Chapter 71 - "Come here, I want to kiss."

Yan Sui did not leave again, and kept guarding by Meng Ting's bed. Meng Ting fell asleep with anti-inflammatory drips, but couldn't help but frown. Yan Sui's expression also became ugly. He gently patted and coaxed people. It took a long time for Meng Ting's discomfort to disappear a little.

But even when he fell asleep, he felt uncomfortable. He still couldn't get rid of the shadow of the past, afraid of injections, drips, and medicine.

But this day, he continued to be peaceful without Yan Sui not leaving the house.

As early as a week ago, He Wan received a huge summons from Yan entrusted by the court. She has been in the villa where she often lives and stayed behind closed doors for this period of time. But on this day, she was told that her bank account was frozen and all the assets and real estate under her name would be auctioned off to repay debts.

In addition to being allowed to take away a few clothes, she is not allowed to take anything from her current residence. At the same time, she not only owes Yan's money, she also owes her nanny and driver's bodyguard for this month's salary.

The driver and the bodyguard drove her car directly, the nanny took her clothes, and He Wan was driven out of the villa.

Li Yifei entered the police station several times, and on the third time, bail was no longer allowed. She appeared in court on that day but was charged with murder again. She could come out in one or two years. Now she has to be sentenced to at least ten years. Fixed-term imprisonment.

Li Yifei was not the one who hired the killer directly, but she revealed Meng Ting's information.

The people who are going to kill Meng Ting this time are some high-level people behind the scenes of Meng Ting High School. The school has been blocked, cutting off the money for many people, and even facing jail. They dare not retaliate against Yan, but they angered Yan. To Meng Ting.

But all kinds of information about Meng Ting's appearance was revealed from Li Yifei's side. She thought she could continue to be unconscious, she thought she could extract herself perfectly, but what she did was what she did. There are traces left.

She has always been too small, and she has spent half her life fighting with the Meng family's big house. How can she know the energy behind the family like Yan? They didn't act, and Yan Sui would naturally not be able to investigate it, but I really want them to do it. There will always be traces and handles.

But Yan Sui still felt that this incident was a major fault for him. He focused his attention on He Wan's side. He didn't expect Li Yifei to have such a murderous intent on Meng Ting. Before going to jail, he To fight back and kill him.

Yan Sui didn't figure out what kind of hatred Meng Ting and her had, but he didn't need to think about it anymore. Li Yifei should never want to get out of prison in this life, including those who directly hired assassins.

"It's over..."

It was not Li Yifei who made this sigh, but the second room of the Meng family who was here to listen. Li Yifei completely finished their second room because of Meng Ting. How could a second room that made the Yan family anger the second room be a good owner of the Meng family? Mr. Meng had to consider this question.

He likes Li Yifei, or even fascinated, but besides being a man who likes women, he is still a qualified head of the Meng family for decades, and family responsibility must surpass his love.

After returning from the court, Mr. Meng locked himself in the room for a long time. Finally, he called and called Meng Qi back to the old house. Soon after, Meng Qi left the old house, and the news followed.

Father Meng decided to officially retire. The position of the head of the Meng family is not inherited by any of his three sons, but by his eldest grandson Meng Qi.

Meng Qi was directly promoted from a department manager to the acting president of the head office. Although there is still the word "agent", Meng Qi is confident to remove it within a year or two, but he did not immediately leave Meng's family. Go to the company.

He drove to Yan's house by himself. He has heard about Meng Ting's injury. Even their surveillance video in the elevator has been exposed to the Internet. Meng Ting's protection of the kid in the assassin's belly caused a lot of discussion. .

He may not be smart enough, even his environment has never been better since he was a child. He suffered too much malice, but his heart is still clean enough to shame many people. The killer and the people behind the killer are so ugly, Meng Ting's nature How good is it.

It was already past four o'clock in the afternoon when Meng Qi came. At this time, Meng Ting was sober again. Yan Sui was still with him. Yan Manjia and others also went in to see him. Compared with Meng Ting, Yan Sui was more worrying.

