Chapter 66 - "As she wishes, you should know that I am also waiting for this day."

Li Yifei is very panic. She hasn't been so irritable for many years, but the fire in her heart has been getting more and more recent. She can hide one or two in front of others, but returning to her own place, that calm and graceful It's all gone.

But Meng Qin was sent abroad, and Meng Xiao was in prison. She couldn't find anyone who could vent her emotions.

"How could this be?" Li Yifei was very unwilling. She became the second room of the Meng family without hesitation, because she was sure that she could grasp the heart of Old Man Meng, and she was sure that everything in the Meng family would belong to her and her children. .

For this reason, she felt wronged, laid out a lot, and contrived a lot, but recently the second room of the Meng family seemed to have been lowered. There were many disasters, and she was not exhausted enough to describe it.

In the past, her proud children and grandchildren were so useless, and even her son Meng Yide blamed her!

Blame her for being cruel, blame her for seeing the wrong people, and even suspect her and He Wan's joint decision.

Li Yifei was sitting on the bed, her fingernails were broken by herself, she didn't even notice, the expression on her face changed extremely quickly, and the emotion in her eyes was even more cold, but she soon calmed down again. Then he called He Wan.

But the truth is that He Wan's mood is not much better than hers. She was expelled from the He family, and the impact was not particularly big. He Zhen, who was close to her, was still good to her. She was just missing two eccentric elders to take care of her.

And she has always believed that her father no longer likes He Zhen, and in the end he can only pass on the family to him. They don't recognize her. He Zhen recognizes her, and the He family is still her backing. But now He Zhen is locked in prison. It will take ten years to come out.

Judging from her father's actions without asking questions, he really gave up his son, and He Wan panicked.

She even suspected that her father hadn't let her mother know about this at all, but if he waited, it would be really late.

After He Wan answered Li Yifei's call, she made another call, "Brother Xiao, it's me."

It is not surprising that Xiao Zi would receive a call from He Wan. To be precise, when he came out of the police station and returned to Beicheng, he was still concerned about Haicheng's affairs. Originally, only Yan Yu in Haicheng had offended him. Now Yan Yu Yan Sui's son also offends him, and he will not let go of his cousin and wife.

Everyone in this family is so reckless!

After listening to He Wan's anxious explanation, he leaned on the back of the sofa and said casually, "Your second brother was originally a waste. If it is ruined, it will be destroyed." He was also a waste after he got it out. Xiao Zi didn't want to give up that effort for him.

"How is Manman?" Xiao Zi didn't know why he asked such a question, which would obviously cause He Wan to blow up his hair, but after all the words were spoken, he reacted, frowning and raising the phone away. some.

"Well, if you don't know, forget it!" Xiao Zi didn't want to listen to He Wan scolding Yan Manjia, he interrupted suddenly, and then he thought about it, then said, "Haicheng is your son's world. Look for him than for him. I work."

"He doesn't recognize you, and you are still his biological mother. He will never change this."

No matter how great Yan Sui is, he can't change his birth. This is his eternal weakness.

"And his daughter-in-law, the dazzling weakness, you don't know how to use... Wanwan, are you still the one I know?"

After Xiao Zi's words came out, He Wan gradually fell silent. Her hand holding the phone shook slightly, but the whole person was calmed down because of the affirmation, "Of course, I haven't changed. Xiao Zi, you are the most Don't change well!"

Before Xiao Zi asked about Yan Manjia's words, He Wan still cared a little.

When the words were over, she took the phone away from her ear.

She is very grateful for the decision that year, otherwise it would really make Yan Manjia Xiao Zi's wife, how can his heart be? She didn't love Xiao Zi, even if she had been with each other, she was sure she didn't love her. Once she thought she loved Yan Yu, but now she doesn't seem to love it.

But she didn't love any of them, and she didn't allow others to touch her hands, Yan Yu, and Xiao Zi.

