Chapter 42 - "I am not sympathetic, nor kind."

Yan Zhenbo briefly recalled and retold the events that took place back in the days. When Yan Yu and He Yue were still university students, they both liked outdoor sports and had the same interests. The Yans had no habit of arbitrarily arranging their children to be married for business; hence, Yan Yu was under no pressure. The two of them eventually got together.

Yan Sui's grandfather and the patriarch of the Hes were old comrades-in-arms. They used to joke around about becoming in-laws, even though at that time, Yan Yu and He Yue were still in their mothers' bellies. Later on, when the two mothers gave birth to two boys and He Yue disappeared not long after, this matter was never mentioned again.

Afterwards, the Hes had another son and daughter. To soothe the pain from losing a child, when the Yans held a banquet, they would often invite the Hes. Not knowing when it started, but through those occasions, He Wan had began to like Yan Yu.

After finding out that Yan Yu and He Yue were together, she once chased after them in their university and said a lot of specious words to He Yue. She even had some people suppress his adoptive parents' family on the sly. After Yan Yu found out about this, he brought He Yue back directly to attend the birthday banquet of the old madame, that is, Yan Sui's grandmother.

It was a mess. The Hes lost face altogether and naturally felt embarrassed. However, during that time, Mrs. He suddenly found a birthmark behind He Yue's ear, making them realize that he was the son that they had lost years ago. Yan Yu and He Yue's emotional journey should have been sailing more smoothly after that.

Unfortunately, He Wan was spoiled rotten by the Hes. No one knew how, but she managed to get pregnant with Yan Yu's child. When this matter was revealed, the fetus was already nine months old and would be born anytime.

Before this, He Yue suffered from the death of his adoptive father due to cancer and his adoptive mother's suicide. This time, he was faced with his lover and sister's betrayal. He left the country in sorrow and in a mountain climbing trip, he met with an avalanche. When the news reached Yan Yu, at that point, like a mad man, he went to the Hes and wanted to drag He Wan to the grave with him.

When He Wan was in the hospital, Yan Yu left on a plane to search for He Yue. Sadly, the plane he was on crashed. One after the other, the two died without even a body to be found. He Wan gave birth to Yan Yu's son, but her son did not have a father.

The Hes and Yans simultaneously lost their sons. Regardless of how good their relationship was in the past, it all ended here.

Two days after the baby was born, He Wan sneaked the baby out and knelt in front of the old residence of the Yans, pleading. She said that the child already had no father and he could not be left without a mother. She was willing to give the rest of her life to compensate the Yans, that is, even if it meant marrying a dead man and remaining a widow here on after.

The two elders of the Yans could ignore He Wan, but they could not ignore Yan Yu's child, Yan Sui. He Wan was too emotional at that time. Fearing she might accidentally hurt Yan Sui, who was only two days old, and along with other considerations, the old madame agreed.

He Wan was wedded to the Yans, but in truth, she only married a cold memorial tablet. The old madame took care of the child personally and did not allow He Wan to interfere.

"Your father was certain of his sexual orientation since young. He Wan did not stand a chance. Manjia and I figured out that she most likely had an artificial insemination." To say that He Wan had loved Yan Yu too deeply, that was unlikely. However, she had to take Yan Yu from He Yue by all means.

Only she, herself, could understand her own hatred. Now that she could not hate Yan Yu or He Yue, she could only hate the Yans and vent her anger on Yan Sui. Only through this could she live on.

Her life was lamentable, but it was hard to have pity on her.

Overall, this was what Yan Zhenbo knew, but there were some details that were unexplainable. The He Wan that Yan Sui knew did not have the capabilities to manipulate both families into such a state. There must be someone else pulling her strings.

Otherwise, with her nature, how could she keep a low profile after confirming that she was pregnant with Yan Yu's child and only revealed it when the child was near its birth. She would have flaunted her pregnancy in front of He Yue because without a doubt, more than Yan Yu, she hated He Yue, her eldest brother who had abruptly showed up and took everything from her.