He hasn't closed his eyes since yesterday, and he still doesn't want to sleep when he looks at it. But people's bodies always have their limits. They are afraid that Yan Sui will become ill again before Meng Ting is well.

Meng Ting was probably aware of this too, and he recovered a little bit of strength, and has been selling good things to Yan Sui.

Yan Sui accepted all of Meng Ting's good behavior, but his behavior was still not good.

"Come here, lie down, or I will get angry."

Meng Ting said that his cheeks bulged slightly, and then stared at Yan Sui angrily, but within three seconds, he blinked his eyes, and finally his momentum was gone. Of course he didn't notice it, so he emphasized it again.

"I'm really going to be angry."

Yan Sui looked at Meng Ting with a tick at the corner of his mouth, which was considered to be a smile.

Meng Ting still looked at Yan Sui persistently, stretched out his hand, touched Yan Sui's lips, and said in disgust, "You looked a little ugly when you laughed today. It must be because you didn't sleep."

"And..." He was thinking about it, speaking very slowly, and he was not sure if he was right. Anyway, as long as he can make Yan Sui sleep, he can use it. "I heard that I don't sleep, I'm so old. faster."

"Although I don't despise you for being old, don't be too old..."

Meng Ting's words properly pierced the nerve that Yan Sui cared about, and the muscles on his face instantly tightened.

"My old lady is fast?" Yan Sui asked, a little bit about to grind his teeth.

Meng Ting shook his head quickly, "Not yet, but you can do it without sleeping, really."

Yan Sui stood up suddenly, and Meng Ting's eyes widened. Yan Sui wouldn't dislike him as annoying, so let's hide.

"You, you... You are not good, I won't talk to..." Meng Ting turned his head, he really decided to get angry.

But Yan Sui quickly reappeared in his sight. He walked to the other side of the bed, took off his coat, and lay in.

The depression on Meng Ting's face disappeared in an instant. He looked at Yan Sui with his eyebrows bent, and touched Yan Sui's hair with his hands. He said with certainty, "You are are the best."

Meng Ting coaxed Yan Sui as a kid, or that's not counted, but he really wanted to coax Yan Sui to sleep, but he had almost no coaxing skills, he was very sincere, and his vocabulary was too simple, so Will have this feeling.

Yan Sui lay down, actually just to make Meng Ting not worry so much, he really didn't feel sleepy.

Meng Ting also slowly slipped down. His waist was injured. It didn't matter if he didn't make too large movements. He lay down, then turned his head to look at Yan Sui. The eyes of the two people met, and they both followed. Softened.

Meng Ting pursed his lips, and his eyes fell on Yan Sui's lips. He didn't speak, but gradually moved toward Yan Sui's side.

Where Yan Sui was willing to let him move so hard, he turned sideways and stroked Meng Ting's side face, and then their lips touched together.

Meng Ting licked Yan Sui's lips with the tip of his tongue. Yan Sui took the opportunity to enter. The tip of his tongue collided and scraped the soft inner walls. His hands moved from the ears that Meng Ting's side face to him, and then to him. s hair.

Meng Ting's eyes gradually narrowed, and he enjoyed the tender kiss between Yan Sui and him.

Their kisses were gentle and tangling. Meng Ting was very attentive. He tried his best to extend the kiss. I don't know how long it took before Yan Sui withdrew from Meng Ting's mouth. Their foreheads were touching, their breathing was a little messy, but each other's My heart settled a little bit.

Meng Ting rubbed the tip of Yan Sui's nose, his eyes slowly opened, reflecting on Yan Sui's familiar face, he whispered, "Go to sleep, I will accompany you to sleep, I will not go."

He said that he raised his hand to cover Yan Sui's eyes, and couldn't help but pecked on his lips.

Yan Sui did not pull Meng Ting's hand away, nor did he try to open his eyes again. Meng Ting's caress, and the pecking kisses, continued, and he also fell|falling in this tenderness and unable to extricate himself, originally The little bit of sleepiness suddenly appeared, suppressing his consciousness completely.

When Meng Qi came in, Meng Ting had already sat up again, but he turned his head to look at Yan Sui and touched his hair, knowing at a glance that he was sleeping.

