Real World in Fashion.

Hope's Initiation At 5'4 and 112 pounds, Hope was a petite, dirty blonde sex kitten. She had many boyfriends in her time but none were very satisfying sexually for her. She heard rumors about a secret sorority that specialized in satisfying its members sexually and she applied the minute she found out who was in it. The application was filled with very personal and kinky questions about Hope's personal sex life and preferences. The young woman who had given the form to her examined her shapely curves with no reservations. Hope took notice of the girl's interest but said nothing and tried to complete the application quickly. The girl was a sorority member herself and had fucked her way high in the ranks. Her name was Amy, and she was also a petite girl of about 5'5 and 109 pounds. Her hair was brown and almost blonde at the tips. Hope finished the application and handed it back to Amy reviewed it quickly. "It says here you like big black cocks and anal?" She asked. "And your answer to the secret fantasies question looks interesting." "Yes, I had a black boyfriend once, it was great." Hope replied as she smiled coyly. She was embarrassed by the secret fantasies question but had no real reason to be. It was just a silly fantasy. "Well, looks like you have what we're looking for. We'll get started with the initiation right away." Amy smiled and left the room. Hope couldn't wait. She felt her juices stir and crossed her legs. Her thighs squeezed the folds of her pussy together and her juices dripped out, soaking into her panties. She wondered what the initiation involved and hoped a big black cock would be part of it. Amy returned after a few minutes with another girl. "This is Beth, my assistant. She's going to help with the initiation." Beth was as beautiful as Amy, with long flowing blonde hair, large firm breasts that poked through her tight shirt and flaring hips that naturally left a gap between her trim legs. Hope smiled at the two girls and looked them both over. She hoped to see them both naked in the near future. Beth approached her and held out her hand, motioning for Hope to stand up. She complied and stood up, her face filled with excitement. Her clit ached to be rubbed so badly she thought she was going to go insane. Beth held up a thick black scarf and held it up in front of Hope. It was a blindfold, and Beth gave the girl one last chance to turn back. Hope nodded and Beth wrapped the blindfold around her head, covering her eyes with no gaps to peek out of. Hope quivered with anticipation. She felt hands from the two girls roaming her body, drifting under her shirt and centering at the button of her jeans. Her shirt was pulled up over her head and removed without disturbing the blindfold. She rarely wore a bra and her nipples hardened as the cool air rushed over them. Someone unbuttoned her jeans and they fell to her ankles, the wet spot between her legs had grown and was quite obvious. Hope stepped out of her jeans and was now standing in front of the two hot girls with nothing but her soaked panties. Beth cupped the mound between her legs, feeling the hot wetness of Hope's anticipation. "And one last piece." She said as she slid her fingers inside the elastic band that held them up and slowly peeled them off. Hope was shaking. She had been with a girl before but never blindfolded and never with such mystery about what was going to happen. As her panties fell to her ankles and she stepped out of them, Hope was led into the next room. She could hear other voices in the background but could not make them out. She knew there was men around, and perhaps more women. The thought of being naked in front of so many people turned her on even more. "Here we are, Hope." Beth said. "There is a bench in front of you, kneel down and lay on it please." Hope carefully knelt down and searched for the bench with her hands. She found it and leaned forward, sliding onto the wooden surface on her stomach until she was in position. Beth picked up a dildo from a cart beside the bench. It was connected to a machine on the lower shelf of the cart with a thick hose from the base of the shaft. Beth held the toy up and signaled to Amy. "The first of our Flaremaster Deluxe collection is the Pro D Dildo which is 12 inches long and 2 inches thick." Amy described the toy to the other sorority members who watched. Hope was still unaware of what was going on, but the specifications of the toy made her smile. Amy pushed a button on the cart and the knot at the base of the shaft slowly expanded. "It's about 9 inches from the tip to the knot. The knot is about 3 inches long and expands to ... well, you can see for yourself." Amy described the dildo in detail, omitting the fact that the knot expanded to 4 inches thick. Hope was a little confused about what Amy was describing, what was a knot? She was excited to find out. Amy pushed another button and the knot deflated. "Our friend Hope is going to demonstrate the use of the Flaremaster package