What was the motive of that person behind He Wan? Was she after the Yans? Or was there something else?

"He Yue…" Yan Sui mulled on the name for a while, then looked at Yan Zhenbo. "Uncle, you don't need to worry. I'll look after our family. This responsibility was handed over to me by Grandpa and Grandma. No one can touch it."

Yan Zhenbo nodded. When the Yan clan was in crisis during that time, many of them looked at it without lending a hand. They did not lend a hand, not because of He Wan's disdain for Yan Sui, but because through Yan Sui's veins, their family's blood flowed. He had withstood everything without uttering a word. That was how he had proven his standing within the Yan clan.

"Yan Yu, he…he probably doesn't know how to face you." Yan Zhenbo paused and could not speak anymore. The filth of the previous generation should not implicate the next generation, but that was hard to achieve.

Yan Sui grew up knowing that his birth was not expected. He did not achieve He Wan's desired results and she did not like him. He had indirectly killed the four elderlies' son, who was also Yan Manjia's eldest brother. Although they tried to restrain their emotions, there were times when they would carelessly reveal a hint of indifference and hostility.

Him being born through artificial fertilization was somewhat more acceptable than He Wan's supposed treachery to Yan Yu.

"I understand," Yan Sui responded indifferently and they decided to put this topic behind.

He then discussed other things with Yan Zhenbo. An hour later, he took Meng Ting out of Yan Zhenbo's study and went into the room where they would be staying for the day.

Once the room's door closed, Meng Ting pressed Yan Sui against the door and hugged him tightly. His eyes were astringent and his nose was red. He did not know why he was sad, but he was sad.

Meng Ting knew that he was stupid, but he did know that he would be stupid to such a degree. He did not know what to say to express his meaning. After a long time, he could only stutter as he said, "Mom's not nice, Dad's also not nice, but you're very nice."

Dumbfounded, Yan Sui leaned against the door for a moment. A light smile emerged on his face, then he reached out and rubbed the hairy head beside his neck. "I know."

Yan Sui had a strong spirit in his bones. It had always been there since he was young. The matters of the previous generation did have an impact on him, but the more that these had affected him, the more that he wanted them to know that, although his birth was not expected, he could still live well.

If it was what he deserved, he would not yield. If the responsibility was his, he would not evade it.

Even so, that did not mean his mood would not be affected. He did not know it in detail as Yan Zhenbo did, but he had investigated this matter extensively. Every time he finds out a little more, he would become silent for several days.

However, now that he was held tightly by Meng Ting, the silence that Yan Sui could not resist did not come. Meng Ting exhaled heat that surged through his neck, passing the warmth to the bottom of his heart.

He raised his hand and hugged the boy back, then he gently rubbed Meng Ting's nape. "Silly, I'm not even sad, what are you depressed about."

"I don't know," Meng Ting responded with a muffled voice. The colder Yan Sui appeared, the sadder Meng Ting was. Only by having gone through many bitter experiences would Yan Sui be able to react in this way.

Having heard what he said, Yan Sui's strokes on Meng Ting's neck became even gentler. He whispered, "I won't let anything like that happen to us."

For Yan Yu and He Yue to reach such a point was not entirely an outsider's fault. They themselves were more or less partly responsible. As a lesson from the past, Yan Sui would not let himself and Meng Ting suffer from the same fate.

"Hmn," Meng Ting responded, "I'll work hard with you."

To protect their feelings together.

"Good," Yan Sui answered. His eyebrows and eyes suddenly warmed up, then he kissed Meng Ting's hair. "Thank you."

Having heard what he said, Meng Ting looked up. His eyes were red, but they were clear. He kissed Yan Sui on the cheek. "Treating you well, staying with you, guarding you, these are what I should do as well."

This was because Yan Sui also treated him this way. He could not do it as good as Yan Sui, but he would give it his best shot. This was not really deliberately paying a debt of gratitude. In his heart, he wanted to treat Yan Sui this way because he likes him.

"Knock, knock, knock."

Yan Sui had not said anything yet, when someone knocked on the door behind him.

