
In the morning before Sora left for work, the first day of Mizuki's visit began with kisses and caresses that gently worked up to more intimate exchanges.

Mizuki cried out when Sora began doing more, and he stopped in surprise. She immediately demanded, "Don't stop Sora!"

"You cried out," he replied a little anxiously, even as he resumed the motion.

Her cheeks went scarlet as she protested, "But we don't have to be quiet here do we?"

"No," he agreed with amusement as she gasped with pleasure. When they finished he told her, "I hadn't really realized you were trying to be quiet at home. But now that I think about it, you made more noise when we stayed at the hotel too."

Mizuki blushed as she cuddled into him, even though she pointed out a little accusingly, "You hold back a little at home too."

Sora couldn't help the grin that spread across his face as he admitted, "Well, I'm pretty sure your parents can hear us a lot of the time anyway, but I guess I do try to be quieter for you."

"For me?" she protested mildly.

"Yes," he agreed a little too blandly.

She couldn't help laughing.

They exchanged another kiss before he told her, "Yesterday I got a few cups of cold prepared things for breakfast or snacks, like pudding and yogurt. There is also cereal and milk, if you want something aside from more ramen."

"Why didn't you just get some frozen meals for the microwave?" Mizuki asked after a moment, while Sora climbed to his feet.

"The freezer section is mediocre, I don't know if it isn't cold enough, or if the temperature fluctuates, but things don't last well in it," he explained before stepping into the bathroom.

Mizuki got up and followed him. "Have you reported it?"

Sora nodded. After he finished what he was doing in front of the mirror, he added, "They have actually tried to fix it three times, so I've given up. It's not like I'm staying here forever, or cooking much."

"Okay," she replied.

"Want to come out with me when I leave for work?" Sora asked diffidently.

Mizuki gave him an amused look as she asked, "So I'm not alone except for the return trip?" He shrugged and then nodded. "Alright," she agreed with a laugh.

While she fixed her hair he loaded the address, room number, and subway station into her phone profile. She didn't bother explaining that she already had most of that in notes. She told him affectionately as she pulled on the rest of her clothes, "You're paranoid."

"I'm in love," Sora corrected.

"Over protective?" Mizuki suggested.

He shrugged, but didn't argue.


Sora's bike was parked in a garage several blocks away. The neighborhood seemed even quieter at this hour to Mizuki, and she looked around the elderly district with interest. Sora made sure she had money and dropped her off downtown, before going on to his last day of work before his new company's holiday break.

Mizuki wandered around for a while before making her purchases. It was Christmas Eve, so there were holiday displays everywhere. The center of the city was a pretty district, built into a hillside with lots of stairs and pedestrian only areas. Small shops and restaurants were mixed in with areas of trees and plantings that weren't quite large enough to be parks.

She stopped in at the central transportation office and examined the city map. It was a larger city than the one she lived in. It had extensive bus and subway routes as well as direct links to several other cities.

After purchasing a six month pass, she stopped at a small cafe and pulled up information about schools on her phone. The city had three different colleges, not counting pure trade schools of which there were almost a dozen. She grinned happily at the information and added a few more of them to her applications list.

After she visited a place that had caught her eye, and had lunch, she went back to the store Sora had told her he'd purchased his racks and hangers at. She selected a long rack, verified that it contained the necessary screws, and also collected three packages of hangers. She picked up her favorite soap and shampoo while she was at it.

Thus laden, she made her way back to the subway station and promptly took the wrong one. As soon as she realized it, she shrugged and enjoyed the microscopic tour of the city route. Back at the main station she got on the correct route, with a very similar name. Sora's place was only the second stop so she hopped off again a few minutes later.

After walking around the beautiful downtown area all morning, the elderly district did look more shabby, but still not as dangerous as Sora made it sound. She also thought that it had better transportation access than her own home area. She carried her things back to his apartment without incident.

After holding the new rack in various positions, Mizuki decided that she wanted it placed too high for her to comfortably install it without help. She abandoned the project, plopped down in front of Sora's game console, and made herself a profile.

She was battling a tribe of evil rodents for control of the maze when Sora got home. He looked at what she was playing and asked with amusement, "Is it fun? I've never tried that one."

"It's alright, it's your game?" Mizuki pointed out as she struggled to reach a save point.

"It was free with another one I bought, I've never played it," he explained.

"It's multiplayer," she commented as the game saved.

"Local?" Sora asked with interest.

"I'm pretty sure?" Mizuki replied.

He checked when she handed him the controller, and then said, "Cool, let's pick up another controller when we buy our handhelds."

A few minutes later she showed him where she thought she'd like the rack. He got out a small set of tools, located the nearest support, and mounted it for her.

"Won't you have to pay for the holes?" she asked after it was too late.

"I decided the deposit here isn't worth getting back before I put up the first one," he assured her.

They hung up her clothes and Mizuki said, "I should have gotten a bag to hold accessories, I didn't think of it."

"If you don't mind using a regular shopping bag, I've got extras," he assured her.

"Okay," she agreed, and he handed her a plain black bag with a discreet silver logo. She grinned, and then asked curiously, but a little teasingly, "What was in this when you got it?"

He looked at the bag and laughed, "Just electronics, a couple of memory cards and a game I think."

"Want to shower before we go to dinner?" Sora asked as he bent to kiss her.

"Am I fragrant?" Mizuki asked with a little embarrassment.

"Not really," he replied and ran his hand down her back. "Mostly I just really want to have you right now."

"Okay," she agreed quickly.


When he had her pinned against the wall in the shower, where he'd wanted her, Sora moved very deliberately. Mizuki cried out again instead of just moaning, when his teasing pushed her over the edge.

When he recovered his own breath, he informed her affectionately, "You're making me really want to live together already Mizuki."

"You didn't already?" she questioned laughingly.

"Not because I thought this would be even better," he replied teasingly.

She wrapped herself more tightly around him and told him seriously, "I just want to be with you all the time Sora."

"Me too," he agreed and they kissed until the water started cooling off.

They laughed and shivered a little as they finished rinsing off.