October 4th is the day of the National Day of Xia, and it is also the Mid-Autumn Festival. Yan Sui did not go to the company, Meng Ting did not go to the laboratory, and Zhen Han's pet hospital did not open. Everyone slept lazily on this day. Jue, Yan Manjia came downstairs at 8 o'clock, and was told that none of the three men in the family woke up.

Yan Sui and Meng Ting are very easy to guess. Those two relationships are so good that they are like candle nights in the bridal chamber.

Zhen Han didn't have a dazzling object, but he rarely took a small vacation. He also had to spend the night with his friends. He didn't come back until almost four o'clock last night, and he definitely couldn't see others before noon.

After eating breakfast, Yan Manjia was watching TV on the sofa in his arms. It was almost nine o'clock when only Meng Ting came downstairs. His cheeks were reddish, and his footsteps were slightly floating. At first glance, he was over-indulgence.

"Aunt early."

Meng Ting and Yan Manjia asked if they were OK, and he was sitting at the table, and Wang Ma knew how to send him early.

"And Yan Sui's, he will come down soon." Wang Ma brought some, and Meng Ting immediately said to her.

He was too hungry. He ran down first. Yan Sui was still in the bathroom, but after he washed, he would definitely come down to eat together.

Mother Wang nodded and turned back to the kitchen to continue serving. Sure enough, she only entered the living room. Yan Sui walked downstairs, but with a jacket and vest in his hand, he walked over to Meng Ting's side, "Wearing, The weather has been cold these two days."

Meng Ting was still biting the steamed bun in his mouth, unable to answer, but he nodded, and then cooperated with Yan Sui to put on the vest.

After the two of them had finished eating, they took the rhubarb to go outside and then returned to the living room to sit for a while.

The fur ball in Yan Manjia's arms called "meow meow", obviously thinking of Meng Ting's side, Meng Ting also looked eagerly here, Yan Manjia could only let go, she touched fur ball's head, "I have no less You little fish, how come you meet Meng Ting and don't want me?"

Meng Ting stretched out his hand to catch the fur ball, he also rubbed the smoother fur on the fur ball, and then helped the fur ball to answer Yan Manjia, "because the fur ball likes me more."

As he said, he glanced at Yan Sui beside him again, his eyes gleaming a little, "Like Yan Sui, he also likes me more."

Because of his understanding of Yan Manjia, Meng Ting changed "most" to "more".

Yan Manjia had been fed dog food until she had lost her temper. She rolled her eyes gracefully, then turned her head to continue watching TV.

"Huh?" She gave a little doubt, and Meng Ting and Yan Sui followed her to watch TV.

On-demand news is nothing at this time, but the face of the person on TV is too familiar.

Yan Manjia's expression instantly cooled down, as did Yan Sui, only Meng Ting's expression was a little bit puzzled.

It was He Wan's face. Meng Ting would naturally recognize it, but he knew He Wan was not an entertainer. When he suddenly appeared on TV, Meng Ting felt a little strange. Is it possible that she wants to enter the entertainment circle now?

"I'm Yan Sui's biological mother. If there is any disagreement between us, he will not drive me out of Yan's house. It's all Meng Ting! It's all him! It's him who instigated the separation, and it was him who separated the relationship between Yan Sui and me... …"

He Wan still looks elegant and gentle from her deportment, but her makeup is a bit haggard. When she said this, she was completely sincere, and even a reporter was handing her a tissue.

"He's just an illegitimate child. I don't care about the family and allow him to enter the door, but I didn't think about his wolf ambition and avenge him. Yan Sui is my son, my own son..."

He Wan burst into tears and looked very pitiful.

With a "pop", Yan Manjia turned off the TV. She was so angry that she turned blue, "Why is she so sick!"

Yan Manjia was really disgusted, she covered her chest, and she didn't know if it was a stomachache or chest pain.

Yan Sui's face is also very bad, but without the gaffe like Yan Manjia, the most calm one is Meng Ting himself who was condemned by He Wan on TV.

