I stood up straight and cast my gaze deep towards the horizon at the end of the horizon.

While enjoying the view that was presented to me, my memory invited me to return to the journey of my life so far.

After stroking my long hair that fluttered in the wind, I took a deep breath.

What I have experienced so far is a combination of several theories of the possibility of time travel. Every year without a time machine, only with the strength of my own body, which I myself don't know how to work, somehow I always send myself traveling time to various eras and places that I can't predict at all.

And every time it comes to an era it will take about a year for me to recharge my strength to be able to go back to time traveling back to a different era and place that I cannot determine and control.

No need to imagine bright rays or big explosions or colorful smoke, the process of sending myself from one era to another just happens, after one year my body replenishes the time travel power, then suddenly I will immediately disappear from that era. and appeared in a different era.

When viewed from someone else's point of view, I would suddenly appear like a ghost. Meanwhile, if you look at it from my point of view, suddenly the whole scene and the people I see in front of me suddenly change to a scene in another place with different people.

And it all just happened without my being able to control it or stop it. You could say that the strange power of my own body played with my fate by throwing me into different eras every year.

All I know I've been doing this since I was a baby. I have absolutely no control over this. I keep getting lost in time travel every year and I am still trying to figure out how this could happen to me. Currently, I am 16 years old, meaning that I have been thrown into various eras 16 times, I have visited 16 times with various problems that occurred at that time.

If normal people used to celebrate their birthdays with their family, friends, and the people closest to them, then if I celebrate birthdays by being thrown to various times and places.

Where every time I was thrown into another era, I could only whisper softly to myself in a sad tone

"Hey, happy birthday huh ...."

Obviously, this makes me not have too many friends, because after all I and they can only be friends for one year and until now I also don't know where I come from, where I come from, who my parents are, where and how I got this strange power. , and why should I get this strange power.

Every time my strange power sends me to another era with new people, new languages, new customs then I have to quickly get used to adapting or else I won't survive long enough in that era, because we will never know how wrong it was to behave in someday will make me safe or harm I know that after several times experiencing various things that make me safe or hurt because of my own attitude at that time.

In fact, I often get killed.

Yes, it is true. I'm not mistaken. Killed. I've been killed several times at various times. Usually, it happened because when I was thrown into another era, I landed right in the middle of a war between two kingdoms, or between two superpowers, or between international terrorist forces and world peacekeeping forces. Or it could be because of being robbed, involved in mob riots, fighting, being hit by the death penalty, or even because of something as trivial as slipping and falling into a cliff, falling from a horse, drowning, falling from a multi-story building hit by a plane, or falling from the tallest skyscraper. in the world and others.

But every time I get killed, I always come back alive and repeat my life right when I first arrived at the relevant era without any flaws. So for example, before I was killed by a bomb explosion with my body falling apart, then when my strange power revived me at the beginning of the first time when I arrived at that era, I was revived with complete limbs without missing anything. Complete with clothes and whatever objects I touch or wear at the time.

I quickly learned that this was the second chance given to me to return to living one year of that era safely. And fortunately, all my memories from living in that era until the time when I was killed are not erased and I can remember again when I repeat my life in that era so that I can remember clearly once again about things like what could get me killed, who are the dangerous people of that era to avoid, who should be approached in order to succeed and to survive successfully and safely in that era.

It feels like cheating on a test because sometimes I just casually use my memories of the time before I lived in that era to take a little profit by becoming a rich, successful, and influential person in that era. At first, I did do this kind of prank, but finally, I realized that it wouldn't be able to get me out of that era.

Because just because I can live my entire life for one year successfully, safely and successfully doesn't mean I will be able to move on to another era. Because somehow, that's not how my annoying power works. It's not as simple as waiting for a year to recharge the time-traveling power, then after exactly one year, I was immediately transferred to another era.

From childhood to adolescence, I was often forced to experience dozens of times or even dozens of repetitions of life in the same era which made me feel very, very bored and even memorized all the details of events and events in that era from the beginning of the year to the end. years that made me feel like God knew everything about that place and that era, just because I had experienced life in that era too many times for one year, over and over again, as many as tens of times.

In the end, I realized that what I have to do in order to be free from the endless repetition of life in the same era is; I had to make sure that some important people and events that had to happen at that time had to be ensured in order for them to happen so that I could be free from repetition of the life of that era.

