Chapter 69 - Why did she suddenly see an uncle's version of Zhen Han?

Meng Ting and Yan Sui would not go to bed so early, but it is necessary for them to go back to the room early.

Meng Ting's sleepy time was too regular, and the time made it a little late to return to the room. He came out of the bath, touched the bed and touched Yan Sui, and he fell asleep, so Yan Sui couldn't bear to do anything anymore.

"I'm good-looking?" Yan Sui popped out of his mind inadvertently. He lowered his head and kissed Meng Ting's lips, then asked in a low voice.

Meng Ting's whole person is still sane, but he can answer this kind of answer that he is familiar with for a long time without thinking.

"You look best, I like you the most."

Meng Ting didn't seem to know what he said, his confused expression came back a little bit, and he was kissed by Yan Sui again.

Yan Sui coaxed Meng Ting to say something he likes, and then coaxed the very tired person to sleep. Yan Sui felt a little tired, but his sleepiness was still not so obvious, but the troubles were in Meng. Ting couldn't be bothered by his side either.

When Yan Sui fell asleep, Meng Ting certainly didn't know, but when he woke up, Yan Sui was still sleeping with his arms around him. After going through the events of last night in his head, Meng Ting's cheeks turned red.

In fact, they should be so shy about each other. But Meng Ting still blushed. He blushed and he said so much without shame or irritation. He was obviously not such a person.

Meng Ting didn't think about Yan Sui's coaxing at all. He just felt that he had too little limit to speak.

But he looked at Yan Sui, and he didn't think he was wrong. His family Yan Sui was already very good, including that aspect. He leaned forward and kissed Yan Sui on the cheek without disturbing Yan Sui's sleep. Dear, then continue to lean on his neck and wait for the shy emotions to dissipate.

Yan Sui almost woke up when Meng Ting secretly kissed him. It's not too early now. The two woke up late, even if he had enough sleep.

He opened his eyes and saw Meng Ting blushing, he couldn't help but smiled. Maybe Meng Ting was there. He wouldn't be upset by trivial matters to a bad mood. Meng Ting every day Will let him automatically filter out those bad emotions.

He picked up the person, did not hold back and kissed Meng Ting's flushed cheek again before he whispered, "Shall we get up and have breakfast?"

"Okay," Meng Ting nodded, and put his hands around Yan Sui's neck automatically, letting him take him to the bathroom.

"Will one day you can't hold me?" Meng Ting leaned against Yan Sui's shoulder, and suddenly asked like this, but there was no worries in his words. Two old men appeared in his mind. The scene of living together is inexplicably funny and warm.

"No..." Yan Sui's cheek muscles tightened, and he thought Meng Ting disliked him for being old.

But Meng Ting's kiss was immediately imprinted on Yan Sui's cheek, "It doesn't matter if I can't hold it, then I can hold you instead. When I can't hold you anymore, we will walk with each other."

When Meng Ting came back from rebirth, he always felt that he had made a profit if he lived to be 28 years old. He seldom thinks about the future, but with Yan Sui, he naturally thinks about it.

They shouldn't look good at that time, but they are still together, thinking about this, Meng Ting still feels happy.

"Well," Yan Sui replied, but the sense of crisis in his heart has not been removed much. I don't know if it's too late to start maintenance and health...

They came downstairs, Yan Yu, He Yue and Yan Manjia had eaten them, and Zhen Han was earlier, and he returned soon after taking things.

He knew that Guli was coming today, and he deliberately pushed all the things in the pet hospital. Guli's position in the medical world is quite special, and even Zhen Han knows him.

Yan Sui and Meng Ting were seated, and Wang Ma brought breakfast in person.

"Madam eat more, she looks thin recently." Mother Wang looked at Meng Ting distressedly, and moved his favorite food.

Meng Ting touched his cheek very suspiciously when he heard the words. He didn't know where Wang Ma could see that he was thinner. His suspicious gaze turned to Yan Sui. Yan Sui raised his eyebrows slightly and looked a little worried. Eat some."

"Yeah," Meng Ting nodded, then lowered his head to drink porridge and eat buns. Yan Sui fed him some egg whites from time to time. They took half an hour to eat. They continued to go outside and take a walk. Yan Yu and He Yue came in with the people who had been waiting early in the morning.

