Chapter 59 - Yan Sui was silly again.

This illegitimate son didn't know how Elder Su found it out, but Elder Su did so, which also indicated that he was definitely of the Su family's blood, but at the same time it meant that he had completely abandoned Su Siyu and his father's bloodline.

This Su Yang is not a half-brother of Su Siyu. He is his dad's younger brother, who is nearly twenty years younger. He is 23 years old this year, only one year older than Su Siyu. The love story of an old lady who has been a model couple for decades has also become a joke.

The Su family's confession banquet had not yet been held, so Elder Su brought his newly recognized son to see Yan Sui.

From the standpoint of Mr. Su, he was forced to do such a move. First, Su Siyu and his father were too rebellious. It is foreseeable that the inheritance passed down by the Su family for several generations will fall into their hands and will be ruined by him soon.

Another thing is that Yan Sui's methods are daunting. It was only ten days before the Su Clan was under pressure from various quarters. He suddenly felt that he was really old and it was time to train a truly qualified heir.

Now he brought Su Yang to see Yan Sui to tell everyone that he had completely abandoned his son and grandson in the house. He also wanted to tell Yan Sui that the Su Siyu who angered Yan had been abandoned by the Su family. He wanted to make Yan abandon him. Sui calmed down his anger.

In a living room on the top floor of Yan's Building, Yan Sui, Su Old Man, and Su Yang met.

When they met on the first day of the new year, both Yan Sui and Su Yang were stunned. Obviously, both of them recognized each other. This Su Yang was a dancer who gave Meng Ting flowers at the Flea Market in Country F. Later, Meng Ting chased Yan Yu and lost him. , They met again, Yan Sui was more impressed with him, and it was not difficult to recognize him at this time.

Su Yang didn't expect that the man who took away his "love at first sight" would be Yan Sui of Yan's. From this point of view, he seemed to have no chance at all.

The dumbfoundedness on the faces of the two people was collected extremely quickly, and the old man Su didn't even notice, he continued to introduce them to each other, and then what was said about Su's compensation to Yan's.

From Yan Sui's standpoint, it is impossible for him to force the Su family into bankruptcy. It is not that he can't do it, but that the gains outweigh the gains. From the perspective of the family industry, the Su family and the Yan family's industries basically do not overlap, so he just took over. , It is difficult to help.

Then there is reputation. If the Yan family really forced the Su clan, who had an old friend, into bankruptcy because of an illegitimate child, not only would he and the Yan clan be criticized, but also Meng Ting. Perhaps the ending of the complete destruction of the Su family cannot be changed, but it is not now.

And this old man Su had to change even his heir. It is not that he is not determined. From Yan Sui's point of view, this incident is just a cause. He had planned to bring this Su Yang back. I have to say that Mr. Su is also a heart. Ruthless people.

But how cruel he was had nothing to do with Yan Sui, what happened to the Su Family, what happened to Su Siyu, and what happened to Mrs. Su had nothing to do with him. The friendship between the two families once ended after this incident was over.

They talked for nearly two hours before Grandpa Su took Su Yang away. During this process, Su Yang basically had nowhere to speak. Even for a long time in the future, he is not qualified to talk to Yan Sui directly. This is their gap.

"The Yan family has a character."

The old man Su sighed like this when he took Su Yang out of the Yan's Mansion, but he was ashamed that he was ashamed that he could only be friends, not enemies. He said and looked towards Su Yang, "If you can, try to mend the relationship between the Su family and the Yan family."

"Yes," Su Yang nodded. He asked Grandpa Su to get in the car first, and then he got in the car and left.

Half of the people in Haicheng's noble circle should have known about this until the evening, but Su Siyu, who should know the most, knew.

He muttered the name in his mouth for a long time, and then suddenly pushed away the people beside him, making a splash. The table with various wine and utensils in front of them was overturned to the ground.

"Su Siyu, what are you doing?" Su Siyu got up and left the bar directly with various complaints.