For example, we know that in the first world war Hitler, who at that time was just an ordinary German soldier, was forgiven and rescued by a British soldier who was supposed to be hostile to Germany at that time. Or we also know that when Hitler was a child he was saved by a priest when he almost drowned in a small river.

But just because I already know that in history it has been written that in the future Hitler will be the trigger for the second world war, then with the excuse of saving mankind in the future then I decide not to help Hitler who was drowning in the river when he was a child, or I decided to kill Hitler in the first world war while he was still an ordinary soldier, so that the second world war would not happen.

So at the end of the year in that era, I will be thrown by my strange power back to the beginning of the era when Hitler was a child or Hitler was still an ordinary soldier. To once again repeat the life of that era for one year to ensure that the direction of Hitler's life as a child or the direction of Hitler's life after escaping death in the first world war, will make him as an adult decision to become a dictator who will start the second world war.

Only if it works I make sure it happens, then my strange power will transfer me to another era with the same mission as well. Namely, correcting historical errors or deviations that occurred at that time so that the course of life and events at that time was in accordance with what was written in history.

4 years old

At first, this was very frustrating for me because as a child I couldn't think that far at all, and at a young age I often cried running here and there without a clear direction and was busy saving myself from all the chaos of the era I came to. This happened when I was 4 years old.

At the age of 4 years my strange power sent me to the pirate era in the Caribbean, where I initially became a pirate ship deck cleaning boy after running and hiding here and there for fear of being a victim of the cruelty of criminals and pirates, I at that time decided to become part of the pirates. sea ​​because I think rather than constantly running from them I'd better be a part of them so that I have nothing more to fear.

But over time and after dozens of times repeating life in that era as a boy cleaning the deck of a pirate ship and learning all the ins and outs of life and all the struggles of pirates, I finally became the 4-year-old pirate boy who was most feared in the Caribbean at the time. that and was known as the devil boy.

At that time, especially in the Caribbean, many pirates and government naval forces were amazed, why a 4-year-old boy like me had the ability to the sword and drive a ship like a veteran pirate. They don't know that even though I'm physically like a 4-year-old boy, but mentally, I'm already tens of years old at that time, that's because I've repeated my life as a 4-year-old boy in that era, so even though my physical body looks like it's still old 4 years at that time, but mentally I'm already an adult.

I was finally able to move from that era, after successfully training the pirate captain who used to raise me as a deck cleaner to become the strongest pirate captain known as the Black Beard whose actions in the pirate world scare fellow pirates and troops. government.

Even though at that time I decided to train him out of pity to see him being abandoned by his men who began to underestimate his abilities as a pirate leader. It turns out that the secret training I gave Black Beard was actually a way for me to move from the pirate era to another era.

5 years old

The same thing happened when I was 5 years old. At that time I was sent to the Samurai era. An era where there was a dispute between the Samurai and Ninja. In short, after dozens of times repeating life in that era, I finally managed to ensure that the Samurai succeeded in continuing the leadership in Japan and forced the Ninja to live in secret from ancient times to modern times. Because I have tried to do the other option, which is to help the Ninja become rulers and come to power in ancient Japan.

But it seems that it is not something that my strange power has wanted, because after a year passed I was sent back to the beginning of the year when I arrived in ancient Japan for the first time. It was only after the Samurai succeeded in helping me to come to power in ancient Japan, that I was sent to another era.

2 & 3 years old

Actually what makes me have enough heart strength when I have to repeat my life as a child of 4 years and 5 years of decades is;

First. The love I received as a baby at the age of 1 year in ancient Greece where I was cared for by a royal family who found me by the river and cared for me from baby to one year old.

Second. policies and teachings of life values ​​that I got from a Sufi hermit from Arabia who took care of me when I was thrown into his era when I was 2 years old.

And third, which I can't forget either, is the teaching of life from a different and harsh perspective, from Rasputin who was called a magician from Russia when I was 3 years old.

0-1 years old

How do I, 1, 2, and 3 years old understand all that? Because as I said before, I will not be able to get out of the repetition of the life of that era as long as I haven't been able to confirm that the important things that should have happened in that era really happened in that era.

After undergoing the repetition of life for 10 times in my body as a baby aged 0 to 1 year, then I realized that I was different from others, where even though from the outside I looked like a few months old babies but mentally I was 10 years old and have started to understand other people's conversations.

It's just because my baby's body doesn't have the ability to control my own body movements. So even though, for example, as a baby at that time, I could understand other people's conversations but I couldn't control the movements of my baby's body to be able to talk too. And that is very torturous.

