Chapter 64 - "Why don't we...get out."

The sweat on Yan Sui's forehead rolled off, and his eyes fell on Meng Ting. With patience, and with a helpless smile, he reached out and rubbed Meng Ting's sweaty forehead, "Tired?"

Meng Ting nodded honestly, "My legs are soft, and I need to take another break." Before the start, he overestimated himself, but it would not be good for Yan Sui to give up halfway now. Meng Ting still plans to continue after taking a break.

"Goodbye, you can bear it again..." Meng Ting softly said and comforted Yan Sui, but his comfort was basically not very effective. If this is not enough, how can Yan Sui endure it.

Yan Sui tried to sit up. Meng Ting whispered twice again in his arms, and then he pressed Yan Sui back with force, "Isn't it OK? Don't move, I'll continue."

The little strength he had managed to regain, Yan Sui moved around and almost disappeared again.

Moreover, it is said that he should not give up halfway. Meng Ting took a deep breath and snorted, until Yan Sui was done, he didn't feel lazy to rest anymore.

But now he really didn't have any strength left. He leaned back on Yan Sui, his eyes were empty, and he really didn't want to move a finger.

He was kissed and kissed on his cheek and neck without much reaction. Being hugged by Yan Sui, he still looked blurred. Compared with Yan Sui's finally relieved, Meng Ting's reaction seemed even greater.

However, Yan Sui's kiss still hasn't ended, or his patience has not been relieved much. When Meng Ting's mind is shocked back to this world, they enter another ebb and flow of Scarlet World .

Yan Sui is still tireless, but Meng Ting is really tired, but he did not refuse, but his body is too lazy to move, it is all instinctive reaction, when he fell asleep in the end, he does not remember much, just think Very tired, tired, and then he fell asleep.

In the middle of the night, Yan Sui also squeezed his last bit of physical strength on Meng Ting. After a simple cleanup, he hugged people to sleep indiscriminately. Both of them were very tired and both slept deeply.

The sequelae of being too tired last night, until early morning, Meng Ting woke up, but he didn't get much better. The blush on his cheeks did not disappear, the soreness of his feet was hard to disappear, and he was lazy from the inside out.

He was carried to the bathroom by Yan Sui, and then back to the bed. In addition to brushing his teeth, Yan Sui also wears socks for him.

Yan Sui's kiss fell on Meng Ting's forehead, then rubbed Meng Ting's hair again, "Are you hungry?"

He lost control again last night, but Meng Ting was tired and fell asleep, and he couldn't stop. But it was Meng Ting himself who recruited him like this. Yan Sui was satisfied, and now he has to be more dedicated to taking care of people.

Meng Ting nodded, "I'm hungry, but I still don't want to move." He should be a sequelae of being hollowed out.

"I can't try it casually..." This is definitely a scene where Meng Ting needs to remember the history of blood and tears. He overestimated himself and underestimated Yan Sui, and he couldn't take it anymore today.

Yan Sui slowly raised the corners of his mouth when he heard the words, and the smile in his eyes could not be controlled. He lowered his head and held Meng Ting's lips. When he was stunned, he slipped in gently, leading him to exchange a wet and sweet one. Honey kiss.

"It's okay, you're tired, I'll just continue." Meng Ting is more realistic, he thinks cute, and the reaction right now is also cute. Meng Ting has high sugar attributes, and he lives in honey every day. It's like it's in a jar.

Meng Ting looked at Yan Sui and nodded for a while, "Then decide this way, I was really tired yesterday..."

Yan Sui got up and hugged Meng Ting, but the person in his arms hadn't finished speaking.

"And you..."

"What?" Yan Sui glanced down at Meng Ting, as if he had forgotten how much he himself was last night.

"Can't you hurry up?"

Meng Ting said that his cheeks bulged slightly. The harder he worked, the greater Yan Sui's reaction became. It was really frustrating.

Yan Sui kissed Meng Ting's forehead again when he heard the words, "Meng Ting is too sweet, I can't come soon..."

Meng Ting looked at him, the depression in his eyes became puzzled, "Is it because I ate too much sweet?"

Can desserts have an aphrodisiac effect? Meng Ting's mind flashed some foreign research results, but it seems that he has not studied this? Was it just that he couldn't see it?

