New Use For Talent

Father Bert: Level 10 (Elite)

Health Points: 2,800/2,800

Introduction: A fallen priest who has been bewitched by an evil god and whose soul has long been compelled by evilness. There is no longer a possibility of turning back.

After seeing Father Bert's information panel, Liu Ming immediately lost interest.

Father Bert was clearly inferior to the three Doomsday Friars in the mining cave. He was a little stronger than the Doomsday Devotees at most.

What good items could come out of an elite monster of this level?

After seeing the look in Liu Ming's eyes, Father Bert immediately said with a furious expression, "Delusional and arrogant adventurer, you shall pay the price for your arrogance." Shortly afterward, Father Bert raised his voice and yelled, "Wake up, my slaves!"

As soon as Father Bert said those words, the corpses around the basement corners squirmed. In just a moment, a few Skeleton Soldiers holding onto bone swords and bone shields crawled out of the corpses.

Skeleton Warrior: Level 10

Health Points: 600/600

Introduction: Undead creatures summoned from the remains of the dead by Necromancers. They bear strong hatred against living beings.

There were a total of eight Skeleton Warriors. Upon seeing Liu Ming, the faint blue Ghostly Flames in their eyes flickered.

Immediately afterward, the eight Skeleton Warriors charged towards Liu Ming without waiting for Father Bert's commands.

Clearly, just like the introduction, this group of Skeleton Warriors was extremely resentful towards living beings.

After seeing that the Skeleton Warriors were surrounding Liu Ming, Father Bert guffawed smugly.

Everything that happened next made Father Bert instantly feel incredibly embarrassed.

Liu Ming immediately switched to battle mode and slashed one of the Skeleton Warriors thrice in a row.

Berserking Slash!


-551 (Critical Hit)


After three slashes, the Skeleton Warrior's health bar was immediately emptied out, and it immediately turned into ashes. In fact, when he slashed the Skeleton Warrior the second time, its health bar was already gone.

However, as an NPC, the elite monster—Father Bert—could not see the damage indicators floating out of the Skeleton Warriors' heads.

He only saw Liu Ming slashing the Skeleton Warrior thrice, causing it to die brutally. Besides, Liu Ming immediately barged towards the skeletons and killed them before Father Bert could even react.





A series of damage indicators floated out of the Skeleton Warriors' heads. Within just tens of seconds, the Skeleton Warriors—whom Father Bert had given hope to—turned into Liu Ming's EXP.

With Liu Ming's current offensive and defensive stats, the damage he inflicted on the Skeleton Warriors almost reached 270, not to mention the technical damage and Critical Hits.

The Skeleton Warriors were just ordinary monsters with 600 HP. They managed to survive for such a long time in Liu Ming's hands because Liu Ming had yet to reach Level 10. He could not swap his sword for the Sword of Raging Corpse Demon.

However, even then, Father Bert was still in doubt, but Liu Ming did not give him time to doubt his life. Soon, Liu Ming slashed Father Bert's body ruthlessly.


The slash of an ordinary sword caused Father Bert's HP to decrease by nearly 10%.

After Lin Ming slashed him ruthlessly, Father Bert finally woke up and counterattacked Liu Ming. However, the Level 10 Elite Monster, Father Bert, could not pose a threat to Liu Ming at all.

In fact, when Liu Ming's Skills had come off cooldown, Father Bert was smashed to death by a series of Skills, dropping numerous pieces of normal Green equipment, a certain-drop quest item, and a bunch of Gold Coins.

[Congratulations, Adventurer, you have obtained Elite Steel Combat Boots (Green)]

[Congratulations, Adventurer, you have obtained Doomsday Seal (Purple)]


Father Bert was just an Elite monster. Liu Ming could not bear to use his ten-fold luck on him, which he could only use once every hour.

Besides, Liu Ming now had a bold idea and needed the Blessing Of Lady Luck. Hence, he would not waste it on this.


After leaving the church, Liu Ming quickly returned to the village chief's home, handed over the Doomsday Seal to him, and informed him that Father Bert was the snitch.

Looking at the black seal made of an unknown material, the village chief sighed gently and said, "Although I discovered that something was amiss a long time ago, I did not really expect him to work for the Darkness Camp."

But, the village chief soon smiled and said, "However, no matter what, Adventurer Floating Cloud, you have successfully found the village's snitch. On behalf of Carlos Village, thank you."

As soon as the village chief said those words, Liu Ming's consciousness lit up Blessing of Lady Luck's icon.

Right after Liu Ming activated Blessing Of Lady Luck, the village chief handed over a bag of Gold Coins and a bracelet with a faint purple light to Liu Ming.

[Congratulations, Adventurer, you have obtained Night Shadow Bracelet (Purple)]

[Congratulations, Adventurer, you have obtained 40 Gold Coins.]

[Congratulations, Adventurer, you have advanced by one level.]

After reading the three system prompts, Liu Ming thought that his idea had failed. However, Liu Ming beamed with joy when he saw the Stats of the Purple bracelet that he had been rewarded with for completing the quest.

Night Shadow Bracelet (Purple)

Level: 10

Power: +45

Physique +45

Agility: +45

Additional Stats: Physical Resistance +8%

Magical Resistance: +8%

Critical Hit: +5%


Putting Night Shadow Bracelet's additional Stats aside, the additional 45 points to each of the three basic stats had far exceeded the basic stats of the Resolution Ring, which was similarly a Level 10 equipment.

This clearly happened because of the Blessing of Lady Luck's effects.

The basic Stats of God Domain equipment all had values that fluctuated roughly. Generally speaking, the vast majority of players would receive average equipment.

Only those who were evil or good would be able to get equipment with extremely low or extremely high stats.

Night Shadow Bracelet's basic Stats were probably not much worse than a Level 15 Purple bracelet with low Stats. Night Shadow Bracelet's basic Stats had clearly reached the extremes of a Level 10 bracelet.

Hence, the chance that Liu Ming saved by choosing not to use Blessing of Lady Luck on Father Bert was still worth it. After all, Liu Ming didn't lack Blue and Green equipment now.

A piece of Purple jewelry with extreme basic Stats was worth much more than a piece of Purple jewelry with average Stats.

In fact, if it weren't for the fact that the Night Shadow Bracelet was merely a Level 10 Purple equipment, its value might multiply by several times.

Liu Ming finally found a new way to use Blessing Of Lady Luck.


After leaving the village chief's home, Liu Ming headed straight to the Adventurers Guild in a bid to take the village quest.

Liu Ming had already reached Level 10. Even if he waited in the novice village, he would not get any EXP. Hence, Liu Ming did not intend to waste any time in the novice village.

When Liu Ming entered the Adventurers Guild as a Level 10 player, he caused another uproar.

"Damn it! Floating Cloud has reached Level 10!"

"Damn it! I'm only at Level 3. I'm garbage compared to the Great God."

"Well, anyone is trash compared to the Great God."
