Obscure Operation

Faced with Berris's attack, Liu Ming immediately launched a counterattack without hesitation. However, in Berris's and the five players' opinion, Liu Ming was overestimating himself.

After all, there was a ten-level difference between Liu Ming and Berris, who was a Boss-level existence. In the eyes of normal people, Liu Ming was definitely going to lose. However, before those five players could smile gloatingly, they were dumbfounded by everything that happened next.

After Liu Ming forcefully slashed Berris, he launched several Skills at Berris hysterically.

Berserking Chain Slash!


-6,782 (Critical Hit)

-7,820 (Critical Hit)




Under Liu Ming's series of attacks launched using various Skills, Berris's Health Points instantly decreased by more than half, while Liu Ming merely lost less than 1,000 HP.

In this situation, one could almost tell which of them was stronger at a glance. However, this was precisely why the Darkness Camp's players could not believe the truth at this moment.

It would be alright if Berris was just a Normal or Elite monster, but he was a Level 40 Boss-level monster. Yet, he was terribly defeated by a Level 30 player in a single exchange of blows. God Domain was not a lousy game like Slash999.

However, Liu Ming would not hesitate about anything, regardless of how difficult it was for them to accept the truth.

Although Berris had also begun to treat Liu Ming seriously after being struck by a series of Skills, he was still defenseless under Liu Ming's large Orange sword that had reached Refinement Level 20. Liu Ming soon removed the remaining Health Points from Berris.

After casually finishing off the five players from the Darkness Camp, Liu Ming immediately dashed into the study to look for the City Lord's seal, not wasting any time at all.


At the same time, in Cara City's Magic Tower.

A few players—with the same username format and were obviously from the same guild as the five players Liu Ming killed—were continuously persuading an Undead General, who dressed like Berris but had more mageweave and accessories on his armor.

"Marshal Morri, the invader who infiltrated the City Hall is Floating Cloud, the best Adventurer amongst us. Although Berris's combat power is good, Berris will probably be in danger if the other party devises a scheme."

"That's right! Floating Cloud is extremely devious and scheming. Every time we think he's going to fail, he always comes up with a new trick. If General Berris falls for his tricks, he will probably be defeated by him."


Faced with the group of players' persuading, the Undead General known as Marshal Morri smiled and said, "Your so-called best Adventurer has only just reached the Elite level. Berris is already the best of the Elite-level existences. In the face of absolute strength, all schemes and plots are meaningless."

The players sneered at Marshal Morri's words, but they nonetheless kept their mouths shut in the end due to the fact that he was one of the supreme Dark NPCs. However, the players were soon stunned.

In the end, the leading player cautiously said to Marshal Morri, "Marshal Morri, I have a piece of unfortunate news to tell you. General Berris has died during the battle."

When he first heard the news, Marshal Morri could not believe it. However, Marshal Morri also understood that the Adventurers wouldn't deceive him with such a lie that could be exposed easily.

Hence, Marshal Morri began to deploy the city's undead troops after a moment of hesitation.

However, after the delay, Liu Ming was long gone by the time Marshal Morri arrived at the City Hall with his troops.

As a result, Marshal Morri flew into a rage and issued orders for the city's undead troops to kill all living beings that did not belong to the Darkness Camp.

All of a sudden, the players from the Darkness Camp who did not receive the news were immediately doomed. Some unlucky ones even dropped two to three levels before they could successfully enter the safe zone to hide.

However, even then, Marshal Morri still did not find any traces of Liu Ming.

In the end, Marshal Morri had no choice but to withdraw his orders when pressured by a few other high-level NPCs that were still humans.

On the other hand, Liu Ming did not seize the opportunity to leave Cara City at this juncture.

Liu Ming had already obtained the City Lord's seal and could return to complete the mission. However, if he were to just turn in a few City Lord seals, the quest rewards he would receive would definitely only be slightly higher than that of the freeloading players. It was not like Liu Ming's usual character to come this far for such a small quest reward.

Hence, Liu Ming began a new invasion operation after the order in Cara City was restored.

After the previous wave of events, Liu Ming naturally could not get straight to it. However, just because he could not directly head to the ambushed places to obtain some quest items, it did not mean that he did not have other means to do so.

This was actually thanks to the fact that all the lower to middle-tier guards in the entire Cara City were undead monsters. If they were demons and magical beasts, Liu Ming would probably have no choice but to turn around and leave.

God Domain's undead creatures were largely similar to the settings of undead monsters in most novels and games. Although they had snowballing advantages, they also had a fatal weakness—they were afraid of sunlight.

It was much better for high-level undead creatures that would definitely become weaker under the sunlight. Lower to middle-level undead creatures would see a huge plunge in their Stats when under sunlight. Their Health Points would also decrease continuously by a certain number.

However, in response, the undead creatures had two strategic magic spells that could resolve this issue. One was named 'Desolate Land,' which could make the undead creatures become unaffected by sunlight. It could also make survivors, who had entered the desolate land, enter abnormal states.

Another would be the pitch-black Darkness Canopy that covered the sky above Cara City now. In reality, Darkness Canopy was a large Magic Array that turned the place, covered by it, dark after being activated.

Of course, other than preventing undead creatures from being touched by sunlight, Darkness Canopy did not have any other effects.

Compared to Desolate Land—which had to be purified by dense Holy Power—the Darkness Canopy would lose its effects once the Magic Array was broken or ruined.

Similarly, the conditions for using Desolate Land were extremely strict. At least for now, undead creatures would need two to three months to succeed in casting Desolate Land before the real desolate land could form.

In this situation, the senior executives of Cara City's Darkness Camp had no choice but to settle for the option of setting up a Darkness Canopy to get through this. Of course, nobody would be able to sneak into Cara City under normal circumstances, given the Darkness Camp's defense.

Who would have thought that there would be a player like Liu Ming, a prodigy who could effortlessly kill a Level 40 Boss-level monster? Before the people of the Darkness Camp could even react, he went into hiding again.

Due to the fact that the Darkness Camp's senior executives were overly confident in their own team's exploration abilities and did not think that Liu Ming was still in the city, they gave Liu Ming the chance to continue reconnoitering.