When Meng Ting thought carefully, he continued to be carried out of the room by Yan Sui, and then hugged down the stairs.

Both Yan Manjia and Zhen Han were a little worried at first, but when they saw Meng Ting's red cheeks, they both silently retracted their worries into their stomachs. They seemed to be over-indulgent.

Yan Sui put Meng Ting on the sofa first, put a cushion on the chair of the dining table, and then came back and hugged Meng Ting.

"I feed you."

Meng Ting looked at Yan Sui and nodded lightly. His gaze swept out again, and Yan Manjia and Zhen Han also started to eat. He explained as if there were no silver three hundred taels, "I was too hungry, so Yan Sui fed me."

Yan Manjia and Zhen Han both wanted to roll their eyes when they heard the action of picking up vegetables, but they both held back because the action of rolling their eyes was too inelegant.

"Eat slowly," Yan Sui hooked his mouth when he heard the words. He delivered a spoonful of porridge to Meng Ting's mouth, and then exhorted again.

Meng Ting nodded, then concentrated on eating. Yan Sui, he eats.

When he was almost able to eat, he ate by himself. After he finished eating, he continued to wait for Yan Sui to finish eating, and then he was hugged back to the sofa.

"Aunty, have you ever had sober tea?" Meng Ting held Mao Qiu in his arms, and then asked Yan Manjia who was also watching TV on the sofa. She didn't look particularly good when she looked up.

Yan Manjia glanced at Zhen Han who was talking with Yan Sui by the window, and nodded pitifully, "Too bad."

"Auntie, don't drink so much in the future to hurt your body," Meng Ting thought and exhorted again.

When Yan Manjia heard that the pitiful face on his face disappeared for a moment, he tilted to Meng Ting's side, "I see, baby."

"I heard what Hanhan said, huh, that Su, or something, really owes you a beating, so don't be merciless when you encounter someone like this in the future!"

Yan Manjia is not surprised by who might be coveted by Meng Ting. Such a beautiful and well-behaved child is sure to be liked. Dare to provoke Meng Ting at their family's banquet, it is really a bear heart and leopard courage.

She had heard that Su Yang had only returned to Su's house for a few days, and he had acted so recklessly and rudely, which was not a big deal.

Meng Ting nodded when he heard the words, "I am not soft."

The fight between him and Yan Sui yesterday was enough for Su Yang to suffer for ten days and a half. He spoke with a sudden look, and found that the diaphragm in his heart last night was completely gone, his eyes swept to Yan Sui by the window, a little smile appeared on his face.

"And Yan Sui, he will also help me fight, he is the best, the best to me."

Yan Manjia turned his head away with toothache. Meng Ting didn't need her comfort at all. Yan Sui had calmed Meng Ting well enough.

But yesterday Su Yang was beaten by Yan Sui and thrown out of Yan's house. By this morning, it was still fermented.

The Su family father didn't show up yesterday, but his old face passed Su Siyu and then Su Yang, which was completely lost. The friendship between the Su family and the Yan family is not left, not even as good as the other families that have the same friendship with the Yan family.

Because of Yan Sui's words, the Su family doesn't know how many social opportunities they will lose. Once or twice is nothing, but over time, the impact on the accumulation of connections is quite terrible. If the Su master cannot deal with it properly, the Su family is in Haicheng. I'm afraid that his status is going to plummet.

But just today, Su Siyu got the news and hurriedly returned to the old house of Su's house. He got out of the car and was taken away by the police who came over. Regarding the case of him and Meng Xiao drugging Meng Ting, the verdict also came down.

Meng Xiao was sentenced to five years. Su Siyu's plot was not as serious, but he was sentenced to one year and seven months.

Su Siyu saw the verdict and was stunned. One year and seven months, just two or three months had a great impact on him. After a year and a half, there is still room for him to stand on Haicheng and Su Family. .

It was obvious that Su Yang had a problem right now, and his opportunity came, but he was taken to prison.

His lawyer even issued a guarantee with him the day before yesterday that he would be exonerated. On this day, he was going to be detained.

Su Siyu sat in the police car for a long time, his whole expression was in a trance, but after only one meal, his mind was awake like never before. His father can no longer help him, he has been abandoned by Old Su. As for Yan who helped him in his previous life Sui, this life is the person who sent him to jail.

