
Sora laid Mizuki on the bed, and then dug into his bag.

After a minute he got exasperated and picked it up to dump the contents onto the floor. He picked up the box of condoms as she finished kicking off her sandals, and she laughed. He looked at her and raised his brows as he stood.

She grinned at him as she asked, "You don't want to date anyone right now, but you brought a whole box?"

"Better safe than sorry," he replied with amusement.

He shed his clothes on his way back to her, then reached out and began pulling hers off. She sat up and helped until he pushed her back into the bed with his hands and looked at her.

"Gods Mizuki, everything about you is so cute and round," he exclaimed and squeezed her hips​ lightly.

She looked away as she replied unhappily, "Fat."

"Not fat," he denied her. "Beautiful, sexy, cute. Not fat." He cupped her face in his hands and told her, "Your cheeks are round, and your nose, and your chin." He kissed her slowly in each spot, and then dropped his hands downward as he added, "Your breasts are round." He slid farther down as he defined another rounded area, "Your butt." He kissed her stomach, dropped his hands to her knees, and murmured as he moved down her, "Your knees. Even your toes are round."

When he finally entered her, she cried out and he protested, "What the…?"

Sora froze with her pinned, and Mizuki wriggled against him after a moment and begged, "Don't stop Sora?"

After a moment he continued.


Afterwards, Sora sat up and turned away from Mizuki. His back was tense and he gripped the edge of the bed.

"Why are you mad?" Mizuki asked plaintively.

Sora replied angrily, "Your first time should be with someone you love!"

She crawled to her knees, leaned against his back, and insisted, "I already like you so much, I'm not sorry it's you."

"Why didn't you tell me Mizuki? God, the way you went down on me like you've done it a hundred times, I just assumed…" He shuddered and covered his face.

Mizuki buried her face against the back of his shoulder and explained apologetically, "I'm sorry. I haven't done it a hundred times, but I've done that part before. And everyone at home knows I'm not a virgin so it never occurred to me to tell you that I was."

He dropped his hands and turned and stared at her. After a minute he replied in an agonized tone, "Well you really aren't one now!"

She smiled tremulously at him as she agreed, "Yeah."

He looked at her for another moment and then pulled her into his arms and squeezed her until she gasped. "You should have told me!" he insisted with his face buried in her hair.

She pulled away a little and asked, "Why? What difference does it make, does it really matter less if you're not one?"

"I could have at least tried not to hurt you like that," he protested unhappily.

"I'm fine, I loved it!" she insisted. He didn't respond and she added with exasperation, "If you don't like how you did it, you can do it again! It's supposed to be even better next time isn't it?"

He gave up and laughed, before repeating his earlier complaint "I really can't win against you."

She kissed him. He laid her down and kissed her gently all over. After a while he got out another condom.


Afterward they kissed for a while, and Mizuki sighed contentedly as Sora rubbed her back.

"What did you mean everyone at home knows you're not a virgin," he asked after a while.

She asked a little bitterly, "Do you really want me to tell you my sordid dating history right now?"

He hesitated before replying, "Yes, but you don't have to."

Mizuki lay quietly against Sora's chest for a few minutes before telling him, "My childhood friend, after we started high school, he wanted to fit in with the cool crowd. He lied and said he'd done it with me, and took my underwear as proof."

She explained quietly, "I was so angry with him. But we'd been friends for so long that I didn't deny it, even to my family. But I told him his next story better be that we'd broken up when I found out that he told people, because we were done being friends too."

Sora hugged her gently and said, "It sounds painful."

She looked at him for a moment and then told him bitterly, "That was just the beginning." She sighed and continued, "After that, this senpai I had a crush on approached me and told me he wanted to date me. And he was kind to me, and he didn't act like those guys who just want to fool around, so I dated him."

She buried her face against Sora's shoulder and he stroked her hair.

"But we hadn't been dating for very long before he started wanting to do more than kiss. I told myself it was okay, that it was normal, that we were just working our way up to when we'd do it for the first time, and I did what he asked." She clenched her fists as she added angrily, "Until one day when we were working on homework in the park, and he suddenly told me to do that. I refused because everyone would see us, and he grabbed me by the hair and told me that if I didn't then he was going to do me right there in public!"

Sora said suddenly, "I want to beat the crap out of him."

Mizuki relaxed, laughed and told him, "You don't have to hit him, I already did! I punched him in the face and kicked him where it hurts."

"I still want to hit him," Sora muttered.

She sobered as she explained, "Anyway, he never touched or spoke to me again before he graduated, but he apparently told everyone I let him do whatever he wanted while we were together, and that he'd broken up with me because all I wanted was sex. And everyone believed him, because they thought he was nice, like I had." She sighed and added, "So everyone at school treats me like they think I'm a slut. And my family all think I lost my virginity with my friend before that."

Sora looked at her and told her unhappily, "I ​don't know what to say, and I think I've only made things worse for you."

Mizuki sat up and protested, "You haven't made anything worse Sora! Even though I've been throwing myself at you, you haven't ever acted like you thought I was being slutty. Even if I have been," she added guiltily.

"You haven't," he insisted firmly.

"I've really loved it, everything with you! You even kissed me right afterwards, you make me feel so good!" she explained in a rush.

Sora stared at her, appalled, and asked, "That creep wouldn't even kiss you after? Why didn't you dump him sooner?"

Mizuki shrugged as she explained with embarrassment, "I liked him, and he said he hated the taste of it." Then she asked, "Can we stop talking about it now?"

He nodded and pulled her down for another kiss. After a little while he pulled out another condom, and Mizuki asked curiously, "I thought guys were only supposed to be able to do it a couple times a night?"

"Are you sore?" he questioned her a little anxiously. She shook her head and he whispered, "I could probably do you all night."


When they had finished again, Mizuki collapsed on Sora's chest and told him faintly, "Sora, you might be able to do this all night, but I feel like I'm going to pass out. I don't even know how long I've been awake anymore."

He tipped her off of him, into the crook of his arm, and petted her. "Let's sleep then," he suggested.

She sighed and protested mildly, "I shouldn't sleep here tonight, can I sleep with you tomorrow?"

Confused, he replied, "You can, but why can't you stay?"

"I don't want Shizu-nee-chan to wake up and think I drowned, tomorrow I can tell her I'm going to sleep with you all week," she told him sleepily.

"Okay," he agreed after a long minute.

He kissed her again and released her reluctantly. She crawled off the bed and he sighed and closed his eyes. She pulled on a t-shirt from the tangle of clothes on the floor, turned off his light and went back to her own room.


Shizune was snoring lightly, and Mizuki crawled into the other bed and fell asleep moments later.