Until finally, after repeating my life as a baby 20 times and I had memorized all the details of royal life and all the traitors in the kingdom, I finally tried to show the king or my adoptive father to see right and wrong in his kingdom by reacting with laughter. when faced with good things or good people who can give positive things to the advancement of the kingdom, and react in tears when I am shown things that are wrong for the advancement of the kingdom including when I am confronted in front of royal traitors who intend to kill my father my adoptive mother and took over the kingdom.

So that finally the king who realized it, used my baby's laughing reaction and my baby crying to remodel his royal structure into a democratic kingdom and that was the forerunner of the first democratic empire in ancient Greece. After that happened then it was the first time I was sent to another era to meet otherwise people when I was 2 years and 3 years old.

6 years old

It's different from my adventures at the ages of 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 which seemed to be experimenting with various possibilities until finally, I found the right answer as a condition for sending me to another era. So at the age of 6 years, I really took advantage of everything I encountered at that time to equip myself with all kinds of science and history as well as weapons and various life support tools in various fields because when I was 6 years old, the strength strange I sent me to the age of 2030. The most advanced age after the various ancient civilizations that I lived dozens of times before.

In this modern era, almost every day I spend time sitting in the digital library to read all the world history that I have lived and have never lived before, I study and memorize all the details of world history so that at any time I will be sent by my strange power. , then I could immediately move to correct any historical errors or irregularities that occurred at that time without needing to guess anymore so that I no longer needed to experience the repetition of a boring life from various eras.

Not only history, but I also study other sciences such as law, politics, martial arts, culture, languages, arts, social, medicine, mathematics, and especially quantum physics and philosophy, because those two sciences I feel I can use the most to find know the answer to my torturous condition.

I was determined that somehow I should be able to find out the origin of my condition and most importantly, how to control it. Nearly a hundred times or a hundred years I have been repeating life in the year 2030 just so that I can focus on completing all the knowledge until I have the knowledge and technological equipment that is sufficient to ensure my survival and safety in whatever era it is. Because I have also learned that whatever I carry with my body at one time will also carry over with me when I move to another era.

So carrying a variety of modern technological equipment everywhere is a must so that whenever my strange power feels that I have succeeded in doing what I have to do in 2030, I can be sent to another era while still carrying all the modern technological equipment, of course. I have confirmed that all these technological equipment uses batteries that can recharge themselves using alternative energy sources, such as the power of the wearer's body or body heat, wind power, water, sunlight, and others.

Some of the equipment, among others;

Google Eye:

This is a refinement of Google Glasses, as we know that in the early 2000s Google launched Google glasses that could access the internet and communication with only voice commands and could display a digital image on the glasses screen that only the wearer could see.

But then in 2030 in collaboration with Samsung, Google to launch the Google Eye.

Google Eye is a super sophisticated personal computer in the form of a contact lens attached to the eye that can display all digital displays to the wearer of any information on any object or person the wearer is seeing.

Google Eye has also used virtual reality technology where we can control the digital display of Google Eye with hand movements, voice commands and even just thought waves. All data on the international internet network can be stored in its very large capacity memory.

Super light and thin titanium Military Vest:

This vest is the latest release from NASA and the Pentagon which is actually still a secret, but thanks to the computer knowledge I learned for 80 years in 2030 (yup I purposely repeated life 80 times these days) I finally managed to find a way to hack computers and the internet around the world without being detected at all and finally I managed to send the super sophisticated vest to my secret address that no one knows about.

This vest was so thin it felt like ordinary cloth, but so strong that even a bomb explosion could not damage it. Practically again because of its flexibility and transparency, so that this vest can be worn all over the body from head to toe without anyone realizing that we are wearing the vest.

This vest also features cold and warm temperature settings to provide comfort to the wearer. And even this vest is also compatible with Google Eye. So that the information obtained by Google Eye can also be displayed and responded to by this vest, for example, this vest can also be used to listen to songs downloaded by Google Eye from the internet.

Molecule Compressor Wrist Band (MCWB):

Wrist band (bracelet wrist) This is a super-effective storage tool that has become a trend these days. The initial idea of ​​the invention of the MCWB is Doraemon's magic bag which, although small in size, can store objects as big and as many as anything inside. Basically, this tool can compact the molecules of any object, so that objects that are initially as big as a car can be compacted to the size of sand, which is then stored in this wrist strap and can be removed at any time.