Su Yang, that terrible man, he wanted to compete with him for the family property. With Su Yang's disposition, it is possible to find someone to kill him directly in prison. He lives again, how could this end.

Around noon, both Yan Sui and Su's family got news that Su Siyu attacked the police and fled when the police car stopped through a pedestrian street with a lot of people. The police were already under control, but he was still missing before giving them the news.

When Yan Sui was listening to Wang Feng's report, he only raised his eyebrows, and there seemed to be no surprises.

When Wang Feng left the office, Yan Sui made another call, "When he is really desperate, your people will act again, pay attention to Su Yang, and don't let him find you."

The other end of the phone seemed to have some doubts about this, and Yan Sui explained again, "Perhaps he knows that you are my person. Seriously, he is still useful for the time being."

Yan Sui put down the phone, there was nothing unusual between his eyebrows. He swept his eyes to the desk. He was holding the picture of Meng Ting. His expression suddenly slowed down. He continued to stare at the picture for a second time, and then again. Start office.

Su Siyu escaped, Meng Xiao didn't have the guts, and no one was willing to help him run it, or that no one in the second room of the Meng family had the thought and energy anymore, and Li Yifei's two sons, Meng Yigui and Meng Yide, had been in constant condition recently.

Although Meng Yigui is not good at female sex, he is a good gambler. When he ran with people to play in the Australian city, he lost tens of millions, but he told Mr. Meng that he used it to invest. It is said that he made some back. But the fact is that he misappropriated public funds to make up the gambling capital.

As for Li Yifei's youngest son, Meng Yide, the scandal between him and several Xiaoqing|people made headlines in Haicheng again, and then it was revealed that one of the people is actually a married woman, and there are still a son and a daughter in the family. , Her husband and his children directly blocked Meng Yide's office building, and the scene was quite beautiful.

But this is not the end of the play. The sharp-eyed reporters at the scene found that the son was similar to Meng Yide's honey. Not only did he give people a green hat, but he also asked him to raise his son. The man aroused the sympathy of many passersby and even brought Meng's enterprise. The reputation is affected.

Shareholders within the company asked Meng Yigui and Meng Yide to suspend their posts in order to restore some reputation. Father Meng was originally in semi-retirement. After so many things broke out, he could only return to the company to take charge.

So many things were exploded one after another. Li Yifei didn't believe that there was no dominant behind it. The first objects she suspected were Dafang Feng Zejiao and her son Meng Yihang.

Her ability is enough to calm the anger of Old Man Meng, but there is no way to make the things that broke out like never happened. Shareholders and employees are still dissatisfied, and the pressure of public opinion from the outside is intensified. It is inevitable that Meng Yide and Meng Yigui will be removed.

But it is absolutely impossible for Li Yifei to give up like this. She still has three outstanding grandchildren to use it, and it is impossible for those positions to fall into the hands of Dafang.

"Grandma, rest assured, this is not the time to fight these things."

Meng Qi comforted Feng Zejiao, and asked her to comfort Meng Yihang and his mother Gu, Feng Zejiao also felt it, Meng Qi has matured a lot during this period, she and Li Yifei have not disputed him for so many years. On the contrary, I saw a joke.

She couldn't believe in Old Man Meng, but she trusted Meng Qi. The big room was quiet and there was no movement. Old Man Meng was satisfied, but Li Yifei became more and more on pins and needles.

On Monday of the new week, Yan Sui and Meng Ting got in the car, and he sent Meng Ting to his laboratory.

The laboratory is not far from Yan's old house. This was requested by Yan Sui when he chose the site. The test base and the perfume production were separated. Meng Ting was responsible for the fragrance, and occasionally went to the perfume factory to see things over there. , Yan Mingya is mainly responsible.

The perfume was still being built, and the site was chosen near Lijia Village. They hired Grandpa Li Lan as a consultant for flower farmers.

Some time ago, the doctor from the free clinic also came to Lijiacun. Grandpa Li Lan went to see a doctor. He was only a minor illness. Because he was reluctant to see a doctor, he became seriously ill.

He still needs to recuperate, but as a consultant, answering a few questions and helping Mingya make some negotiations with the local villagers is still okay.