Su Yang, he naturally knows Su Yang, but it is impossible for him to come back to Su's house at this time. He will only appear in ten years!

What Yan Sui said is correct, everything will change, this life has become much more terrifying than the previous life, he feels cold, a completely cold cold, he feels afraid.

Yan Sui was also afraid of him, but he knew that Yan Sui was upright and his seriousness and indifference were based on certain principles, but Su Yang...he was a lunatic, an extremely rational lunatic.

He suspected Meng Ting before, but now he suspects Su Yang, otherwise how could he come back now. And Mrs. Su was too useless, he had told her, she actually asked Mr. Su to bring him back to Su's house.

Su Siyu thought about various reasons, but he did not expect that Su Yang would return home early because he provoked Yan Sui and the Yan family first. What he and his father did, the pressure Yan family brought to Su family. , The two-phase effect made Old Su determined to let Su Yang come back.

Su Siyu drove the car and didn't know where he could go. He didn't want to see his dad now. He didn't want to go back to the apartment near the university. He drove casually, but didn't expect to stop in front of a villa in Xicheng. .

This is the place he gave him after he divorced Yan Sui, and it was the last thing he didn't let Su Yang rob under the shelter of Yan Sui. He got out of the car and subconsciously entered a few passwords, but the password was wrong. .

He entered it twice again, still wrong, and the alarm went off before he left the villa.

In fact, his passwords were correct a few days earlier, but he exposed his special to Yan Sui. Naturally, Yan Sui would not be unguarded. He was not sure what Su Siyu knew, but the flow of the password and some placement Wherever important items can be exchanged, he has people to change them.

There are even some things that he doesn't necessarily know. Yan Sui is making arrangements just in case. If he doesn't move badly, it's okay. If he really wants to move, he will definitely have to make another somersault. Perhaps it really should be overwhelming.

He left the villa in a daze, but Yan Sui would soon learn that he had been to the Xicheng villa.

Yan Sui turned off the phone and looked at the sight of Meng Ting. He tilted his head and kissed the person next to him before he said, "You heard it right. It was indeed about Su Siyu. He ran to Xicheng. went."

Yan Sui remembered that Meng Ting didn't know much about Yan's real estate, so he explained, "There is also our house there."

Meng Ting nodded, and straddled Yan Sui's lap. He raised his eyes and asked seriously, "Why is he going to our house?"

Meng Ting's reaction is particularly fast now, except for his perfume, which is about Yan Sui, and this vinegar is naturally fast.

Yan Sui felt a little responsive at first, but looking at Meng Ting's situation, he couldn't find his discomfort at all. He slowly approached, Meng Ting's eyes widened slightly, and then he consciously moved closer and kissed Yan Sui.

After Yan Sui's kiss, Meng Ting's jealous feeling could not be found. He moved his body and wanted to sit back on Yan Sui's lap, but was held by Yan Sui, "Don't move..."

Meng Ting had a look, then nodded, not daring to move. They were still in the study.

"He can't get in, I have people change both the password and the lock," Yan Sui said as he pulled Meng Ting a bit further, his lips rubbed on Meng Ting's cheek, there was an unspeakable warmth| Ambiguous, but what he said still couldn't be more serious.

"The son that the Su family has just recognized is Su Yang. His abnormal behavior is probably related to this. You..."

"What?" Meng Ting tilted his head slightly, wanting to listen more seriously.

"It's nothing," Yan Sui shook his head slightly, then put his chin on Meng Ting's shoulder, a little inexplicable appeared in his eyes, Meng Ting and him were already so well, his worry was a little bit nonsensical.

Meng Ting didn't care at all about Su Yang, his hand slid to Yan Sui's back, followed him gently, and then he started talking.

"Today I took Rhubarb and Maoqiu to my cousin's place. They are all cured, and I don't need to take medicine anymore."

Meng Ting's world is actually very small, limited to a few people, a few things, including Yan Sui, rhubarb and hair balls, and fragrance, but there are really not many others.