He helped Meng Ting up and took care of his hair, then he took Meng Ting along and retreat back a few steps, before he opened the door.

"What's the matter?"

"I… I, I'm Yan Shuya. Are you my father's cousin?" The Yans had the youngest patriarch, but he did not expect Yan Sui to be like this appearance. He was clearly handsome, tall, and quite young.

A teenager who looked about the same age as Meng Ting stood in front of their door, scanning Yan Sui with his two eyes. "You look really young."

"What's the matter?" Yan Sui asked once again. His voice was icy cold, nothing like the gentle tone he used toward Meng Ting.

Yan Shuya did not seem to expect that Yan Sui would remain so indifferent to him even after knowing his identity. He suddenly became timid. "My father invited you to tea in the teahouse. He had me come over to invite you." The truth was, he volunteered to come over.

Instead of responding to him, Yan Sui turned to Meng Ting and asked, "Do you want to go?"

Meng Ting looked at Yan Sui and Yan Shuya, then shook his head. "I want to sleep."

There was not a hint of sleepiness in his eyes nor was there a "want" in his expression. He just did not want Yan Sui to follow that man. His attitude toward Yan Sui was very unlikeable.

Having heard what he said, Yan Sui nodded lightly. "I'll sleep with you."

He looked back at Yan Shuya and said, "Tell Yan Mu that we'll find him when we get up."

Yan Shuya could not act coquettish in front of Yan Sui at all. He could only dryly reply, "Yes."

After that, Yan Sui closed the door.

Yan Sui grasped Meng Ting and walked over to the bed. "Want to sleep?"

Meng Ting shook his head and told him the truth, "I don't want to. I lied to him."

Soon after that, he hugged Yan Sui again by his waist. "But if you'll hug me, I'll fall asleep easily." This was definitely a big truth.

Having heard what he said, Yan Sui pulled him to the bed. When they both sat down, Yan Sui held Meng Ting down and laid on the bed. He placed one hand around him and the other on Meng Ting's back. He was really coaxing the boy to sleep.

Meng Ting adjusted his posture slightly, hugged Yan Sui back, and did not talk anymore. They embraced each other quietly. He could feel that Yan Sui's mood had not settled completely. Although he was not exactly agitated in the first place, it felt different. It was not the same as being truly at ease.

Meng Ting was not the least bit wrong about what he said. Yan Sui took him into his arms and gently patted him. His eyes gradually grew heavy. He rubbed his face against the side of Yan Sui's neck and not long after, he fell asleep.

Yan Sui lowered his eyes to look at the boy sleeping in his arms, then the corners of his mouth slightly raised, revealing a somewhat easy smile. He also closed his eyes. He did not fall asleep, but the feeling of holding on to someone while deep in thought was very different than usual. His head was still in disorder, yet his mood was mild.

Meng Ting slept for nearly two hours in Yan Sui's embrace before he was awakened. He had not opened his eyes yet when his hair was ruffled.

"Have you come to?"

"Hmn." Meng Ting answered as he gradually opened his eyes. After a bit, he became completely awake.

"I fell asleep."

Yan Sui leaned over and kissed Meng Ting's lips. "Wrong, I coaxed you to sleep."

Meng Ting looked sideways. He could not think of anything right or wrong in these few words, but he still hugged and kissed Yan Sui on the cheek for a few times. "You're right."

He thought that, for those things that he did not understand, surely Yan Sui would be the right one.

"Get up. Let's go and eat."

Yan Sui continued to rub Meng Ting's hair. He might not have figured out the things that he was pondering over, but it could not affect his mood and decisiveness, and it was unnecessary for him to waste his precious honeymoon time with Meng Ting.

"Okay." Meng Ting nodded. He was effortlessly pulled up by Yan Sui, then he was taken to the bathroom. Before he could even find the cup, Yan Sui had already filled it up with water for him. When he had just put the cup down, Yan Sui had already wrung the towel for him.

Meng Ting turned to his side obediently and raised his face, then Yan Sui proceeded to wipe his face gently and meticulously. Yan Sui had already given all of his tenderness to Meng Ting.