The international information of the surgical master Guli is very vague, even including his age. Some people think he is in his 20s or 30s, and some think he is in his 50s or 60s. His appearance is even more vague, but it is precisely because In this way, he escaped the hunt again and again.

But before he was found by Yan Sui's people this time, he almost died.

"From now on, there is no such person as Gu Li, the surgical god hand. Only Xu Li, who comes from Licheng, is temporarily my cousin. After he is cured, I will arrange your place again."

Yan Sui led Meng Ting, and then talked to the extraordinarily strict Gu Li.

That Gu Li glanced at Yan Sui inexplicably, "I haven't seen the patient, I can't guarantee that it will be cured."

He thought about it and said again, "You saved my life, and I will try my best."

This Gu Li is a foreigner, but Xia Guohua speaks very standard. To be more precise, he is proficient in eight languages, not including some niche languages ​​that he can listen, speak, and cannot write. He does not speak medical skills, but language. On, he is a wizard.

So he had no problem communicating with Yan Sui in Xia Guohua.

Yan Sui nodded and said nothing else, and Yan Yu and He Yue finally saw Guli they hadn't found for so many years.

Yan Yu was looking at Gu Li, and that Gu Li was also looking at Yan Yu. He only thought he was familiar, but Yan Yu was quite complicated. He didn't have much effort to find Guli, but he didn't want to be found by Yan Sui in the end.

But finally found him, he may be the last hope of He Yue's legs.

Gu Li couldn't remember Yan Yu. He removed his hat and white scarf covering his mouth and nose, and said, "I lost all my tools." This is quite serious for a surgeon who frequently haunts the battlefield. , We can see how dangerous the situation he encountered before.

Yan Sui nodded, "Wait a minute, I have already taken it."

Probably after Yan Sui's words were over, Zhen Han walked in from the outside with a box in his hand, "I just arrived, all made to the highest specifications. Tell me if it doesn't fit."

Originally, it would be okay to send one to pick it up, but Zhen Han still went personally, checked it again and brought it back.

Guli put his hat and white towel aside, and then turned around. The living room, which had suddenly quieted down, was completely quiet now.

One of the most surprised was Yan Manjia. Why did she suddenly see an uncle's version of Zhen Han?

If Yan Sui and Yan Yu are similar in five or six points, then Zhen Han and Gu Li are similar in eight or nine points. In popular words, they are almost carved out of the same mold, and they are so similar. Surprised.

The difference between them is that the colors of their two pupils are not quite the same. Zhen Han is pure black, while Guli has brown eyes. Of course, in terms of feeling, the vicissitudes of Gu Li's years are not old, but he will not be as tender as Zhen Han.

"You, you, you... why are you so similar to my baby Hanhan?" Yan Manjia walked over and asked very puzzled.

Guli couldn't help but rubbed his face, his gaze retracted from Zhen Han's face and fell on Yan Manjia, "Are you his mother?"

It's not hard to guess. It can be inferred from Yan Manjia's age and the tone of voice she calls Zhen Han.

Yan Manjia panicked, then subconsciously nodded, and finally asked irritably, "Who are you!"

If Guli's face was not deliberately plastic surgery, then it is likely that the person in front of her was the one who had sex with her | the night, but she really didn't have any impression of him.

"My name is Guli."

Before Gu Li could say anything, he was picked up by the collar by the coming Zhen Han, "So it's you..."

Zhen Han hit Gu Li's face with a fist. Suddenly a person looks so much like him. Zhen Han felt very responsive. He had to keep his hand for He Yue to see a doctor. The face is nothing.

After beating the person, he put down the surgical box, grabbed Yan Manjia's hand, and pulled the person back upstairs.

"This..." Gu Li rubbed the place where Zhen Han was beaten, the expression on his face was quite complicated. He remembered who Yan Manjia was, but he would not have expected that Yan Manjia would give him such a big one. My son.

"See a doctor first," Yan Sui said, and then glanced at Yan Yu who was a little bit angry.

Meng Ting walked over and pushed He Yue away from Yan Yu. Yan Sui separated Gu Li and Yan Yu and let them enter the room of He Yue and Yan Yu.

Gu Li washed his hands first, and then came over to show He Yue's legs. He watched back and forth for nearly half an hour before speaking, "I only have 30% confidence."

But as soon as he came out, Yan Yu and He Yue's eyes brightened. They had met too many doctors, but most doctors were afraid to tell them even if they were 10% sure, but Guli told them they were 30% sure. .