Grandpa Li Lan recovered from his illness, and Li Lan's worries disappeared. He continued to attend the local middle school. He looked small, but in fact, he was in the third year of junior high school. Chasing, it's no problem to take an ordinary high school.

Of course, this is the guarantee he gave to Meng Ting. What's more, it also depends on his achievements.

From the outside, the laboratory looks like a villa with a slightly larger specification. The surrounding security guards and the alarms on the walls are sound. People who enter and exit must be fingerprinted every day. The more you get inside, the more tests you need.

The third floor of the villa is actually the living area for eating, entertainment and sports. The real laboratory is built underground. At present, only Meng Ting's laboratory has been built, and only he is regarded as the perfumer. Several assistants invited , Does not have the qualifications of an independent laboratory.

But they are all professionals hired back by Yan Mingya with a high salary. They have a little less seniority, and they are not without training potential.

When they watched Meng Ting and Yan Sui walk in, they subconsciously set their eyes on Yan Sui. They felt that Yan Sui was more like a perfumer than Meng Ting, but they went to the dressing room and changed into white robes. It is Meng Ting.

When he and Yan Sui came out, Yan Mingya also came to the laboratory. Meng Ting and Yan Sui nodded, he went into the perfume room, made two out first, and showed them the recipes he had compiled. Yan Mingya is still working on specific market positioning.

Yan Mingya originally wanted to have a chat with Yan Sui, but Yan Sui's gaze was always focused on Meng Ting in the glass window, so he couldn't speak, his gaze followed Yan Sui, and it was hard to move. opened.

Meng Ting's hair is neither long nor short, but wearing a mask that covers most of his face, he still looks so green that he can pinch water out.

But after he focused on perfumery, the whole person's temperament has undergone tremendous changes, and his movements seem to be quite pleasing to the eye. Those assistants thought he didn't have the fan, now they all have it.

Their eyes are about to look straight. This is the kind of master perfumer that their teacher once told them, but they have never seen it.

What surprised them even more was that a faint fragrance radiated from the glassware in Meng Ting's hand, and the itching feeling was simply unbearable.

Meng Ting was not affected by their mood swings. His movements were still very random. He shook the glass test tube, his eyes swept away, and one of the dumbfounded assistants took a step forward. Meng Ting gave it to her and continued to install it. In the right vessel, he started another prescription fragrance.

Two very complex perfumes, Meng Ting finished it in less than half an hour, and came out of the perfume room. One of the female assistants came out with a plate, and it was the result of Meng Ting's perfume. It is packed in the same transparent crystal bottle, one bottle is light red, the other is light blue, clear and translucent, pleasing to the eye.

"You can all feel it too," Meng Ting sat beside Yan Sui and said to his four assistants.

Obviously, the blue and red colors are specially adjusted for men and women.

"Very comfortable fragrance, I like it very much."

Li Shishi, one of the two female assistants, said immediately, she felt heart-stricken just when she was filling the crystal bottle, and after thinking about it, she added, "It's not like a chemical perfume, it's like I'm really holding it in my hand. It's like a rose."

This kind of natural feeling is like being given life. She doesn't know if what she said is an exaggeration, but that's how she feels, her eyes looking at Meng Ting are very bright, and there is no doubt about half an hour ago. Up.

Yan Mingya and Yan Sui also tried the blue bottle. Compared with the red bottle, it was lighter and more chilly, but they all thought it was good if they didn't use perfume.

"Lan Bing...I improved a bit, and I will write to you in a while." Meng Ting didn't express much excitement to everyone's reaction, as if he was used to this kind of scene, he pointed to Lan. The colored bottle, "It's called Lanbing."

This is the name Meng Ting once gave it. He thought about it and said, "If you think it is inappropriate, you can change it."

"No, it's appropriate." No one can grasp its charm more than the creator Meng Ting.

A smile appeared on Yan Mingya's face. Originally, he was only sure that they could succeed by seven points. Now he is quite sure that the perfume made by Meng Ting has a charm that cannot be described in words. Not only domestic, but also foreign fashion circles. Shocked for their present world.

"What's it called?" Ye Zilan, another female assistant who tried it, also asked, referring to the red crystal bottle perfume that she and Li Shishi both liked.

Meng Ting thought for a while and said, "Call Man Wei." Man is Yan Manjia's man. Meng Ting plans to go home today and give Yan Manjia a bottle back. She will be happier using the words in her name.