Perceiving the movement here, he immediately tapped his other hand on his lips, and then glared at Meng Qi warningly.

Meng Qi quickly raised his hands to show that he knew.

He stood not far from the bed and looked at Meng Ting, and then at Yan Sui, who was already asleep next to him. He could probably guess what the Yan family was like from yesterday to now, but Meng Ting can now coax people. , Can stare at people, it should not be a big problem.

Meng Qi exhaled. To be honest, when he first got the news, he was shocked. If it weren't for Mr. Meng's call himself, he asked Uncle Wen to continue urging him several times, so that he must go back to his old age. Zhai, he must come here first to see Meng Ting.

He nodded to Meng Ting, then walked out of the room lightly, and Gu Langyan Mingya and others who came to see people also taught him to stop.

"Don't go in, Meng Ting put Yan Sui to sleep, and I was stared when I entered."

Meng Qi said and touched his nose. He seemed to be used to the fact that Meng Ting liked to stare at him, and he couldn't wait to see him.

Gu Lang and the others were silent for a while. Although they thought it was interesting to be stared at by the sister-in-law, Yan Sui was sleeping, which was really not disturbing.

They chatted with Zhen Han who had just woke up in the living room downstairs, leaving gifts, and then left from the Yan's house.

Yan Sui didn't slept for too long. Two hours later, he woke up. To be precise, he woke up, but Meng Ting's movement of tapping him continued, "It's still early, you go to bed."

"If you go to bed at night, you won't be able to sleep."

Yan Sui sat up, then hugged Meng Ting lightly. The chaotic nightmare brought him a very bad experience. At this moment, when he hugged the person, his heart was slightly settled. He turned his head and kissed Meng Ting's. Earlobe, "We sleep together at night."

After hearing the words, Meng Ting thought carefully before nodding. He turned his head and looked at Yan Sui's expression carefully. It was indeed better than before, and then he continued to educate people.

"How can you not sleep, it's not good, don't do this in the future."

"Got it," Yan Sui replied, and hugged Meng Ting for a while before he got up and went to the bathroom to take a shower, and then came out to put on his clothes.

He walked to the door and opened it, with a servant guarding outside, "Bring the meal."

He went back to the bathroom and fetched Meng Ting's towel, wiped his face and hands, and fed him some water. Then Wang Ma and Zhen Han delivered the food, as well as Yan Sui's. They are not sure whether he has eaten anything from yesterday to now.

But if Meng Ting can put people to sleep, he must also make Yan Sui eat.

Yan Sui hadn't really reached the point where Meng Ting had to coax him. He fed Meng Ting first, and when Meng Ting couldn't eat anymore, he ate the rest.

After another while Guli and Zhen Han came in again, the medicine on the wound continued to be used, but the oral medicine did not dare to be used by Meng Ting, but this way Meng Ting's recovery period must be prolonged.

"How about... let me try?"

In fact, Meng Ting knew very well in his heart that his injury brought Yan Sui a lot of shock. He could comfort him to sleep, but he might not be able to comfort all the sadness and worries. He wanted to get well soon so that Yan Sui would not have to worry about it. Him.

When his words fell, everyone looked over, Meng Ting's eyes lowered, and he repeated, "I will try...I have to try, I want to live a long time with you."

People always get sick. Even if he doesn't get sick now, he will definitely get sick when he gets old. If he wants to live, he must take medicine. He doesn't want to leave Yan Sui himself, he wants to live with Yan Sui.

"Okay," Yan Sui replied, his voice choked up inexplicably, probably because he felt sorry for Meng Ting, the kind of distress that couldn't be restrained, besides the anger that followed, which caused Meng Ting's shadow. The anger of those people.

The medicine box that Guli brought up for oral medicine was ready. He opened it, Zhen Han took it, and Yan Sui went to pour water.

Yan Sui took the medicine and sat down on the bed again. He still hesitated. The more he knew about Meng Ting's past, the more he knew what nightmare it was for Meng Ting.

Meng Ting stretched out his hand to see that Yan Sui's hand stopped moving. He took the initiative to pick up the medicines in his palm, put them in his mouth one by one, then took the water, took a sip, and swallowed them all.

