Official Change Of Profession, Surge In Stats

The main city's Guild of Professions was much more grand and majestic than the one in the novice village.

The entire guild was made up of neat, white stones, making the entire Guild of Professions look even more spacious and magnificent.

After entering the Guild of Professions, Liu Ming was greeted with another world that was different from real life.

The light that radiated from the bright magic lamps was not inferior to the light in the real world.

The pieces of magical equipment, which were of various shapes and sizes, glistened with magical light. They truly showcased this world of swords and magic to Liu Ming, a visitor from another world.

After Liu Ming calmed his enthusiasm down, he immediately followed the magic signs to locate the Knight Profession Division.

The instant Liu Ming entered the division, a look of surprise graced his face. However, it was because he had seen a familiar existence in the division. It was the Profession Mentor who had taught Liu Ming Skills in the novice village.

Upon seeing Liu Ming, the Knight smilingly said, "Not bad, young man. We've met again after a few hours. In that case, it's time for me to fulfill my promise." After saying that, the Knight Mentor took out a Skill Book, which glistened with purple specks, and shoved it into Liu Ming's hands.

[Congratulations, Adventurer, you have obtained Expert Mounted Combat Skill Book (Purple)]

Expert Mounted Combat (Purple): Upon acquiring this skill, there is a 90% chance of being knocked off your mount after being struck with a voluntary blow. Mounted movement speed will increase by 25%.

Liu Ming was once again surprised upon seeing the information floating in front of him. Skills like Mounted Combat were classified as Universal Skills in God Domain.

Universal Skills could only be obtained from drops from specific monsters. Apart from White Universal Skills, the rest could be considered upper-middle-level Skill Books.

Although the Expert Mounted Combat Skill Book was Purple, it could be perceived as a half-Orange Skill Book.

Most importantly, Skills like Mounted Combat were a mandatory Skill for almost every player.

If Liu Ming were to sell this Skill Book, it might be able to fetch a high price. However, Liu Ming dismissed that thought as soon as it popped up in his mind.

Although Liu Ming was temporarily ahead of the other top-tier players by a great margin, the various Guilds could use their great manpower resources to close the gap once the second batch of players went online.

If Liu Ming wanted to maintain and widen the gap between him and the rest, he would have to make use of his current advantage to exert a snowball-like effect.


After learning Expert Mounted Combat, Liu Ming began his actual change in profession.

The Knight Mentor placed a badge that had a symbol of a horse's head, a spear, and a shield, carved on it, on Liu Ming's hand. He said solemnly, "Adventurer Floating Cloud, congratulations on completing the test and becoming a true Guardian Knight. This is your Knight Badge."

"Since you have completed a Difficult Test, you may choose two Purple Official-level Skills and draw a Profession Talent that is of at least Grade B, in addition to learning mandatory Skills."

Liu Ming accepted the badge with a solemn expression.

[Congratulations, Adventurer, you have obtained Guardian Knight Badge (White)]

Guardian Knight Badge (White)

Special Equipment: Takes effect automatically when placed in the equipment panel.

Attacking Power: +2%

Defense: +2%


A system message floated across at the right time. Liu Ming finally discovered that the badge was a piece of White equipment.

Although the badge would not add too many Stats and would only provide an additional 2% Defense, it was more symbolic than practical. However, it, fortunately, did not have to occupy any space in the equipment panel.

However, a series of system messages abruptly floated across at this moment.

[Congratulations, Adventurer, you have successfully become a Guardian Knight Badge.]

[Congratulations, Adventurer, you have acquired Skill Defense Mastery (White)]

[Congratulations, Adventurer, you have acquired Horse-taming Technique (White)]

[Congratulations, Adventurer, you have acquired Powershot Skill (White)]


In the blink of an eye, more than a dozen Skills appeared in Liu Ming's Skill panel.

However, most of those Skills were Passive ones that increased Stats. There were only six true active Skills.

Liu Ming didn't really care about the White active Skills. Instead, it was the Passive Skills in Liu Ming's panel—which were originally already terrifying—that were upgraded.

Player Username: Floating Cloud

Level: 10

Profession: Guardian Knight

Health Points: 3,321/3,321

Magic Points: 867

Attacking Power: 476

Defense: 173


Now the originally blank profession column was filled with the words 'Guardian Knight.'

With the enhancement of various Passive Skills, Liu Ming's Stats had also increased greatly compared to before his switch in profession.

In particular, his Defense and HP had increased significantly. Initially, Liu Ming's Health Points were less than 2,000, while his Defense was only at 1,200-odd points. Now, Liu Ming's HP had reached a terrifying value of 3,321 points, which was a lot more than that of ordinary Level 10 Elite monsters.

Although Liu Ming's Defense did not directly increase by more than 50% like his HP, it also increased by almost 40%.


After closing the Stats panel, Liu Ming shifted his gaze to the Knight Mentor's screen in front of him and began selecting his Skills.

A series of Skills such as Holy Strike and Brilliance Judgment made Liu Ming bedazzled, and all of a sudden, he was at a loss for which two to choose. However, Liu Ming eventually chose two Skills that were more practical out of the ten-odd Skills.

[Congratulations, Adventurer, you have acquired Body of Steel Skill (Purple)]

[Congratulations, Adventurer, you have acquired Holy Blessing Skill (Purple)]


Due to the fact that he had obtained a few more attack Skills, Liu Ming did not lack any output Skills for the time being. Hence, he chose a passive Skill and a support Skill.

Body of Steel increased Liu Ming's Physical and Magic Damage Reduction by 25%. Although Liu Ming's basic Defense did not increase, the damage that he sustained in the future would be decreased by 25%.

Holy Blessing was a special Skill.

Holy Blessing (Purple): Consumes 50 Magic Points to increase the player's or friend targets' Attacking Power by 35%. Also allows the affected player's attacks to have Holy Stats.

Attacking monsters of the Dark in such a state will allow the player to cause 100% more damage to the targets. Duration: 10 minutes. Cooldown: 1 minute.


To begin with, increasing the player's Attacking Power by 35% and transforming the player's attack Stats were good effects.

The additional 100% damage done to Dark Creatures caused the skill to become a superb one.

After all, quite a few monsters in God Domain were considered Dark Creatures. The Holy Stats that he originally had would cause 150% damage to the Dark Creatures.

The additional 100% damage now meant that Liu Ming would be able to deal damage greater than that of individual Purple Skills when he fought Dark Creatures, even if it was an ordinary attack.


After selecting his Skills, Liu Ming began to draw his Profession Talent, which was the main event.

While looking at the pulsating Profession Talent panel in front of him, Liu Ming activated Blessing Of Lady Luck and kept his eyes fixed on the Profession Talent panel.

Soon, the Profession Talent panel in front of Liu Ming's eyes finally stopped flickering.

Upon seeing the icon that glowed with an orange light, Liu Ming smiled.

The system message also appeared in time.