"It's too low, is there any way to improve it."

Yan Sui looked at Guli with a frown. He was not satisfied with Guli's statement.

"Say it," Yan Sui emphasized again.

Originally, he might not be able to mention it, but now Guli is obviously at a loss for them, he wants to make it more difficult.

"If you can find Dr. Bart, I can join hands with him and we can improve by another 20%."

Bart Brooke was a Doctor Without Borders who was as famous as Gu Li in his early years, but it is estimated that it is more difficult to find him than Gu Li. He is now working in a research institute of the government of A country, and it is difficult for ordinary people to reach, let alone bring people. Get Xia Guo here.

"It's best if he can come. If he can't come, I want a medicine in his hand that can improve by 10%."

Yan Sui nodded lightly, "I will find a way."

"Come on, I am more familiar with things in country A." Yan Yu's gaze left from He Yue's lap and looked at Yan Sui. His character has never been suitable for being a regular family heir. These years he With He Yue running around, how could it be possible without any protection.

It is not accidental that he can enter and leave countries at will. He also has a group of people.

Yan Sui hesitated for a while before he nodded, "I will let my people cooperate with you and try to be faster."

Yan Yu nodded, "Good too."

But when he responded so much, he still felt helpless, Yan Sui really didn't underestimate him a little bit.

"Before they find people and medicine, I will do daily care for you." After Gu Li saw Yan Yu and He Yue shaking hands, he immediately changed his words, "I will teach you, you will do it for him. "

Yan Yu nodded, his gaze on Gu Li was still a little inexplicable, the person in front of him was actually the bastard who made Yan Manjia pregnant.

Guli preached and taught, and immediately taught Yan Yu. Yan Sui and Meng Ting watched for a while before they came out of the room.

The two looked at each other and walked upstairs together.

The doctor found Zhen Han's father, even Yan Sui did not expect it.

The door of Yan Manjia's room opened, and she and Zhen Han didn't say a few words when they came back upstairs. The two stared at each other, one aggrieved and the other blown up.

Yan Sui and Meng Ting are also a little speechless, but it is not the case for them to stare so dryly.

"Aunt, do you really remember nothing?"

Yan Manjia shook her head with certainty when she heard this. She was anxious and aggrieved, "I really don't know who he is."

She glanced at Zhen Han and became even more aggrieved, "He won't want to fight against Han Han, I won't give it, Han Han is my son."

"What to grab, am I a three-year-old child?" Sometimes he didn't even want to recognize Yan Manjia, let alone this biological father who didn't know which corner of Laga came from.

"If he forced you, I won't let him go."

Zhen Han's tone was rather gloomy. He swept towards Yan Sui and snorted again, "I know how to measure. I won't do it when he is still useful." Otherwise, it is not him who is pulling Yan Manjia back upstairs.

Yan Manjia now feels more surprised than she suddenly learned that she had a baby in her belly. She has always regarded Zhen Han as the child given to her by God. It turned out to be really not. She was crying and she didn't know where she was flying.

"Don't be impulsive, if the facts are as you said, I won't let him go."

Yan Sui said that, Yan Manjia was his aunt, and he wouldn't let her be the master.

After comforting Zhen Han and Yan Manjia, Yan Sui and Meng Ting returned to the downstairs. Gu Li had come out of the room. Thinking of something, his expression was a bit at a loss, and he was quite shocked.

"Come and sit down, just say here."

Yan Sui led Meng Ting to the sofa and said to Guli.

Although they didn't look up, Yan Manjia's room was open, and they should be able to hear what he said, and then they walked out and listened to what Gu Li said.

Guli sat down in silence for a while before speaking.

"Twenty-five years ago, I was 20 years old, and I just became famous soon, but I also caused a little trouble. I hid in a bar to drink..."

Guli found that his impression of that night was so vivid, he paused before continuing, "She drank, staggered over, and pulled me for a strong kiss...."

That was Guli's first kiss. He didn't know that Yan Manjia was also not, but her kiss was as raw as her kiss. With the impact of alcohol, they kissed very hot|hot. He was probably a little emotional at the time, but soon he It was found that the people chasing him had also entered the bar.

But at this time, the obviously unkind man was in Layan Manjia. Yan Manjia was struggling to beat others, but she was indeed drunk. The crowd around who was watching the excitement might be succeeded. He pulled Yan Manjia and ran away.

