Dark Evil General Rodey

Of course, the Undead General had such thoughts because he was competent himself.

Dark Evil General Rodey: Level 45 (Death Guard)

Health Points: 423,200/423,200


Dark Evil General Rodey was a Level 45 existence. Liu Ming could tell that even though he was not at the level of a Hegemon, his strength was still far beyond Boss-level Leaders of the same level, judging by his Health Points that exceeded 420,000.

In fact, with Dark Evil General Rodey's strength, he would not be easily defeated in a head-on battle with a weak Level 50 Boss-level Leader. Such an existence naturally had the right to be condescending to a 'greenhorn' like Liu Ming, who was only above Level 30, and not take him seriously.

Dark Evil General Rodey ignored Liu Ming, not bothered to talk to Liu Ming any longer. He immediately raised his spear and charged at Liu Ming.

However, Dark Evil General Rodey—who thought he could take down Liu Ming at will—suffered a minor loss during his first exchange of blows with Liu Ming.

The spear in the Dark Evil General's hand trembled a little and turned into dozens of black spear shadows that darted towards Liu Ming.

Upon seeing this, Liu Ming refused to show any weakness and simply swung his sword at the Dark Evil General.

The sword and the spear shadow collided, creating a gentle sound. At the same time, a blinding ray of light lit up from Liu Ming's sword, immediately dazzling and blinding the Dark Evil General's eyes.

No. In fact, in addition to the additional ten seconds of blindness, the Dark Evil General was also affected by an additional burning status effect—shown in the information bar below him.


Burning: Every three seconds, the target will sustain a certain amount of damage at 35% of the base Attack Value. The effect can be stacked five times at most and will not be affected by any damage-reducing Stats other than Burn Resistance. Duration: 30 seconds.

The base Attack Value was the value that did not include the player's Attacking Power after using a supplementary Skill.

Besides, Liu Ming's base Attacking Power had long gone beyond 4,000 points. Even without supplementary Skills like Holy Blessing, Liu Ming would be able to make his opponents lose more than 1,000 Health Points with each attack.

In reality, the burning effect was a hidden effect Liu Ming had developed from his own Core Skill, Solar Swordsmanship.

Each Core Skill had its own special Stat. The higher the Core Skill's level, the more impressive the Stat would be. Solar Swordsmanship's special Stat was 'Sun's Flames.'

Liu Ming had just made contact with the Core Skill. Thus, his Solar Swordsmanship did not have many effects other than blinding the enemy and supplementing him with the Fire Stat.

However, if Liu Ming's opponent was a creature that feared sunlight the most, such as undead creatures, Liu Ming would still be able to activate some effects that had not appeared yet. Placing the Dark Evil General in a burning state was one of them.

When considering Liu Ming's current level, it would be impossible for him to place his enemy in a burning state every single time. However, Core Skills did not consume any Magic Points or have a cooldown.

If a single slash of his sword did not work, he could just slash the enemy a few more times. Eventually, one of the strikes would induce a burning state.

This time, the Dark Evil General was clearly out of luck as he was struck right after their weapons collided.

Upon seeing the Dark Evil General blinded and set ablaze, Liu Ming immediately took advantage of the situation to launch continuous attacks at him without hesitation.

After suffering a series of attacks, the Dark Evil General's burning state stacked five times. All of a sudden, Rodey's Health Points decreased by nearly 80,000 points from his original 400,000-plus HP.

Actually, if it weren't for the fact that Liu Ming saw that his opponent was about to recover from his blinded state, he would probably slash Rodey a few more times.

After regaining his vision, the Dark Evil General immediately felt ashamed and infuriated. Gritting his teeth, he said to Liu Ming, "Kid, you forced me to do this."

After he finished speaking, waves of black air appeared around the Dark Evil General.

However, before the Dark Evil General could attack Liu Ming, a blazing arrow, covered in flames, suddenly flew over and landed on the Dark Evil General's body, dealing a lot of damage to him.


A whopping damage value of more than 50,000 emerged from the Dark Evil General's head. At the same time, the Dark Evil General also recovered from his abnormal statuses.

Damn it! Someone is trying to snatch the monster!

After seeing the Dark Evil General suddenly struck by a Flaming Arrow, the first thought that emerged in Liu Ming's mind was that someone was vying with him for the monster. However, Liu Ming soon recovered from the shock and understood that the aid that appeared was completely one of the plot's settings.

After all, according to the Battle Quest's situation, players basically wouldn't encounter any Boss-level monsters that were of a higher level than them unless they accepted a Legendary Battle Quest.

In fact, if it weren't for Liu Ming's previous actions, the Brilliance Camp probably would've already sent someone to 'aid' Liu Ming a long time ago.

Now, the reinforcements finally arrived.

If it were someone else, they might have been elated about help from their backers arriving. However, Liu Ming did not want anyone to disrupt him while he was fighting a battle. After all, although there had been some accidents in the Dark Evil General's sudden eruption, Liu Ming still had some ability to fight with his current strength.

Having been able to kill the Boss-level creature alone, Liu Ming naturally did not need any helpers to decrease the drop rate.

Fortunately, Liu Ming had just used Blessing Of Lady Luck, so it was now in cooldown. Thus, Liu Ming did not expect to get any impressive items from the Boss-level monster either. Otherwise, he would have been upset.

The Dark Evil General had first suffered a loss because of Liu Ming. After this, he was shot by a random arrow. Thus, he was completely enraged now.

"You're courting death!" The Dark Evil General roared in anger as the black gas around him became thicker and thicker.

That was not all. The armor on the Dark Evil General's body had also quickly become rusty under the black gas's corrosion, revealing a portion of Rodey's skin.

The Dark Evil General's skin was generally greenish-black in color. Under the magic light that was being cast everywhere, it seemed to glow with specks of gold luster.

Even without the armor, the Dark Evil General's Defense was clearly still extraordinary.

The Dark Evil General's helmet soon corroded, revealing his hideous and menacing face.

At this moment, the Dark Evil General's information panel had also changed.

Death General Rodey: Level 45 (Hegemon)

Health Points: 292,400/780,000


Rodey had now become a Death General. His panel also changed to a true Hegemon Boss's panel from that of an NPC. In fact, even his Health Point limit had increased from 400,000-plus to over 780,000.

The only thing that did not change was his current Health Points.

Dark Evil General Rodey had clearly evolved this time. After evolving completely, Death General Rodey immediately roared and charged towards Liu Ming.

This time, the Death General's spear shadow looked similar to a physical spear.

Liu Ming did not know if it was a new Skill that Rodey had obtained after evolving or if it was because his attacking speed had increased greatly. However, Liu Ming did not feel any fear when he saw the situation. Instead, he raised his sword and charged towards the Death General.

However, in others' eyes, Liu Ming was just being reckless.

At the moment that Liu Ming retaliated, a clear and cold voice sounded from behind Liu Ming. "Hurry and retreat. You are no match for him."