The Four Cycles of World Age

It's been about half a year since I killed General Zhang Fei, and it's been that long since I lived in ancient China.

Since the incident of General Zhang Fei's assassination, I have not been too involved in the war affairs of the three great kingdoms of China which will indeed take a very long time, because my business is only to ensure important things that should happen so that they can actually happen according to records. history, and so far the war between the three great kingdoms is still going on as desired in historical records.

That's why since then, I have traveled all over China as a white-haired witch to help weak people who need help when bullied by criminals. It can be said that I quite enjoy this, where I can help many people with my own strength without having to worry that my actions will not be in line with the flow of history, because even if to help others, I have to make sure that in the historical records of the people I help will indeed survive the interference of criminals when he is attacked for getting help mysteriously which will eventually become a myth of society.

So if the person I am going to help is not in the mythical record of society, then I will not help, especially if it is stated in historical records that the person did not survive and was killed when he was attacked by criminals. If it is stated in historical records like that, then that person I will not help and I just let the criminals kill him.

If I don't help and I let them get killed then I'm morally wrong, but if I help I'm even more wrong because I've distorted the flow of history. This is the dilemma and suffering of the soul of a time traveler like me.

After I have tried to do something to justify important events in history, I usually choose to wander or escape from civilization so as not to overly influence the course of history. Just like right now, I was having morning sports in the middle of a remote mountain. And since there is no one, I usually don't need to adapt my clothes to the local clothes. During morning exercise alone, I usually choose casual sports clothes, such as sports shoes, casual shorts, and tank tops.

While doing light stretching, suddenly there was a report from Sony.

"Boss, the signal from one of the Google Atomic Drones that is above the mountains on the African continent suddenly disappears"

"Maybe it's just a weak signal," I said ignorantly while enjoying jogging on a hill far from residential areas while taking in the natural scenery around me.

"That can't be, Google Atomic Drone is a super sophisticated drone device that has been set to never experience such cheap things" protested Sony.

"Oooh so" I replied ignorantly

"Boss there is something weird .. !!" exclaimed Sony looking confused and panicked

"Now what" I sprayed irritably

"The Google Atomic Drone signal that was lost is now heading here at high speed," said Sony.

"You ordered it to come back here?" I asked

"No boss, it's instructing itself without my acknowledgment"

"Strange .." I said

"It's still not strange boss, all drones only have a maximum speed of one time of the speed of sound, and guess what? currently, the drone is shooting here at 100 times the speed of sound," reports Sony once again.

"Wha..what ..? !!!" I exclaimed in shock

"And that means it will arrive around ..., now ... !!" exclaimed Sony

After Sony's words, a beautiful young man appeared, with shoulder-length curly hair and a white robe whose clothes I had never seen from any historical record of any era and city or country, was floating in front of me with one hand folded behind his back. and the other palm in front of his chest with an upward position, from Sony's report, even though it can't be seen with the naked eye, but above that palm is hovering the Google Atomic Drone.

The young man smiled then stretched out his palm towards me saying "Sony is right, beautiful lady, this surveillance object belongs to you, please check it"

The young man's words just now were like lightning striking for me and Sony. Spontaneously I immediately jumped back far enough.

Because I was so shocked at the ability of this young man who could fly from Africa to China at 100 times the speed of sound and even be able to see the Google Atomic Drone and be able to listen to the conversations I and Sony had in the combat helmet that only Sony and I could hear.

"Wwh..who..Who ARE YOU ..? !!!" I shouted aloud while getting ready to put a stance using twin dragon swords. Even Sony, who was shocked, was already on alert to activate 100% of the armor's strength if the young man suddenly did something threatening.

"Why are you so scared?" exclaimed the young man while holding his hand to try to calm me and Sony.

Because I was paranoid, I immediately took out my twin dragon sword without thinking anymore and immediately drew it towards the young man.

