SSS-Grade Talent—Blessing Of Lady Luck!

Liu Ming strolled aimlessly along the busy street. Due to a financial crisis, the company that he worked in became bankrupt. As a result, he was out of a job and had become an ordinary unemployed person like many others.


After he walked for some time, he heard the gentle voice of a woman beside his ear. "Hello, Sir."

Liu Ming turned around to see that the person speaking was a beautiful lady who held onto a microphone.

She said smilingly, "Hello, we are salespeople of the Gods Group. You are the lucky candidate who has been chosen to take part in a lucky draw raffle."

A man was standing beside the lady. He was holding onto golden raffle tickets and handed them to Liu Ming.

Since it was a free item, Liu Ming politely expressed assent and drew a random raffle ticket.

After he scratched the ticket, Liu Ming handed it to the female host and turned around in a bid to leave. He did not think that he could win anything good from the raffle.

However, at that moment, he heard the female host's voice as she exclaimed in astonishment behind him, "It's a special prize! Congratulations, Sir! You've won a pair of virtual glasses that the Gods Group has specially developed for God Domain."

The host's words left the surrounding onlookers feeling green with envy as they started crowding around profusely.

"This guy is so lucky. He actually won the raffle even though it's a one in a 100,000 chance."

"God Domain is the world's first immersive holographic online game which has an epochal significance. Only a million pairs of first-batch virtual glasses are sold worldwide. The price has gone up to a few hundred thousand yuan on the internet now."

"Doesn't that mean that it would be akin to winning a few hundred thousand yuan via lottery if that guy sells that pair of virtual glasses?"

"Yes, but anyone who sells the virtual glasses immediately after obtaining it is a real fool. All the major gaming guilds are planning to get into God Domain. Being able to obtain the first batch of virtual glasses is tantamount to getting a head-start in entering the game. If you get lucky, you might directly reach the pinnacle of your life."


Upon hearing the comments made by the people behind him, Liu Ming's eyes lit up. He thought, This is exactly what I need! Liu Ming had just been worrying about how he should look for a job next.

Since God Domain was that popular, he thought that he could try becoming a professional gamer. If things didn't work out for him, it wouldn't be too late to sell that pair of virtual glasses.


When night fell, Liu Ming eagerly put on the pair of virtual glasses and waited for God Domain to begin. It didn't take long before he slipped into a trance. Liu Ming then felt a dazzling ray of light shine before his eyes.

After that ray of light, an exciting and thrilling scene of computer graphics was displayed in front of Liu Ming. After the scene ended, Liu Ming finally entered the game's login screen upon receiving a system prompt.

"Welcome to God Domain. Adventurers, please bind your identity information to your device. Unbinding will be prohibited for a month once binding has occurred."

After seeing the text on the screen, a look of hesitation formed on Liu Ming's face.

The unbinding could only be done a month later. By then, he might not even be able to sell the virtual glasses away at the original price. However, Liu Ming's gaze soon became firm. "I'll just go all out. It was given to me for free anyway."

"Binding confirmed."

[Binding Successful.]


[Adventurer, please enter your username.]

"Floating Cloud."

[Verification success. This username is available.]


[Adventurer, please select your initial profession.]

"Knight Division, Guardian Knight." Liu Ming had considered carefully before selecting Guardian Knight as his profession.

Although Guardian Knights had very low Damage Per Second (DPS), their Defense was high. They also had some healing and supportive abilities. Hence, it was considered a rather cost-effective profession.

At the same time, Guardian Knights were also recruited the most by gold-collecting teams. Being a Guardian Knight would allow him to land a job easily.

[Initial profession successfully selected. Adventurer, please draw your initial talent.]

[You belong to the first batch of players. The characters you create will draw talents that are of B-Grade and above.]

"I didn't expect that the first batch of players would enjoy such a benefit. It's no wonder that the virtual glasses' price has gone up by twenty-fold." Liu Ming looked at the screen in front of him and suddenly felt like he had cleared his doubts.

"Draw your talent."

[Congratulations, Adventurer! You have successfully drawn the one and only SSS-Grade talent—Blessing Of Lady Luck.]

[Blessing Of Lady Luck (SSS-Grade)]

[Skill Feature 1 (Passive): Basic Luck Stat is fixed at 99.]