He moved his gaze back from the TV, looked at Yan Manjia, and then at Yan Sui. He let go of the fur ball and gently embraced Yan Sui, rubbing and rubbing his hands on Yan Sui's chest, "She's wrong, you Don't make her angry."

Meng Ting felt that what he said was reasonable, and he rubbed Yan Sui's slightly stiff cheeks with his hands up, "You are so angry, I will feel bad."

He looked at Yan Manjia again, "Don't be angry with Auntie."

"Yeah," Yan Sui replied softly, holding Meng Ting's hand and touching his lips. He stretched out his hand again and hugged Meng Ting in his arms before he picked up the phone again and made a call. "Speed ​​up."

Some people want to destroy themselves, but they really can't stop them.

Yan Manjia was still very angry, but Meng Ting, who should be angry most, was not angry. She gradually suppressed her anger. She looked at Yan Sui and said seriously, "Sui Sui, you can't be softened anymore."

He Wan is not afraid of tearing her face with Yan Sui Yan's face at this point. She feels that Meng Ting is Yan Sui's weakness, but she really needs to say that it is her weakness. A mother with such a bad heart is definitely a hindrance tool. Continuously, you will suffer the chaos.

Yan Sui didn't respond. He didn't say that he was soft-hearted or not soft-hearted about He Wan. There was a clear boundary between him and He Wan. He Wan crossed the boundary, so he wouldn't be merciful anymore.

From Yan's family to Yan Sui Meng Ting, to the sweeping servants were not affected by this news. Originally planned to spend the holidays, what are they planning now? He Wan has been waiting for Yan Sui to call her, but dinner time is fast. When I arrived, there was still no news.

Even Yan's public relations department didn't have any movement, and just let things develop, as if they hadn't noticed the news at all.

Haicheng's large-scale newspaper media knows that Yan is terrible and dare not publish anything positively, but some innuendo articles are indispensable, but some small media, vividly and vividly, are as exciting as serial stories, and they are very profitable. Turn sales.

More than that, He Wan's cries were also intercepted on the Internet, causing a lot of condemnation and discussion. Among them, Meng Ting was the worst hacked. All kinds of abuses fermented so much for a while, and even Yan Sui did not escape. Blamed.

Meng Ting's mobile phone swiped, and he swept away the abuses by himself, not paying attention, but it was the abuses that made him angry. He stumbled and registered his account, and then battled the heroes alone.

"Our Yan Sui is very good!"

"Our Yan Sui is the best!"

"Our Yan Sui is very good!"

Meng Ting didn't know how to scold people at all, but his words were still conspicuous in a pile of scolding. The full-fledged Yan Sui iron fan with brain residue fan, or the kind of particularly poor words, tossed over and over again, "You can say something special!"

Meng Ting raised his head to look at Yan Sui who was typing on the computer. He lowered his head and typed out this line.

"He is good-looking, the best-looking."

After Meng Ting sent it out, it seemed that he didn't think it was special enough, so he continued to tap again, "The hair looks good, the eyes look good, the nose looks good, the mouth|mouth looks good...the whole body looks good."

Meng Ting's comment is so weird. Many people almost forget what they are here for, and subconsciously want to lick the screen.

After reacting, some people had taken photos on the upper floors. It was a slightly vague profile face, but he could still feel that he was a very high-value, realistic and domineering president.

"Aren't you the illegitimate son Meng Ting?"

Meng Ting's comment was already very high, and he recognized it almost without hesitation, "I am Meng Ting." As for whether or not Meng Ting was an illegitimate son, he didn't even know.

The ID registered by Meng Ting is called "I am Meng Ting1111". It looks like a small number, but there is no way. "Meng Ting" has been registered, and "I am Meng Ting" has also been registered. The number was also called, and it was his turn to have only four ones left.

"Mother He did something wrong that shouldn't be forgiven, and she was driven away. Yan Sui was right, and I was right."

This is the last comment left by Meng Ting. Yan Sui raised his hand, and Meng Ting let go of the phone and passed.

