.

Meng Ting embraced Yan Sui back, and rubbed himself against the man contently. From Meng Ting's point of view, the most important things in this ceremony were Yan Sui and their marriage certificate. As for the wedding banquet, he did not care much at all, but he also did not want to object to it.

Yan Sui took Meng Ting back to their room, then Yan Sui changed into his wedding clothes which had the same style as Meng Ting's.

Meng Ting's clothes were exquisite and remarkable; however, what Yan Sui wore felt quite special. The bright red wedding color faded away from his imposing manner that had grown with each passing day. Because of this, people noticed things other than his imposing manner and style.

Meng Ting blinked. He walked over to Yan Sui's back, stood on his tiptoe, and pounced on to Yan Sui's back. He sounded delighted, but there was some inexplicable uneasiness, "Oh dear, you look very handsome and attractive in these clothes."

His handsomeness could be seen in a glance. His elegance and mature good looks made him rather dashing. In short, he was very attractive.

Yan Sui slightly bent down his waist and slipped his hand into Meng Ting's thighs, then he carried the boy on his back.

Meng Ting wrapped his arms around Yan Sui's neck and stuck his slightly blushing cheeks on the man, then he whispered to ask, "Why are you carrying me on your back?"

Having heard this, Yan Sui's face broadened into a smile, "I'll carry you on my back to see our ancestors."