Things are really going well with me nowadays , and I am happy that I am safe and secured with my life . You mean she keeps on being a happy fan with me and she loves me a lot and I am happy with her , day's are in the same manner but I change to keep myself safe in a manner of home laying and accepting my world . The manner I am explaining my life as a criminal is not as easy as the world thinks , its a way which is real hard , and its a result of hardwork of my life for days and decades . My life as a criminal needs really a sensitive nature and a sharp and shiny mind which keeps on kills and kills on the floor . I accept those feelings of yours and I really trust you cause you left a sign of real friendship in my heart and my heart keeps a beat on you on each moment and you can feel it the way it keeps on beating on the floor so that you may live safely , securely , and happily . Time will show you how special you are and how nice and real you are for us , and your needs and wants will be on your floor and whether I am the man that's not the reason for you to live your life , the energy to live your life in a most better manner is your truth and love for us and we keeps on moving whether secretly or showing off but I can't hurt my own love for those reasons between you and me . I am yes , I am a criminal , but for my own safety and for my own dreams , that I have made with sincereness in my mind and in my eyes so that the view you have showed me may live with me forever in such a way that your heart give beats with my beats . Ok , are you happy , my feelings are really some kind of energy that keeps you shining like a star , and you have to keeps on pushing my feelings in your heart so that you may shine in a manner of sincereness in your whole body , mind , soul , and in your eyes which gives me views to live in my world in a safe manner . ok , time lapse in my world that the reason of my failures but it gives good results at last , so be happy always , and I am happy too .