Real World in Fashion.

Red Leather

Red Leather The moon shine's down on the narrow path below, another night walking the streets, this is a life style to some, Brooke was just one of these people. Brooke was 21 and street walking was her life, her job, and most of all she enjoyed it, she could be who ever she wanted to be or more to the point who ever her next client wanted her to be. Brooke steps from her shower and walks to her room, drops the towel to the floor and walks to the window, looks out to see what is going on in the street below her. There is much nightlife and people everywhere; in the background she hears a solo sax playing, Brooke loses herself in this sound, this is the most sensual sound Brooke has heard. Time passes and Brooke starts to get ready, she slips on her red leather skirt and jacket, she never puts on underwear for this is just a mere detail that Brooke doesn't care for. She pins her long red hair, glosses her sensual lips and buckles her stilettos; grabs her purse and heads down the stairs of her penthouse. Her tiny nipples stand perked as the cool breeze catches them, she walks down the street she knows so well and smiles softly at people she has come to know. Brooke stops at her favorite store and purchases some strawberry lube, she smiles cheekily at the young man at the counter and leaves the store. Standing at the doorway she sighs;" time for work" she thinks. Brooke had one of her regular clients tonight, a shy sort of guy but very sweet to her. She always meets him in a little club and then they head back to his place; he cooks her dinner and then they retire to his room where Brooke seduces him: Brooke can see he has a wild side underneath his shy guy form and this always excites her. The sound of music gets louder as she makes her way down the street, finally she arrives at the club. She stops, freshens up her makeup, straightens her skirt and heads down the stairs; the club is filled with smoke and people everywhere, in the far corner she sees her sweet guy and heads over to him. His face lights up at the sight of her and he stands to greet her, grabbing her he pulls her close and kisses her deeply, she responds and grabs him hard, caressing his balls. He squirms but smiles a naughty smile. Sitting down at the table he orders her a drink and they start talking about each other's day. The drinks are finished and Brooke stands, leads him up the stairs and back towards his place. Tonight Brooke finds herself a little more excited, and lusting him more than usual; he holds her hand and walks with her, there pace is quick for both know where it will all end up once they get there. They reach the block of apartments where he lives. They rush up the stairs, no time to waste: they were both hungry and it was not food they were craving, their hunger was pure lust. Brooke enters the apartment first. She turns to him, her skirt already dropped to the floor and her jacket open, exposing her perked breast, her nipples were like tiny cherries. He walks over, cupping her breasts and taking them to his mouth, biting the nipples gently, circling them with his tongue. Brooke's hands work over his body, pulling at his clothes. He pulls off her jacket revealing her naked and waiting form. Brooke releases his hard cock from his pant's, drops to her knees and takes him deep into her throat. His knees weaken and a moan escapes from deep in his throat, her hands encircle his ass and pulls him close to her, his cock aching as he fucks her mouth deeper. She sucks on it, her lips clenched tightly around the shaft, his hands sit behind Brookes head, helping to guide her. He moans louder and his knees are almost buckling under him. He is filled with ecstasy, Brooke always has this effect on him; that is why he always asked for her. She was the only one who could ease his built up tension. Grabbing Brooke up he throws here over his shoulder and brings her to his room. The room is lit dimly and a scent of sandalwood filled the room. There was red ribbon sitting on the side table and sexual toys, of which he loved playing with. He loved inserting them in her and watch as Brooke squirmed and moaned for more. Throwing Brookes naked body on the bed, he proceeds to massage her skin. He feels her soft form in his hands. She lays back and enjoys him touching her. He grabs her wrists and ties them with the red ribbon, attaching them too hook's he has above his bed. He then moves to Brookes purse, removes the strawberry lube, and walking back to Brooke he whispers that he has a surprise for her tonight. As he does this, he grabs a blind fold from under the pillow where she lies, and blindfolds her. He goes over to the side table and finds the largest of three sexual toys. Moving back to Brooke he places a long deep kiss to her sweet scented pussy. Rubbing the toy gently against the swollen mound, Brooke squirms a little, he slides his fingers along her slit to reveal her pink, moist flesh, slowly inserting a finger. Brooke lets out a sigh and her hip's rise a little off the bed. He takes the toy and places it on her swollen lips. Brooke feels the toy spreading her womanhood, the size exciting her. She feels him moving the toy in and out and how it slides, she moans a little louder. In doing this she calls his name. He smiles and asks, " if she is enjoying what he is doing and if she wanted more". He never wanted anything from Brooke but for her to wear red leather and to lie back and let him have his way with her, showering her with his unbridled passion and lust. Always wanting her to enjoy him as much as he did her, and to let herself reach the heights of excitement of which she indulged him. He spreads her labia with his spare hand, exposing her hard clit, and leans down, taking it gently into his mouth, savoring her juices. Brooke moans louder, thrusting up at his mouth, wanting to push as hard as possible towards him, riding the waves of pleasure he is giving her. Sliding the toy out of her, he delves deeply into her nether regions, tasting her sweetness. Brooke wraps her legs around his head, pulling him deeper into her, suffocating him. Taking a smaller toy from the bedside table, he inserts it into her anus, all the while nibbling her erect clit. Her juices flowing freely from her, lubricating the vibrator impaling her. Brooke moans loudly, nearing the height of pleasure few men have endeared her, oblivious to her surroundings, totally immersed in the feelings being dealt to her most private parts. Her orgasm comes gushing forth, racking her body in delicious waves of pleasure, seemingly coming deep from within her, enveloping her total being. She collapses in ecstasy, murmuring in contentment, willing to do anything for the provider of such exquisite pleasure. He leans forward and undoes the ribbon and Brooke takes of her blindfold leaps forward and grabs him pushing him back on to the bed kissing him deeply she taste herself in his mouth, this turns her on once again with this she stands over him and slides her hot moist dilated sex on to his hard erect cock , he moans slightly and grabs the bed sides he is filled with so much excitement, Brooke feels him seal himself against her. His hands lift her breasts, pinching her nipples Brooke bucks ands rears on his cock, sliding up as high as she can without losing his shaft and plummets down hard. His face went dark with his groans and as Brooke feels him erupt his hot cum under her, she feels another orgasm build in her bucking still she cums, waves wash her and she collapse on him.