"You can't get sick again because of me in the future. I will worry, feel sad, and be afraid..." Meng Ting did not dare to say these words during Yan Sui's illness. He also knew that he was always easy to fall into negative emotions. , He didn't want to bring these to Yan Sui.

But at this time, it is still necessary to give a reminder, but after he finished speaking for a long time, Yan Sui did not respond. He had to ask again, "Yan Sui, did you hear that?"

"Yeah," Yan Sui replied, and then tilted his head to hold Meng Ting's earlobe, caught off guard, Meng Ting trembled, and Yan Sui laughed lightly. He stopped a little smile and answered Meng Ting's words seriously. "I heard it, not anymore."

He himself can't guarantee his health, so how can he stay with Meng Ting for a long time?

Meng Ting endured the residual strangeness in his ears, and nodded, "That's good."

However, his words fell, and his earlobe was held again, and the tip of Yan Sui's tongue was scraped over the ear socket. Meng Ting's entire face was flushed, and the seriousness and seriousness on his face was washed away. He reminded quietly, "This is the study..."

Yan Sui replied softly, but he licked Renmin|sentimental movements without any intention of stopping.

Yan Sui's office is quite spacious. Occasionally, it's no problem for Meng Ting to come over and sit down. But it's not enough to do this kind of thing. Yan Sui's patience has always been good, but it's not the case with Meng Ting. That's enough.

He confused Meng Ting's kiss, then went back to the room and took the necessary things. His expression looked okay, but the next action was obviously a little irritable. Meng Ting returned to his mind and kissed Yan Sui's cheek. There are still fantasy questions to ask questions.

"Why are you here? All these time is enough for us to return to the room..."

Meng Ting saw Yan Sui's eyes more caring, and his family Yan Sui became stupid again.

Yan Sui held down the back of Meng Ting's head, he was speechless, and he could only continue to confuse Meng Ting with his relatives.

Tonight they went back to the room nearly half an hour later than usual. Meng Ting didn't feel the difference in the change of location for the time being, but when he came to the study the next day, he felt that the study was not right. Can't concentrate at all.

He took the rhubarb and Maoqiu out of the study before he came downstairs. He heard the greetings of Wang Ma and Yan Manjia. But last time, Yan Manjia said that she didn't come back on Saturday night, and it was only Friday today.

Yan Manjia came in from the door, with a little shame on her face, she only slightly reduced her expression when she saw Meng Ting.

"What's wrong with Auntie? Who is bullying you?" Meng Ting rubbed the hairy head in his arms and asked Xiang Yan Manjia.

Yan Manjia continued to walk in and sit on the sofa. She drank half a glass of water before considering how to answer Meng Ting's question, and Meng Ting was also sitting on the sofa, rhubarb and Maoqiu still leaning on his side.

"No one in Haicheng dared to bully me," Yan Manjia told the facts, and Meng Ting saw it before she said again, "It's just that annoying people and things are coming again..."

"You said that when I chased him so hard, he was indifferent. Now that I am tired, he regrets it again?"

Yan Manjia had an ironic look on her face, but the slight hesitation in her eyes still exposed her heart, and she still did not let go of some people and things.

Meng Ting pondered Yan Manjia's words, and after a long time he asked him, but he was taken aback by Yan Manjia.

"Aunty is sure he loves you?"

There is no time limit for Meng Ting's questioning, including when Yan Manjia worked hard to chase people, and when that person regrets now, he regrets it, or he may not love it, maybe it's just not used to it.

"I don't know..." It took a while for Yan Manjia to respond to Meng Ting's question in a low voice. It was sad to say that she was still unable to determine Xiao Zi's feelings for her. They were sad and sweet when they were together. , Time has passed so many years unexpectedly.

"He can't even make you sure of your relationship, he doesn't love you."

Meng Ting never knew euphemism when he spoke. He was almost cruel, but he was not as serious as anyone else. He said this to Yan Manjia because she was Yan Sui's aunt, and now she is considered his elder.