Yan Sui knew what the "vine" was when he heard it. He raised his hand and rubbed Meng Ting's hair. Meng Ting turned around and smiled back. The relationship between the two people can be seen at a glance.

As for Yan Mingya and the other four assistants, stimulated by the perfume, they became full of energy. After analyzing the analysis, Yan Mingya also left the experimental base and returned to the perfume company to organize a meeting.

Meng Ting accompany Yan Sui to stroll around. After lunch together, Yan Sui left the experimental base and went to Yan's Building.

After Meng Ting left in Yan Sui, he returned to the laboratory and continued to mix the fragrance and practice the hand feel. At the same time, he was also conducting some experiments. The works he was most satisfied with still lacked a few problems that could not be solved. Yes, it depends on repeated experiments.

Meng Ting was very focused. Yan Sui came to pick him up home. He didn't feel the passage of time, but only sent him away. He saw him again. Of course, he was very happy to see Yan Sui.

He took off the mask on his face, moved forward slightly, kissed Yan Sui's cheek, and then said, "Wait for ten minutes." He wanted to give Yan Manjia the perfume before he had time to get it.

"Okay," Yan Sui responded. Before he could kiss anyone back, Meng Ting retreated.

Yan Sui had no choice but to sit on the sofa outside the perfume room and wait for Meng Ting.

"What is your relationship with our master?"

Although Li Shishi roughly guessed something, she couldn't help but ask Yan Sui, and the four of their assistants, she, Zizilan, Ma Jili and Cheng Guang all recognized Meng Ting's ability, and the master's call was also convincing. .

Dang is just a respect, they are still some distance away from being a disciple of Meng Ting.

"Marital relationship."

Yan Sui responded, but his gaze was still on Meng Ting. Li Shishi nodded slightly and was about to walk away. Yan Sui's gaze swept over, making her scalp and heels numb. She had some thoughts. It should be gone, besides, she is more just worship.

Meng Ting said it was ten minutes, but in fact, he finished it in less than eight minutes. When Zizilan was installed, he came out of the perfume room for ten minutes. He walked to Yan Sui's side and leaned down again, "We You can go home."

Yan Sui turned his face when he heard the words. Meng Ting naturally kissed his side of his side, and then consciously kissed the other side of his cheek. His eyes were bright and he seemed to be asking Yan Sui. Where do you want to kiss him?

Yan Sui's gaze was so good that Meng Ting's lips were printed on his lips, and he whispered, "Did you miss me?" That's why he wanted to kiss him.

Yan Sui was taken aback for a moment, then stretched out his hand to hug the person. He kissed Meng Ting's lips back, "I miss you."

As long as Meng Ting leaves his sight, he can't help but miss him. When he comes to the laboratory and looks at people through the window, he seems to be still thinking about him. At this moment, when he embraces the people, his miss slowly falls. On the ground.

Meng Ting squinted his eyes, but didn't straighten up like that. Instead, he continued to pounce Yan Sui on the back of the sofa, then rubbed his cheeks against him, and he leaned into Yan Sui's ear and asked softly, " Do you still want me to kiss you?"

If Yan Sui wants to, Meng Ting is still willing to continue kissing him.

Yan Sui gently rubbed Meng Ting's hair, "Let's go home and kiss."

"Okay," Meng Ting replied, staring at Yan Sui's profile. He still kissed Yan Sui again before he got up and walked away and let Yan Sui get up. He lifted his lips and smiled, Yan Sui is a happy thing for him.

Yan Sui got up, held Meng Ting's hand, and the two walked out together, but the four assistants who were still busy in the perfume room, only then dared to lift their heads, but each of them blushed a bit, and all of them were onlookers. I'm going to be blinded by the flash.

And it is foreseeable that they will be fed dog food one of their daily routines.

Yan Manjia received the perfume from Meng Ting and was very happy. When she learned that she had given her life by her name, if Meng Ting hadn't been hiding behind Yan Sui, she would want to hug him and kiss him again. A few mouthfuls.

Yan Sui directly took Meng Ting away from Yan Manjia's sight, otherwise she would not be able to stop her enthusiasm, but when he and Meng Ting returned to the room, he was rushed to kiss by Meng Ting.

