False Illusion

Liu Ming left the hotel that he had temporarily checked into. He avoided the city guards patrolling at night by relying on the memories of the city he had gained in the day and soon arrived under Tucker City's clock tower.

The clock tower was considered an iconic building of Tucker City, and it was also the first target of Liu Ming's exploration and investigation. After all, he was more likely to find clues from the city's various iconic buildings than the shabby and messy residential buildings.

It was also proven that Liu Ming had guessed correctly. When Liu Ming delved into the clock tower, he discovered that he had entered a peculiar space.

A corridor—which he could not see the end of at a glance—appeared right before him. Given the clock tower's width, it was naturally impossible for such a long corridor to exist within it.

Besides, the number of abnormal locations on the quest panel increased from zero to one after he entered the corridor. However, the entrance behind Liu Ming warped and turned into a wall that was similar to both sides of the corridor the instant he entered the long corridor, leaving Liu Ming with no way to retreat.

Liu Ming's task this time was clearly not just to find the target location. However, he had already anticipated this, so the sudden change did not affect him in any way.


There were no monsters in the long and endless corridor, but its length was beyond the imagination of most people.

Liu Ming rode the Purgatory Nightmare for quite some time in the corridor. The corridor's exit finally appeared in front of him when he was getting annoyed.

When Liu Ming walked out of the corridor, the scene in front of him made him frown deeply.

A room with abnormally luxurious decor appeared in front of Liu Ming.

It was not too strange of a thing to walk into a luxurious residence from a long corridor. What really made Liu Ming frown were the figures in the house who had player icons.

Although there were no hidden maps in God Domain that could be activated with just one mission, Liu Ming did not see a single player in the day.

Most importantly, the players were all above Level 20, and their equipment were all Level 20 Purple Outfits.

Although the value of Level 20 Purple Outfits had drastically plunged as the mainstream players' average level broke through Level 25, most ordinary players could not afford them either.

Basically, the players able to obtain Purple Outfits that were above Level 20 were either the major guilds' elites or some rich heirs that liked playing solo.

Hence, Liu Ming had at least heard the names of the vast majority of players with good equipment, even if he had never seen them before. Even so, Liu Ming did not find any of the player usernames in front of him familiar.

Most importantly, in the numerous days since God Domain had been in service, there had been instances where Bandit NPCs had stolen items from players or cheated them.

Of course, he could not rule out the fact that those players did not let their names spread because they wanted to keep a low profile and not be too famous. Therefore, Liu Ming did not rush to identify those 'players' and instead walked towards them and found a random spot to take a seat.

Upon seeing Liu Ming take a seat, a female player—who was a Priest—with the username 'Everything Is Wonderful' smilingly said, "Big Shot Floating Cloud, you should have received the mission to find the NPCs hidden among the players, just like we have. I may not be good at fighting, but finding the mole is my forte. Big Shot Floating Cloud, would you like to join my team?"

Upon hearing that, Liu Ming first looked at Everything Is Wonderful and company before shaking his head with a smile. "Drop the pretense. I can tell at a glance that you're not a player. There are no hints in this quest, and players cannot kill each other. I can totally kill you all for the sake of pocketing the quest rewards. In this situation, it would be a serious mistake for you to ask a player like me—who's stronger than all of you—to join your team instead of staying close to your own team."

After hearing this, Everything Is Wonderful smiled and said, "Can't it be that I felt that those lousy teammates of mine are not going to be your match from the moment I saw you? Can't it be that I planned to show you what I'm worth right away in exchange for the chance to survive?"

After hearing Everything Is Wonderful's words, Liu Ming gently clapped his hands and spoke with a look of composure. "That's a good reason, but I already said that I don't want to share the quest rewards with anyone. So, it doesn't matter to me whether you're really a player or a monster in disguise."

After saying that, Liu Ming switched to his Knight's Choice and slashed Everything Is Wonderful.

At this moment, wisps of black gas appeared around Everything Is Wonderful's body, instantly shrouding her completely.

When Liu Ming slashed the black gas, he felt like he was slashing at a ball of cotton. However, at this juncture, Liu Ming didn't have time to care about the black gas.

The other players sitting not too far away now had different appearances.

Firstly, the players' faces had practically turned into bluish-green and tarry faces of the dead. Their movements were also much slower than before.

Of course, most importantly, the player icons and usernames above their heads turned into monster information written in red.

The monster names above their heads were all the same, regardless of whether they attacked at close range or long range. Other than the monsters that were currently still protected by the black gas, all of the monsters present were named 'Adventurer Who Died Horribly.'

The original form of these monsters were clearly those players who liked to dig their own graves. However, although the monsters' appearances looked rather terrifying, they were extremely weak. They were just an ordinary bunch of Level 30 monsters.

They were Level 30 Dark Undead Creatures. Hence, the Adventurers Who Died Horribly would not last long in the face of Liu Ming.

Soon, Liu Ming annihilated all the Adventurers Who Died Horribly before they could transform in the black gas.

When Liu Ming was getting ready to break through the gas forcefully, that monster finally finished its metamorphosis.

A monster with unkempt hair, tattered, white-colored clothes, and looked like a female ghost who had died terribly, appeared in front of Liu Ming.

Illusory Evil Spirit: Level 30 (Elite)

Health Points: 35,000/35,000

Introduction: Evil Spirits that are naturally good at illusory tricks. Although they only have Elite strength, even ordinary leaders may fall prey to the illusions they create.


After the Illusory Evil Spirit appeared in its true form, the scene around Liu Ming instantly changed again.

The original scene of the luxurious residence vanished, and Liu Ming's surroundings turned into a somewhat old and run-down clock tower's interior.

Clearly, Liu Ming had been brought into an illusion by the Illusory Evil Spirit from the moment he entered the clock tower.

Liu Ming had never left the clock tower!