Liu Ming Who Stirred Up A Storm And Was Planning To Earn A Fortune

In the official introduction provided by God Domain, it mentioned that there was a chance for monsters Level 25 and above to drop a Guild Residence Token.

This also left all of the present major guilds with no choice but to adopt the 'multi-branch alliance method' to unify their guild members. However, this method could only be considered a makeshift approach; it would not be conducive to the major guilds' long-term recruitment of new members.

The sudden appearance of a Guild Residence Token naturally attracted the attention of various major guilds, and they took it rather seriously.

After all, owning a Guild Residence ten to twenty days in advance was an advantage that would definitely allow them to become the best guild in the truest sense as long as the guild's senior executives were not fools. However, despite their good ideas, Liu Ming did not intend to contact any guild's members immediately to sell the Residence Token.

Since all the major guilds coveted the Residence Token, Liu Ming could definitely give the price a little push.


After leaving the Dungeon Altar, Liu Ming immediately found the main city's System Auction House and placed the equipment that he had obtained in the dungeon, as well as the Guild Residence Token, up for auction.

However, Liu Ming did not put a fixed price for the Guild Residence Token, unlike the other items. Instead, he specially set the minimum bid price at 8,000 Gold Coins.

In God Domain's System Auction House, one could only bid on an item for 24 hours since it was put up for auction unless they purchased it directly at a fixed price.

In other words, from this moment onwards, all guilds would have 24 hours to raise money to bid on the item until the same time the following day. Only then would the Guild Residence Token's final owner be decided.

Under such circumstances, the major guilds would definitely hysterically increase their bids on the Guild Residence Token until the very last moment.

Of course, if the various guilds cooperated tacitly, they could wait until the last few minutes to start the bidding. That would allow them to save plenty of money. However, more than just one or two guilds had gotten involved. Almost 70% to 80% of the nation's guilds—all of varying sizes—had entered God Domain.

The reason why some guilds were not as large as the nation's 12 top guilds was merely that they had only been established for a short period of time, and their elite players were inferior to those of the 12 major guilds.

When it came to financial strength, the guilds that were slightly inferior might not necessarily be inferior to the 12 major guilds.

Now, the senior executives of those guilds were already clenching their fists and getting ready to replace the 12 big guilds. How could they let go of such an important strategic treasure like the Guild Residence Token?

Hence, soon after Liu Ming put the Guild Residence Token up for auction in the System Auction House, the Guild Residence Token's price hiked a few times. Soon, it rose beyond the 9,000 Gold Coin benchmark.


As soon as Liu Ming left the city, he ran into a team of very well-equipped players.

Every single player in the team had pieces of equipment that were much better than that of the silly World Battle Fanatic. Each of them had at least two or three pieces of Blue equipment.

The leading player was even wearing a Blue Knight Outfit.

Liu Ming was particularly familiar with that Knight Outfit. It was the Corpse Demon Outfit that Liu Ming had sold after changing into the Level 15 equipment.

Liu Ming remembered that the price of the Corpse Demon Outfit—which he had previously put up for auction at the System Auction House back then—was rather high. He earned 5,000 Gold Coins from it at once, which was a seven-fold to eight-fold profit.

Clearly, players who could afford such equipment were definitely not short of money. However, that was their business. It had nothing to do with Liu Ming.

Hence, when the players walked towards Liu Ming, Liu Ming calmly said, "If you guys are here to purchase the Residence Token from me, you can just place your bids at the System Auction House."

At this moment, the leading player—whose username was Flying Tiger King—said, "Big Shot Floating Cloud, you have mistaken our intentions. We are not here to buy the Residence Token. We've come to look for you because of a hidden dungeon. As long as you can help us clear it, you can have priority in choosing from the drops of the Boss-level monster."

Upon hearing that, Liu Ming frowned slightly before rejecting him. "I'm not interested. I've always been a loner, and I've gotten used to it. I don't plan to lead a bunch of burdensome players to fight monsters."

Liu Ming then turned around and got ready to leave.

What a joke. Liu Ming did not lack any equipment now. Even if he wanted to get better equipment for himself, it would be better for him to enjoy the ten-fold number of drops by himself than share them with others.

Liu Ming's condescending attitude immediately infuriated a player beside Flying Tiger King.

The group of players led by Flying Tiger King basically had the word 'tiger' in their usernames. They clearly should be the elites of a certain major guild.

The username of the player beside Flying Tiger King was 'Furious Tiger,' which suited his bad temper.

Furious Tiger took a few steps forward and shouted at Liu Ming. "Stop! We, the Ferocious Tigers Guild, invited you to clear the dungeon together with us out of goodwill. Yet, you…"

However, before Furious Tiger could finish speaking, Flying Tiger King immediately hollered to stop him. "That's enough, Little Yu. Spout any more nonsense, and I'll get your sister to take you away."

Flying Tiger King and Furious Tiger clearly shared a close relationship. Otherwise, the former wouldn't have said those words.

As soon as Flying Tiger King said those words, Furious Tiger immediately said, with a bitter expression, "Brother Li, I was wrong. Don't tell my sister!"

But Flying Tiger King simply chuckled in response to Furious Tiger's words. He then said to Liu Ming, "Big Shot Floating Cloud, please don't leave so quickly. This hidden dungeon has a higher drop rate compared to that of the wild. Besides, there is a chance of Orange equipment dropping."

Liu Ming did not care if the drop rate was high or not. After all, no matter how high it may be, it would not be higher than the explosion rate when Liu Ming's Blessing Of Lady Luck was activated. However, Liu Ming was tempted when he heard Flying Tiger King mention Orange equipment.

Orange equipment was already the highest level of equipment that could be mass-produced in God Domain.

Further up would be Red Legend, Gold Epic, and the most supreme—Colorful Myth.

The acquisition methods for Red Legend and Gold Epic equipment were not stated in God Domain's official forum. There was no other information about the highest-level equipment—Colorful Myth equipment.

This also meant that Orange equipment would probably be the highest-level equipment that players could obtain at this stage.

Hence, after giving it some thought, Liu Ming said, "If you want me to join you, you must obey my commands. Otherwise, I shall not be held liable for the destruction of your team. Also, I must get half of the Boss Monster's drops. In addition, I must have the priority to choose three items."

As soon as Liu Ming said those words, he almost triggered the angst Furious Tiger. However, the latter quickly remembered Flying Tiger King's admonishments and hurriedly kept his mouth shut. He had no choice but to glower at Liu Ming viciously.

After hearing Liu Ming's words, Flying Tiger King simply hesitated for a moment before immediately agreeing with a nod. "Big Shot, I agree to the conditions you have laid out. Welcome to joining us temporarily."