Behind him, not only the man was chasing, but the people who originally chased him were also chasing.

They traveled to most of the foreign cities, hiding in the trash can, hiding from others in the backyard and being chased by dogs. In short, that night was quite embarrassing.

He was injured a bit to protect Yan Manjia. They hid in a bush in a park, lying in a haystack.

Yan Manjia, who was all well, suddenly had a medicinal attack, but the people who were chasing them were not far away. Gu Li didn't dare to make them make too much movement. He covered Yan Manjia's mouth and couldn't stop the others.

To be precise, Yan Manjia forced him that night, saying that Guli's old face was also a little red.

"I sent her to a small hotel. My injury needed to be dealt with. She was gone when I came back."

Guli's first kiss and the first time were given to Yan Manjia. She was absolutely special to him, "I also looked for her later, but she already has someone she loves, so I won't bother anymore."

He has been thinking about Yan Manjia for a while, but his life always goes in and out of the most dangerous places, and this concern has gradually disappeared with time. But he never expected that Yan Manjia would give him a child after that night, and he was so old now.

Guli looked at Yan Sui with a complicated expression, "What is his name?" He asked Zhen Han.

"My name is Zhen Han," Zhen Han appeared at the top of the stairs. He looked at Guli with a clear look but with great momentum, but if what Guli said was true, he really had nothing to blame.

Yan Manjia hesitated a bit but followed her. She looked at Zhen Han and Gu Li again, wanting to help her forehead, "I made you stronger?"

Her tone was quite violent, but she was tired of all her impressions of that night, and she had no impression of Guli herself. Even if she remembered that she had kissed someone forcibly, her face was always blurred.

"The wine you drank should have been drugged and had hallucinogenic effects. No matter what happened that night, you won't remember."

He was thinking about the night of many years, and Yan Manjia woke up the next day and completely forgot.

"As shouldn't be counted, the situation was complicated at the time, and I was also considered willing." He was probably half pushing.

After Zhen Han pulled Yan Manjia back, this Guli was not as pedantic as he looked at him, and in front of so many people, this lifted Yan Manjia.

Zhen Han glanced over Gu Li and looked at Yan Sui. He didn't believe Gu Li, but was willing to believe Yan Sui's judgment.

Yan Sui nodded slightly to him, Zhen Han retracted his gaze, and pulled Yan Manjia onto the sofa to sit down, but he still blocked Gu Li's view of Yan Manjia.

He didn't speak, and Gu Li didn't know what to say, Yan Manjia fell into the shock of his forcing people, and did not speak, the scene was embarrassed for a while.

Meng Ting tilted his head to look at Yan Sui, even though he didn't know what to persuade, he leaned to Yan Sui and whispered.

"What's wrong? I don't understand..." Gu Li is Zhen Han's father. Besides, what else are they entangled with?

Yan Sui rubbed Meng Ting's hair when he heard the words, and then looked back at Guli.

"I will improve your identity, and I will give you the information in two days."

Gu Li's identity is quite mysterious, and his position in the world is extremely sensitive. He can't let him be implicated in Yan Manjia or Zhen Han, so he must take precautions in advance.

"I'll let Bo Xiao arrange your residence." Originally, he planned to let Gu Li live directly at home and observe and take care of He Yue, but now the atmosphere is so embarrassing that he lives here. Zhen Han and Yan Manjia can't stand it first. Up.

"No, let him live, and I will go back to the beach house with her to live." Zhen Han glanced at Gu Li and said lightly.

"Then how inconvenient for you," Yan Manjia was unwilling to hear it. Zhen Hanguang had to spend three or four hours on the way to and from get off work, which was quite inconvenient, but he didn't worry about living on her own.

"Also, this is our house, why did we let him." Yan Manjia's tone was still irritable, and she stamped her foot on the ground.

"live together!"

When Yan Manjia finished speaking, she stood up and looked at Guli, "You come out for me."

She looked like she was going to challenge Guli, but she did have something to confirm with him.

Zhen Han looked at Yan Manjia as if she saw a stupid fool at home, but that's not it. He protected her, and she took her to the door by herself. Zhen Han turned her head away, and she was really angry with Yan Manjia.

She and Guli walked to the open space of the lawn to talk, and Zhen Han stood by the window with her arms in her arms and looked at her. Her face was dark and terrifying.

