Chapter 62 - "I like you so much, I don't know how to tell you."

Meng Ting's eyes gradually lowered. He hesitated whether to turn his back, but Yan Sui had clearly seen him, and now he was back, it seemed to be too late.

He had just walked over from the back kitchen, and there were people who had seen him, but he felt that he looked good, but also felt very cold, not easy to touch, and not easy to talk to. But right now he blushed, he was cold, shy and helpless, and he could almost make Tiehan's heart cute.

For a while, everyone's eyes in the dessert shop gathered one after another.

"so beautiful..."

This is what a man thinks, but except for a few who came with his male friends and blurted it out, the other men were very acquainted.

"Cute..." This was Yan Manjia's first-rate thought. She regretted that she had not been able to rub Meng's face when she was holding Meng Ting before. Of course, there is no lack of disdain or jealousy in all the gazes that come across. The world can't be generalized.

But the one who should be the most shocked is Yan Sui. Meng Ting called him. He naturally knew that he and Yan Manjia were out shopping. In the afternoon, he was dealing with things all the time, just to make money, get off work early, and then hurry. Come and pick him up and go home.

Knowing from the bodyguard that Meng Ting and Yan Manjia are in this dessert shop, he naturally rushed over at the first time, but he would never have thought that Meng Ting was dressed like this.

In Yan Sui's eyes, Meng Ting was not feminine because of this. He was more like an elf walking out of an ancient scroll. Yan Sui's slightly enlarged pupils showed surprise |

His footsteps stagnated a little, but he still walked towards Meng Ting step by step.

Meng Ting's eyes suddenly lifted up again, he pursed his lips, pretending to be calm, "Yan Sui, why are you here."

If he hadn't been wearing a skirt, there would be no more "how" in his words, but now, he really doesn't want to be seen by Yan Sui, it's too strange.

Yan Sui hooked the corner of his mouth slightly, and walked closer, "I'll pick you up and go home."

"Oh," Meng Ting responded, but the red glow on his face still couldn't disappear. He moved manually, and wanted to cover Yan Sui's eyes directly. He turned sideways, "I'll change my clothes. "

"I'll be with you," Yan Sui said as he embraced him directly, and took Meng Ting out two steps before he turned his head to look at Yan Manjia, "Auntie wait a minute."

Yan Manjia raised his hand sympathetically, "Go, go, I'll drink slowly."

This sounded okay to Meng Ting. He turned his head to look at Yan Sui, with a little hesitation in his eyes. In fact, he felt that he could change clothes without Yan Sui's company, but Yan Sui didn't seem to be the case. Think so.

When they came to the dressing room of the back kitchen of the dessert shop, Meng Ting moved his body, but he could not get out of Yan Sui's arms.

"You still hold me, I can't take off my clothes." Meng Ting raised his eyes and said to Yan Sui seriously, "When I finish changing, we will go home and hold again..."

Yan Sui did not nod or shook his head, but the hand he was holding Meng Ting tightly tightened again, his head lowered slightly, the eyes of the two met, and Yan Sui asked softly, "I want to kiss you. ?"

Meng Ting just nodded subconsciously, but before he could think more or say more, he was kissed.

Yan Sui's hand slid to the back of Meng's neck, and the gentle kiss gradually became stronger. He wrapped Meng's tongue|head, and the deeper the kiss, the deeper and deeper Meng's hand encircled Yan. Sui's waist, the boss's eyes were narrowed, and in that narrow line of sight, he only had to make sure that Yan Sui was kissing him.

At the end of the kiss, Meng Ting, who had only reddened cheeks, turned pink on the exposed neck and other areas. He panted gently by Yan Sui, the emotions in his eyes were very confused.

They came in to change clothes, why did they kiss. Oh, yes, they are here to change clothes.

"I, I haven't changed my clothes..." Meng Ting finally remembered again.

"This is the dress my aunt bought for her. I didn't wear it on purpose... No, I did it on purpose, but for a reason..."

He didn't have the habit of wearing women's clothing. Meng Ting said that his eyes gradually widened, and he was anxious to explain, and suddenly he couldn't explain clearly. It was still very cute in Yan Sui's eyes.

Yan Sui continued to hug the people and comforted them softly, "Don't worry, let's speak slowly."