But I don't want his comment to be directly topped and turned into a hot topic. Some people have doubts because of this. After all, there are too many things to reverse and slap, but most of them still believe in He Wan's cry. Some people suspect that this account is not Meng Ting himself, but just want to take the opportunity to hype it.

"What are you up to?" Yan Sui knew what the noise would look like without going online, but watching Meng Ting keep looking at his mobile phone, he was still worried that his mood would be affected.

Meng Ting thought for a while, and shook his head lightly, "Nothing, I quarreled with someone."

He talked and smiled. He was a little angry at first, but when he saw Yan Sui, he couldn't get angry. He squeezed Yan Sui and sat down and put his head on his shoulders, "Fight well. Tired, my fingers are sore."

Yan Sui held Meng Ting and gently rubbed him, "Don't look, don't be angry."

"Okay," Meng Ting nodded without hesitation. He raised his chin and kissed Yan Sui's ear, "I listen to you."

Yan Sui also turned his head back to kiss Meng Ting, and then went back to look at the files on the computer.

After a while, Meng Ting poked the soft flesh on his waist, "You didn't even say I'm good."

Yan Sui turned his head helplessly, raised Meng Ting's chin, bit his lip, and when Meng Ting continued to open his eyes in a daze, he leaped in gently, and his other hand also left the table and encircled Meng. Ting's waist prevents him from tilting under the chair.

Meng Ting's eyes slowly narrowed, and he continued to grab the clothes on Yan Sui's waist and responded to the kiss.

Three to five minutes later, Yan Sui let go of Meng Ting, and then touched his slightly aqua-colored lips before whispering, "Goodbye."

Meng Ting pursed his lips and nodded lightly. There was a little water in his eyes, and the whole person unconsciously exuded that kind of seductive breath, but his words were soft and clean. .

"I'm good."

After he finished speaking, he continued to lean on Yan Sui's shoulder. Actually, the whole person hadn't been relieved from the kiss. Yan Sui turned his head, continued to read the files, and knocked on the computer.

After the person beside him slowed down, his cheeks and ear roots were gradually red, although Meng Ting himself didn't know why he was red.

Yan Sui looked at the computer for a while, then looked back at Meng Ting. About half an hour later, Meng Ting's eyelids gradually became heavier.

Yan Sui pushed the computer aside, directly let Meng Ting lie down in his arms, and continued to take pictures of him. After confirming that Meng Ting was asleep, he picked up the person. In fact, today he can come all the time. Accompanied by Meng Ting, but He Wan is a demon, he has things to be busy again.

He carried the person out of the living room, and Zhen Han came up from downstairs. He nodded to Yan Sui, and then went to the study to wait for Yan Sui.

Meng Ting now sleeps more comfortably in their own bed than in other places. There is no need for Yan Sui to guard him all the time. After he patted people to sleep, he returned to the study.

"What are you going to do?" Zhen Han asked directly, not to mention Yan Sui. He received a lot of calls here. Of course, most of them said they needed help, but some of them came to find out.

But undoubtedly everyone is waiting for Yan Sui's stance, whether to compromise with He Wan, to give up Meng Ting directly, or to break completely.

"As she wishes, you should know that I am also waiting for this day." Yan Sui's expression was as usual, but there was an indescribable coldness and fierceness in his phoenix eyes, since he indulged He Wan to intervene in him. He was waiting for this day when his marriage began.

He is not a person who wants to be controlled by others, even if that person is his biological mother.

Zhen Han looked at Yan Sui for a long time before he nodded. In fact, he only had to make sure that Yan Sui was successful.

"Don't be too tired," Zhen Han stood up after saying this, he nodded to Yan Sui, and then left the study.

He knew that Yan Sui grew up so fast because he had to bear more than others, from childhood to large, and Yan Sui was still the kind of person who knocked out his teeth and swallowed by blood. He always showed his strength. The tireless side.

But he is also human, and he will be tired.