Yan Manjia raised his eyes and looked over. Meng Ting thought she could not understand what he meant. He thought about it and said again, "It's like Yan Sui loves me, so he is reluctant to make me sad and upset. He will tell me clearly and can Makes me feel his love."

"He doesn't love you, so he can't see your sadness and your anxiety."

Meng Ting said that he sighed again, "I'm too stupid, I can't explain it clearly. When Yan Sui comes back, I will ask him to tell you that he will definitely let you understand."

Yan Manjia shook his head gently, but it was not that she rejected Meng Ting's kindness, but she knew that even if Yan Sui understood this, he could not help her analyze it in such a straightforward language. At most, he would tell her that that person is not worthy. She does.

"You are right, he doesn't love me, but I still have a little hope..."

When Yan Manjia spoke, the self-deprecating expression on her face increased, admitting that the man she loved did not love her from beginning to end, admitting that she still had feelings for such a man, admitting these was tantamount to admitting that she had completely failed in her life. .

"Do you want to beat him up? I'll help you." Meng Ting really didn't know how to comfort people. If he blurted out, he faintly felt wrong, but after thinking about it, he didn't feel too wrong. That person delayed Yan Manjia most of his life and beat him. A meal is considered light.

Yan Manjia's sad mood couldn't continue after Meng Ting's words, she shook her head quickly, "I'm looking for someone to beat him, where is it necessary for you to take action, but Suisui will not feel bad."

"Come here and just rely on Auntie..."

Yan Manjia felt that she was the right time to return home this time. She confirmed the answer in Meng Ting and felt better.

However, not only did Meng Ting not come over when he heard this, he sat a little further away. He shook his head with certainty, "I won't give it to anyone other than Yan Sui."

Meng Ting felt that Yan Manjia didn't say anything else. One thing that was not good was that he always liked to hug and had a lot of forgetfulness. He had said this to her several times.

Yan Manjia accidentally really forgot this. She sat down crying and laughed, but she could only retreat to the next best thing, "Come to Rhubarb, give my aunt a hug."

Meng Ting patted Rhubarb on the head and let it pass.

Maybe Yan Manjia still has something to think about. She didn't leave today either. Meng Ting stayed with him in the living room for a while, so he followed his schedule. In the morning, he had a two-hour fencing class and waited with Uncle Wang in the afternoon. People sort the flowerbeds in the backyard of Yan's house.

In fact, when they came back from country F, Yan Sui asked people to plant them, but sometimes Meng Ting would ask for some different varieties, so there will always be something to work on after a while, and so is today.

Of course, it's okay to cut flowers and pick flowers. If you really want to plant them, you will be directly promoted to the level of "smashing the seedlings".

"The backyard has actually become so beautiful..." Yan Manjia walked around, stopped in his footsteps, and couldn't help but exclaimed. She looked at Meng Ting and muttered, "It's really a favorite."

The courtyard of the Yan family's house hasn't changed much since it was built. Now Yan Sui wants to make Meng Ting happy. The back yard has been completely changed. After another month, the two rows of maple trees after the flower garden will be red. It will only look more beautiful. .

"Auntie is here," Meng Ting raised his eyes and greeted Yan Manjia, and continued to sit on the grass and cut off the extra leaves from the bouquet.

"What are you doing?" Yan Manjia was wearing a skirt, so she just sat down like this, she raised her hand to let people move a chair over.

"We planted flowers by ourselves. I picked a bunch of them for Yan Sui when I was at home," Meng Ting put the scissors aside, and then held them one by one in his arms. He had a long strip beside him. Yes, the straw rope he twisted himself.

Yan Manjia saw that Meng Ting was serious, so she didn't bother anymore. She swept her eyes around and had to say that she really had the feeling of the Rose Manor of Country F. The scenery was beautiful and the people facing her were comfortable. She was in a good mood. Some.

After Meng Ting tied the flowers, he continued to sit on the grass holding the flowers, Maoqiu and Rhubarb ran over and leaned on his side. He raised his eyes to Yan Manjia, "If you like, I will let Uncle Li cut it for you. "

As for his own inability, he promised that Yan Sui would no longer give flowers to others.