"No, I'll change my clothes before telling you," Meng Ting said and reached out to look for the zipper on the skirt. However, he looked around and couldn't find it. He was anxious to change his clothes, so he could only ask for help. Yan Sui said, "Yan Sui, do you see where the zipper of the skirt is?"

Yan Sui knew that Meng Ting was really shy and awkward. Although he thought Meng Ting was so cute, he still couldn't bear Meng Ting being too anxious.

He stepped back to help Meng Ting find it, and finally Yan Sui raised Meng Ting's hand. It turned out that the zipper of the skirt was on the waist side. No wonder Meng Ting didn't find it after looking around.

"I'll help you," Yan Sui said and started to help Meng Ting. Meng Ting nodded lightly, matched Yan Sui, put on his sports sweater again, and Meng Ting let out a sigh of relief.

He turned around, covering Yan Sui's eyes with both hands, "You forget the look of my skirt, it's so strange, you must forget it."

As Meng Ting said, he kissed Yan Sui's lips like a reward, "Be good, forget, forget."

The corners of Yan Sui's mouth curled up, and he stretched out his hand and hugged the person again, "Don't worry about it, I like what you look like."

Before he fell in love with Meng Ting, he never thought whether the person he liked was a man or a woman. Because Meng Ting is a boy, the person he likes is also a boy, but it is also limited to Meng Ting. Other people, regardless of gender Can't get into his eyes anymore.

Yan Sui thought about adding another sentence, "It's you that I like."

Meng Ting slowly let go of Yan Sui's eyes when he heard the words. He met Yan Sui's re-looking eyes, and the awkwardness in his expression finally disappeared, "Yan Sui, me too, I like it. You only like you."

"I won't surrender you to anyone." Meng Ting never shy away from his own possessiveness. If he was sure he wanted to occupy Yan Sui more, he would tell Yan Sui and just do what he wanted him to say. do.

"Of course," Yan Sui raised his hand and rubbed Meng Sheng's hair again.

Meng Ting stood obediently and rubbed Yan Sui. After he had done enough, he was led out of the locker room by Yan Sui.

They spent more than 20 minutes in the locker room. Yan Manjia watched them come and looked at the phone. The smile on his face was a little more ambiguous, " will stimulate my old man."

Hearing this, Meng Ting looked at Yan Manjia and said straightforwardly, "You don't look too old, and Yan Sui is kind to me. He is going to help me change clothes."

How could this irritate Yan Manjia, and Meng Ting couldn't figure it out.

Yan Manjia's sincere gaze towards Shang Meng Ting, who was stabbed twice in a row, could not find anything to refute.

"We have packed everything we ordered, let's go home first."

He Wan and Li Yifei got together, probably thinking of something bad again, they happened to know, and they should make a good plan. Yan Manjia also hated He Wan before, but now she not only hates but also disgusts, she also hates Xiao Zi.

Yan Sui looked at Yan Manjia's expression, and remembered Meng Ting's previous dress. He naturally knew that the two of them didn't do this because they were bored.

"Let's go home," Yan Sui said and shook Meng Ting's hand gently.

He got up to check them out, and then put up the packed desserts. Yan Manjia stepped out of the dessert shop first, but Meng Ting obediently stood beside him and waited. He saw that Yan Sui could get it with one hand, so he reached out. Yan Sui held it with the other hand.

"I will open the door for you."

"Okay," Yan Sui replied, the gaze in his eyes was so gentle that he could die.

The envious and jealous gazes around, but what they think has no effect on Yan Sui and Meng Ting, they can only see each other at the moment.

Yan Manjia went back in the car where she and Meng Ting came, and Meng and Yan Sui took the car driven by Zhao Bing.

Meng Ting was overwhelmed by the conversation between He Wan and Li Yifei. At this time, Yan Sui was there, and his appetite was restored. He ate small cakes by himself and fed them to Yan Sui. Time slipped by. Two boxes of snacks. After eating, they returned to their doorstep.

"Let's go to the study first, and then come down to eat." Yan Sui already knew from Meng Ting that he and Yan Manjia had met He Wan and Li Yifei. After he finished talking with Wang Ma, he continued to lead Meng Ting upstairs, and Yan Manjia consciously followed.

They sat down by the sofa in the study, Meng Ting thought about it carefully, and then retelled the conversation he heard with Yan Sui and Yan Manjia.

Compared with He Wan and Li Yifei wanting to target him, Meng Ting cares more about their wanting Meng Qin to give birth to Yan Sui. He turned his head to look at Yan Sui after he said, "Do you have to have a baby?"

