Samuel's infidelity.

Me: Hey and samuel?

Maya: she's in her room

I left Maya's room to go where Samuel when he opened the door. Is Samuel and Peyton kissing?

Samuel: Rilye, this is not what it seems

Peyton: see you tomorrow my love

Peyton hugged me and kissed my cheek.

me: You know not to look for me!

I pulled the door very hard, I left Maya's house and went home, I opened the door, luckily it would only be me and loneliness.

me: faster I'll kill you peyton miller

I cried like I've never cried like that since my mother's, I went downstairs and went to the kitchen to eat something and my phone rang.

Phone call.

Gazzy: Rilye?

me: hi gazzy

Gazzy: is something wrong?

me: it's samuel

I began to tell him everything that happened in Maya's house, gazzy is a very sweet boy who knew how to listen.

Gazzy: Shall we go out tomorrow?

me: yes gazzy

Gazzy: well I love you bye!

End of the phone call.

Me: well, I can only say "Let's drink to that"

I went to my room to take off my clothes and put on my pajamas and fell into a deep sleep.

The next day.

We were in class all bored until someone or rather a bitch spoke to me

Peyton: Hi Rilye

me: what do you want peyton

Peyton: I just came to tell you that Samuel and I are dating

me: well, I'm very happy for you

peyton: thanks Rilye

me: well i'm dating gazzy

I could tell that peyton got really mad at what I said about gazzy.

peyton: So you're hanging out with gazzy with my gazzy?

me: and you walk with samuel with my samuel, keep it

We were standing staring at each other until someone walked in.

Gazzy: Hello here is Rilye matthews ??

They all stared at him and wondered "what was lil pump doing asking about the invisible girl?"

peyton: Hello my love, how are you?

Gazzy: I'm fine and I'm not your love

Everyone laughed at what Gazzy said, Peyton cried and left the class.

me: gazzy garcia

Gazzy: Rilye matthews, are we going?

I grab my hand and we left there and I saw Samuel coming towards us

Samuel: Are you okay?

me: yeah gazzy

Samuel: Hi Rilye :) Gazzy: ^

Gazzy: I'll leave you alone

And if gazzy left us alone and samuel sat down to talk to me.

Samuel: Rilye what happened yesterday ...

me: there is nothing to talk samuel you are with peyton

Samuel: I don't date Peyton

Me: Well, yes, he saw that, so don't look for me anymore!

I went from there to look for gazzy, I looked for him all over the school until he was sitting on a bench.

Me: Hello

Gazzy: what's going on?

me: well almost nothing

Gazzy: what happened to samuel?

me: there's nothing there anymore

Gazzy stared at me and we were very close until what happened happened, we kissed it was a tender kiss but at the same time passionate and we separated due to lack of air.

Me: gazzy me

Gazzy: I shouldn't have done that, sorry

me: it doesn't matter if?

We spent the afternoon between jokes and fun and went to eat a pizza.

Gazzy: Well Rilye, do you remember smokepurpp?

me: if it was thanks to you it was that I met him

Gazzy: Well, he's here in town and he'll have a party and ...

me: and what gazzy?

Gazzy: Well I thought if you want to come with me to the party

I: will I think about it?