Real World in Fashion.


Work She was not normally someone I found attractive. She was very short, about 5'4" and around 112 pounds. She had bright blue eyes and short cropped blonde hair that gave her a "butchy" appearance at best. What caught my attention the most I think, were her short "dancers" legs. They were downright muscular and when she wore certain outfits to work, I could do little else but stare at them. Her breasts were very small also-perhaps A's, but I could see the hint of nipple through certain of the shirts she wore. She was at first very professional for a boss, as to be expected, but then certain things started to slip out and little comments started to be made. But generally everyone would joke around about those things anyway, so it was not big deal when the boss would hit us with a good comment. Leah was married and had a young son, and I was also married with a baby on the way, so beside looking up her skirt and small fantasies about her riding me, I never gave much thought to anything really happening. One day in the winter wore a professional, but short dress that was purple. She had on black nylons and wore those "chunky" black shoes. It was my favorite of hers and I always complimented her on it when she wore it. No big deal. Except today. She had been storming earlier about a fight with her husband. He was a large chap who was a tad overweight, but she always had said that that didn't bother her at all. I on the other hand am very slim and muscular, and I pride myself on working out a lot to keep as fit as possible. I have very black hair and brownish green eyes, and many women have said that I have a handsome smile. So anyway, she was fuming about her husband and some other things. The secluded area we work in allowed us freedom as far as language-and after normal work hours it was a ghost town. Out of the clear blue Leah looked up at me and smiled. "So you didn't mention my outfit today.....I'm so sad." I laughed. "Sorry ma'am, it must have slipped my mind." She crossed her legs and the hem rose up to the top of her thickly muscled thigh. "I guess it doesn't look that nice anymore...oh well..." Again I laughed. "Oh quit fishing for compliments will you?" This time we shared in the laughter. As I rose up to leave I stretched out the kinks from sitting in front of the computer all day, and went about gathering my things to be on my way. I said goodnight and started to make my way to through the maze that was my office. As I stuck my hands in my coat pocket I suddenly realized that my keys were in my desk drawer. Pissed, I wove around the office and started back to my desk. As I approached around the corner my eyes fell on something I never thought I would see. There my boss leaned back in her chair....with one foot propped up on her desk, the other on the ground, with her hand stuck inside her satin white panties. Her eyes were closed and she was rhythmically rubbing her clit. What got me the most was that she had been wearing thigh high nylons that had been pulled all the way up. For a few more seconds she fingered herself with her hand and then she opened her yes. Immediately her feet hit the ground and she pulled her skirt down. Her shuffled as she stood up and put her hands to her embarrassed face. "My GOD..." was all she could muster as her face continued to turn dark shades of red. I was shocked myself but I could not ignore the erection building in my pants. "Leah it's okay, " I said as I stepped forward. "Please don't tell anyone..I'll lose my job.." "It's nothing I don't do anyway," I said... "I can't believe it....I thought you were gone..." She put her hands in her face again. Slowly I approached her and she peaked through her hands. My hands went down and lifted the hem of her skirt lightly. "What the fuck are you doing?" She moved down to grab my hands. "What you wanted..." Her hands did not pull mine away although I could see the torment in her eyes.. I caressed slowly up her hard thigh and gripped the lacy sides of her satin panties and pulled them down. She leaned up and stuck her tongue into my mouth, expertly leading me as her breathing began to pick up speed. I pulled away suddenly and she gave me a sharp look. I looked down at her panties on the floor and she stepped out of them. "Sit down for me..." With fire in her blue eyes she sat back in her chair. "What now?" "Do you want me to eat your pussy?" I asked, licking my lips. "My husband doesn't do that." As if it was a final statement. "Lean back," I said as I slipped my hands up her inner thighs and hiked her hem up. Her pussy lips were poutty and wet from her previous endeavor. Her pubic hair was trimmed neatly, and it was obvious that beneath her nylons she waxed her legs. "Beautiful." I stated simply. She jerked forward as my tongue started to tickle her clit, slowly circling and teasing it gently. She kept mumbling under her breath but I could not hear exactly what was said. For five minutes I alternately sucked and nibble and inserted my fingers into her pussy. The moment I had her ready to cum I would slow down. Finally after several minutes I tickled her hard little asshole with my finger and she came like crazy. She started to buck and rode the whole orgasm through intensely. When finally she opened her eyes, she looked down at me licking my lips. "My god that was's been years..." As if suddenly aware of the awkwardness of the situation, she closed her legs and brushed her short hair back. "I have to go." With no more words she grabbed her coat and bag and stormed out of the office. I sat there bewildered for some time until I then followed her out. The next day was awkward at best. At least until everyone started leaving. She had worn a long skirt with a modest slit up the front and white nylons today. Her top was sort of tight and clingy. She sat barefoot most of the day with her legs crossed at her computer, the slit falling down around her shapely legs as she worked and progressed through the time. As the time came around for everyone to leave, she looked over to me and asked if I could stay for a second. My partner thought nothing of it as he said his good nights and left for the evening. "What's up?" I asked, leaning back on my desk. "I want your cock inside me," she stated simply. "Why?" I asked-playing dumb. "I'm your boss. Because I say so." That was enough for me. I moved around to behind her desk. She had already removed her panties and it looked as though her fingers had been playing with her wet cunt. I stood there and watched as she slid off her nylons and hiked up her long skirt. My dick was obviously already hard and as I moved to drop my pants a voice startled both of us. Ben, the older cleaning guy for the company leaned against the shelf, which blocked our area from the view of the rest of the hall, "What have we here?" I stood dumbfounded. Leah slapped her feet to the floor and closed her legs. "No need to stop for me," Ben said as he sauntered forward. Ben was a wiry and tall man, probably not half-bad looking in his younger days. "You see white bitch, in order for me to keep quiet about this, you gonna need to give me some white pussy. I stood there still silent as Ben dropped his pants and his cock swung free from restraint. It was huge. It was barely hard and already 6 inches long. My erect cock was barely that. Leah started to get pissed and stood up, but Ben grabbed her by the shoulders and sat her back down. "Put that attitude on hold missy. You horny so I'm gonna get me some pussy. You hear? You probably never had something this big, have you? Think twice bout making a scene.... I'll tell everyone about you and your boy here." "You pig!" she said coldly. "Hike that skirt up." As he spoke his cock grew to about nine inches long. Leah gaped and slid up the skirt. Her pussy was very wet and her lips were pouting out of the wisp of hair. "You took them nylons off and I like them smooth legs, but put the heels back on please. I'm an old pervert." Leah grunted and slipped the black shoes on. "You got a fine little pussy. Ben kneeled down and inserted a finger into my boss, and then his mouth followed and he expertly tongued her clit. Leah spread her legs and put her hands around his head. My cock was huge in my pants as I watched this black man bring my boss to a powerful, and long orgasm. As she finished she leaned up in the chair, her legs thrown over his back, and slipped a tongue in his mouth. Ben kissed her roughly and his fingers opened up her shirts and popped open the front of her bra. He pinched her nipples and she moaned. "You like that tongue lashing baby?" he asked with a grin on his face. She just nodded. Ben stood up and stepped out of his pants. He grabbed her hands and stood her up on her wobbly legs. Slowly he pushed her against the wall and lifted her left leg. With one smooth stroke her buried his nine inch black cock into her dripping pussy. "Oh my god...." She moaned. "Its sooo big..." Ben smiled and began to fuck her with slow even strokes, sometimes pulling all the way out and going all the way back in. "I'm gonna cum in you white bitch." With that Ben blew his load and pulled out of her. As he walked away whistling, my boss stared at me glassy eyed.