Meng Ting has not forgotten what they said in the laboratory, and they will continue kissing when they go home.

Meng Ting was very anxious at first, but Yan Sui embraced him and let him do what he did, and he slowed down. He kissed Yan Sui's face carefully before he leaned his head against Yan Sui's shoulder. "I will not kiss my aunt, I will kiss you."

He said that he held Yan Sui's hand on his waist again, and drew the person to the sofa in the room. He sat down and looked serious, "That perfume is very suitable for my aunt, so I use her name. I want to give it to you. It's not done yet."

When it comes to being close and unique, Yan Sui is always in the first column, and he even puts it in front of himself, "If you are jealous, eat it for a while, don't eat it for too long, let alone be cold to me."

Yan Sui heard the words with a helpless smile on his face, he reached out and hugged Meng Ting tightly in his arms, and then said softly "um".

Meng Ting didn't feel wrong. He felt a little bit uncontrollable and wanted to be jealous. It wasn't Yan Manjia's jealousy, but Meng Ting started to have his own business and became more and more fascinated by people and dazzling. How will China's future be focused and sought after.

He felt a little uneasy, but he definitely didn't mean to be indifferent to Meng Ting.

Meng Ting leaned on Yan Sui's shoulders, his hands also clinging to people. He could feel that there was something wrong with Yan Sui's emotions, but for the specific reasons, he could think of what he said before.

He thought for a while and then calmed people up, "I like you, I like you the most, I like you the most... Many, many, many like you the most."

Yan Sui lowered his eyes to look down, and Meng Ting said again, "I love you, only you."

He only likes Yan Manjia a little at most, and his heart is full of Yan Sui, many, many likes, many, many loves, but most of the likes and loves, can't tell Yan Sui in words, about this Meng Ting is also a little troubled.

Yan Sui's hand fell on Meng Ting's lower jaw and lifted it slightly, then he lowered his head and kissed the person. He lingered on Meng Ting's lips for a while before he came in with his teeth and hung the softest| The soft part, dance with it.

Meng Ting should be dazzling and should be sought after, but he just needs to stand by his side more powerfully and take possession of all of him more domineeringly. Only he has the qualification and is allowed and accepted by Meng Ting. He does not Should be disturbed, but should feel honored.

Yan Sui kissed deeper and deeper, and became more emotional. He raised Meng Ting's chin without letting anyone flinch.

Meng Ting suffered from the hot kiss. For a while, he felt breathless, and for a while, the root of his tongue was numb, but he didn't show any resistance. Instead, he felt relieved. That's right. His Yan Sui should be so passionate about him.

Yan Sui let go, and Meng Ting subconsciously chased him, pecked twice before he started to gasp.

Meng Ting's eyes slowly lowered, and he looked at a place where Yan Sui was very strong, "Actually I am not particularly hungry, or we..."

"What?" Yan Sui patted Meng Ting's back lightly, trying to calm down his excessive passion.

"Or let's...get out," Meng Ting said, pointing to the bed, he was very happy to use the new term from school," said Aunt Man Jia, making love is also called rolling the sheets, let's roll out ?"

Yan Sui did not respond, Meng Ting pulled him up, they sat down on the edge of the bed, Meng Ting leaned on Yan Sui and lay down on the bed, and then rolled him with him. It seemed to be very funny, but he rolled a lot in the opposite direction. Twice.

"Go away? I thought about it too."

After the night of Zhen Han's birthday, he and Yan Sui hadn't rolled over for two days. Saturday night was because he had tossed too much the day before, and last night because he was going to the laboratory today, but Yan Sui also went to work every day. Yan Sui is okay, and he is okay.

"Are you going to roll with me once or twice in the next week?" Meng Ting saw that Yan Sui was still hesitating, and his cheeks were bulging depressed, and then he was blocked by the kisses that Yan Sui covered. Sultry lips.

Meng Ting did not conceal his interest in this kind of thing. Yan Sui had no resistance to Meng Ting. In the end, naturally, he rolled and rolled on the bed as Meng Ting thought. Meng Ting had a high degree of cooperation. After that, his physical strength was almost the same, but Yan Sui felt a little bit interesting. Meng Ting always doubted his enthusiasm. Yan Sui felt helpless and felt that it was right to tell Meng Ting personally.