"Hey the sword is good too huh," said the young man while rocking and trying to swing the twin dragon swords with his hands.

"Wait what ... ?? !! So..Sony h..hh .. how did that sword get in his hand ..? !! since when ..? !! " I exclaimed in disbelief while looking back and forth looking at my two hands, which are now no longer holding my sword, somehow and since when it's been in the hands of the young man. Even though my sword was still in a super transparent mode that was impossible for ordinary people to see

Sony was also very surprised that he could only remain silent because he also didn't seem to understand what was really going on.


Suddenly the young man activated the dragon sword extension at the speed of sound to the sky. And followed by lighting up my two swords to a fiery red and a cold blue. The slash of my two swords darting around the sky at the speed of sound did not make it difficult for the young man to hold the dragon sword hilt at all. Even though I have to need 1% of the strength of my armor to be able to hold my sword which is in the speed of sound mode. And the young man only looks smiling at the sight of my dragon sword dance in the sky.

DZAAPPP ... !!!

Instantly my fire dragon and ice dragon sword was pulled back to its original size by the young man, for a moment the young man looked around and flipped my sword which was still in a super transparent state as if he had no trouble seeing my transparent sword at all. " oh so that's how it works "

"Hey, give me back my sword," I asked

"It should be better now" said the young man with a moment then again pointed my sword into the sky after joining my two swords into one sword again.

Immediately my dragon sword sped again at the speed of sound, but this time the difference is, instead of emitting heat or cold, my dragon sword which had stretched for 100 meters emitted dancing lightning and rumbling thunder so that my dragon sword looked like a lightning dragon that was shooting around over the sky.

Then with a slight jerk of his hand, the young man slashed my dragon sword towards a hill which is located about 5 kilometers from where we are right now, immediately my dragon sword fired a giant flash of electricity or lightning towards the small hill with the sound of a thunderous explosion. and deafening and ending with the destruction of the small hill like a mini nuclear bomb.


The tremors and explosions of the hill reached me and Sony, who were standing with our eyes bulging and mouths wide open, couldn't believe what we saw for ourselves.


Instantly my sword was pulled back by the young man to its original size, then he said "I have added a new feature, namely the power of lightning on your dragon sword, I hope you like it"

And somehow, my dragon sword was back in my grasp

"Aa .. wha .. ?? !! how ... how ... who ... who are you? "

"Why are you in a position to attack me like that?" asked the young man

"But after I think about it since you guys are ready for combat, okay, before we talk, how about we play for a while," said the young man while somehow immediately activating 100% mode on the strength of Sony's armor

Sony was stuttering frantically trying to explain to me on how suddenly the combat system was active without him ordering

"Aa .. I don't ..., huh .. how ... how ..., wa..what's going on ...? !!!"

I have never seen Sony this panic, even though during the 5th world war, Sony could be said to be an artificial intelligence program that was very brave, shrewd, and full of calm and calculation despite facing hundreds of combat robots from international terrorist forces though.

"I'll start," exclaimed the young man

A second later the young man suddenly was in front of me and immediately threw his fist at my body with great fury without I had time to prevent, block, or avoid,


The punch threw Sony and me into the air for 1 kilometer. I really can't believe it, even the power of the armor that has been activated to 100% can still be blown this far by the blows of bare hands .... ?? !!.

According to my calculations, that hit was at least equal to or slightly above the strength of Sony's armor. If I didn't wear Sony's armor, maybe my body would have been crushed by the blow earlier.

I haven't had time to breathe freely, suddenly the young man was behind me, and with one hard blow to my back. I and Sony were again slammed hard from the sky until we hit the ground with a very loud booming sound, a large crater was formed as my body fell and hit the forest below me with high speed and great force.

Amidst the ruins of trees and crushed rocks and dust flying around me, as if reading my mind, Sony instantly activated all the modern armor protection shields that were on the armor to its maximum. From the arms and shoulders of my armor appeared a massive mass-destructive laser weapon that had a power equivalent to the explosion of a small volcano equivalent to the blast of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki nuclear bombs.

