Real World in Fashion.

A Knock on the Door

A Knock on the Door A knock on the door, a muffled knock, uncertain and feminine. I look up from my dormitory desk and see you standing in the open doorway, My jaw drops and when I see your hair. "What happened" my eyes widen at the sight of your bobbed hair, softly caressing the sides your warm looking cheeks. "I had it all cut of.,' you smile, "May I come in." "Sure," I smile. And you kick off the door stop and close the door behind you. As I glance at my work a second, I hear the click of the door lock. You walk over to where I am sitting on my chair. You sit on your legs and place you head on my knee. I now recognized how strained that smile was, as you begin to sob on me. I reach over and turn off the bright desk light and gently touch my hand to your newly cut hair. "It is over, now. It finished this morning," you cry. I run my hand up and down your upper back and pet your soft hair again. "Shhh," I whisper. "I'm here. I'll not let our friendship go away." Suddenly, you rise up and throw you arms around my neck and hold me close, your head bobbing on my neck. I feel the tears on my cheek, wet and hot. "Hold me. Hold me, please." Quickly, I press you too me and we rise at the desk and I step back and we lay down on the bed there in my small dorm room. "Make love to, love. Please." You whisper in a needing voice. "Not now, love," I reply. "We should wait till we are sure. You are hurting now. I do not want to take you in this hurting mood. It would not be good. You know I love you but you need be sure, as I do." Your tears stream in uncontrollable sobs, as I hold you close, feeling your body press mine not in an erotic embrace but in a holding of need. We drift off…. ... In a half sleep, I recall the dates we had and your carefully going slow. The dances at the dormitory. Our slow movements together in the slow dances, more a public embrace than a dance, the curve of your swaying hips, the touch of my hand there, the leaning of your cheek against mine, the touch of my lips now and again, the resting or your round breasts brushing my chest, the slight pressing of your back closer to me. Then the music ending, our bodies separating, the moments of wanting to hug you back. The hard rock starts. I held your hand and we retreated from the dance floor with the others bodies rocking and rolling and gyrating and lost in movements feet apart. ......… The morning comes and we unintwine. You lean over and kiss my still sleeping face making me stir slightly and go off to your music class. I wake shortly after and shower and go to my Milton Class. "Paradise Lost," Mmmmm. I walk out of class and there you are in the hall, where we passed so many times. "Hi," you smile. "Thanks. You were right." You take my arm and we walk to the campus restaurant and you have a salad and I a burger. We talk about the break. He was being too cold at times. You were finding his language too boring. He was wanting only special attentions. You were wanting more variety. Almost wordlessly you had parted, completely wordlessly. We both have the afternoon off and walk to the restaurant near campus and we each have a wine, mine an Burgundy, your a Port. We walk to my office. There in the basement of Hamilson Hall and we walk in the door and again you flip the lock on the door, holding your arms around my neck, you kiss me hard with your wine warmed mouth. My worries somewhat lessened, I kiss you hard back, licking in your mouth hard, feeling you nibble at my tongue, your arms running down my back now, pressing me hard to you, feeling my harness embarrassingly rising in my loose jeans. ....... Our dancing together at dorm parties ended quickly as a passionate, popular, famous relationship began between you and him. You were inseparable, every day holding hands and hugging, every social event you two at the center, every sporting event he cheering his favorites, you beside him, smiling when he did, cheering when he did, going where he did. ......... You step to me and I find myself sitting on my desk. You sit in my chair and looking in my eyes, you open my fly and pull out my already hardening cock. You look at it closely, stroking it up and down, and lick the head several times, then run your tongue up and down the swelling shaft. In a quick swallow, you put the entire shaft in you mouth as I lean back on my arms and hold my head back feeling your mouth running up and down my stiff prick, moaning in your throat, translating the vibrations to my rigid prick. You make short work of me. I would not have liked to admit it but it had been a few months for me and I was feeling sensitive and quite anxious after sleeping with you then night before with out doing more than holding and kissing you. You hold your mouth at my cock head and rub up and down my shaft as the cum drips down my prick. You lift your mouth from me a bit, and strings of semen hanging from your lips and teeth and tongue onto me and you quickly suck down licking up the hot liquid and sucking it down and fill in your throat. Slowly and cleanly you lick me clean. Inspecting my cock, you see it dry. You put me back in my pants and stand and hold me close as I moan in my throat in the memory of you beautiful lovemaking. .........….. I had seen you and him getting rather hard and unfriendly. He appearing at football games with that other girl. And you having dinner alone downtown. One night you arrived at the dorm dance alone, rather early. "Like to dance?" I asked. "Like old times." "Thank you, but," you said glancing at the door. It was a whole hour before he arrived. I hadn't danced that night. ............…. The days got busy quickly and didn't see you for a few days till I hear a knock at the door, soft and feminine and late. "Yes," I called out laying on the bed reading "Paradise Regained." "It's me," I hear and quickly raise myself and unlock the door. You walk in and I hear behind your back, the click of a door lock. "We will be getting back together," you say. Speechless, I start at you. "Why did she come back here to tell me they were getting back together," I thought. You press my shoulder back down on the bed and straddle over me, leaning down and kissing me hard, laying on my, squirming around. A frantic movement of hands, mouths groping at each other, clothes tossed aside on the floor, bed sheets moved aside and entered we find us naked in the sheets in desperate love making. Long moments of foreplay, my hands playing up and down your body, my fingertips over your neck, my palms pressing your breasts, my tongue finding the wet places of your clitoris and cunt. Between your legs and my fingers deeply massaging your thighs and calves and feet. I get rolled over on my stomach and feel you lick down my back, from shoulder to shoulder, down my spine, across my sides, over my buttocks between my legs, a turning over, up my shaft around my stomach to my chest, across my collar bones, up to my mouth, you on top of me my arm around you, your body pressed on mine again. Without a hand involved, my cock slowly enters you and rests there as you press your hips against mine, then you kneel up over me and raise up and down on my hard cock, slowly, your hands on my chest, my hands squeezing your breasts. Your eyes are closed as you fuck up and down on me. My hand reaches to your crotch and massages your clit around and around as it hardens against my fingers. I sit up as you wrap your hands around my neck and in hard movements up and down, in rhythm with your hip thrusts, we fuck each other in a mutual movement that makes your body thrash in vibrating orgasms. Your short moaning throat noises make my cock burn deep in your pussy with harder thrusts that result in an orgasms translating to thrills up your naked back where my hands rub, burning down your legs filling your thighs and calves as my legs echo the thrill, grabbing at your mouth as mine nibbles at yours. Our bodies fall on to the bed in a frenzied meeting of mouths, holding of arms, rubbing of hands, till my spent prick twitches its last in you and the last element of passion melts into a sleep night of waking, caressing, touching, holding, small moans, and a waking. "So you are getting back together with him?" I ask in the cool morning. "No," you say. "You misunderstand. We, you and I, are getting back together as dance partners."