Of course, the size of the object being compacted has a maximum size, and the maximum compaction process also has a minimum limit, so that we can be sure that the object that is compacted does not become a mini black hole.

Just so you know, for example, all the molecules and atoms of the planet Earth are compressed to the size of a pea seed, then immediately, the earth will become a mini black hole with a very powerful gravitational pull. Other objects, such as cars, cellphones, keys, shoes, etc. also have a maximum level of reduction which, if forced to solidify until all the molecules touch each other without the slightest space, then that object will also become another black hole.

Of course, we don't want to keep a very dangerous mini black hole in our pants pocket, right?

So any object has the potential to become a black hole if molecules and atoms are compressed until they touch each other and there is not even the smallest amount of space at the level of its quantum dimensions.

There are 4 wrist bands that I wear.

1. One for storage of weapons such as;

- Automatic Electric Weapons, which can shoot electrically condensed like a bullet with a maximum speed of 3 times the speed of sound, its electric power can be regulated, the effects range from just paralyzing, fainting to death.

- Twin Titanium Swords, These were two super-strong titanium swords that could be combined into one Sword, or separated into two separate swords. Each 2 meters long which can be extended automatically along 100 meters with an extension speed equal to the speed of sound.

This sword was also super transparent, so it couldn't be seen with the naked eye at all. This sword can emit heat up to thousands of degrees without melting and emit cold to thousands of degrees below zero without breaking. This sword is also super sharp so it can slice through almost anything but a titanium vest. I call this sword the Twin Dragon Sword.

- Super Transparent Auto Bow, which can be attached to both arms (small bow and arrow) and legs (giant bow and arrow) which can fire 100 arrows of ice/second. Ice is compressed from ambient air. When it hits the target, it will immediately melt in seconds so that it is not detected.

2. The second is for storing various foods and beverages which are equipped with super cold refrigerators so that food can last up to 1 year without being damaged.

3. The third is for the storage of survivors' tools, tents, cooking utensils for eating and drinking, bathing and washing, hunting equipment, and any equipment needed by an explorer or adventurer to be able to survive in the wild.

4. The fourth is for storage of a military version of the 3D printer that can print anything, such as clothes, everyday cooking or writing utensils, even vehicles such as cruising cars or tanks and warplanes with materials made to feel exactly like the real thing.

Not only does it feel the same when touched, but even the printer results can also work exactly like the original object, so if we print a car, we can use the car immediately. This 3D printer can also print objects very quickly, so piloting a large car or airplane only takes a maximum of 1 minute.

Of course, printers like this are not widely marketed and are only used among American and Russian militias. What circulates among the public is a printer that can only print models, which can be made to print cars but the car cannot run, because it only prints the outer body and not the engine. And also the common people's 3D printer takes a very long time in the process, even to print a guitar can take almost a week.

Therefore, on the market, the price of this 3D printer is very, very expensive. And actually, this military version of the 3D printer has never been published to the public and its existence is hidden so that it can only be used for military purposes. But I managed to break into their military security system and stole the military version of the 3D printer and stored it in my Molecule Compressor Wrist Band.

In this wrist band, I also use it to store Google Mini Satellite and Google Atomic Drones.

Google Mini Satellites and Google Atomic Drone are supermini flying cameras that are molecular size so that they cannot be seen by the naked eye at all even though they are flying in circles in front of the eyes of the person being watched, even though they are super small, they can take very clear pictures even from above Earth's orbit and the camera is also equipped with infrared, ultraviolet, thermal camera and x-rays so that it can see through objects or bodies.

Usually used as a GPS or to help provide an overview of the current Google Eye user's position and provide an overview of the security situation around Google Eye users from a radius of 100 meters to 10 kilometers.

In short, in the era of 2030, after ironically helping international terrorist organizations carry out the first of ten stages towards world war against UN forces in the next few decades, finally my strange powers approved of doing so and sent me to another era.

After equipping myself with various technologies and sciences, especially history, I finally no longer encountered any significant obstacles in doing my job in every era, namely to correct the historical distortions that were happening at that time.

Now every era that I have been able to pass through is only one or two years, the maximum is only three to five years, that's because I want to learn some things in that era more deeply or just want to take a break to enjoy that era. , before I was sent to another era to complete missions in that other era.

Age 7

I was sent to the days of the Wild Wild West and helped a hobo kid who almost died until he eventually became a young Cowboy legend known as Billy the Kid.

Age 8

I lived life during the time of the Majapahit kingdom in ancient Indonesia and helped Gajah Mada unite the archipelago.