After Meng Ting was finished, Yan Sui washed himself up. Meng Ting only managed to hand him over a towel in time. Although he hoped that he could give Yan Sui the same treatment, who would have thought that he was made into someone who was more innately slow-witted than others. Rather than making a mess, he thought that it was better to accompany him like this. This was good, too.

It was already past eleven o'clock, so having tea was unnecessary. Yan Mu made arrangements for them to have a Western-style meal in the lawn. Yan Zhenbo did not go with them. The only ones who were present were Yan Sui and Meng Ting, accompanied by Yan Mu and his soon-to-be-recognized son, Yan Shuya.

When the servant came to serve the steak, Yan Sui took Meng Ting's portion and brought it in front of him, then he used his knife and fork to cut it into small pieces. After cutting it into smaller pieces, he placed the plate back in front of Meng Ting. "Eat this with the vegetables, too."

"Okay." Meng Ting nodded. He forked up a piece of meat and placed it in his mouth. He liked to eat meat and he was not picky either, whether it was pork or beef. One by one, including other dishes that Yan Sui replenished, Meng Ting just concentrated on filling up his stomach.

Yan Shuya ate and glanced at them from time to time, then he said, "Looks like Uncle and Aunt's feelings for each other's really good." When the door was blocked by Yan Sui earlier, he only heard Meng Ting's voice. He did not know that the 'Aunt' who could marry Yan Sui would be this young and not looking much older than him. Nonetheless, he already knew from Yan Mu that they were coming to F Country for their honeymoon.

"Yan Sui's so considerate. It's my first time learning this as well," Yan Mu said and laughed. He also grabbed a grilled wing for Yan Shuya. He thought that Yan Shuya said so because he was envious of Meng Ting having someone who would take care of him while eating.

Meng Ting swallowed the meat in his mouth and retorted, "It's awfully good between Yan Sui and I." Definitely not just 'looks like.'

Yan Sui took a napkin and wiped the corners of Meng Ting's mouth, then he corroborated Meng Ting's words, "It's very good."

Having heard what Yan Sui said, Meng Ting smiled. "Have some, too."

"Hmn," Yan Sui answered, but then he took the already-prepped Chinese mitten crab on his plate and gave it to Meng Ting.

The Western-style meal was consumed for almost two hours; during which, Yan Sui and Yan Mu occasionally talked about certain things. However, Yan Shuya and Meng Ting basically did not exchange any words except for Meng Ting's previous remark. Meng Ting concentrated on eating and watching Yan Sui, while Yan Shuya was eating and measuring Yan Sui and Meng Ting's interactions with his eyes.

After the main course, dessert and afternoon tea were served. Yan Mu wanted to talk with Yan Sui privately. Seeing that Meng Ting was still within his sight, Yan Sui agreed after coming to an agreement with Meng Ting.

Yan Sui may not agree with Yan Mu's request, but Yan Mu would not even give him the opportunity to say it.

On the other side, Meng Ting continued eating his dessert as well as raising his eyes to look at Yan Sui.

"Aunt, how did you and Uncle get to know each other?"

It seemed like someone had already asked him this question before. Meng Ting paused, but then he still gave him the same answer as before, "We just got acquainted."

"It seems like Grandpa doesn't like me very much. If you and Uncle can accept me, Grandpa won't have many objections either." Yan Shuya suddenly looked pitiful. He looked at Meng Ting and took out the same coquettish acting skills that he had been using on Yan Mu.

However, Meng Ting's response was still awfully brief, "I'll listen to Yan Sui."

Whatever was Yan Sui's opinion, his would be the same. Moreover, he was not familiar with the people here, and that also included this Yan Shuya. How could Meng Ting speak up for him just like that? He had nothing to lose, but what if Yan Sui had something to lose?

"If Grandpa doesn't acknowledge me, I can't be my father's son, and I won't have a father anymore."