for us." Beth stated. Hope was getting the impression the girls were trying to sell something. "Ok Hope, spread your cheeks and start fingering your asshole." Beth commanded. "Use both hands, we want to see that tight little asshole of yours." Hope fingered her asshole until she had two fingers from each hand driving in and out. "Open it up! Pull your asshole open!" Amy ordered again. Hope stretched her little asshole open for all to see while Beth held the dildo above the crack of her ass. Amy started up the lubrication pump with the push of a button. A thick white lubrication fluid sped through one of the hoses connected to the dildo and oozed out the tip, dripping into Hope's open asshole. Some of the fluid flowed inside her, but most of it ran down across her large butterfly pussy lips and then dripped onto the floor. The feeling of the warm liquid turned her on. Hope was going crazy and desperately wanted to feel the dildo inside her. Beth pulled Hope's fingers from her ass and moved the dildo down to her pussy and pushed the tip of the shaft into her. Hope moaned and groaned as Beth pushed more and more of the long toy into her hole. It was bigger than she thought, and she felt more full than she ever had. Beth worked the dildo for several minutes, pushing it hard and deep into Hope's slick pussy until she had about 10 inches buried inside. "Looks like we hit bottom." Beth stated. "Let's open that tight little cervix of yours." "No wait! Stop! It's too big!" Hope knew the toy was too big to penetrate her cervix. Beth leaned in toward Hope, "Quiet, You can take it." she said in a soft voice. She twisted the dildo and pushed some more. The abundance of lubricant made things easier. After only a few more minutes, the dildo sank all 12 inches into Hope's wet pussy. Hope squirmed slightly as she gasped for air. "It's... It's so big." she cried. Beth nudged the end of the dildo and Hope's pussy lips swallowed the entire thing, leaving only two hoses hanging out. Beth slid three fingers and her thumb into Hope's pussy and clutched the end of the dildo. She pulled it back out slowly, an inch at a time to let everyone get an idea of how long it was. Hope moaned softly as the long shaft slid back out through her cervix. The dildo popped out of her soaked pussy with a slurping noise and Beth held it up again. "Now for your ass. Stretch your asshole open again, Hope." Beth ordered. Hope complied and reached back with two fingers from each hand, pulling her tight ass open as she did before. Beth aimed the head of the dildo and slid it in between Hope's fingers. Once the head was in, Hope let go and her ass hugged the girth of the toy snugly. Beth pushed and pulled the toy, working it deeper and deeper into Hope's bowels. Within a few minutes, there was only two inches of the length remaining. Hope's petite body capable of taking huge toys with little effort. Only a few females are gifted with such pliable oraphices. Beth looked at Amy who knew what to do. She pushed two buttons on the control panel on the cart and the knot of the dildo started to expand slowly. Hope groaned and then started to gasp. Her eyes widened and she wiggled her ass, as if trying to get away from the toy. The knot expanded inside her ass, reaching 3 inches thick. Beth let go of the toy and the knot held it in place. Hope groaned and squirmed but she was not able to stop the expanding knot. Soon it reached the 3.5 inches wide. Her asshole looked like it was going to burst with the enormous knot stretching her anal ring. "It's too big!" Hope cried. Her pleas fell on deaf ears. Beth reached down and nudged the dildo. The dildo slowly slipped further inside and her asshole closed around it. "As you can see, the Flaremaster system allows you to control the expansion of the knot on the Pro D dildo." Amy explained to the onlookers as she pointed at Hope's bulging ass. Amy returned to the controls and pushed a button that opened the valve in the knot, releasing the lubricant into Hope's ass. The knot shrank quickly at first, then slowed as the pressure reduced. Hope's ass filled up with lubricant as beth disconnected the hoses from the pumps. She sighed with relief as the huge knot shrank to about half of its full size. "You may stand up now Hope." Amy said. Hope slid back off the bench to her knees, then slowly stood up. Her ass was sore and completely stuffed with a huge dildo, but she still managed take some pleasure in it. Beth removed Hope's blindfold and let her turn around to see who was watching. Beth gasped at what she saw. The people were not just people, they were an entire video crew filming the entire event. There were two cameras set up and about a dozen men and a few women. The camera panned over to a large piece of furniture. It was a chair that resembled a gynecologist's chair with a bucket seat. As Hope approached the camera moved its focus from the chair to her curvy naked body as she walked. It then panned down to the fat dildo sticking out of her ass slightly. Two