20 Fun Facts About Me

My name is Dresly Ramirez Pastera, you already read my introduction about myself in the first chapter, and now, I wanted you to get to know me more, that's why I wrote fun facts about me.

ü I am a kind but a savage, sweet, and bubbly girl. Kind but savage, it is because I'm kind, but if you mess with me, don't ever think about it. I can be sweet because I'm sweet towards every people. Bubbly because I always have that smiling face, not every day, but sometimes you need to smile even though you are hurting inside.

ü I'm the kind of person who doesn't look at people when walking, maybe because I'm concentrating or what. When I'm walking, I did not realize that sometimes it's my friend or someone I know, but I didn't realize that he/she is there, and they would say I'm snob, but it's not really.

ü My favorite hobby as of today is watching Netflix and Korean web dramas, reading and making my stories on Wattpad and Webnovel, and sometimes I cover songs if I feel I have a beautiful voice.

ü I love reading and making inspirational and motivational stories. When I'm choosing a book, I pick inspirational, because it makes me feel inspired and motivated in writing my own stories and struggles.

ü I am a BS Psychology student (1st year). Actually, I just shifted and transferred to another school, because I took BS Industrial Engineering, but I shifted to another course because I got so tired studying it, and it's not really for me, and I started to like Psychology because I know that this is for me. I have a self-assessment on myself, and I want to help people suffering from mental disorders or something.

ü My goal in life is to help people with everything I can. I realized it when I was in my 1st year of college like I want to be part of UN and UNICEF, to help people in need, and that's why I took BS Psychology as my major.

ü My favorite flower is Cherry Blossom/Sakura. I want to see them in person, that's why I want to go to Japan and Korea to see those flowers bloom.

ü I want to travel the world. I want to go to other places like Japan, Korea, Europe, and many more because traveling from other countries is super exciting.

ü I'm a big fan of Nadine Lustre. I look up to her so much because I'm very inspired about her achievements in life, and she is into many advocacies like mental health awareness, an ally of the LGBTQ+ community, Green Peace, and many more. Such an icon and so gorgeous.

ü My quote in life is, "Be who you are"

ü I get flattered when people opens-up to me. Even though he or she is not my friend, and he or she is very comfortable in speaking out what's in his or her mind, and I feel trusted enough.

ü I got terrified by cockroaches. I don't know, when I see a cockroach, I get chills in my body because they are so gross, and I get hysterical when they fly, I scream so loud. My parents would say, "Whose big, you or the cockroach?" and I would say to them that, "They are just so gross,"

ü I love myself. You should put yourself first than anyone. Focus on yourself. Loving yourself is not being vain, but rather love yourself whoever and whatever is your identity because we are different and unique in our ways.

ü I'm a k-pop lover. I love Korean pop, their music is so good even though I can't understand what they are singing, but whatever.

ü My guilty pleasure is eating! I love eating like food is life to me.

ü I am an ally of the LGBTQ+ community. I believe that they need to be respected because they are also human, and they are fun to be with.

ü I'm very much concerned about the environment and nature. We experienced climate change and calamities, especially plastics in the oceans, which is not good for the environment.

ü I have anxieties like panic attacks when there are calamities like earthquakes. I'm very much afraid of calamities, and I can say that it's my greatest fear rather than cockroaches.

ü I have scoliosis. It's not severe, but I have my physical therapy every once a week, to not worsen the curvature of my spine. It's just moderate scoliosis. There's no need to be afraid and panic about it.

ü I've gone through a lot during college when I'm taking an Engineering course, and it's not that easy. Sometimes, I told myself to give up, but no, life must go on even though it's hard, it's part of our life, our struggles and challenges, it serves as a test for us to be tough and to overcome it. Sometimes, I overthink lots of things, a lot of what if's in my mind, but it makes me even stronger to face and overcome it. I can manage and control myself, and it's one of my best assets.

Those are 20 fun facts about me. I hope you get to know me more, and these facts about me are about me as of now. I can say that I'm a mature person already. I can say that I'm not the girly girl you once knew, but a stronger girl now who keeps on fighting despite the challenges and struggles. It never hinders me because it's part of life.