Age 9

I traveled around the time of Pharaoh in ancient Egypt and helped Pharaoh fight, Moses, by disguising himself as a royal magician who happened to die when I arrived at that time. My mission is to incite and confirm Pharaoh, who is basically Moses' adoptive brother, to hate Moses in such a way that he ended up fighting against Moses.

Age 10

I joined the Viking pirate fighting squad, my mission was to make sure the Vikings at that time succeeded in becoming a wild and invincible pirate as it has been written in history.

It was very hard for me to do that because in their actions they were so cruel, they would kill all men, rape all women, loot all property, and burn down all the settlements they attack. Even though I'm still a child and I'm a woman, but because I can also show my strength, battle skills, and cruelty that are not inferior to adult men, they can finally accept me into their army.

At first, I could not contain my anger to see them commit all these atrocities until finally I unconsciously used the modern weapons I got in 2030 to slaughter the Viking pirates. But of course, my strange power mercilessly considered it a mission violation or a failure of my mission which should ensure that all-important events that should have actually happened were confirmed to really happen.

As a result, I was forced to repeat the life of that era several times because, in several repetitions of that era, I often did not have the heart and ended up failing to kill the innocent citizens who in historical records should have been killed by the Viking pirates.

Age 11

I joined the UN forces against the international terrorist forces in world war 5. This is the greatest and most terrible war in history that I have lived, ironically at the age of 6 in 2030 I was the one who helped found the forerunner of the international terrorist organization that started the world war This fifth, it can't be helped, because this is what history wants to happen.

But at least in this era, I can rampage to my heart's content, spilling all my anger on my fate that forces me to live my life in previous times as a cruel person.

Because it turns out that my mission at this time, no matter whether I will end up alive or dead at that time, I must be able to make sure that helping the UN forces can destroy the main headquarters of the international terrorist forces that are hidden on the seabed of the Bermuda Triangle and under the sands of the Sahara desert.

Age 12

After escaping from the era of World War 5, I was thrown into the pre-dinosaur era, with a variety of super modern war equipment that I wore during that war, such as; armor like Iron Man and giant flying robots like Gundam that can transform into spaceships near the speed of light and weapons of mass destruction like giant automatic machine guns with missiles as big as bullets and blackhole bomb warheads.

This is a bomb whose principle works like a black hole. Where when it explodes it will immediately suck and destroy anything around it within a radius of 1 kilometer without any residue at all) and photon bombs (light-based bombs whose destructive power is 100 times stronger than a hydrogen bomb, for the record; the destructive power of a hydrogen bomb is 50 times stronger than the atomic bombs of Hiroshima and Nagasaki).

If the destructive power of the atomic bombs of Hiroshima and Nagasaki could destroy a city the size of New York, and the destructive power of a hydrogen bomb that was 50 times stronger than the atomic bomb of Hiroshima could destroy an American state, then a photon bomb that was 100 times stronger than a hydrogen bomb could destroy a continent in the blink of an eye.

The continent of Australia during World War 5 has disappeared from the face of the earth because of that weapon, for the reason of its terrible destructive power, I left all the terrible weapons I left in the pre-dinosaur era, even if I still carry only my armor.

In the pre-dinosaur era, it turned out that my mission was to build a super tight and modern facility equipped with an army of drones and robot guards hid thousands of kilometers deep underground on a remote island in the middle of the ocean to hide and protect the existence of these weapons of mass destruction.

Age 13

I discussed with great scientists like Einstein and others about scientific calculations related to the exploration of time and nuclear power, but so far it has only reached the theoretical level, has not reached the proof stage, and my mission is to ensure that the results of my discussion with him used as the basis for Einstein's ideas to make the nuclear bombs to destroy Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

Age 14

I met the first Dalai Lama in Tibet to discuss the possibility of time travel either spiritually or physically, which led me to question this category of my time travel state.

Age 15

I fought as Srikandhi in the great war of the Mahabharata and killed the uncle of the Pandavas and Kauravas, Bhisma, with my arrow. At this time I also had a chance to discuss with Krishna, the saint of that era, to discuss my problem, the result of the discussion is more or less the same as the wise advice taught by the Sufi sage who took care of me when I was 2 years old and the Dalai Lama from Tibet about life. and how to uncover it.

Although it could not scientifically help me understand my problem, it was spiritually the three saints from different ages who strengthened me mentally to face my wandering life which was very cruel, harsh, and merciless.