Not difficult, not difficult, not difficult at all... Meng Ting kept telling himself, but his face was still not good.

His chest and stomach were slightly undulating, and his body couldn't help but tremble. Yan Sui hugged him, and he realized his strangeness.

"It's okay, Yan Sui, I'm okay."

Yan Sui did not respond, but he hugged Meng Ting's hand harder. He pulled the quilt and wrapped Meng Ting, as if he was afraid that he was not warm enough for Meng Ting. His hand followed Meng Ting's back. He tried to calm down a few words, but found that his throat was sore that he couldn't say a word.

Gu Li and Zhen Han faced this situation for the first time, but one of them was a surgeon and the other was a veterinarian. There was no way to deal with this kind of mental illness. They stood and watched for a while, and finally they Pack them up and take them down.

Meng Ting doesn't need them. It is enough for him to have Yan Sui here with him. As Meng Ting himself said, this is an obstacle he must overcome.

Meng Ting leaned on Yan Sui, his expression increasingly ugly, but Yan Sui wanted to let him go and call Zhen Han and Guli back, but was stopped by Meng Ting, "Yan believe me, I can do it ."

"Yan believe me." Meng Ting's voice was controlled as much as possible, still a little trembled|trembling overflow.

"Okay, I believe you," Yan Sui clenched his fist on Meng Ting's back, the fierceness erupting in his eyes was quite scary.

Meng Ting couldn't be distracted to pay attention to Yan Sui's situation. He endured the rolling in his belly, and the unconscious body shaking, even his teeth began to tremble, cold sweat was flowing all over, and the whole person looked quite embarrassed.

But after reaching the limit, he gradually eased again. He was a little relieved, but somewhat happy.

"Yan Sui, I did it."

Although it was not good enough, he was still very embarrassed, but he didn't spit it out, and he didn't have the crazy idea of ​​continuing to eat.

"Yes, you did it," Yan Sui responded.

But Meng Ting's body stiffened again, and the side of his neck was suddenly scalded. Is that... Yan Sui's tears? Why is his Yan Sui crying? Is it because of him? Yes it is.

Meng Ting's mouth opened, and he didn't dare to ask, but his regained hands, wrapped around Yan Sui's waist, and continued to hug the person. But he was probably too tired just now, and Yan Sui's embrace was familiar to him again. He hugged him for a while, and his eyelids gradually sank.

Yan Sui picked up his mood and found that Meng Ting was asleep next to him. He slowly put the person back on the bed. He got up and brought hot water, then carefully took off Meng Ting's clothes and gave him hot water. Rub the body.

Yan Sui touched Meng Ting's cheek. He knew that Meng Ting would not wake up again for a short time during his sleep. He walked out of the room and Wang Ma came up from the stairs. She nodded to Yan Sui. She went into the room and kept watching. With Meng Ting.

Yan Sui walked down. Everyone was in the living room. Although the TV was on, no one was in the mood to watch it.

Everyone gets along well on weekdays, but in fact, it is Meng Ting who is reconciling more. Even if he just sits on the sofa and sleeps in Yan Sui's arms, he is in a good mood with everyone and can enjoy watching even boring TV.

"Where are you going?" Yan Yu called to Yan Sui, then turned his head and nodded to He Yue. He got up and followed Yan Sui, "I'm with you."

Yan Sui looked back at Yan Yu, then nodded.

Zhen Han and Guli can't leave. They have to stay with the two sick patients at home.

Yan Yu and Yan Sui got in the car and didn't speak for a long time. Yan Yu could understand Yan Sui's mood, and he could roughly guess what Yan Sui was about to come out.

They came to an abandoned factory warehouse on the outskirts, and heard He Wan screaming and cursing in horror before they approached.

"Who are you guys? What are you guys doing for me?"

He Wan called Xiao Zi, and then waited for a car to pick her up by the side of the road. The car came in less than half an hour. She got in a car and drove all the way to the suburbs. Do more things, she was tied up, and then the phone was confiscated.

They didn't gag her, she cursed all the way, but none of the three people in the car paid any attention to her.