"Did you lock?" I asked

"Already," replied Sony


DHUAARR ... !!!

The screeching sound of nuclear laser shots along with the sound of a loud explosion above the sky forming a giant nuclear explosion ball in the sky as a sign that the target had been hit by a nuclear-powered laser. The entire forest and hills around us were smashed in the waves of the nuclear explosion. Sony's armor was equipped with its combat shield capability which could withstand a small nuclear explosion like this, so even though I was right below the center of the explosion, it had no effect on me who was inside the armor. Only the explosion of the photon bomb fired by the giant destruction robot which served as my war armor vehicle in the 5th world war that can destroy this Sony combat armor that I am wearing right now. And as for giant destruction robots, I left it in the age before the age of dinosaurs when my time travel power threw me in that age some years ago.

"Yess .. !! it's a hit .. !! " I exclaimed happily

"No ... boss?" Sony stopped my excitement while showing a picture of the report from Google Atomic Drone which showed that the young man was still standing hovering in the sky with a fresh face smiling looking down at me, figuratively and literally.

"That's quite a warm explosion" smiled the young man as he floated in the air

Not a shred of dust on his white robe or any wounds on his body

I and Sony were surprised by his statement

"Wh ... what? h ... how are you? Who ... who are you? "

Of all the ages and countries that I have visited, and of all the warriors and martial arts warriors or even highly knowledgeable hermits that I have met in my lifetime, this is the first time I have seen a martial art that can make someone who owns it survive from the explosion of a nuclear weapon without the slightest injury, and he did it without hi-tech armor at all, because if he wore it, Sony would have detected it earlier. What martial arts is this? Why haven't I heard of it at all?

"So, we are talking in a more civilized manner now?" the young man's voice startled me

Somehow now he was standing beside me, even though he was clearly still hovering 100 meters up in the air earlier.

I didn't want to be amazed by the young man's unimaginable power, I immediately shot 10 times the speed of sound behind him, then with a 3D printer in a few seconds I ordered Sony to print out several large vehicles such as container trucks and passenger buses, and tank, then took it out of my Wrist Band, and then I threw it at the restless young man.

Even though he was a little surprised to see several heavy vehicles suddenly drifting towards him, but the young man just smirked, and then with his mouth, he blew all the vehicles until they were thrown far to the end of the mountain behind me.

I, who was just about to throw a few punches on the young man, immediately stopped gawking in disbelief when I saw him blowing the heavy vehicles like cotton.

"Sony .. !! did he just blow all those heavy vehicles ?? !!! "

"..yy.yy .. yes boss ..? !!" Sony choked

The young man looked at me in disbelief

"Hey what was that ...? !! Did you just throw container trucks and passenger buses at me ...? !! "

I laughed bitterly "hehe, sorry, a little desperate earlier .."

"Wait ... wait, how do you know about the names of the vehicles earlier ...? !!" said Sony, who was now convinced that the young man could indeed see and hear him

"When I came, I saw all the database contents in your digital library system," said the young man lightly

I and Sony looked at each other confused and surprised, we really did not expect that there is a high level of martial arts like this that can see into the database contents of a computer program like Sony.

Seeing the vast difference in ability between me and that young man, Sony and I agreed, it seemed that there was no way we could both beat him by force. He wasn't even serious yet and put all his strength out at all. From my calculations and Sony's, if he was really serious about killing us then we should've died. But the fact that he didn't try to hurt me and Sony proved that he really had no intention of hurting me and it seemed like he just wanted to talk to me.

"Good if you already understand," said the young man, startling my reverie.

w..what did he say earlier? W .. wait a minute, did he just answer what I was pondering in my mind just now. Don't tell me that apart from being able to see what's inside the mind or the contents of Sony's system which is just a computer program, he also has the ability to read people's minds.