One time was not enough, and then there was another time. He completely drained Meng Ting's physical strength before he let it go.

Meng Ting slept directly for two hours before Yan Sui coaxed him, ate something, and then went to sleep. He woke up the next day, and he was fully resurrected.

Both Yan Manjia and Wang Ma thought that Meng Ting was too tired to go to the laboratory. Only Zhen Han felt that it was because of Yan Sui. It is very different whether there are men who are satisfied.

But until Saturday, Meng Ting was really busy and tired. On the first day, it was because Yan Sui was with him for most of the day, so he kept the physical strength and came back to roll the sheets. At other times, he did not eat at noon. For half an hour, various debugging and tests are being carried out.

He really said that he only gave Yan Sui a chance to roll once or twice a week. When he returned home and had dinner, it was only about eight o'clock. Meng Ting fell asleep in Yan Sui's arms for four or five days. It's all true.

Yan Sui feels distressed for Meng Ting, so it is impossible to wake people up for selfish desire. He is still pleasant to Meng Ting, but not to other people. Although it is not as serious as anger, but looking at his expression, he feels that it is difficult to speak. Even Yan Manjia wanted to avoid Yan Sui.

At 5 o'clock on Saturday afternoon, Yan Sui heard a cheering voice before he saw Meng Ting in the laboratory.

"Finally figured it out, the master is really awesome!"

The difficulties that had plagued Meng Ting for nearly a week were finally resolved. Everyone in the laboratory was very happy, even Meng Ting was the same.

"You guys have worked so hard. You don't have to go to work tomorrow, so you will have a good rest."


"I see, Master!"

In another place, Meng Ting must not be heard, but in the laboratory, what he said is authority.

After this week, his four assistants' enthusiasm for worship has not faded, but has become more intense. That is, Ma Jili and Cheng Guang, who were still a little awkward, convinced them from the heart.

Meng Ting sits in the seat he occasionally sits next to the perfume table, raising his hand to rub his temples, pressing a pair of familiar hands first, and Meng Ting's eyes opened and closed again.

"You're here."

"Yeah," Yan Sui responded and continued to rub Meng Ting.

Make sure that Meng Ting feels better, Yan Sui let go of his hand, then pulled him up, and took him to the locker room to change his clothes. The two people left the laboratory.

When Meng Ting got into the car, he leaned into Yan Sui's arms automatically, but his gaze looked at Yan Sui from time to time, thinking that he was a little strange, but he didn't know why.

In addition, Meng Ting was really tired, so he planned to think about it for a while, but if he couldn't figure it out, he asked Yan Sui directly.

When they got home, Wang's mother prepared a sumptuous dinner. Meng Ting was very full. He and Yan Sui came back from a walk. He felt a little sleepy again, but he still had the problem in his mind, so he didn't go to sleep in accordance with his physical condition. He leaned against Yan Sui's arms and asked softly.

"What's wrong with you? You don't seem to be very happy today."

Yan Manjia and Zhen Han, who are also watching TV on the sofa on the other side, rolled their eyes at the same time. Yan Sui has been in this state roughly since Wednesday, but Meng Ting has only discovered this until now.

He is so dull, thinking about it, I feel sad for Yan Sui.

"Who annoyed you?" Meng Ting asked again very sincerely, and then he rubbed Yan Sui's chest distressedly, "Not angry, not angry."

Yan Sui's expression didn't relax. He lowered his eyes to meet Meng Ting's gaze. Meng Ting suddenly realized, and then muttered suspiciously, "Me? But how could I make you angry? I'm the best."

However, the gaze that Yan Sui looked over didn't mean to move away. Meng Ting sat up slowly, but he still didn't expect what he did to make Yan Sui angry. He was busy mixing perfume in the laboratory these days. At other times, I accompanied Yan Sui, and then went to bed.

He didn't feel the passing of time at all, or rather, he didn't feel the time when he was too focused and tired, Yan Sui's state.

"Yan Sui, you have to tell me before I can change it. Don't say what I can't think of."

Meng Ting's voice was lightened a little, and Yan Sui was angry because of him, which made him feel guilty and confused.

Yan Sui still didn't say anything. He took Meng Ting back into his arms, then hugged him, nodded to Yan Manjia and Zhen Han, and he held the people and continued walking upstairs.

