Flaming Demonic Vulture

In fact, the eight firebombs were the Purgatory Spike Skil, the Purgatory Nightmare's second Skill.

Liu Ming had also recently discovered that Purgatory Spike could only launch eight firebombs and attack eight targets. Besides, the attack's accuracy was sub-par. However, it was miraculously effective when used against larger targets.

When the eight firebombs were evenly spread across eight targets, the damage done would be equivalent to that of eight Green Skills. However, the damage done would be far greater than that of an average Purple Skill when all eight firebombs were launched at a single target.

However, it would be considered very lucky if two of the eight firebombs could strike a sensitive target since Liu Ming's Purgatory Nightmare did not have control over the eight firebombs' trajectories after launching them.

In fact, probably only three firebombs would strike the Flaming Demonic Vulture if the hegemon wasn't careless. However, the Flaming Demonic Vulture still paid a huge price for its pride at the end of the day.

Once the Purgatory Nightmare advanced to Level 30, its base Attack would reach up to 890 points.

In fact, pets could also be geared up with equipment. Although pet equipment was much rarer than player equipment and did not give many Stats, Liu Ming pushed his Purgatory Nightmare's Attack to more than 1,300 points nonetheless.

Little Dark's Attack of 1,300 points—coupled with Purgatory Spike, a unique Skill—caused the Flaming Demonic Vulture to suffer massive damage.

However, the Flaming Demonic Vulture was still a Level 30 Hegemon-level Boss. Over 10,000 points of damage may not be painless to the Flaming Demonic Vulture, but it was far from being unbearable to it.

Besides, the major damage the Flaming Demonic Vulture had suffered triggered its menace and ferociousness. The Flaming Demonic Vulture let out a vulture's miserable and shrill cry before flapping its giant wings forcefully to stir up numerous flame tornadoes.

Various flame tornadoes swept across the entire platform, causing Liu Ming to be unable to avoid them.






The series of damage indicators were so dense and frightening. However, in reality, the flame tornadoes did not deal much damage to Liu Ming.

In fact, two of the attacks triggered Body Of Hellfire's effects—which his Purgatory Nightmare had shared with him—allowing Liu Ming to regain 200-plus HP.

While his Purgatory Nightmare was releasing its Skills, Liu Ming did not slack off.

Under Liu Ming's signal, the Purgatory Nightmare moved all four of its hooves and leaped into the air with Liu Ming.

Shortly afterward, Liu Ming leaped up off the Purgatory Nightmare' back while raising his sword to slash the Flaming Demonic Vulture's wings forcefully.


While a large damage indicator floated out of the Flaming Demonic Vulture's body, it lost its balance and fell toward the ground.

Although the Flaming Demonic Vulture managed to stabilize its body before landing on the ground, the Flaming Demonic Vulture had descended to a lower altitude and was less than three meters above the ground.

For a high-level magical beast like the Purgatory Nightmare, they could jump such a height with just a light leap.

Hence, the Purgatory Nightmare's hooves pressed against the Flaming Demonic Vulture's back before the Flaming Demonic Vulture could rise again.

This time, the Flaming Demonic Vulture finally landed in the dust.

How could Liu Ming let go of such a great opportunity and not take advantage?

Thus, Liu Ming rushed to the Flaming Demonic Vulture's front without hesitation and began launching several attacks at the Flaming Demonic Vulture, getting his output into full-swing.

As the Flaming Demonic Vulture's HP began to decrease continuously, the quest progress bar on a small screen in front of Liu Ming's left eye also filled rapidly.

However, the Flaming Demonic Vulture was a Hegemon-level Boss after all. When Liu Ming made the Flaming Demonic Vulture lose 30% of its HP, it finally managed to flip the Purgatory Nightmare over and fly up again.

After the Flaming Demonic Vulture rose to the sky, it did not continue using its Fire Magic. Instead, it swooped down to grab Liu Ming with its claws, which glowed with a chilly light.

The Flaming Demonic Vulture was much quicker than before. Within a moment, its large pair of sharp claws landed on Liu Ming.



As two high damage values floated up from Liu Ming's body, the Flaming Demonic Vulture rose into the air again, so Liu Ming only managed to strike it once at the instant it rose into the air.

Obviously, the physical damage he dealt to the Flaming Demonic Vulture was insignificant. When the Flaming Demonic Vulture was about to start fighting at close-range, it actually became much more agile.

However, Liu Ming was far more powerful than he used to be. He now had over 12,000 HP, so losing 1,800 HP was still within the acceptable range for him.

Besides, Liu Ming did not bother concealing his true strength because he was eager to attack. Now that he had reached the battle's consumption stage, Liu Ming displayed his full strength.

Holy Protection, Holy Blessing, Holy Spirit Blessing…

In the tens of seconds it took for the Flaming Demonic Vulture to soar into the air and adjust its state again, Liu Ming had already enhanced his Stats.

Other than Holy Protection and Holy Blessing—which he often used—Liu Ming also had several new enhancement Skills.

Suddenly, all of Liu Ming's basic Stats—except for his Health Points and Magic Points, which had upper limits—all rose greatly. This was because Liu Ming had only learned Purple Skills and Blue Skills that were more effective. Otherwise, his Stats would have been enhanced even more.

However, Guardian Knights were not pure Priests or Mages at the end of the day. Hence, his Magic Points had a low upper limit. Even if Liu Ming learned all the random Skills, he would run out of Magic Points after casting them for just a few rounds.

It would also be a waste of time to put all the Skills to use if he had too many of them. In a high-intensity battle, he would not have that much time to enhance his Stats and cast low-level Skills.

Thus Liu Ming basically only learned Skills that were Blue and above after Liu Ming reached Level 20—excluding the ones he had learned earlier.


After increasing his Stats and gaining some buffs, Liu Ming brought the Purgatory Nightmare with him to fight another round with the Flaming Demonic Vulture.

The Flaming Demonic Vulture had an advantage in the air, and it had high HP as well.

Liu Ming's Attacking Power and Defense were already higher than the Flaming Demonic Vulture's in the beginning. They were even higher after he applied several buffs to himself.

With the Purgatory Nightmare helping Liu Ming by occasionally striking the Flaming Demonic Vulture from behind when the Boss was fighting with Liu Ming, it became tough for the Flaming Demonic Vulture to deal with attacks coming from both front and back.

Initially, the Flaming Demonic Vulture probably would've run away a long time considering its intelligence. However, it had been living in its nest on top of the mountain for several years. As a proud hegemon of the region, the Flaming Demonic Vulture naturally would not allow someone else to drive it away from its nest.

Hence, the Flaming Demonic Vulture had no choice but to continue fighting Liu Ming to the end.