When we hear the word college, what comes up to your mind? It would be exciting, nervous, and a little bit wary because college life is different from high school life, college life is full of difficulties and hard work, and you have to study very well so that you can be what you want to be in the future.
Sad to say, you need to say goodbye to your high school days, leave your friends because you have different schools to attend, and embrace your college life. It's very different when you are in college because for you it is hard and you need to study to survive all the subjects, not like during high school that you need to pass a project and then you will pass the subject. You encounter different people, and you will be friends with them or maybe not.
During my first day of school, I wake up early so that I will arrive at school like 30 minutes ahead because my class is at 7 am, and I arrive at 6:20 am. I wear decent attire because at our school we don't have a uniform. I wear my best smile and aura when I arrive at my assigned room. My schoolmate guided me to my room, and upon arriving, I feel nervous and shy at the people even though there are not many people inside. Before arriving, I saw a girl that I saw during orientation when I saw her that day. I told myself that she would be my best friend. When I entered the room, a cute girl and a boy greeted me, and I greet them back. They are very noisy like they knew all the people in the room. I picked a seat beside the girl I saw during the orientation. I felt shy about them. I don't interact with them. When it is time to transfer to a room, I did not sit beside the girl I met, but I sat beside a chubby girl, I greet her first, and we interact, she speaks Tagalog, so I spoke Tagalog also, after the class it's already lunchtime, we have lunch together at 7/11, we get along pretty well. I can say that she will be my best friend because when I say she will be my best friend, I can share with her all my secrets and all about my life. During my first day of school, I don't feel so well because I have a cough, cold, and a fever, I can't eat well my foods. I think it is because I still have a hangover during our Palawan Escapade with my family.
On my first day in college, I can say it's not bad. I met friends already during my first day. Today is not just the other day. It's a new opportunity, a fresh start, a new beginning, so let's embrace our first day of college. This is the start of something new. Your college life. Life is a journey, not a destination.