Zhen Han suddenly felt it at this moment, but the person earlier than him was Meng Ting. Since he met Yan Sui, he has been distressed for Yan Sui. Yan Sui opened Meng Ting's world, and Meng Ting entered Yan Sui's world likewise.

The public opinion of the outside world is still fermenting, but Yan Sui still has no movement. He is waiting, waiting for the right time he thinks.

He Wan has always been unable to guess Yan Sui. This is especially true. Why didn't he come to her? She really couldn't understand. The next day she accepted another interview. The complaint was roughly the same as that of her yesterday. There is no difference on TV, it's just more detailed.

For example, how she raised Yan Sui with hard work, how good their relationship was, how rude Meng Ting was to her, how to instigate separation between their mother and child... Everyone wants to sigh that life is more bloody than a story.

He Wan didn't cry, but her haggard appearance, emotionally speaking, poured a bucket of oil on the hot public opinion.

Soon afterwards, some people broke out of Meng Ting's life experience. In addition to being an illegitimate child, there was also the terrible living environment before he returned to the Meng family. His college entrance examination scores were all taken out and laughed at by the group.

In short, he is a person who is ignorant and has a vicious heart that exceeds everyone's imagination.

Although Li Yifei didn't show her face, she talked to He Wan in her identity, "It's my Meng family who taught me no way. I am ashamed of you."

Her remarks almost confirmed He Wan's accusations. With the addition of Li Yifei's identity as Meng Ting's grandmother, the reality and Internet public opinion have completely fallen apart.

Yan Manjia's heart and lungs were about to explode, but the three men at the family table still ate calmly.

Especially Meng Ting, his appetite was not affected at all. He went to the laboratory again today. The consumption in the afternoon was very heavy. It was just when he was hungry. He ate three bowls of rice and ate half a bowl of chicken wings with Zhen Han. stop.

After he finished eating, Yan Sui took him to wash his hands and face, and then took him out for a walk, but Zhen Han sat on the sofa to relax Yan Manjia.

"What's so angry, the harder she jumps now, the harder she will fall afterwards."

Yan Manjia nodded, she naturally knew the truth, but she was still angry.

Yan Sui took Meng Ting back from a walk and sat down on the sofa. He took the remote control and changed the station.

Yan Manjia glanced at it and felt that this person was a bit familiar, but when she slapped her legs, her eyes widened, "Uncle He..."

He hasn't faced the media for a few years, his expression is a little gloomy, but he looks pretty energetic.

"He Wan was expelled from the He family by me back then. She killed Yan Sui's father and her elder brother. She married to Yan's family to atone for her sins. If she didn't target Yan Sui or against Yan family, neither would I Will come out, but I am ashamed of my old friend once and can't be sorry for him anymore."

He hasn't contacted Yan Sui in recent years, but he is paying attention to Yan Sui's growth. He thought about it, and then continued.

"Yan Sui was raised by his grandfather and grandmother. He has always lived in the old house. He Wan has her own residence. She goes back to the old house ten times a year, and once or twice a year, she depends on her to support her. , Yan Sui is afraid that he will not grow up."

Among the reporters behind a bunch of microphones, someone asked something, and Mr. He answered again.

"Meng Ting, Yan Sui has brought him here. He is a good boy."

Through the screen, he only heard Meng Ting's voice, but he could feel his affection for defending Meng Ting extremely.

"It's fate that the two children can be together. As for He Wan, she did it by herself," Mr. He paused again. He seemed to see the frightened He Wan through the lens.

"I declare again, He Wan is no longer from the He family, and her surname is He, but not from the He family in Haicheng."

Old man He's words are not cruel, but if he doesn't stand up and say something at this time, he really will go to the coffin with those guilt.

And these words are really only Elder He can say, he has always been He Wan's biological father, and the person most qualified to say this in the older generation.


The author has something to say: Thank you baby for your reward and nutrient solution~~

Zhou Xiaoduo threw a landmine, Missy threw a landmine, Missy threw a landmine

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