"I can't give birth to you, but I don't want others to give birth to you either."

No matter if it was Meng Qin or other women he didn't know, Meng Ting didn't want them to give birth to Yan Sui. When he said that, he felt selfish, but this was his true thoughts. He didn't want to hide Yan Sui.

"I said, there will be no third person besides you and me between us, including children."

Yan Sui said this very early. At that time, it was not because of his love for Meng Ting to the point that he could not tolerate a third person, but... he was sure from a long time ago that he would not have his own children in his life.

As for the inheritance of the Yan family, there are so many people in the Yan family, he will choose one to train at the right time, but it is still early.

Meng Tingji looked at Yan Sui intently, and suddenly forgot Yan Manjia who was in the study with Yan Sui. He reacted to Yan Sui's words and leaned forward in accordance with his heart. Yan Sui caught the person, but he fell down too. On the sofa, he was kissed by Meng Ting.

Yan Manjia looked away speechlessly and enviously, but even if she switched to Meng Ting's angle, she would be moved by Yan Sui's words.

The touch in Meng's heart gradually settled down, and he remembered that he and Yan Sui were not the only ones in the study at this time, but also Yan Manjia, or their elders, but it was because of this that he was even more embarrassed to come out of Yan Sui's arms. , He shrank his head and gently pulled the itchy flesh on Yan Sui's waist.

Yan Sui tensed the muscles on his face without showing a weird look. He looked at Yan Manjia and smiled helplessly. Yan Manjia nodded sympathetically, without saying anything else, she got up and left the study.

The door of the study opened and closed again. It took a while for Meng Ting to lift his head from Yan Sui's arms, his brows frowned slightly, "I accidentally forgot my aunt..."

Yan Sui grabbed Meng Ting back, who was about to continue to sit up. He kissed Meng Ting on the cheek, "It's okay, Aunt doesn't mind."

"Well," Meng Ying responded, paused for a while, and continued to throw Yan Sui down. He leaned on Yan Sui's chest, his hands tightly wrapped around people, "Yan Sui, we love each other really well, right?"

"Yes," Yan Sui replied, touching Meng's side face with his hand, and being gently rubbed by him, his chest was softened by Meng's leaning. He didn't try to hold the person to sit up again, just let Meng Ting pester him, and he continued to speak.

"What they said, don't care, this kind of mistake will not happen to us again.

He Wan is trying to make a heavy mistake, but with Yan Yu and He Yue's foresight, how could Yan Sui fail to take precautions.

"Well," Meng Ting responded gently, and he moved his body up again to a position where he could kiss Yan Sui's chin. He stopped, his lips rubbed against Yan Sui's chin, his brows and eyes slightly. Ben, just looking at people like this, behaved and beautiful.

The thoughts in Yan Sui's mind suddenly got stuck, his Adam's apple couldn't help rolling, and he whispered, "Come up again."

Meng Ting blinked his eyes when he heard the words, and then obediently rubbed up, probably when his lips could touch Yan Sui's, he stopped consciously.

His eyes looked at Yan Sui's lips carefully. The color was a little pale, and the temperature was not too high. In the gaps that opened slightly, he also saw some white tooth shells.

Meng Ting leaned a little closer, and his lips were kissed on Yan Sui's. Looking for the gap, he began to kiss people seriously.

The tip of his tongue was licking in Yan Sui's mouth, chasing for a while, and wandering lazily for a while, but Yan Sui was as hot as he was kissed, and it was difficult to hold himself. His eyes were focused and emotional. Although he didn't hear or feel it, he knew that the frequency of Meng Ting's heartbeat was about the same as him.

Meng Ting's tongue|The head withdrew from Yan Sui's mouth, but his cheeks continued to stick to Yan Sui. He tried to find his breath and mind, but only when he recovered, his clothes were almost stripped off. .

And he also changed from pressing on Yan Sui to lying down on the sofa. His eyes blinked and blinked before he realized that he had been wandering for a while.

He rubbed his foot against Yan Sui's big|leg, "Let's hurry up, I still want to eat sweet and sour pork ribs cooked by Wang's mother..."

This kind of food won't be so delicious after being left for a long time, but he also wants to make friends with Yan Sui, so they can only finish it as soon as possible.

