In this generation, I have observed lots of teens suffering from anxieties and depression, because lots of problems are going on in their lives. Some of them can't take it anymore and be haunted by their past that it can sometimes lead to suicide and mental health issues. We may face problems such as education, family, social life, and many more. We know that life is harsh and hard. I always say and question that in my mind because I suffered from that, but I always remind myself that, "this is just another challenge, I can do this" and "I am not alone" I have my family and friends with me, also God who guided me and never gave up on me. Challenges are just trials in life, you can or may overcome it, and it is a test from God. Life is boring and has no thrill if there are no challenges. Life is not easy, that's why there are these challenges, and what we can do is to face and overcome them.