"What's wrong with cousin?"

Meng Ting couldn't help asking Yan Sui again, but he still didn't understand why Zhen Han was angry.

"Don't worry about them, what do you want to do this afternoon, I will be with you."

Yan Sui gently wrapped Meng Ting's waist as he said, pulling his attention back to him.

Meng Ting leaned on Yan Sui again after hearing this, "Just stay with me, I don't seem to want to do anything."

He actually wants to be with Yan Sui like this, you hug me, I hug you, you don't have to do anything.

"What about you, do you have anything you want to do?" Meng Ting asked Xiang Yan Sui, glanced at the window, and then kissed Yan Sui's cheek, "I can also accompany you."

Yan Sui rubbed Meng Ting's cheek, "Then you can take a nap with me."

There are too many things these days. I really went out to play. Meng Ting probably didn't have much interest. Taking a nap together was a bit monotonous, but it was good for the body. Yan Sui very much agreed with the words Meng Ting said in the morning that Meng Ting lost weight.

"Okay." Meng Ting did not hesitate to answer, his eyebrows curled, he pulled Yan Sui's neck down, pecked on his lips, and then moved carefully to let go.

But Zhen Han really didn't have any thoughts to pay attention to this side. He looked at Yan Manjia and Guli with a strange expression. Seeing the two people turned back to the living room, he snorted and walked directly upstairs.

The arrival of Gu Li will not have much influence on Zhen Han's mood, but it will not be completely unaffected. A face that looks like this makes me feel heartbroken.

Yan Manjia asked Gu Li to speak, but it was actually for Zhen Han. She was already an unqualified mother. She didn't want Gu Li's arrival to disturb Zhen Han's life plan. Her family's Zhen Han was very good, except for her awkward personality. it is good.

"Don't worry, I won't do unnecessary things that are disgusting."

Gu Li also felt at a loss for his son who suddenly appeared. He also needed a little time to sort out his thoughts, but he was sure that he would not force Zhen Han and Yan Manjia. The reason was simple, he was not qualified.

Even if Zhen Han is his son, he is not qualified. He doesn't know his existence and has never shut down his growth. Before that, he hasn't made a single bit of effort. How could he have such a face.

"Zhen Han is your son, this will never change."

Yan Manjia finally felt relieved after hearing the words, "It's fine if you know..."

She thought for a while and said, "My family Hanhan has a bad temper. Don't make him angry, or I will teach you too."

"Okay," Gu Li replied, a slight smile slid across his eyes.

When they came back to the living room, they had disappeared from Zhen Han. Yan Manjia asked Yan Sui and said nothing else. Her shoulders slowly collapsed. Then she looked at Meng Ting, "TingTing baby, you must give more to Han Han. Say good things about me."

The relationship between them has finally improved during this period, and she really doesn't want to be beaten back to her original form because of Guli's arrival.

Yan Manjia was inexplicably wronged, but Gu Li couldn't be blamed. He was found by Yan Sui, and he came to Yan's house to treat He Yue.

Meng Ting blinked his eyes but was quite puzzled by this, "Good things? I can't say good things..."

He saw Yan Manjia's appearance very pitiful. He thought about it and said, "Cousin is very sensible. Give him some time and he will figure it out."

In Meng Ting's opinion, Zhen Han is definitely more sensible than Yan Manjia. He couldn't help but exhorted, "Auntie, you have to be good."

"Okay," Yan Manjia replied with tears and laughter, her old face blushing, and now even Meng Ting at home can say such things to her, she is really that bad!

For lunch, the Yan's long table finally came in handy. A total of seven people, including Guli, filled the table. The atmosphere of the meal was somewhat awkward, but everyone was trying hard to adapt. They didn't say anything and ate their heads. .

Meng Ting was unaffected, and he was reluctant to be affected by Yan Sui. While eating by himself, he kept picking vegetables for Yan Sui, and then told him to eat full.

After seeing many eyes, Meng Ting finally noticed it once. He swallowed the food in his mouth before speaking.

"Yan Sui is very hard, so he must be full..." Otherwise, he will feel distressed.

The remaining sentence was not said, but it was no different from what he said. Meng Ting never knew to conceal his affection for Yan Sui.

As for the others, Meng Ting can't control it consciously, and doesn't plan to care, as long as his Yan Sui is not hungry.