Yan Manjia glanced at Meng Ting, and did not ask him why he could not cut her, so Meng Ting was at home by herself, and she could give him and Yan Sui's affection show, this experience also made people speechless and helpless.

"You said I can still meet someone I love and who loves me?"

Meng Ting hesitated for a while, and still told the truth to Yan Manjia, "I don't know, maybe I can, maybe not, but if you can't let go of those, you can't at all."

She still loves Xiao Zi, even if she meets someone who loves her, she will not be able to meet her requirement of loving each other if she does not love her.

"You are right," Yan Manjia finally showed a relieved smile on her face. She reached out and touched the flower in Meng Ting's arms, and then stood up, "Hey, baby, thank you."

"I'm not..." Meng Ting's expression became more serious.

Yan Manjia raised his eyebrows lightly and said helplessly, "I see, I see, you are just Yan Sui's baby."

"Well," Meng Ting really nodded in approval.

After Yan Manjia figured it out, she didn't plan to stay in Yan's house any more. She left from Yan's house around four o'clock. Meng Ting stayed with her, and she only said that she would come back later.

Meng Ting didn't think much about it. At about 5:30, he brought the cut bouquet to the door to wait for Yan Sui.

"The flowers we planted ourselves, for you."

When Yan Sui got out of the car, he was filled with the fragrance of Meng Ting. He even hugged people with flowers. For a while, he forgot who was in the car with him. He bowed his head and kissed Meng Ting's lips.

Meng Ting obediently let people kiss him, and his toes rose slightly, very cooperative.

Zhen Han in the car patted Zhao Bing's shoulder in the front seat, and said with some sympathy, "Thanks for your hard work."

Suffering crit from dog food every day, there was no outbreak, and he was still alive.

The two of them got in touch with each other and walked inside. Zhen Han got out of the car, while Zhao Bing continued to drive the car back to the underground parking lot with a stiff face.

Meng Ting talked a little on weekdays, but he talked a lot when facing Yan Sui, especially after Yan Sui became ill, he was obviously nagging a bit, and he told Yan Sui what he had done at home.

He even repeated the conversation between him and Yan Manjia. He thought about it and said again, "I didn't say it well. You will call aunt and say it again later."

Roughly when Meng Ting was retelling the arrival of Yan Manjia, Yan Sui and Zhen Han were listening with their ears erected. Right now, both of them were a little silent. They looked at each other, and then Zhen Han nodded, and he went outside to call.

Although Yan Manjia was a little uncomfortable, she was also from the Yan family and could not tolerate other people's bullying.

Zhen Han went out, and Yan Sui took Meng Ting into his arms again, "You said it well."

He said and kissed Meng Ting's cheek rewardingly. It was indeed good. He understood those words and couldn't say anything that would make Yan Manjia understand, but Meng Ting could do it.

Meng Ting thought about it carefully, and didn't feel that he had said anything wrong. He nodded and then exhorted, "If you want to fight, you must take me with you. I can help you."

Yan Sui pulled a little smile on his face when he heard the words, "Okay."

The face of Zhen Han who was calling outside was not so good. He gritted his teeth and seemed to want to tear the person opposite, "Why did you answer my mom's phone call, give it to her!"


The author has something to say:

The person my aunt likes is Xiao Zi (zi), and Xiao Muzi's deskmate is Xiao Mu (mu) da~~

Thank you baby for your reward and nutrient solution~~

Can Dong Weihan threw a mine, secretly threw a mine, missed a mine, missed a mine, and missed a mine

The world has a refreshing nutrient solution x15

Jiusi's nutrient solution x11

Enron Ruosu's nutrient solution x11, what? The nutrient solution x5, the total nutrient solution of glutinous rice stuffing group x2, the nutrient solution of the light summer Changan x1, the nutrient solution of the pounding jade rabbit x1, the nutrient solution of Moli x1 , Companion in the morning and evening, the nutrient solution for replacing firewood with wine x1