Real World in Fashion.

The races

The races I pick you up at your house. You get into my car and I put the car into drive. Your dressed in really tight blue jeans and a t-shirt that has something written on it but I wasnt noticing the shirt. I had the air conditioning on in my car and it was over 100 outside. as soon as you hit the cold air your nipples stood to attention. :) right then and there I knew you were wearing a bra. I kept looking at your tits as our small talk was going on. "Do you like what you see?" you say to me. "well. ummmm.... yeah I do" I couldnt think of anything to say to you. My cock was semi rigid just from looking at your tits. Right then you did something that I will never ever forget. You took your shirt out of your blue jeans and lifted it up and over your tits. I couldnt believe it. I was siting next to this girl and her shirt was up over her tits! I dont think they are round enough, what do you think of them?" you say to me. "well I dont know they look round" I say "i wouldnt know with out touching them." "well then grab one, I wont bite your hand off." you say with a smile. I reach over with one free hand and put it under you boob and lift and feel. my hand makes its way up and over your nipple. You like this feeling. And a short gasp of air comes from your mouth. My fore finger and thumb closes in on your nipple and pull and roll it allittle bit. "yeah they are round and nice" I tell you. you put your shirt down over your tits with my hand still on your left tit. I keep masaging and carressing it. I can tell your getting turned on by the smell of your pussy. even through the jeans I can smell you. "ok im getting like really really horny here" you tell me. "are you horny?" I take one of your hands and place it on my dick and say "ask me again if im horny" I was fully hard. "ok your horny too" you say "lets do something about that then." You start to undo my pants, which i was thankfull for, my dick was starting to hurt from the restraints. You pull down my underwear and start to stroke my cock up and down. You look at it and lick your lips. I take my hand out from you shirt and undo your pants and tell you to take them off. you do and I help you take your panties off too. Now we are still driving down the road as you lean down to my cock and lightly lick the head. You lick the pre cum off the top and then take me into your mouth clear down to the balls. As you lean over I start to finger fuck you from behind. i take my thumb and rest it right in your asshole and press just a little bit. I couldnt believe this was happening. I could easily get 2 fingers in and you were wet. You were soaking my seat. the whole car smelled like pussy. I decided that this was to dangerous to keep driving. So i pulled off onto a dirt road and stoped about 3 miles from the road. You never missed a beat. You were sucking my hard cock up and down like a lollipop. It was the best blowjob I have ever gotten before. I told you i was about ready to cum and you got up onto you knees and got ready for the blast. I started to pump my hips up into your mouth. You sucked extra hard and I started to blast my cum to the back of your throat. the first wave hit and you caughed but you never took your mouth from my cock and no cum got out of your mouth either. you just kept swallowing it. I could feel my cock on the back of your throaht. Finaly after the cum stoped you took your mouth from my cock and looked at me and said Im still horny baby. I told you to turn around with your ass facing me. I was still hard with a little cum dripping out. I put the head of my cock right up against your asshole and pushed a little bit. It felt good. I wanted to get your ass all cummy before I fucked your pussy. finaly I put my cock right up against the hair of your pussy. You were really really wet. Dripping down you legs. I didnt even have to push you just leaned back and my cock sunk deep into your pussy. You moaned out of pleasure. you started to slowly move your hips forward and back on my cock. i still hadnt moved. your movements started to get fast. I could feel your pussy muslces contract on my cock. Finaly I stared to pump too. our movements started to go togther. the whole car was rocking bad too. You start to scream as you start to cum. I start to really slam into you now. My balls hitting your ass with each slam. Your pussy walls hold my dick almost in place. I feel your juices run down your leg and my balls and thats it for me. I start to cum inside your pussy. My cum starts to run out of your pussy and down your leg. I pull out and wipe my cock all over your ass getting the cum off of it. It just runs down your ass and into your pussy again. I masasge your tits as you come down from your orgasm. we get dressd again and head to the races but this was just the first of many fucks during that night :)