Frankly speaking, to make Yan Shuya act coquettish and seek sympathy from someone who was almost of the same age as himself, he was rather reluctant. Who made the boy in front of him cling to Yan Sui and become a person who was equally influential to both the Yan Clan's main and collateral branches?

When Meng Ting and Yan Sui slept, Yan Shuya had scouted out a lot of information; thus, he could understand why Yan Mu attached such importance to Yan Sui and Meng Ting's arrival.

Meng Ting looked at him and asked doubtfully, "But what does this have to do with me?" It was not like Meng Ting did not have a father, oh, right, he did not have a father, and he did not want one as well.

Yan Shuya choked and the gentleness on his face also disappeared. A pair of wide-opened eyes were looking at Meng Ting.

Seeing that he stopped talking with him, Meng Ting lowered his head and dug up another spoon of cake to eat.

"How could you be so…unsympathetic, so unkind!" Yan Shuya also did not overdo this trick, but he thought that this dim-witted "Aunt" should be able to stretch out his hand and grab it.

Having heard what he said, Meng Ting paused, then he nodded in agreement. "If you say so. But in any case, I don't think you're pitiful."

He made a few flippant remarks and all of the scripts that Yan Shuya had formulated in his mind became futile.

On the other end, Yan Mu also talked about this issue with Yan Sui, but compared to Yan Shuya's attempt to draw compassion, his speech was more distinct and straightforward.

To cut the story short, when Yan Mu went to Haicheng to have some fun eighteen years ago, he carelessly slept with a woman. It was a one-night stand which he did not care about for so many years. However, in the past six months, he was captivated by a woman and insisted that he would marry no one else but her. Nevertheless, at a crucial moment, he found out that the woman had a seventeen-year-old son.

After several meetings, he realized that this seventeen-year-old son looked very much like him. He did not remember the woman who he had a one-night stand with, but the woman remembered him. When both of them quarreled, this matter was blurted out by the woman.

In this era, if you want to know whether a child was your biological son or not, would it not be easy? Three days, later the hospital came out with the results.

The whole time, Yan Mu unknowingly had a seventeen-year-old son. This feeling was quite wonderful. Plus, he was serious about the woman who was actually better than any of his other past lovers. Yan Shuya was also very fond of him.

He became more and more determined with his decision to acknowledge the mother and the child. He initially thought that Yan Zhenbo, who had been urging him to get married for more than ten years, would have no objections. To his surprise, after meeting them only once, he already told Yan Mu that he disagreed.

"Linda's very nice. She's self-reliant. All these years, she raised her son alone and suffered many hardships. I wanted to compensate them properly, but my old man just disagreed."

After Yan Sui listened to his explanation, he did not immediately declare where he stood. He swept his gaze to see Meng Ting, who was also looking at him, and his facial features warmed up a bit. After that, he thought over it for a little while, then he took in Yan Mu's words.

"Uncle's not dissatisfied with her. It's just that your son will affect the future right of inheritance. He has to consider it carefully."

The matters and angles that a patriarch considers were different from those of an average family head. He was responsible for the entire family and those who depend on the family.

"Yan Ya's son is indeed pretty good, but Shuya's not lacking either. He just never had the chance to receive the proper education…my old man's just too biased."

There would always be bias in people's hearts. Yan Zhenbo was partial toward his eldest grandson, Yan Mingya. Was Yan Mu not partial toward his own son, Yan Shuya as well?

Yan Sui still fixed his gaze on Meng Ting, then he responded to what Yan Mu said, "Actually, if you really want to recognize your son, it's not difficult. As long as you let Uncle know that Yan Shuya will voluntarily renounce his right of inheritance, Uncle won't make things difficult anymore."

As soon as Yan Sui spoke, Yan Mu was reticent. How could he not think of this? The reason why he approached Yan Sui was because he did not want Yan Shuya to lose the Yan clan's right of inheritance. However, he could also feel Yan Sui's standpoint based on these two sentences—he similarly did not think highly of Yan Shuya.

