Nighttime Troubles


"Tala, wake up."

Tala, réveille-toi! Tu n'es pas là!( Tala, wake up! You're not there!)"

"TALA NYX! Si vous ne vous réveillez pas, je vais tourner ma main fantôme et toucher votre âme spirituelle!(If you don't wake up I will turn my ghost hand and touch your spiritual soul!)"

So the person who's calling me is my mother. Shot, I need to get up! That happened to me once and I'm never going through that again! Rolling to wake myself but frankly I end up rolling off the bed.

"Ow, that's going to leave a bruise on the morning.", I say while rubbing my butt.

"Are you okay, sweetie?", my mother asks.

"I'm fine. Just a nightmare; it's nothing to worry about.", I tell her while not looking at her.

She pulls me into a hug, once I'm in her embrace she whispers, "Was it about what happen that night?"

Not wanting to speak, I nod my head to her question. We stay like that for awhile; she let me go and then she looks at the bed. With one of her eyebrows raised, as if asking who in the world is in your bed without actually saying it. I simply mouth, I'll tell you in the living room. Nodding her head and heads to the living room; quickly kiss Coreen's forehead and heading down to talk with my mom.

"Who's the girl?", my mother asks.

"Her name is Coreen and I'm watching her since her brother has work until midnight.", I say while walking to the couch.

It gets quiet for a bit. Knowing my mother, she's probably going through all the questions she could answer by herself.

"Tala?!", a little voice said, sound scared. I quickly get off the couch and go to the sleepy Coreen; once I picked her up, I begin walking back to the couch. I see my mom softly giggling; my eyebrows move down in confusion and she just points to the now sleeping Coreen in my arms. Just by looking at this cute little girl; I already have a feeling her and her brother are going to be in my life a lot more.

"So how does her brother look like?", mom asks.

"Mom, your not going to try and hook us up like Rex. Besides that he has baby blue eyes with a hint of green. You won't see it unless you're really looking for it; he has jet black hair and he looks 6'1.", I say dreamily.

"Sounds like you like him.", she says with a smirk.

I blush and quickly reply, "Maman, tu ne peux pas plaisanter sur des choses comme ça! Tu sais comment je me transforme en mon moi fantôme!(Mom, you can't joke about things like that! You know how I turn into my phantom self!)

"Baby girl, I know you have problems control your ghost self but you have to learn some how. Je comprends que c'est à cause de ce qui s'est passé que votre moi fantôme fait ce qu'il fait. Mais comprenez bien que j'ai besoin que vous puissiez le contrôler.(I understand that it's because of what happened that your phantom self is doing what it is doing. But please understand that I need you to be able to control it.)", she says then continues in French.

On the good side, he sounds cute. I bet you, two would make a cute couple.

Maman, pourquoi essayez-vous de m'embarrasser?(Mom, why are you trying to embarrass me?)", I say while blushing.

"Oh, come on, sweetie. Mommy got to have their fun too. What do you think Krystal, Grace, and I talk about? We talking about the cute, terrible, sexy, etc couples our kids can make.", she says with a laugh.

"Maman, s'il te plaît, ça suffit.( Mom, please, that's enough.", I say slightly annoyed.

"Fine. I'll stop but just so you know, your a buzz kill. You actually sounded like you liked him.", she says with a evil look in her violet eyes.

"I don't li....", I couldn't finish what I was saying since there was a knock on the door. Making my way to the door to see the devil himself. I shift Coreen over so her head isn't about to fall off my shoulder.

"I see Coreen has taken a liking to you.", Rogue says with a smirk.

I don't say anything but I do move out the way so he can come inside. I see that my mom was still on the couch so I take a breath.

"Mom, this is Rogue. Rogue, this is my mom, Zara.", I say introducing them.

Rogue doesn't say anything which I find surprising but when my mom's soft giggles before saying, "Le pauvre garçon s'est évanoui froid; il est mignon.(The poor boy passed out cold; he is cute.)"

She kisses my forehead and heads off the bed. I gently grab Rogue's hand so he doesn't run into anything or trip on the stairs; we make it to my room without any of us getting hurt. I lead Rogue to the bed, once he hits the bed. He's out again; putting Coreen right next to him, I turn my attention back to him so I can get him more comfortable. Just has I finished taking his shoes off and phone on my bedside, his phone goes off so I answer it.


"Where's my son?", the person asks.

"He's sleeping; would you like for me to give him a message?", I reply.

"No... just tell him to call me when he's up.", they says.

And just like that they hang up; placing his phone back on my bedside. I get ready for sleep. I've already taken off my pants and I begin to take off my shirt, Rogue starts waking up; rushing to put on my shirt. We both stare at each other not saying a peep.

"Someone called.", I say turning toward my bathroom.

I make it to my bathroom to see him pacing. It wanting to seem like I'm listening in; I finish getting ready for bed.

"Cosa vuoi dire che Coreen non può vivere con me?(What do you mean Coreen can't live with me?)", I hear Rogue.

Whatever they are talking about sure isn't making him happy. Just has I put my toothbrush in my mouth, I hear yelling then footsteps.


"Tala, tell big brother to stop yelling!", Coreen cries out behind me.

Taking the toothbrush out, I speak," Coreen, the reason your brother is yelling; is because whoever he is talking to probably said something that he doesn't agree to. I'm sorry that he's scaring you but if you wait a little bit, after I'm done brushing my teeth. We'll go and sleep on the couch."

Out of the corner of my eye I see her shaking her head yes, so I quickly brush my tooth. Once I'm done, I turn to where she's at to see her passed out again. Smiling softly, I pick her up and make my way into my room. Rogue is still on the phone so I speed walk to my bed and grab a pillow and a blanket. Then speed walking to the living room; putting the pillow down then Coreen. Placing the blanket over her; I make my way to my mom's room. I see her crying on the floor; running toward her and wrapping my arms around her.

"Mom, why didn't you get me?", I ask softly.

"I... I didn't want to worry you. I'm the parent and yet you're the one taking care of me. I'm so sorry I wasn't home fast enough. If I never left for...."

"Assez maman! Je sais pertinemment que vous ne m'avez pas laissé seul après l'incident.(Enough mom! I know for a fact that you did not leave me alone once after the incident.)", I interrupt her.

She wipes her tears away, has I help her up and into her bed. I head to her door but stop once she starts talking.

"Do you ever wish you had a better mom?"

"No; I honestly don't. You believed me when I told you what happened and I know for a fact that some parents would have gotten mad for that accusation.", I tell her.

I don't leave until I hear her steady breathing. I let out a breathy goodnight then head to the closet to grab an extra blanket.