Even Yan Manjia and Zhen Han are considered relatives, but he taught Meng Ting not to be in front of them.

Meng Ting was hugged and walked obediently. He didn't feel any sense of crisis. He knew that Yan Sui was reluctant to bear him. He was mad at him and still reluctant to bear him. This was naturally clear at this moment.

Yan Sui hugged Meng Ting all the way to the bed, Meng Ting sat down, he circled the person in his arms and he spoke.

"You like to perfume, and I have no objection, but the premise is that you can't get tired because of it. Tell me if you are tired out these few days?"

Meng Ting reflected for a moment in Yiyan, then shook his head straightforwardly, "It's not bad."

But the next moment, he locked Yan Sui's neck again, "I know, you love me, but I really am not tired."

He is only in the laboratory during the day, eating well on weekdays, and resting at night, which is completely incomparable to the intensity of his previous work.

Meng Ting probably understood why Yan Sui was upset. His feet broke free from Yan Sui's arms and continued to encircle Yan Sui. He tried to reason with him, "You also work every day, I am just like you, and I am tired. not bad."

"Yan Sui, are you still angry?" Meng Ting raised his eyes and looked at the person pitifully. He seemed to feel that his words were not enough to please others. He kissed and rubbed Yan Sui, making him too sticky. He thought about it and paid Speaking of Yan Sui's bad, trying to offset each other.

"Look... if it wasn't for me to take the initiative that day, we wouldn't get close this week, and say you are not cold to me."

Meng Ting himself left people in the cold for a week and complained that Yan Sui was not taking the initiative, but Meng Ting really didn't think it was his own problem. He fell asleep, and he had nothing to do. It was Yan Sui who didn't wake him up. .

The more Yan Sui listened to Meng Ting's words, the green veins on his forehead became more unbearable and bulged, and he felt sorry for others, and he became active and indifferent to Meng Ting.

"That's not good..." Meng Ting emphasized again, his cheeks bulged slightly, and his temper became more vivid.

Yan Sui really couldn't say much about Meng Ting. He lowered his head and grabbed Meng Ting's earlobe, grinded his teeth lightly, and felt his body tremble. Then he relieved his breath a little, "Don't beg for mercy for a while."

Meng Ting was still hesitating whether to answer Yan Sui's words. Another sensitive point|feeling his Adam's apple was caught by Yan Sui again.

His cheeks and body quickly turned flush, but his feet were still firmly locked to Yan Sui's waist, and his hands also helped Yan Sui take off his clothes, although most of them were still unhelpful.

After one time, Yan Sui did not let anyone go, and then came again. At first, Meng Ting was also willing to cooperate and did not beg for mercy.

But Yan Sui was too familiar with Meng Ting's body, even if he didn't get directly into the subject, he could make Meng Ting crazy. Meng Ting gave up the previous decision before he could bear it, "Yan Sui, Yan Sui... don't Up."

His voice was dumb and crying, and he couldn't control the reaction that his body couldn't. He continued tremblingly begging for mercy, "I was wrong, I was wrong..."

"I shouldn't quibble, shouldn't make sense..."

Yan Sui was angry, so he was right to coax him, and he should never explain the truth. This really annoyed people...

Meng Ting was confused and wanted to go crazy. The instigator, Yan Sui, was actually similar, but he didn't express it in words like Meng Ting, his kisses landed on Meng Ting's forehead and eyes one after another.

"I really want to make a difference..." He waited for Meng Ting to find that he was neglecting people, so it was better for him to find his presence.

He picked up the person and leaned on him, and he was relieved, and the person in his arms was slightly convulsed by the stimulation.

Yan Sui continued to kiss the tears that came from the corner of Meng Ting's eyes, his coldness disappeared, and he followed Meng Ting's back to soothe people.

But Meng Ting was still sensitive at this time|feeling very much, he could continue to cause his body to tremble wherever he touched him. Until these tremors completely disappeared, Yan Sui took Meng Ting to the bathroom to take a bath. Meng Ting slowed down and looked at people cautiously.

He didn't take the initiative to lean into his arms until he was sure that Yan Sui was reluctant to toss him anymore, but he still didn't want to move a finger.


The author has something to say:


Thank you baby for your reward and nutrient solution~~

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