adjustable stirrups extended from the front and off to both sides. The back portion was slightly reclined and the seat of the chair was split about 6 inches apart. Beth handed the blindfold back to Hope to put on and then strapped her into the chair. "No peeking. We want you enjoy our next surprise." Hope tightened the blindfold and wondered what was going happen next. Beth then put a set of headphones on Hope so she wouldn't hear. "Next, Hope will demonstrate the use of the Pro H dildo." Beth said to the camera as Amy brought over a huge dildo with large veins winding down its length. She mounted it to an adjustable arm under the seat and aimed it at Hope's wet pussy. "This is the Flaremaster Pro H dildo. It is 18 inches long. The cockhead is blunt and 2 inches thick, but as you travel down the shaft, it expands to about 4 inches near the base." Amy described the dildo to the camera as the audience stared in awe of it. Amy pushed a button on the control panel for the dildo and the head started to expand. "On this dildo, the cockhead expands to over 4.5 inches across." Amy reached down and wrapped her hands around the head as it grew. Her hands spread apart as the head continued to grow, reaching its full size within few seconds. "Looks like a large mushroom, doesn't it." Amy pushed another button on the panel and the head started to shrink again. "Before we begin, we have to make sure Hope will be fully prepared for the demonstration." Amy said as a man stepped forward from behind the cameras. He was dressed in a doctor's outfit. The doctor carried a speculum. Amy and Beth tilted Hope back in the chair. Hope's legs were strapped into the stirrups on the chair with her legs spread open. The Doctor inserted the speculum carefully and cranked it open, prying Hope's tight pussy apart. He pulled a light on an adjustable arm, like that of a dentist, toward Hope's gaping hole and shined it in so he could see better. Hope's cervix was clearly visible and glistened with her juices. It moved slightly with each breath she took. With Hope already strapped in the chair and ready to go, Amy made sure everything was lined up, removed the speculum and took off the headphones. "Are you ready to get started, Hope?" Amy asked. Beth connected the hoses from the cock still buried in Hope's ass to extra ports on the pumps that the horse cock was also connected to. Hope answered with a weak, almost fearful tone, "OK.. With that, Amy turned on the machine and the dildo started sliding into Hope's pussy, making small strokes in and out. After a few minutes, the dildo had slowly increased the length of its strokes until about 7 inches of the huge dildo was sliding in and out of her. "MMMMmmmmm. My god this thing is huge!" exclaimed Hope as her breathing increased. After several more minutes, the dildo buried 8, 9 and finally 10 inches. The girth at this depth was nearly 3 inches wide. Hope was gasping for air, trying to speak between breaths, "Ohhhh! I can't... take... much more... I'm stuffed." Amy smiled, "I think you can take some more, you took the other dildo all the way." Amy turned a dial on the machine and another inch of rubber cock sank into Hope's stretched pussy. "Oh my GOD! It's... hitting my cervix!" Hope was panting heavily as the dildo ploughed into her cervix. Amy pushed some buttons on the control panel and the machine stopped its pumping action for a moment, then slowly started penetrating deeper into the petite girl. The fat cockhead pressed into her cervix and spread it open. Hope could feel her cervix stretch wide and slide over top of the cockhead. She gasped and started to scream as an orgasm erupted inside her, shocking her system and making her twitch and convulse with pleasure. As the dildo slid deeper, Hope's cervix slid down the shaft, hugging the thick rubber veins that protruded from it. By now, Hope had taken 13 inches in length and the girth was nearly 3.5 inches wide at her pussy entrance. Hope was in ecstasy as the thick tool stretched her cervix and pussy lips simultaneously, something she had never felt before. Amy waited a moment, then turned the machine back to its previous setting. The dildo started pumping into Hope once again as her juices oozed out from her tightly stretched lips and dripped onto the floor below. "Hope, would you like to see what's going on?" Amy said. "Yes, please! It feels so good." Hope panted her response. Amy and Beth unstrapped Hope's legs and lifted them up and back towards her chest, then strapped them off to both sides. "This might be a little uncomfortable," Amy said as she adjusted the headrest forward "but you will get to see a lot more." Hope was curled up in a ball and her head was positioned to look directly down at her stuffed pussy. Beth removed the blindfold. "Oh my god!... It's... HUGE... Oh Fuck! It's going to rip me apart!" Hope was frightened by the size of the dildo stuffed in her pussy. She felt more stretched and full than ever, but had no idea of it's true size until her blindfold