
Sora pulled on his jacket, and then reached over to help Mizuki fasten hers up to his satisfaction. "Where should I take you?" he asked. Mizuki stared at him blankly, and he grinned. "A nice restaurant for dinner?"

"I don't know," she admitted after a moment. "We hardly ever go out to eat. Once in a while we gather for big family gatherings, like Shizu-nee-chan's wedding. Should we just go for fast food?"

He repressed the laugh that would have offended her, and turned it into a grin. "Restaurants usually advertise, give me a minute," he replied as he pulled his phone back out.

"Nothing fancy while I'm dressed like this," she warned him.

Sora's finger moved across the screen to a different selection. A couple of minutes later he asked hopefully, "Do you like Greek cuisine? This shop has a good menu."

"I have no idea?" Mizuki admitted after a brief hesitation. "What's it like?"

"The dishes usually seem to involve lamb, olives, and feta cheese," he answered a bit vaguely.

"Okay," she agreed with amusement.


Her shift felt long, and Mizuki was grateful when she could finally leave. She almost jogged out to where Sora was waiting, and his grin made her smile more cheerfully than she could have imagined doing a quarter of an hour ago.

"I'm glad you came to get me," she admitted as she cuddled up against his back after climbing up behind him.

"Then I'm glad I didn't decide to crawl into your bed a couple hours ago," he replied a little wryly.

"You could have," she protested.

"I know, you're such a compliant girlfriend," he agreed laughingly as he lifted his feet and pulled out of the parking space.

Mizuki was silent on the way home, but once they had both dismounted, she turned and asked dubiously, "Do I really seem compliant?"

Sora looked down at her in surprise, and then replied uncertainly, "Is that bad? If I tell you I don't want to do something you don't push me or demand to know why, and so far you haven't asked me to buy you anything but food."

She blushed, and dropped her gaze to his toes for a moment. She raised her face again a moment later, and protested a little uncomfortably, "But you have said I'm demanding, and I insisted that you buy the helmet and stuff?"

"I wasn't counting that," he admitted.

He held out his hand and when she took it, he pulled her up the stairs without saying anything else. Mizuki wondered if it was possible to be both.

Sora pulled her all the way to the bathroom before asking, "Isn't it okay if I think you're both compliant and demanding?"

"It sounds contradictory?" she suggested.

He grinned at her and bent to kiss her before saying, "I'm not going to claim I never find you contradictory Mizuki."

She glared up at him for a moment, before grinning suddenly. "As long as you like it?"

"I love it," he assured her.


In the morning while they were getting dressed, Mizuki crawled across her bed to pull something out of one of the drawers on the far side.

Sora suddenly knelt on the bed behind her, and startled her by asking, "Can I do you like this Mizuki?"

She looked back and he rocked his hips against her bottom suggestively. She felt her cheeks heat up, but agreed hesitantly, "I guess?"

He immediately reached out, making her gasp in surprise. It wasn't long before he was making her gasp in a different way. Her view was oddly limited to her own body, and after a minute she admitted, "This is embarrassing, I feel fat."

"You're not fat Mizuki," Sora protested automatically.

Mizuki objected mildly, "In this position my stomach is dangling like Tama-sama's belly."

He huffed a laugh and assured her, "You look incredibly sexy from my position." He leaned forward and slid his hands underneath. "And you feel so soft, I love it all Mizuki."

She closed her eyes and just concentrated on how it felt. Afterward, she turned and flung herself into his arms.

Sora looked down at her in surprise, and asked uncertainly, "Okay? Was this no good?"

Mizuki laughed, reached up and caressed his face, and assured him, "It was fine Sora."

"I adore you," he whispered.

They both jumped when her father rapped on her door and announced, "Breakfast."


Mizuki's father regarded their flushed and embarrassed faces when they came out and sat at the table with amusement. His wife whispered something into his ear and he turned and asked her with surprise, "Do you really think we could stop Mizuki from doing whatever she wants even if we tried? She'd just leave Minori."

Mizuki looked at her mother in surprise and asked, "What's wrong?"

Minori blushed and gave Sora an apologetic look, before asking her daughter protestingly, "You're so young, is it really okay for you to be having sex all the time?"

Mizuki set down her bowl and replied a little angrily, "You told me it was okay and that guys naturally want to do it when you thought it was Tooru!"

Her father blinked at her and gave her a speculative look that no one noticed.

Her mother looked away and objected uncomfortably, "But you've been friends with him forever."

Mizuki stared at her mother with a shocked expression and asked, "Doesn't that make it worse?"

Her mother looked back at her with confusion and asked, "Why?"

Sora opened his mouth to speak but then shut it again before saying anything.

Mizuki covered her face and said, "Nevermind." After a moment she added, "I love it, and I don't want to stop doing it with Sora, but if it's making you too uncomfortable, we don't have to keep doing it here."

Sora nodded while Minori gasped and clutched at her husband's arm.

Junshiro shrugged and said calmly, "I told you."

Minori insisted anxiously, "I don't want you to go do it somewhere else. I'm sorry, I just, I worry a little. Your sisters didn't start until later."

Mizuki gave her mother an incredulous look but didn't dare argue. Her father's expression caught her eyes.

Junshiro snickered, and informed his youngest daughter, "She didn't realize Akane had been having sex until she announced that she was pregnant Mizuki, and then she panicked and worried that she'd gotten pregnant already because they'd never talked about birth control."

"But that was after she got married!" Mizuki protested.

Her father laughed and her mother protested, "Jun! Of course I'd have realized sooner if I'd thought about it!"


Sora and Mizuki did the dishes together and then he asked, "Want to go out for a bit before work?"

"Sure, if you want to?" she replied agreeably.

"What do you want to do?" he asked curiously.

She hesitated and then admitted with embarrassment, "I don't exactly want to, but I really ought to work on homework. I didn't do any last weekend until Sunday night." He covered his eyes and groaned. "I'm sorry," she said apologetically.

Sora dropped his hand, looked down at her, and told her seriously, "Don't apologize unless you're apologizing for not telling me you had homework last weekend. I'm the one who should be apologizing, it never even occurred to me."

"I completely forgot about it until after you were gone," Mizuki admitted.

He hugged her against him and insisted, "Don't be afraid to do the ordinary things you need to do when I'm with you Mizuki. I don't want to be bad for you."

"You're not bad for me Sora," she assured him. After a moment she grinned up at him and asked, "Want to help me with my homework?"

He bent and kissed her before he assured her, "I'd love to."

After she'd been working on her assignments for a little while, Mizuki laughed and told him, "I love doing homework while sitting in your lap Sora, but you're not much help."

Sora winced as he admitted, "I feel like the idiot you keep calling me right now. I can't believe how much I've already forgotten."

"It's okay," she assured him seriously. "I don't plan to remember this stuff any longer than I have to either."


Sunday they didn't talk very much and kissed often. Mizuki dragged Sora back to her bedroom after breakfast, and they took a shower before she went to work.

"Want to go see a movie next weekend?" Sora asked before he let her go. "I checked and they at least play family ones in the mornings here."

She grinned up at him and replied, "If it's not too childish for you, I'd love to."

"Okay, we can message about what seems best to see during the week," he replied with a matching grin.