She was kicked out of the house at about ten in the morning, and now it's more than eight o'clock in the evening. She has not had a grain of rice or a drop of water in the mouth. How happy she was before, how painful she is now. Her lips are chapped and her voice is hoarse. .

In this empty abandoned warehouse, only the rat made a "squeaking" sound to let her know that there were living creatures around her, but this made her even more frightened. She was blindfolded, and she needed such a shout to embolden herself.

"My son is Patriarch Yan, you dare to touch one of my hair, he will let you die!"

He Wan is still quite sure that Yan Sui will be ruthless to her, but she still won't hurt her at all, especially this way.

It's not because she is his mother, but because he was taught so well by Xu Shuyin, his bottom line does not allow him to shoot at a woman.

She didn't think it was wrong. The only thing she expected was that Meng Ting was the Nilin who was beyond the bottom line by Yan Sui, even the Nilin that she couldn't touch. She had committed a crime once, so Yan Sui took it out. The agreement decades ago took back everything that Yan gave her.

But she would continue to target Meng Ting, she and Xiao Zi injured Meng Ting, and Yan Sui's last patience with her was gone.

"My son is the owner of the family. You dare to touch me with a hair. He will make you not to die!"

"Really? I said that before, but I didn't know..."

Yan Sui raised his hands, and the two men walked in, took off the black cloth from He Wan's eyes, and the lights came on so that she could see clearly. It was the son in her mouth that tied her here.

He Wan's heartbeat speeds up suddenly, she squinted her eyes for a while before adapting to the brightness in the warehouse, but after seeing Yan Sui clearly, her heart was cold and cold, "No, no, you won't be right. How am crawled out of my stomach!"

Yan Sui didn't want to talk to He Wan much, they never had anything to say, a long chair was put down, and Yan Sui sat down.

At this time, Yan Yu walked in from outside, his mouth was still breathing smoke, he ran to smoke a cigarette, otherwise he really couldn't guarantee what he would do in the face of He Wan.

It took only a dozen steps for Yan Yu from the warehouse door to Yan Sui's side. After seeing the people clearly, He Wan struggled violently.

Seeing Yan Sui, she could still rely on the identity of her biological mother, but seeing Yan Yu, she was really shocked.

"Ghost, ghost..."

She stared at Yan Yu, as if to protrude. She is more like the ghost in her mouth.

Yan Yu looked at He Wan with disgust. He walked over step by step. He Wan struggled more violently. After He Yue's accident, Yan Yu came to her. At that time, he wanted to kill her and avenge He Yue. Her mother broke in, letting her and the child in her stomach get their lives back.

But then the news of Yan Yu's crash came. While she was lost, she was also relieved. No matter how much she was fascinated by Yan Yu before, but he wanted to kill her, that fascination was also chilled down. She occupied Yan Yu. As a wife, she felt that she had beaten He Yue.

"What a ghost or not, I live, and Ah Yue is also alive."

"Ha...ha..." He Wan opened her mouth, not laughing, but panting violently. The expression on her face was extremely complicated, "How could it be, how could it...obviously...Second brother said clearly Pushed down..."

"Pop!" With a sound, He Wan's face was thrown aside. Yan Yu may not be a big deal at first, but He Wan's words still angered him, "It's really you..."

He Yue has been arranged behind the scenes from leaving abroad to climbing accidents. It is not a simple accident. He Yue has rich experience in survival in the wild, and that snow mountain is nothing to him. Yan Yu did not believe it from the beginning. What an accident.

"Ahhhhh..." He Wan didn't care about Yan Yu's slap, she screamed frantically, even though the voice was hoarse and unpleasant, she was still yelling, "Not dead, not dead...for so many years, Have you always been together?"

He Wan gritted her teeth and looked terrifying. She still can't wait for He Yue to die. She still wants He Yue to die.

"Why didn't you die, why didn't you die, he damned, damned!"

Obviously she is not from the He family anymore, why should she come back, why should she take everything she owns.

Yan Yu raised his hand, as if he still wanted to do it, but if He Wan regrets it, it is probably impossible in this life. He took a step back in disgust, "We will live, live well, and you... dead."