[Skill Feature 2 (Active): Activation of Blessing Of Lady Luck will result in a ten-fold increase in Luck Stat based on the original amount. Duration: One minute. Cooldown: 60 minutes.]



"Damn it! Are you serious!?! The SSS-Grade talent is a special talent related to Luck?

The Luck Stat was an important hidden stat in God Domain. The Luck stat could affect game mechanics like Dodge, Strike, Critical Hit, Monster Drop Rate, Skill Success Rate, Strengthening Success Rate, and many other related aspects.

Liu Ming now had his Luck Stat fixed at the maximum and an Active Skill to increase his Luck stat by ten-fold. That also meant that Liu Ming would have it easy in the future. He would be able to make equipment effortlessly explode out when killing monsters.

When Liu Ming calmed himself down completely and entered the game, there were already quite a few players in the game.

Many players were clad in novice attire made of hemp and held onto novice weapons while running around the novice village like wild stallions and excited huskies.

There was also a portion of players who had clearer goals. They immediately left the village after receiving a mission from the NPC guards at the end of the village.

After gaining a brief understanding of the novice village, Liu Ming walked out of it as well.

Soon, Liu Ming arrived at a plain that was at the east of the novice village after following the other players.

At this moment, plenty of players had already gathered on the plain. They were all wielding weapons to slay novice monsters known as Berserking Hares.

Liu Ming walked towards a Berserking Hare, and the creature's information appeared before him.

Berserking Hare: Level 1

Health Points: 50/50

Introduction: Hares infested with the Mad Aura will bite.

It was a Level 1 monster with 50 HP. It would not take long for a Level 1 Mage to knock it to death with their staff.

They were clearly just fat rabbits with redder eyes than normal rabbits. They were novice monsters in God Domain.

"Let's try the active Skills!"

After confirming the Berserking Hare's information, Liu Ming lit up Blessing Of Lady Luck's icon.

[You have activated Blessing Of Lady Luck. Luck stat x10. Duration: 60 seconds.]

At the instant he lit up Blessing Of Lady Luck's icon, a translucent screen appeared in front of Liu Ming's left eye.

However, Liu Ming was not in the mood to study the screen in front of him at this moment. Instead, he swung his novice longsword at the Berserking Hare ruthlessly.

-24! (Critical Hit)

-28! (Critical Hit)

Liu Ming slashed it twice in a row, and both strikes were Critical Hits.

That Berserking Hare could not even react in time and was openly attacked, followed by a magnificent explosion.

[Congratulations, Adventurer, you have obtained Berserking Hare Top (White)]

[Congratulations, Adventurer, you have obtained Berserking Hare Pants (White)]

[Congratulations, Adventurer, you have obtained Berserking Hare Boots (White)]


[Congratulations, Adventurer, you have obtained Berserking Hare Sword (Green)]

[Congratulations, Adventurer, you have obtained Long-range Raid Skill Book (Green) (Knight)]

Rays of white light with specks of green alarmed all the players on the plains.

All of a sudden, numerous heads—belonging to the players—turned to look at Liu Ming. Some players even forgot that they were still fighting monsters and thus got ruthlessly bitten by the Berserking Hares.

There were even a few players on low HP that were bitten to death by the Berserking Hares as a result of their distraction. Dumbfounded, they watched as they turned into white rays of light before reviving.

Fortunately, there were no penalties for players who died before the official change of profession at Level 10. Otherwise, they would definitely die of regret.

Looking at the rays of white light and green light around Liu Ming, the players were filled with envy and jealousy.

"Damn it. This person is probably a bot! I've been playing for more than half an hour, yet I didn't manage to kill a single hare at all."

"Damn it! Green equipment! My White sword seems lousy now."

"Comparison only makes you feel worse. We've been painstakingly fighting for such a long time, and we only managed to get a White equipment. Yet, he managed to create an explosion with just one monster."

"Are we playing the same game!?! This guy is playing the deluxe version, isn't he!?!"


Equipment in God Domain was divided into various grades: White, Green, Blue, Purple, Orange, and so on. The highest grade equipment normal monsters could drop was only Green. However, most players had some difficulty acquiring White equipment, let alone Green equipment—which Liu Ming managed to obtain right off the bat.

It was no wonder that the players around him were filled with so much envy.