"Other things are easy to say, this is a bit difficult," Yan Sui said, without giving Meng Ting a chance to hesitate. He kissed people again, and used his kiss to completely drive away the greedy worms that destroy the atmosphere. He was only after the kiss. And soothed, "I will cook for you in the future."

The steak that Zhen Han cooked last night was praised by Meng Ting. Yan Sui hasn't said anything until now, but he is a little concerned about it. Washing his hands and making soup is already on his plan.

Meng Ting couldn't take care of it anymore. His cheeks and body were slightly red, and his body's reaction was more straightforward than his heart. He lifted his foot and put it on Yan Sui, and he whispered for a while. "Yan Sui, I want it."

Yan Sui's red eyes became redder when he heard the words. Meng Ting's words at this time were simply adding fuel to the fire.

"Say it again..."

"Yan Sui, I like to make love with you," Meng Ting said more bluntly when he heard the words. He raised his body after speaking, kissed Yan Sui's earlobe, and then the kiss slipped down again.

Yan Sui held down Meng Ting's shoulders and found a good posture, just as Meng Ting thought, so that their body and mind were completely combined.

The sofa is always inferior to the bed. Meng Ting was so shocked that he fell down, but when the two of them were about to fall to the ground, Yan Sui could always bring the person back in time. Meng Ting's mood rose and fell with his eyes from time to time. To stare round.

His blurred mind was rushed to the clouds for a while, and then pulled back to the world by the reality of being thrown back into the world, in a trance, he finally understood what the stimulus was.

Originally, he was still thinking about Wang Ma's sweet and sour pork ribs, but now he is regaining his senses. He can't remember it anymore. He leaned on Yan Sui and rubbed it from time to time, or touched Yan Sui, and he was muttering. His joy is undisguised.

"What are you talking about?" Yan Sui lowered his head and rubbed Meng Ting's hair. He actually enjoyed the warmth after excitement like Meng Ting.

"No, it's just... I like you too much, I don't know how to tell you." Meng Ting said and pulled Yan Sui down again, and "tweeted" on his lips, feeling that it was not enough, and he added more Pecked twice, three times.

"I know. Only in this way, I can know," Yan Sui hugged the person, becoming more reluctant.

Meng Ting thought about what "this" is like, his long eyelashes trembling lightly, and tentatively asked, " it making love, or should we do it again?"

He felt that his love and liking for Yan Sui was not enough to express once, and twice seemed to be not enough, but indulgence hurts the body, too many times a day is not good, so after thinking about it, Meng Ting felt a bit troubled.

The patience on Yan Sui's face reappeared. He lifted Meng Ting's chin and kissed him hard on his lips, but he didn't dare to stay warm with him on the sofa anymore. He stayed like this. What Zhun and Meng Ting said should be done again.

"Eat first and talk later in the evening."

Meng Ting hesitated a little before nodding, looking really "unfinished".

Yan Sui looked at the raised eyebrows, he changed his mouth, "Come back at night." Instead of saying it at night.

"Twice is not enough to express my likes, but we have a lifetime, all together should be enough..."

Meng Ting finally understood. While he was talking, he hugged Yan Sui's neck again, and his soft words were set off again, and the waves in the heart of the person next to him were sparkling.

Yan Sui hugged Meng Ting for a long time before he answered Meng Ting's words, "If we feel that it is not enough then, we will have another appointment in the next life."

Like someone who likes to agree to the next life, Yan Sui never thought that it could happen to him, but at this moment these words naturally came out.

"Okay," Meng Ting responded, and he let go of Yan Sui a bit, and then asked Yan Sui to dress him.

The two went back to the bathroom of the bedroom to clean up, and then went downstairs.

Yan Manjia couldn't wait for them anymore. She took the plates to load the dishes, and went to the sofa to watch TV while eating. Yan Sui and Meng Ting came downstairs. She glanced at them and continued to eat on the sofa.

Although it was late, the taste of sweet and sour ribs was still very good. Meng Ting exercised and digested all the desserts he had eaten before. His appetite improved. He ate three and a half bowls of rice before stopping. After going for a walk with Yan Sui, he was still half-paralyzed on the sofa on the other side of Yan Manjia with his stomach.

Yan Manjia looked over, and Meng Ting also explained to him, "I am not eating to support myself, I have sore legs..."

Yan Manjia's expression is a little bit cracked. Meng Ting thinks that his "legs" does not contain other meanings, she can't hear it anymore!