Indeed, Yan Shuya was a child who never received a formal elite education. On the other hand, Yan Mingya, who was a child which had been trained as the next-generation heir, was closely nurtured by Yan Zhenbo's side from childhood. Before Yan Mu found out about Yan Shuya, he also thought that his nephew was pretty good.

"You want to give the best to Yan Shuya, but you also should consider whether or not he��s suitable." From his point of view, he also thought that Yan Mingya would be better suited than Yan Shuya. He muttered to himself, then he added, "You think it's unfair to Yan Shuya, but you suddenly brought back a son. How's that fair to Mingya who's been the heir for eighteen years?"

It was not easy to be the heir who had to meet everyone's expectations. Yan Mingya must have paid a lot. However, Yan Mu brought back a son who obviously wanted to fight for his right of inheritance. Was it not the same as telling him that all his past efforts might have to go down the drain?

A child with a bad temperament might do something about it.

From Yan Zhenbo's point of view, he must also consider how to prevent internal strife in the family.

Yan Mu had excessively taken this matter for granted.

"But Shuya's my son. This is what he deserves."

Yan Mu followed Yan Sui's line of sight. After that, he looked at Yan Shuya and his gaze softened a little. "Yan Sui, I've never asked anything from you before. I just hope that you could talk it over with my old man and give Shuya and Mingya a chance to compete fairly."

Actually, even if Yan Shuya could not inherit the position of the head of the family, he would not be lacking as well since he would be well-provided for by Yan Zhenbo from the senior branch of the family. However, they suddenly became so persistent on the position of the family head. Yan Sui had his own purpose back then, but as for Yan Mu and Yan Shuya, he did not know.

Having heard what he said, Yan Sui turned to look at Yan Mu. The overtones in Yan Mu's eyes were unclear. Yan Sui paused again, then he suddenly smiled.

"You don't need me to persuade him. Just tell Uncle this and he'll agree as well."

Obviously, this was not Yan Mu's original decision; rather, it was the compromise between him, Yan Shuya, and Linda after the three of them had talked it over. They believe that their son, Yan Shuya, could do it. And as for Yan Zhenbo and Yan Sui, they firmly believed that Yan Mingya could withstand such a test.

If Yan Mingya could not even compete against Yan Shuya, then he himself would not be qualified to directly surmount the people of his father's generation and become the next generation head of the Yans in F Country.

Yan Mu considered Yan Sui's words for a while, then he nodded. Yan Sui was, indeed, the brightest and most capable one in their generation. If that was what he said, then his father would basically have the same opinion.

"You all can continue to have some fun in here. I'll have to excuse myself first."

Yan Sui nodded and watched him leave, then he turned around and walked over to Meng Ting.

Yan Shuya was panting with rage, but when he sensed that Yan Sui was approaching, he became a bit gentler.

"Aunt doesn't seem to like me."

His statement was not meant for Meng Ting; rather, it was his disguise to complain to Yan Sui.

However, Meng Ting was oblivious to this. He still nodded honestly. "I don't like you."

He only likes Yan Sui, how could he like him?

He looked up at Yan Sui, took his hand, and confirmed it once again, "I don't like him."

"If you don't like him, then so be it. Let's leave early tonight." Yan Sui did not look at Yan Shuya at all. He took a seat beside Meng Ting, pulled their clasped hands over his lap, then played with them.

"Have you eaten enough?" Yan Sui asked as he looked at the smooth plate that had been emptied by Meng Ting. Actually, it was really easy to satiate him—sweet, sour, bitter…no, apart from overly spicy food, he could eat everything else.

Meng Ting nodded. "I was already full since earlier. I was just idle and bored, so I might as well as eat."

Ignored, Yan Shuya's complexion darkened again. Idle and bored? He just accompanied Meng Ting. Did Meng Ting mean that he was boring?

"Is Haicheng fun? My mother's also Xianese. She and my father first met in Haicheng. I've never been there."

Yan Shuya adjusted a little and butted in again. Normally, he was not so inconsiderate like this. It was just that he was really angered by Meng Ting today and he was very curious about Yan Sui. Yan Sui was someone who could sit on the same level as Yan Zhenbo…no, he was someone who could influence his opinion.