It was not that Yan Yu was unclear, but he had to wait until He Yue's situation was better before he had the intention to deal with them.

"Gang up."

Yan Sui frowned slightly, and then spoke. His people took the tape and sealed He Wan's mouth, and the noisy warehouse instantly quieted down.

Yan Sui withdrew his gaze from He Wan, then raised his hand to look at his watch. He was somewhat concerned about Meng Ting, fearing that he would wake up too early to find him no longer.

Fortunately, he and Yan Yu didn't wait long. Ten minutes later, a car stopped in front of the warehouse, and Xiao Zi secretly came to Haicheng to pick up He Wan and was brought over in sacks.

"Call me!"

Yan Sui spoke, only Yan Yu beside him did not move, and all the others swarmed and beat Xiao Zi violently.

The last time he was beaten, not only did not scare him, but also made him hold a grudge, thinking of a more vicious strategy.

This time Yan Sui wanted to make him unforgettable.

Xiao Zi could basically just scream and couldn't even speak a complete question.

"Woooooo..." He Wan, who was still in a frantic mood, was also frightened, but she couldn't make any other sounds except sobbing.

Yan Sui raised his hand, his people dispersed, he stood up, and took out a fruit knife from his pocket.

When he walked to Xiao Zi, the sack that Xiao Zi was wrapped in was also removed.

His hands were tied behind his back, his teeth were knocked out, his nose was blue and his face was swollen, and he looked extremely miserable.

But Yan Sui walked step by step, he was still shaking with fright, Xiao Zi is vicious or vicious, his viciousness and viciousness can only hide behind the woman, thinking of those insidious tricks that are not on the stage, and he I haven't experienced any hardships before, and I really don't even have the power to strike.

"You are the Meng Ting wounded with this knife."

Yan Sui said this and smiled at Xiao Zi, but then the fruit knife stabbed Xiao Zi in the stomach.

"Ah ah ah ..." Xiao Zi screams at the same time, cold sweat dripping, his lips trembling, "Sui Yan Yan ... I was wrong ... you spare me, I want to die ... I ..."

"Don't worry, how could this be a death."

When Yan Sui's words fell into Xiao Zi's flesh and blood, the fruit knife "poof" was pulled out. Before Xiao Zi called again, Yan Sui's fruit knife stabbed twice again, and Xiao Zi was scared to face. He was green, trembling all over, he was afraid that he really thought he was going to be killed by Yan Sui.

But he really didn't want Yan Sui to dirty his hands. He stood up and handed the knife to Yan Yu.

"Don't kill it..."

Yan Yu nodded, he walked forward, and Xiao Zi looked at him for a long time before recognizing that the person in front of him had become Yan Yu, "You, you..."

However, Yan Yu didn't want to talk to him at all. His eyes fell on Xiao Zi's leg, and he scrapped Xiao Zi's leg with two consecutive stabs.

He and Yan Sui shot harder than the other, and didn't take human life seriously, but in fact, it was He Wan and Xiao Zi who did not take human life seriously at the beginning. , Now it's nothing more than retribution.

Yan Yu was dealing with Xiao Zi, Yan Sui turned around and his eyes suddenly fell on He Wan, he suddenly raised his lips and smiled, "Your other love|husband was sent away by you, don't worry, I will send you to him Together."

He Wan's eyes suddenly widened and she looked at Yan Sui in disbelief, but Yan Sui didn't say much to her, he continued to walk towards the door.

"The blood flow is almost the same, then strip it all and leave it to the entrance of the hospital."

Yan Suisi was not afraid to let Beicheng Xiao's family know that it was he who abolished Xiao Zi, and the two top tycoons had a bad relationship with each other, and the shock caused by each other would be very big.

But Yan Sui didn't care, or would put Yan into a disadvantage for a while, but he was confident that Yan would rise again in the shortest time. If Yan family can't be used by him at this time, then what is the point of him being the head of the family?

As for He Wan, her other love|husband is just a lonely 30-year-old man she has sent over the years. He Wan treats him really well, and she bought him a house and a car. All these things happened without a single moment. To implicate his meaning, even bought him a plane ticket, let him leave Haicheng.