However, facing Meng Ting's sincere expression, Yan Manjia could only roar in her own heart.

"Maoqiu come here and give me a hug!"

"Meow," Mao Qiu answered when he heard its name, but he didn't come to Yan Manjia. He walked around the sofa, and finally climbed onto the rest of the rhubarb, the rhubarb eyes opened a little The gap, seeing it as a hairy ball, closed it again.

Yan Manjia rolled her eyes to the ceiling again. She was stuffed with dog food by Meng Ting, and stuffed with hair balls and rhubarb.

"Humph," Yan Manjia snorted, she stood up, and went busy with her own affairs.

After she came back, she was asked to clean up a studio for her on the first floor. There was a large window facing the flower garden that Meng Ting had made in the backyard. The scenery was excellent, and she was now busy in it.

After Yan Sui answered a phone call and walked in from outside, Meng Ting saw him and immediately moved out of position. Yan Sui sat down, his legs hung on his thighs again, "sour..."

Yan Sui did not respond, but his hand was already consciously rubbed for Meng Ting. When Zhen Han and Gu Lang came in, they also saw Yan Sui's "twenty-four filial piety" appearance, and the two couldn't help rolling their eyes.

"Mother Wang, get us something to eat, we haven't eaten yet."

Zhen Han's pet hospital was busy on weekends. Gu Lang came to him and waited for him for a long time. The two of them didn't bother to drive to other places to find food. The old house feels different from before. They I am also willing to come over to eat and drink.

Of course, the appearance of being shown is also expected.

Meng Ting saw that they were about to put their feet back, but Yan Sui not only held it down, but also lifted his other one up, and continued to rub him, so Meng Ting's eyes drifted a little while watching TV.

However, Zhen Han and Gu Lang had already started eating there. He gradually calmed down, but he stopped watching TV. Instead, he looked at Yan Sui, and then spoke quietly.

"My aunt wants to surprise my cousin, we must keep it secret for the time being."

Meng Ting said that his index finger nodded on his lips. Yan Sui looked over, and he nodded on Yan Sui's lips.

Yan Sui nodded, and Meng Ting bends his eyes and poked Yan Sui's cheek lightly before retracting his hand.

"I'm better, you don't need to rub it for me."

With the two of them alone, Meng Ting naturally didn't care, but when an outsider came, he was not so relaxed.

"It's okay," Yan Sui continued to rub Meng Ting's calf. He had been walking around the street for an afternoon with Yan Manjia. When they came back, they had another affection. After dinner, they walked around again. Not to mention the sore legs of Meng Ting, Yan Sui also wanted to come over and rub him.

Hearing the words, Meng Ting glanced at Zhen Han and Gu Lang's side, and then nodded, "Yes, we are a husband and wife, and intimacy should have been in the first place." Besides, this is still in his and Yan Sui's home, which doesn't interfere at all. When it comes to others, Yan Sui is right to say that it doesn't hurt.

Hearing the words, Yan Sui couldn't help but raise his hand and nod the tip of Meng Ting's nose. The smell of petting made the two people at the table roll their eyes sharply.

Meng Ting didn't notice their movement, so naturally he didn't care about it. After he figured it out, he calmed down, and continued to enjoy Yan Sui's increasingly sophisticated leg massage.

Yan Sui was sure to rub Meng Ting comfortably before letting go of his legs, but when he stretched out his hand, he took the person into his arms again.

It took more than half an hour for Zhen Han and Gu Lang to finish eating. After eating, he walked over and sat down. For a long time, no one spoke. It was only because Meng Ting, who was held by Yan Sui, gradually began to get sleepy again and his eyes opened. Closed, it took a while before it was completely covered.

Yan Sui raised his hand, and Zhen Han looked at his side and found that there was a thin blanket over there. He handed it to Yan Sui. He covered it with Meng Ting and adjusted his posture again to make Meng Ting sleep better. some.

"Don't hold back upstairs?" Zhen Han couldn't help but asked.

Yan Sui hesitated and shook his head, "It's okay, he won't wake up."

Zhen Han and Gu Lang looked at each other, but they didn't hesitate anymore, but the volume of speech was still controlled.

"My family hosted a banquet yesterday, and Father Su brought Su Yang," Gu Lang said, and then explained, "It's the illegitimate son he just recognized."

"Well, they have come to see me," Yan Sui nodded slightly, and he continued, "The Su Family...I can't move yet."