Yan Sui was still so young and good-looking. He was more outstanding and dignified than anyone that Yan Shuya had ever met.

Meng Ting grasped Yan Sui's hand firmly, frowned, and turned to look at Yan Shuya. His voice got a little colder as well when he said, "Both of your mother and father know Haicheng. Why don't you ask them?"

"You're so strange!"

If it were not for Yan Shuya and Yan Sui's generation gap and Yan Shuya calling them Uncle and Aunt, Meng Ting would have suspected that he was coveting his Yan Sui.

Yan Sui still did not look at Yan Shuya. He raised his hand and ruffled Meng Ting's hair. "Let's go back to our room."

Meng Ting looked back at Yan Sui and nodded. "Okay."

Previously, Yan Shuya looked on helplessly when Yan Sui shut the door. Now, he looked on helplessly as Yan Sui took the boy away.

"What Uncle and Aunt…F Country's Yan clan and Haicheng's Yan clan have long been apart for three generations."

Therefore, it was no surprise that he had taken fancy of his "Uncle" Yan Sui. Furthermore, there were relatives of the Yans who already got married to nobles of F Country.

After Yan Shuya muttered, he got up and answered a phone call, "Mom, Dad went to see Grandpa. The banquet won't be a problem."

When Yan Shuya spoke to the person on the phone, there was no gentleness, but he was quite calm. He tapped his fingers on the table, then smiled and said, "You're going to be the wife of the Yan branch family's patriarch soon. This is what you deserve…"

Yan Sui said that he wanted to return to their room but did not do so. He had been here several times and was still familiar with the way. He took Meng Ting for a walk to the parterre on the other side.

"What did you two talk about earlier?"

From a distance, he could see what Meng Ting was doing earlier, but as for what he and Yan Shuya were talking about, Yan Sui could not tell.

Now that he thought about it, he and Meng Ting were nearly ten years apart. Seeing Meng Ting with his peers, there was a sudden surge of indescribable anxiety in him. He was afraid that there would come a day when Meng Ting would dislike him for his age.

Meng Ting held Yan Sui's hand very tightly. When he was asked this question, he reached over with his other hand as well to hold on to Yan Sui's hand, then he thoroughly retold his conversation with Yan Shuya earlier.

After he retold what happened, he summed up his behavior earlier with one sentence, "I was neither sympathetic nor kindhearted."

He did not feel that Yan Shuya was pitiful. Such a thing like sympathy, perhaps he was born without it. Kindness…he probably did not have those as well for he often fought with others.

Yan Sui stopped and looked at Meng Ting. He took the boy into his arms and refused to let him say that sentence which he could already guess.

"You're fine the way you are. I like it."

Meng Ting was born with some shortcomings, but he had an intuition that exceeded that of ordinary people. Although he was not omnipotent, if he could still protect himself from time to time, then that was quite good.

Having heard what he said, Meng Ting leaned against Yan Sui's embrace, his eyes and brows smiled, then he said, "I know."

He did not feel unhappy about how Yan Sui had summed him up. Anyway, that was just how he was.

Yan Sui also told him that no matter what kind of person he was, Yan Sui would still like him.

They embraced each other in the parterre, naturally causing some servants passing by to cast sidelong glances, but Yan Sui did not pay any attention to them. A few days ago, Meng Ting was taken along by Yan Sui to experience a series of thrilling kisses. These kinds of gazes, he was already immune to them.

As the banquet was carried out, many elite figures of F Country came to the Yans' residence. The lights illuminated, the decadent lifestyle riffled, and the hearty laughter sounded from time to time in the corners of the drawing room.

On Yan Mu's left-hand side was Yan Shuya in a formal white suit and on his right-hand side was a beautiful and sexy woman. The three stood together like a family.

Yan Mu introduced the two beside him to the guests who came. To some extent, the incoming visitors would give him a few words of compliment, then would congratulate him in a short while.

Yan Sui came with Meng Ting at seven o'clock, accompanied by Yan Zhenbo and Yan Mingya.