was removed. "Hope, there's nothing to worry about. You've already taken so much of the dildo. You can take more, just relax." Amy spoke to Hope in a soft voice, attempting to calm her down. "Are you sure?" Hope asked. Her sexual desires were taking over. "Yes. Now tell me to fuck you with it." Amy ordered. Hope paused for a moment, staring in awe of he massive toy stuffed in her wet pussy. "Fuck me." She said. "What's that?" Amy asked. "FUCK ME with the cock!" Hope blurted out. The camera crew zoomed in for various closeups of the action as the dildo continued penetrating slightly deeper with every stroke it made. Eventually the entire 18 inch shaft was fucking into little Hope. Once it reached its maximum depth, the dildo started automatically increasing the length of its strokes. At first, only 5 or 6 inches was being pulled out, but this quickly grew to full 12 inch strokes and the speed increased to compensate, fucking into her the same number of times it was before. Amy adjusted the flare control to slowly inflate. Hope could hardly breath as the massive toy fucked her loose pussy for more than 10 minutes. Her pussy became one large butter churn as a thick frothy liquid collected on her pussy lips. The flared cockhead, which was 3 inches across by now, pushed and pulled through Hope's cervix, stretching it larger with each stroke. As the big dildo slammed into Hope, Amy took Hope's hand in hers and spoke, "Hope, I want you to look forward into the camera and give a little speech. I want you to tell the camera how much you love big cocks. Tell the camera your secret fantasy." Amy explained what she wanted Hope to say. "I... I can't." Hope panted between breaths. "Yes you can. You made it this far." Amy replied. " Patterson..." Hope grunted as the dildo continued to fuck her hard. "I love big cocks..." The pounding dildo made it difficult for her to speak each time it slammed into her pussy. "I love it.... Uhhhh!... when they fuck me..." Hope started to drift out of reality as she was fucked into orgasm after orgasm by the powerful, relentless machine. "Is that all?" Amy asked, "What do you want, right now?" "Ohhhh!.... I want the big cocks... to cum... inside me!" "Ok Hope, you will get what you asked for." Amy said as she turned off the machine. The cock pumped a few more times as the engine powered down, then stopped at full stroke with 18 inches of hard rubber buried in Hope's wet pussy. Beth took her signal and engaged the pumps on the machine. The knob on the dildo began to swell to the size of a grapefruit while the head of the cock bloomed to its full size inside Hope's pussy. "This is our specially collected lubrication. You can purchase it as a bonus add-on to the Flaremaster Deluxe package. The fluid level in the jars began to drop and a rush of liquid flowed down the hoses into the two dildos. "OOhhh my GOD!" Hope cried out as the two cocks began spurting hot cum inside her. "I can feel them cumming! CUM?!?" "Yes, fresh, hot cum, just what you asked for." Amy smiled, enjoying the show thoroughly. Hope's body twitched and her vaginal muscles clamped down on the hard rubber dildo as she exploded in orgasm. Her abdomen started to distend outward as the hot cum filled her completely. The tanks were half empty and still draining. The two girls let Hope enjoy her orgasm for a while and disconnected the hoses from the machine and unbuckled her straps. Amy placed a large funnel and carboy under Hope, and Beth released a valve on the dildo, then pulled it out quickly. Hope moaned as her stomach flattened out and hot cum gushed from her gaping pussy in torrents into the funnel. They waited about a minute for the last thick streams of cum to drain into the funnel as the camera zoomed in for a good look. Amy then released the valve on the dildo and Beth pulled it out quickly. Hope moaned loudly again as her bowels were relieved from the pressure. Cum squirted out of her ass in a large stream into the funnel. The camera zoomed in for a better shot of Hope's pussy and ass. Her pussy was stretched open and her cervix was gaping over 2 to 3 inches wide. It definately wasn't going shrink down for some time. "What do you love Hope?" Amy asked. "I love big cocks cumming inside me... I love cum." Hope replied. Beth filled a pint glass full of cum and handed it to Hope. "Look into the Camera, drink this, and you can be in the sorority." Amy said. Hope grabbed the glass and sat up with a glazed look in her eyes. She chugged the mixture down, eagerly drinking the hot fluid. She tried to go too fast and spilled some onto her gorgeous breasts. Cum continued to ooze from her gaping pussy and ass as the camera panned out for a full body shot. "Your social calendar will be completely booked, Hope, and I'm sure at least one of the fraternities will definitely want to meet you right away." Amy explained what would be in store for the blonde. "And that concludes our demonstration of the Flaremaster Deluxe Package. Please call us for immediate shipping."