Gu Lang and Zhen Han nodded when they heard the words, their eyes were thoughtful, but they had no objection to what Yan Sui said.

It was Yan Sui who wanted to subvert a family like the Su family, and he had a lot of preparations, but it was only temporary. People like him would not have no other preparations.

"Where's the Meng family..." Zhen Han said and glanced at Meng Ting in Yan Sui's arms. Although Meng Ting was not closely related to the other side, he still had the last name "Meng". The influence of the house seemed to be even more restless than the Su family.

However, Yan Sui smiled, with a bit of playfulness, "The Meng family...The good news about his two-room wives and concubines has been around for long enough. It's time to make some jokes."

He said his eyes slowly lowered, falling on Meng Ting, "Meng Ting has nothing to do with them."

"It doesn't matter what it means..." Zhen Han is more careful than Gu Lang and understands Yan Sui. The Meng family can let Yan Sui make this decision. There are definitely other places that irritate him, probably with the Meng in his arms. Regarding this, he naturally couldn't help asking one more question.

"Meng Yide and Yu Meixuan are not the children of Meng Yide and Yu Meixuan. I'm still investigating his life experience." When he was in the study before, Meng Ting also mentioned Li Yifei's strangeness. It was the fastest to start with her.

When Yan Sui's words came out, Zhen Han and Gu Lang couldn't help but sit up straight. They never expected that Yan Sui's so-called okay would include no blood relationship. Confusing blood is a big taboo in their families, the Meng family. What did the second room think?

"That child..." Yan Sui said lightly, and then told Zhen Han and Gu Lang, "He is now called Yan Shuya. He has been recognized back to the Yan family of F country. It should be Yan Mu's child."

Even if Yan Mu had checked it, Yan Jianbo would check it again, otherwise he would not be a child of the Yan family and would not be eligible to recognize it.

Zhen Han and Gu Lang were shocked. They both knew Yan Mu, but they really didn't expect that he would also get involved in the gossip that sensationalized Haicheng back then and let the gossip hostess give him a baby.

"This Yu Meixuan is not easy either."

Zhen Han murmured, but he was thinking of Yan Mingya who is now in Haicheng. He didn't realize this, and he would probably suffer from this woman. He had to mention him a few words carefully, not let Yan Mingya call him this. Uncle for many years.

Yan Sui did not respond, but he agreed with Zhen Han's comment if he did not refute it. From what Su Siyu told him, she had done enough to make Yan from Country F her son. But this time, she estimated that there was no such opportunity.

"Please pay more attention to Yan family in country F and Ming Ya," Yan Sui and Zhen Han exhorted. Ming Ya and Zhen Han have a better relationship than him, and Zhen Han is more sensitive to this kind of things | If he can handle it, Yan Sui is willing to let him do it.

"Okay," Zhen Han responded. He tapped his hand on his big|leg, and decided to ask his friend over there to investigate Yu Meixuan for him.

Yan Sui's gaze fell on Gu Lang again, and Gu Lang subconsciously corrected his sitting posture as if he were on standby at any time.

"You can negotiate with Su Yangduo to show me his usual personality and habits."

"Okay," Gu Lang didn't know what Yan Sui understood this was for, but it is rare that Yan Sui also ordered something to him, he naturally got it, he patted his chest|breast, just one more sentence, and promised to complete Task.

After they said this, Gu Lang and Zhen Han took turns to talk to Yan Sui about the recent gossip. Yan Sui listened, and occasionally pointed them to correct them. This chat lasted almost two hours.

Gu Lang looked at the time, "I'm leaving, I still have an appointment."

He said he didn't ask Yan Sui anymore, he looked at Zhen Han, Zhen Han shook his head, and he could only leave by himself.

Zhen Han watched Yan Sui pat Meng Ting as he sorted out his thoughts. His expression was slightly awkward and he began to start, "Where is she."

"In the studio," Yan Sui responded, and pointed to the door to Zhen Han.

Zhen Han cast a glance, then snorted, and stood up. Without going to the studio, he walked up the stairs and slept in the old house tonight.

Yan Sui looked helplessly and shook his head, but didn't persuade Zhen Han to do anything. He and Yan Manjia are roughly in this way of getting along.

He stretched out his hand and touched Meng Ting's forehead, seeing that he was still asleep, couldn't help but smiled at the corners of his mouth. He had doubts about what Meng Ting told him before, but now he really believes it. , He did sleep well against him.