They were first invited by Yan Zhenbo to have dinner, then they sat to have a chat for a while as they waited for Yan Mingya's arrival, and the four came to the banquet together.

Yan Mingya was already a third-year university student at the age of eighteen. He was usually very busy with schoolwork, but he still took the time today to rush back from school.

Appearance-wise, Yan Mingya was not as good-looking as Yan Shuya, but he had an earnest and noble air. This was something that Yan Shuya could not obtain in a short time. His arrival with Yan Zhenbo and Yan Sui clearly expressed their standpoint.

Yan Mu's complexion became a little unsightly, but what Yan Zhenbo and Yan Sui had promised him were accomplished by them showing up altogether. Yan Shuya was acknowledged by the Yans, but the possibility of changing the family head's heir was extremely small.

"Dad, Yan Sui, Meng Ting, you all have met Shuya before. This is Linda."

Yan Mu tried to ease his look to the greatest extent and introduced Yan Sui and the rest to the beautiful woman on his side.

"This is Yan Sui and Meng Ting, Yan clan's main family's patriarch and his wife."

When Yan Mu finished speaking, he continued to introduce Linda to Yan Sui and Meng Ting.

"Hello." She was full of smiles, decent and beautiful. Yan Shuya resembled her a lot. It could be fathomed in a glance that he was her son.

"Hello." Meng Ting was already accustomed to this kind of occasions. He became particularly smooth greeting whoever. On the contrary, there was hesitation that flashed in Yan Sui's eyes. After some time, he finally nodded to Linda in response.

"Mingya, you came, too."

When Yan Mu talked to Yan Mingya, his heart was somewhat stirred. He used to be fond of this nephew of his very much a few months ago. When Yan Mingya was still a child, Yan Mu would often play with him. Their relationship was even better than that of Yan Mingya and his father, Yan Ya.

However, after acknowledging Yan Shuya, it was very likely that their relationship could no longer go back to the way it was before.

"Uncle, Aunt, Shuya."

Yan Mingya behaved fairly well, and there was no superfluous emotion showed on his face.

"Grandpa, Uncle, Aunt, and Elder Brother, I'm Shuya."

Yan Shuya was the youngest in the family hierarchy. Naturally, he was the last to talk, but he had a honey tongue. Even toward Yan Mingya, he spoke affectionately. However, when his eyes met Meng Ting's, his expression clearly became stiff at once.

It was true that Meng Ting did not play according to the routine; hence, he was somewhat hard to deal with.

Moreover, Meng Ting, Yan Mingya, and him were about the same age. Standing together like this, Meng Ting was superior in appearance, Yan Mingya was superior in temperament, while Yan Shuya seemed a little bit mediocre.

Yan Mingya smiled, Yan Sui stood still like a mountain, and Meng Ting was only looking at him. In the end, it was Yan Zhenbo who started talking.

"It's good that you're back. Study well in the future."

After acknowledging Yan Shuya's return, he was considered a member of the Yan family. Even if he was inferior to Mingya, as the elder, Yan Zhenbo still hoped for his younger descendant to make progress.

After a while, a servant came to inform them that more guests had arrived.

Yan Zhenbo opened his mouth, "Go."

Yan Mu left with Linda and Yan Shuya to receive the new guests.

Yan Zhenbo also had his old friends to greet; hence, he asked Yan Mingya to host Yan Sui and Meng Ting.

The three of them sat down in a corner. Yan Mingya suddenly became a bit silent, but his reticence was understandable. No matter how mature he was, eighteen was still a young age. The things that he had assumed to be set in stone were no longer a matter of course. It was impossible not to mull over it.

Yan Sui reached out and patted his shoulder. "There's no point in thinking too much. Only if you're strong can you choose. What's more, it could be a blessing in disguise…" Yan Mingya was different from him. Being the patriarch was not his only choice. Perhaps, the sky would open up for him from now on.

Yan Sui's words absolutely came from the bottom of his heart, but whether Yan Mingya could hear these or not, it was still up to him.