Death Knight Dylon

Some high-level players had long obtained a clear understanding of the issue of God Domain's drop rate.

Firstly, God Domain's drop rate itself was rather pathetic. The drop rate would decrease even more after a high-level player fought a low-level monster without reaching 50% output and above. The same would apply when a few players mobbed a single monster, and none of them could achieve an output of 50% and above.

Under normal circumstances, it was very likely that a piece of Blue equipment would drop after killing a Leader-level monster. If it were a Leader-level monster of a lower level than the player, or if ten-odd players were sieging that monster, a piece of Green equipment would likely drop.

Although Liu Ming's current level was not higher than the Hellhound's, his output reached 90%, which meant the drop rate would not decrease.

However, it was the same for ordinary drop rates.

Many pieces of Blue equipment dropped as a whole, together with two pieces of Purple equipment. It did not seem like God Domain's ordinary drop rate at all.

Not to mention God Domain, other than the Slash999 games developed several years ago—where equipment could only be obtained from drops—no other game would have such a drop rate now.

However, such a drop rate did indeed appear in front of Flying Tiger King, which instantly destroyed his outlook on life. But Flying Tiger King was naturally in a better state of mind compared to ordinary players since he could become the leader of a major guild filled with elite players.

Soon Flying Tiger King's expression became calm again. He walked towards Liu Ming to congratulate and compliment him. "Congratulations, Big Shot Floating Cloud, the drops from this Boss-level monster alone are equivalent to that of ten-odd Boss-level monsters. Big Shot Floating Cloud, you're really impressive. You managed to kill the Boss that even our entire team couldn't beat within just three minutes."

However, Flying Tiger King was actually continuously thinking to himself: It must have just been an accident. This definitely will not happen later.

But what happened next made Flying Tiger King curse his heart out completely.

"Damn it! Another drop of numerous pieces of equipment. Big Shot, are you a member of God Domain's developer board?"


"Damn it! Purple Skill Book! This item can only drop from a Level 15 Boss!"


"Damn it…"


Including the Hellhounds on the ground, Liu Ming had killed five Hellhound Bosses throughout the journey. The distance between each of them was rather far. It was basically enough for Liu Ming's Blessing Of Lady Luck to come off cooldown completely.

Hence, Flying Tiger King ruined his image of being a mature and stable player. Instead, he would shriek every now and then, like a villager who had entered a city for the first time.

Liu Ming—who had killed plenty of Boss-level monsters—finally advanced to Level 16 from Level 15. As for the equipment on the ground, Liu Ming sold them to Flying Tiger King according to the market price.

This was also the only psychological comfort that Flying Tiger King had. At least, these pieces of equipment still landed in his hands at the end of the day.

Although Flying Tiger King, or rather the Ferocious Tigers Guild, had to spend a large sum of money because of this, God Domain equipment could not be bought easily. One would usually have to purchase them at Auction Houses, where they would have to bid against other guilds.

This batch of equipment—which could be shared amongst ten members of a team—was indeed difficult to obtain.

Even though the major guilds' elites had basically stopped using White Outfits and used individual pieces of equipment, only the teams' leader-level experts would use actual Outfits.

Liu Ming would still be selling his equipment, be it to Flying Tiger King in the dungeon or in the Auction House. Hence, he felt that he might as well sell it to Flying Tiger King so as to earn himself a favor.

After selling the equipment to Flying Tiger King, Liu Ming was no longer worried about Flying Tiger King and the other team members turning against him and attacking him with that equipment in the future.

After all, they were Level 15 equipment, which was inferior to the ones Liu Ming wore.

Once Flying Tiger King and the rest advanced to Level 15 and put on that set of equipment, Liu Ming would probably already be Level 20. He would have also changed into better equipment by then.

It was not any of Liu Ming's business if the Ferocious Tigers Guild's members boycotted the other guilds because the former had gotten their equipment in advance.


Along the way, Liu Ming had been fighting and engaging in battles. He finally led Flying Tiger King and the others to where the final Boss-level monster was—a White Bone Palace.

Upon entering the White Bone Palace, Liu Ming and the others saw an Undead Knight—clad in pitch-black armor and engulfed by Hellfire—seated on the Skeleton Throne and looking at them with Soul Fire flickering in its eyes.

Liu Ming could sense the hint of shock in the Undead Knight's gaze when it was looking at them. However, its gaze was mostly full of disdain.

Death Knight Dylon: Level 15 (Hegemon)

Health Points: 135,000/135,000

Introduction: Legend has it that he is one of the seven most powerful Undead Knights under the Lord of Death. He was seriously injured in the battle between the gods 30,000 years ago. He has yet to recover his full strength even until this day. However, whoever underestimates him because he is seriously injured will definitely die a horrible death.

A Hegemon-level Boss was definitely much stronger than a Leader-level Boss.

In God Domain, monster quality was divided into Normal, Elite, Leader, Hegemon, Legendary, and Epic. Among them, Normal and Elite monsters were considered insignificant as they could be easily beaten by players equipped with equipment.

Leader-level monsters were basically the leaders of a certain group or extremely powerful creatures.

Players who were not well-equipped with impressive equipment from head to toe like Liu Ming would be courting death by fighting Leader-level monsters one-on-one.

Hegemon-level Bosses were even more terrifying. Basically, only three Hegemon-level monsters would be within a main city's regional range.

As for Legendary-level monsters and Epic-level monsters, they were all considered backdrops for God Domain. Even in the later stages, they would probably only appear in some ancient ruins or major battles.

Death Knight Dylon was probably more impressive than ordinary Hegemon-level Bosses.


Upon seeing Death Knight Dylon's information panel, Flying Tiger King and the others—who were initially extremely confident in Liu Ming—began to waver.

Flying Tiger King couldn't help but say, "Big Shot Floating Cloud, the Hegemon-level Boss is not something we can beat now. I think we might as well forget about it. Let's try fighting it after we level up in the future. Otherwise, it won't be worth it if we end up losing our EXP for nothing."

Upon hearing this, Liu Ming chuckled and said, "It's alright. This guy may be impressive, but it's not impossible for us to beat him now. If we come again after leveling up, it will be difficult to get such good items."

After Liu Ming finished speaking, he took a few steps forward and stopped when he was about a few hundred meters away from Death Knight Dylon.

At this moment, Death Knight Dylon took a few glances at Liu Ming before standing up and calmly saying to him, "Human, you're courageous, but you do not have what it takes to provoke me. I will bestow you with the most painful death."

After saying that, Death Knight Dylon pulled out the Knight Sword on his waist before charging towards Liu Ming. Death Knight Dylon was extremely fast. Within just a few seconds, he traversed 100 meters and arrived in front of Liu Ming.

Liu Ming immediately activated his Retaliation Skill when he saw that. His longsword—which emitted his Skill's glow—collided with the Knight Sword that glowed with a pitch-black light.

The sounds of metal clashing filled the air together with the collision of the two weapons. However, neither Liu Ming nor Death Knight Dylon suffered any damage.

The real battle had just begun.