The blanket continued to wrap people around, and Yan Sui picked him up like this and walked to the bedroom on the second floor.

They had taken a shower before, so there is no need to toss about it right now. He put the person on the bed and couldn't help biting Meng Ting's lip. "What do you do again, you dream of Zhou Gong going..."

"Yan Sui..." Meng Ting muttered softly, telling Yan Sui with facts that he dreamed of him as well.

"I'm here," Yan Sui replied, reaching out and patted Meng Ting's back.

"Are you coming to sleep with me?" Meng Ting still closed his eyes, but his hands didn't mean to let go. He closed his eyes and rolled to Yan Sui, "Don't go."

Even if he planned to leave, he shouldn't be able to leave at this moment, let alone he has no plans yet.

"I'm not going, I'll accompany you." Yan Sui responded, and kissed Meng Ting's lips again.

Meng Ting took the initiative to open his mouth, his tongue was too lazy to move, but he tried to lick Yan Sui, but he really didn't have much strength.

"You kiss me..."

Hearing this, Yan Sui, who had only left Meng Ting's lips, found it again. He gently stroked Meng Ting's hair, as Meng Ting wished, giving a deep kiss that was so tender and greasy.

After the kiss, Meng Ting also found some support from the sleepy state of being sleepy to nowhere to rely. He slowly opened his eyes, and his weak hand hugged Yan Sui. All his thoughts gradually returned, and he lifted it. He kicked the blanket that was still wrapped in it, and it took him a long time to break free, and then he got tangled in Yan Sui's body.

His meaning was actually obvious enough. Yan Sui's kiss fell again, and he focused on Meng Tingmin|to kiss in a place that is easily moved. With the strength that Meng Ting finally found back, he was kissed back again.

His limbs were lazy, but his eyes were more focused than before. He looked at Yan Sui as if he couldn't see enough.

After another while, he lifted the back of his hand that was accidentally missed by Yan Sui, "Kiss here too."

Yan Sui kissed Meng Ting's hand by Yan Sui. Meng Ting watched Yan Sui kiss him, his eyes narrowed. He became more and more open to Yan Sui, and Yan Sui became more and more pleased with Meng Ting's. open.

The two people get along more and more harmoniously. This is especially true for this kind of thing. Yan Sui was able to retain his gentleness at the beginning, but he couldn't hold on to it in Meng Ting's blindly and unconsciously "inducing people". , His loss of control was unexpected and reasonable.

Meng Ting should be a little bit unbearable, but he didn't call to stop. He gently wiped the sweat off Yan Sui's forehead. He had no strength to lift up and kiss Yan Sui's lips or cheek. He tilted his head. He kissed Yan Sui's wrist which landed on his ear.

But not only did he fail to reassure others, but he made Yan Sui even more frantic.

A sweaty love|The matter ended, the two people lie down on one side in a hug, and it took a long time to find their breath. Meng Ting slowly moved his body, he pillowed Yan Sui's arm and moved consciously. Back in his arms, even if it was so wet that it was uncomfortable.

"Yan Sui, do you feel that I like you a lot?"

Meng Ting asked softly, and seeing that Yan Sui did not answer, he raised his eyes to look at him, and then stretched out his hand and grabbed him for a sensitive point, "Huh?"

Yan Sui couldn't bear Meng Ting's gaze and pressed his head into his arms, "I feel it."

It was precisely because he felt it that he lost control like this. His hands were running along Meng's back, and then he remembered something. He sat up, checked Meng's body carefully, and then frowned and picked him up. Go to the bathroom.

Without taking a bath anymore, the two of them rushed briefly, and he carried him back, and then applied medicine to rub his body again.

After more than two months, their bodies had already fit into each other, and once in a while, they no longer needed medicine, but he was obviously out of control tonight and hurt people too.

"If you feel pain in the future, tell me, don't bear it," Yan Sui said, with a little more guilt in his expression.

"Okay," Meng Ting had a sleep before, but he didn't feel sleepy at this time. He nodded, and then reached out to poke Yan Sui's waist, "Don't be upset, okay?"

"Well," Meng Ting felt very well, and Yan Sui couldn't resist it. When the situation before, it was really unbearable, he would still lose control if it came again.

"Can't sleep?"