The answer earlier made me think even more. Seeing from how he tried to get me to talk from earlier. It seems you could say that maybe it was just me who was too paranoid and eventually forced him to carry out the attack earlier because he seemed to understand that I could only be kept quiet and calm to talk to if I was shown how far the difference in strength between him and me was. But if a swordsman of his caliber suddenly appeared before me who was nothing, there must be something important that he would talk about.

"Do you know what era you are now?" asked the young man

I was silent for a moment. Of all the people in this world and this age, suddenly out of nowhere he chose to appear before me just to say such specific words. This could not be a random prank. My guess is, there is a high probability, from the high martial arts ability of this young man which also often in many cases makes the person concerned also has high mental abilities, who knows how long he has practiced his abilities to this level.

And looking at his appearance, I even feel that he doesn't seem as young as it looks, there is a possibility that with his high internal power, he has the ability to regenerate the body, so he always looks young, even though his age may be decades or maybe even hundreds of years, my guess is that he is a magic hermit who has lived in various times for hundreds of years so that his knowledge can reach a level beyond human.

If he is indeed a hundred-year-old hermit with very, very high inner strength, then it seems, I guess from the height of his inner knowledge, when he was in the mountains of Africa a few minutes ago, he detected my presence in mainland China, and can already see and know who I really am and what my true abilities as a time traveler.

"Mmmm ..., year 221? In China? The era of the three kingdoms? " I replied after pondering for a moment

The young man smiled. "The tone of your answer was full of consideration, even though you had guessed the direction of my question and my identity, but you answered it with an answer that you assume can be accepted by people in this age, Smart girl "

"Are you talking about my strange ability?" I answered with a question.

The young man looked up at the sky "actually the definition of 'strange' is something that can not be understood by logical reason."

Then he looked at me with a look full of meaning

"Or not yet understood by the mind"

"Like time travel?" shoot me straight

The young man smiled again

"Don't like small talk, huh? Well then I will not make small talk anymore "

"Do you know that from the beginning of time to the end of time, the entire journey of this world is divided into four ages," continued the young man

My mind is spinning fast remembering all the historical records from various eras from all over the world that I studied deeply so far. I've heard of this before. But that does not discussion of the realm of history, but more about the realm of spiritualism.

"Are you talking about the age of gold, silver, copper, and iron?" I asked

My memory wanders as I venture into ancient Egypt. There I learned a lot about the hieroglyphic writing on the pyramid walls and Egyptian records of that era regarding the ancient Egyptian religion. It is known in history, the religion of ancient Egypt is the oldest religion in the world which is then followed by Hinduism, Buddhism, then Christianity, and Islam. Despite the fact that the birth of all religions are very far apart from the ages, although there are some differences regarding the details of the concept of god and divinity, in general, there are similarities between these religions, especially regarding the spiritual and the origin of the events of the universe and this world. Along with all its inhabitants every era.

Adam and Eve, who are referred to by different names in ancient Egyptian religion, were indeed the first humans to inhabit the earth, but they were not the first creatures to inhabit the earth. Before Adam and Eve, the earthly beings were pure beings that were formed from the basic entities of the natural elements that controlled air, earth, water, and fire. They do not have a physical form like humans, they are neither female nor male because they have a balance of both within themselves, the balance of consciousness and mind is also shared by these beings. They have reached the highest point of physical and spiritual evolution which makes them truly one with all the elements of nature.

And unlike humans who are only able to see, hear, and feel this world with only 5 senses, they have hundreds or even thousands of senses that make them no longer communicate using the methods used by humans to communicate, for example, they don't have language differences, and do not feel the need to create a language system, because even without language they can understand each other.

With such a higher level of senses, they are able to communicate with all beings in the world and are able to control and change the physical order of nature according to their will.