But how can she not be involved if she doesn't want to be involved.

Then there was that love|husband did not love her as He Wan thought it was. Three years ago, he married He Wan in his hometown and had children. After that love|husband, after figuring out He Wan's current situation, how could he fear her? , Will show mercy to her.

It is impossible for Yan Sui to let He Wan go like this. It is indeed impossible for him to do to her personally, but he will not prevent others from doing anything to her. She is burdened with huge sums of money. Once she has money in her account, Will be drawn away directly.

Unless her love|husband is still willing to raise her, unless Xiao Zi can still find her and take her away.

But whether the former or the latter is as elusive to He Wan, in this lifetime, whether she can return to Haicheng is still a problem, but once she arrives, she will be sent to a more desperate place.

Yan Sui and Yan Yu returned to Yan's house. At about 11 o'clock in the evening, Yan Sui returned to the room. Meng Ting was still asleep, but he did not come near. He first went to the bathroom to take a bath, and focused on washing his hands. He has seen how sensitive Ting's nose is many times.

He washed it out, brought hot water and towels, sat down in front of the bed, and let Mother Wang go back to rest.

He gently wiped Meng Ting's forehead and cheeks, then his neck, and finally his hands.

Meng Ting has basically been asleep from yesterday to now, except for the time he was asleep in the afternoon. When Yan Sui wiped his face, he was about to wake up.

Before he opened his eyes, his nose twitched, "Have you taken a shower?"

"Well," Yan Sui replied, leaning over and kissing Meng Ting's nose, "You will have to bear with it for a few days, and wait for it to be done before you can wash it."

Meng Ting loves to be clean on weekdays, and Yan Sui also knows. Looking at his slightly frowned eyebrows, his kiss moves up again, and kisses Meng Ting's uncomfortable waking up. His lips have changed from Meng Ting. Move your face away.

Meng Ting was finally fully awake. His eyes were wide open, and his long eyelashes trembled. He raised his arm around Yan Sui's neck and rubbed his cheek before he asked again, " where did you go?"

If Yan Sui hadn't gone out, he probably wouldn't take a bath deliberately, counting that he had washed twice today.

Meng Ting asked his nose and continued to sniff, until his earlobe Yan Sui, and added some tricks to lick it, Meng Ting completely gave up the plan to find the roots.

"When you were asleep, I went out for a while, you want to know?"

Yan Sui's body fell a little further, avoiding Meng Ting's wound and completely hugging him in his arms.

Meng Ting didn't feel uncomfortable with this hug. He tilted his head and kissed Yan Sui's profile. Then he answered his words, "I didn't particularly think about it. It's fine if you come back. You said you want to sleep with me at night. ."

"I remember," Yan Sui answered slowly and sat up.

"You have things during the day, so go ahead, it doesn't matter if I am at home."

Meng Ting smiled softly at Yan Sui, his face no longer had the haze from the previous medication, his eyes were clear and his smile was bright.

"I'm done, I will stay with you until you are completely healed."

Meng Ting still hesitated about this. How busy Yan Sui was on weekdays, he didn't know how, but Yan Sui's hand stroking his cheek suddenly fell on his lips with a point of index finger, and Meng Ting said what he was going to say. I forgot.

He stuck out the tip of his tongue and licked Yan Sui's fingertips, his eyes swept to see that the tips of Yan Sui's ears were red, and his smile curled up again.

"Come here, I want to kiss."

Meng Ting's lower jaw was slightly raised, and he looked at people eagerly. How could Yan Sui have the will to refuse Meng Ting's request.

In the beginning, Yan Sui would deliberately control and let Meng Ting breathe smoothly, but he overestimated himself and underestimated Meng Ting's ability to harass people. As soon as he retired from Meng Ting, he entangled in his mouth. Nei's reckless behavior can probably feel the reaction of Yan Sui's body. Meng Ting's eyes are bent, and he feels very fulfilled.

"Do you like it?" Meng Ting's cheeks are also blushing, and his eyes are a little bit shy, but his words are still very straightforward.