Yan Sui rubbed Meng Ting for a while, seeing his eyes still wide open, wandering around him.

Meng Ting nodded, "I don't want to sleep, but I don't want to move either."

He wanted to lie down so lazily, he wanted to look at Yan Sui like this.

Yan Sui finished rubbing Meng Ting's legs, and continued to rub his hands and shoulders. Meng Ting looked at him, and from time to time he leaned down and kissed his eyes.

The bed was a bit messy and a little wet. After Yan Sui rubbed Meng Shu, he pulled over the thin blanket wrapped in the person before and hugged it to the sofa. Then he came back to change the sheets. Meng Su continued to lie on the sofa watching Yan Sui's work.

Yan Sui walked back, and Meng Ting consciously stretched out his arm around his neck, "Actually I can walk, but I also want you to hold me."

Meng Ting said and kissed Yan Sui on the cheek again.

Yan Sui put the person down gently, and kissed Meng Ting's eyebrows again, "I will coax you to sleep."

"Okay," Meng Ting lay down, and when Yan Sui lay down, he leaned back.

Yan Sui's hand was patted on Meng Ting's back again and again, and the person who was still ill-spirited, his eyelids sank again, and it didn't take long for Meng Ting to fall asleep again.

Yan Sui dropped a kiss on Meng Ting's eyebrows again, and he closed his eyes to fall asleep.

The next day, Yan Sui and Meng Ting were undoubtedly late again. If Yan Sui's mobile phone hadn't been turned on and shook again and again, they would probably sleep a little longer. After all, yesterday, the two of them were still excited at the end. The body is also tired.

And there is a reason why Yan Sui's cell phone can keep ringing so early.

On the entertainment page of the Haicheng Morning Post today, a piece of news is quite eye-catching, "A Married Patriarch's Secret Meeting of a Lady in White in Haicheng", with a figure from the back and a girl in a white skirt with her face processed.

Yan Sui didn't show his face, but people who knew him couldn't recognize his back. More importantly, he married a male daughter-in-law and embraced a woman, so he wouldn't even think of Meng Ting.

Yan Sui and Meng Ting came downstairs. Yan Manjia looked at the morning paper on the table and smiled completely. Zhen Han, who was eating breakfast, couldn't bear to stand behind Yan Manjia, but he didn't know who was wearing a white dress. Meng Ting.

"Yan Sui hugged you?" Zhen Han thought it would make Yan Manjia laugh so exaggerated, she might have been her, but Yan Manjia was also very strange to hug Yan Manjia. Seeing that his posture was quite intimate, he said that he shook his head again. "It's not you, you are so short."

Yan Manjia is only one meter six, no matter how high he wears it, he doesn't have the height in the photo.

"I'm short, I didn't make you short, hum," Yan Manjia bulged her cheeks unhappily. She wanted to say that it was Meng Ting's, but as soon as she lifted her eyes, she saw Yan Sui and Meng Ting. She closed her mouth again.

Meng Ting didn't know what was going on yet, he just thought that Yan Manjia's eyes looked a little strange, but he couldn't tell why it was so strange.

"Aunty, are your eyes uncomfortable?"

Meng Ting thought for a while and said again, "Don't stay up late, it's not good for your eyes."

Yan Manjia rolled his eyes when he heard the words, it looked more like his eyes were bad.

"Tsk, leave her alone, don't listen to what you say, and don't want to think about how old you are."

Zhen Han walked away from behind Yan Manjia, but her mouth did not stop. Yan Manjia not only bulged her cheeks, her eyes were also rounded, but when Zhen Han looked over, she could only close the staring gaze. came back.

"I know, I know, I will... go to bed early and get up early."

"That's good," Meng Ting nodded, watching Mother Wang come over earlier, and then he continued, "Let Mother Wang supervise you in the future."

Both Meng Ting and Zhen Han looked at her, Yan Manjia couldn't help but nodded, she twisted her body, "I work hard."

"It must be done, I supervise it." Where Wang Ma could control Yan Manjia, Zhen Han said subconsciously. After speaking, he put his head away, and it took him a while to hear Yan Manjia respond "OK".

At this time, Yan Sui and Meng Ting were also reading the newspaper. Meng Ting originally just glanced at random, but then, not only did his cheeks become red, his eyes became round, and he finally let Yan Sui and him skip this. of...


The author has something to say:

Thank you baby for your reward and nutrient solution~~

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