In ancient Greek records and Hindu teachings, it is said that this world is divided into cycles of four major ages, namely the golden age or Satya Yuga which occurred around 35 thousand-60 thousand BC, then the silver era or Treta Yuga which occurred around 17 thousand-33 thousand years BC, the copper era or Dwapara Yuga around 4600-15 thousand years BC, and the iron age or Kali Yuga which occurred around 3600 BC and will end in the year 2442 AD.

The era in which the earth was still ruled by these creatures was called the golden age, then after a cycle every few thousand years, it changed to another era, entering the silver age. The humans of the earth today refer to these creatures by various names, but the most common names for them are angels or gods.

The presence of Adam and Eve on this earth is right at the end of the golden age and when the earth is almost entering the silver age. In this era, there is a decline in the quality of spiritual consciousness and a decrease in the senses of the earthly creatures afterward, namely humans. Does this mean that pre-human beings, namely angels or gods, do not exist?

They still exist, but the low level of spiritual consciousness and human senses means that more and more people are unable to communicate with these Gods and that is also what makes humans start creating language in order to understand each other. Things that never existed in the golden age, because in the golden age, everyone could understand each other even without speaking a word.

During this age, gods were forgotten and became a myth among the people, in this silver age there were many legends of half-god humans who had powers beyond normal human reasoning. There were also many saints who became the first to spread the essence of their religious teachings and certain beliefs to the community.

After running for several thousand years, the silver era changed to the copper age, where spiritual awareness and human sensory abilities decreased, at this time there were many wars between tribes, kingdoms, and countries, because of the decline in spiritual awareness and human sensory abilities made humans become It is increasingly difficult to understand each other, and ultimately tends to impose the will on other humans which results in many wars in this era.

Humans entered the iron age several thousand years later, the lowest era in humans in terms of spiritual awareness and five senses. Whereas even though the war is no longer widespread throughout the world and technology is increasingly advanced, the deterioration of morals and values ​​has been very severe, which in the end will lead to a great war at the end of time.

"Now is the copper age," replied the young man

I saw him meaningfully trying to reconnect all of my understandings about the four world ages and the young man that is standing in front of me today

I tried to speculate "with your strength I doubt that you will have enough time to gain that much power within the span of just one cycle of ages. You ..., originated, from an era several thousand years ago, from the silver age?"

The young man smiled. "Actually the key is not the length of time you have, but the accuracy of your understanding, with the right understanding, even with a short time, the power you saw earlier can be done in a short time" explained the young man.

"So you are from this era?" I guessed curious

"That's not important, now the most important question is, do you know who you are? And where are you really from? " asked the young man in return avoiding my question

I and Sony immediately gasped. It was the biggest question in my entire life, which I always searched for the answer without stopping, and now when I'm not looking, the answer comes to me.

Before I could answer, the young man quickly interrupted

"If you want to know the answer, on your next time exploration mission, you should focus yourself on finding the answer there, maybe not all the answers are complete, but at least it will help you point to the next clue."

"Wh ... what? do you know? A..aa..are you also a lost time traveler just like me? " I asked, getting confused

"me? Lost? Not really" smiled the young man

That answer means ... !! "But you can travel time? Hey, you're not from this era, are you? " I asked frantically

"Good luck," then the young man suddenly disappeared like a ghost. It is exactly the same as how the time transfer process that I have been doing so far

"So..Sony, he's ... he's a time traveler ... !!!: I exclaimed happily

"y..yy ... yes .."

"Finally I found someone who can transfer time .. !!"

"yy..yy ... yes .."

"And he can control the timing as he likes .. !!!" I exclaimed to Sony

" ... yes .."

"And that bastard doesn't want to tell me how .. !!"

" ....."

"YEESS ... YES..YES ... !!! I finally found another time traveler... !!! I'll beat up that young man when I see him again until he wants to tell me how to control my bitchy power ... !! "

" ...." Sony is getting dumbfounded to see my behavior

"Come on Sony .. !! Let's train again for this half a year, so that when I am being thrown the different age, I can beat him... !! "
