
Mizuki waited until they were at the clinic before she asked, "Do you hate using condoms Sora?"

He looked down at her warily. "No? I've never not used them, but from the way people act after they stop using them, I don't want to even try that until you want a baby."

She blushed as she admitted, "I wouldn't mind having your baby Sora."

He flinched. "I'm not ready to have kids yet Mizuki, and you're barely more than a kid."

She frowned up at him as he gazed down at her unhappily. After a moment she sighed, and patted his arm gently. "I don't really want kids yet either, it's just that I don't really want to go on birth control. It will make me fatter."

"Mizuki, that isn't…" he objected.

She glared up at him as she interrupted, "Don't bother telling me I'm not fat yet."

"You're not though," he protested.

She blushed and looked away from him before admitting unhappily, "I went on it for awhile when I was dating that guy. I got fatter every month, no matter what I ate."

"Mizuki…" Sora objected with only her name.

Mizuki looked up at him again. "Even if you don't care, I care. And if you don't hate using condoms I'd really just rather use them all the time."

After a moment he covered his eyes and didn't look at her for a few minutes. She gazed up at him worriedly, but waited to hear his next objection. Finally he asked, "What if I get carried away and forget?"

"It's my responsibility too Sora. If you get carried away, I'll remind you, and if I get carried away, you can remind me?" she replied hopefully.

"What about the kind of implants that some people use with rhythm methods? I'm pretty sure that there is a kind without any chemicals," he asked after another long moment.

"Those don't have a very high success ratio," she pointed out dubiously.

He glared down at her. "I'm not saying that we should rely on that or try to use the rhythm method Mizuki, I'm suggesting something to use in addition to condoms."

"Oh," Mizuki replied with another embarrassed blush brightening her cheeks. Sora's expression softened again, and a moment later he bent and kissed her. When the kiss ended Mizuki agreed more cheerfully, "Okay, I can get that kind if it will make you happier."

Sora gazed at her for a moment, and then informed her a little dryly, "I'd rather you get a regular implant that stops your periods, even though that really would make you fatter. But if this will make you happier, we can compromise."

She couldn't help grinning as she pulled him down for another kiss. "Thank you Sora, I really love you."

She didn't object when he actually picked her up and kissed her thoroughly, despite the fact that other people were in the waiting area. The exchange of kisses continued until they were called in for their tests.


Mizuki was exhausted by the time she got off of work. When Sora got off the bike after driving her home, he turned and scooped her up into his arms, and she blinked at him. She didn't even try to object as he carried her up the stairs, she just apologized, "I'm sorry Sora, I'm so tired I just want to sleep."

"Eat first," he suggested as he carried her inside.

"I ate supper on my break," she assured him.

"I made cake? With your mother's help," he admitted.

She grinned at him in surprise, and then asked teasingly, "Are you trying to prove that you really don't care if I get fatter?"

He kissed her gently as he kicked off his shoes beside the door. "I really don't," he assured her. "But I just thought I'd start learning to cook a little since I've always left it to Takumi, and I promised to help around the house when I'm here."

She yawned, and nuzzled against him as she replied, "I'll eat a little if you want me to, but I'd rather sleep first."

"Okay," he agreed, and carried her across the room to the bedroom door.

"I need to shower," she complained, and he compliantly changed course.

The shower woke her up a little and Mizuki rubbed against Sora teasingly. He looked down at her, and then stuck out his tongue. She gazed up at him in confusion.

"You said I can't do you in this shower," he pointed out.

"I did not," she objected. "I just said we can't lean on the walls."

He grinned at her and asked, "Aren't you overestimating my abilities if you think I can do it without leaning on anything, without either falling or dropping you?"

"You could kneel in the tub," she suggested.

He immediately knelt, and pulled her in for a kiss.


"Sorry, this is more awkward than I imagined," she whispered a while later.

He watched the water fall on her face and stream off of her breasts, and whispered, "I love it Mizuki, it reminds me of one of my favorite movies where they're doing it in the rain, don't stop."


Sora laughed as Mizuki leaned limply against him as he dried her off afterward. He carried her to bed and she fell asleep within moments.


In the morning Sora woke Mizuki up to ask her, "Can we do something together before you go to work and I leave?"

The question woke her all the way up and she sat up abruptly and stared at him unhappily.

"Mizuki?" he asked uncertainly.

After a moment she took a deep breath and then asked, "But I can call and message you now?"

He blinked at her. "Of course you can, we're dating? Right?"

His expression seemed anxious and she reached out and touched his face as she replied firmly, "Yes."

Sora hugged her close, and echoed, "Yes."

Mizuki laughed after a moment and asked shyly, "Can we go on an actual date next weekend?"

He pulled back far enough to stare at her, and then kissed her hand where it still touched his face. "Do you want to go out for breakfast?"

"We can't, it's my turn to make breakfast," she explained apologetically and looked at her phone. "We only have 12 minutes until my alarm will go off."

He sat up and reached for a condom, then he crawled off the bed and opened the empty box incredulously.

Mizuki looked at his face and giggled.

He looked up at her and blushed. "I'm sorry, we need to get more," he apologized. "I only checked my pockets and that I had the box packed before I came."

Her amusement faded and she bit her lip hard enough that it bled, then winced and licked her lip.

He stared at her in alarm and asked, "Mizuki?!"

"It's ok," she assured him. "I kind of wanted to ask at the hotel too, but I'm really not sure I want to know the answer."

He reached up, pulled her off the bed into his lap, and demanded, "Ask!"

She leaned against him and asked without looking at him, "I wondered if it was the same box we bought together on the island after we used up your first one."

"Yes," he agreed simply.

After a minute she looked up into his face and pointed out questioningly, "Not very many were missing then?"

He blushed again and warned her, "This is probably the part you don't want to hear about."

"Tell me," she replied calmly.

"There were more women than that implies. Most of the women I've done since then brought their own," he explained.

"Okay," she said after a moment. She gazed up at him and then asked, "But you'll say no from now on?"

"I won't do anyone but you," he promised again.

She buried her face in his shoulder and told him, "Me either."

A little bitterly he asked, "You didn't ever anyway did you?"

She looked up at him. He met her eyes but his expression was unhappy. "No, but I thought about it seriously Sora." He looked a little startled so she added, "But I didn't think it would make it hurt any less."

"It didn't make it hurt any less," he agreed.

She reached up and caressed his face. "I love you, you idiot."

"I can't quite believe I'm lucky enough to have you," he whispered.

Her alarm went off and she asked, "Can we go buy more condoms after breakfast?"

"Yes please," he agreed quickly.