Yan Sui picked up Meng Ting's favorite dishes and put them in his bowl after hearing the words, "You eat too, I will be full."

"Okay," Meng Ting gave Yan Sui a complimentary look, and then continued to eat happily. Yan Sui is a good guy, just worry-free.

After eating lunch, Meng Ting and Yan Sui walked for a while, then went back upstairs to take a nap, and two people got off until almost three.

Meng Ting slept a little confusedly, and he played with the big yellow hair ball on the grass for a while, and he was completely energetic.

Yan Sui greeted Meng Ting to come back for dessert. He came back with two equally lively pets, was led by Yan Sui to wash his hands, then sat on the side of the sofa and was fed by Yan Sui.

"Yan Sui was afraid that I would get it, so he fed me."

It's okay for Meng Ting not to explain. As soon as he explained, the innocent ceiling got a lot of glare.

But only Yan Yu, He Yue, Yan Manjia sitting on the sofa, Zhen Han, Guli, and Yan's private doctor Li Yi. They are tidying up the operating room in the basement. Various equipment needs to be checked and adjusted. He Yue's feet can't be operated in a single operation. Completely good.

His treatment period will take nearly a year, and the rehabilitation period will take one or two years even if it is ideal.

The operating room will be ready soon, but the treatment plan needs to be studied more. Zhen Han and Li Yi are not ignorant people. Even if they didn't know it, these few hours can be seen.

Li Yi went back to prepare medicines and equipment according to Guli's request. Guli and Zhen Han were in the operating room, and Guli spoke up.

"Why be a vet?"

He could feel that Zhen Han's medical knowledge is quite solid. With his eyesight, by looking at Zhen Han's hands, he can be sure that his hands are not bad, but he knows from Yan Manjia that Zhen Han has opened a pet. hospital.

"Do you discriminate against veterinarians?"

Zhen Han was willing to come and lay hands on Gu Li, but Yan Manjia was taken aback again. She looked at Gu Li warningly, but only got a few unexplained smiles.

"Of course not, but your hands are very suitable for surgery." Gu Li, as a doctor, naturally has any discrimination that is not discrimination, but he can see the real use of Zhen Han's talent and does not want his talent to be buried.

However, Zhen Han shook his head, "I think I am suitable to be a veterinarian. Of course, it is interesting to treat all of them together."

The reason why Zhen Han wants to be a veterinarian is so simple. He is very interested in medicine. He is not only interested in one aspect. However, there are too many medical classifications about the human body. He thinks that it limits his interest, so he studied veterinary medicine, and then Supplement all aspects of knowledge by yourself.

It was rare for Guli to be speechless, but he didn't say any more. Perhaps it is better to treat animals than to people, at least not as troublesome as he is.

Guli asked Zhen Han a question, and Zhen Han would naturally not let him go, "Why was he hunted down? A woman? Fortune?"

Gu Li raised his eyebrows and shook his head helplessly, "No."

"It's faith."

Zhen Han was speechless when he heard the words, but only then remembered that Guli was born in a complex region like the Middle East.

"I'm probably a traitor of the doctor's faith, because some people die in front of me, and I won't treat them." Guli is absolutely impossible to save the soldiers of the enemy country. "I have no faith."

When Guli said this, the whole person felt very different, and his experience was probably beyond Zhen Han's imagination.

Zhen Han did not respond. He lowered his head and continued to debug a machine, but he would not tell Gu Li that the doctor he admired most in his school days was him. The debate about whether he is an evil is not known to be held in the school.

He only admired his medical skills, and always felt that those debates were quite boring, but at this moment, his heart suddenly fluctuated because of the word "belief" in Gu Li's mouth.

Guli couldn't help but smile when he looked at Zhen Han, and when he suddenly felt that he was smiling.

But what is he laughing at? It's happy, it's pretty simple.

They continued to be busy in the operating room, and Yan Manjia came down and called at about six o'clock before they came back up.

Yan Manjia glanced over at Zhen Han and knew what she was thinking, "What are you worrying about, don't you know there is a word for stealing a teacher?" Is he a helper for nothing?

Yan Manjia was comforted, she nodded in agreement, "Han Han is really smart."

Guli, who heard the conversation between the mother and the son clearly, shook his head speechlessly, but did not speak to join their conversation, he thought, but it was not the time yet.