Alex P.O.V
I'm going to the kitchen now to get some milk because I can't sleep.I can hear them talking. So I listened first while I was listening.
The woman I dreamed of suddenly flashed back and my headache seemed to be breaking at the same time as clarifying the pictures I saw. Again and again I hear the words JC uttered to Shane and his parents.
"Will you marry me?"
"Will you marry me?"
"Will you marry me?"
"Will you marry me?" I hear it over and over again at the same time as my headache so I can't stop screaming.
"AaaaaaaaAaaarghhhhh" I was just screaming because of my headache.
I'm sure everyone was looking at me I heard Aunt Anna's voice.
"Alex" she shouted in my name.
My headache caused all my memories to come back. Tears began to flow in my eyes when something suddenly pierced me I saw a bit blurd so I did not see much who injected me but as time went on it continued to but ---.
"Christian, I'm sorry if I still send you here even at night" I can hear them talking.
"That's ok Aunt Anna, dont worry Alex is ok maybe there is just something that has triggered ,so her head hurts especially if she is familiar with something that causes her to gradually remember the things she forgot"Christian explained.
I was just lying down I didn't open my eyes I was just listening to their story I would say if I remembered Shane or would I still pretend to have forgotten her.
"All right, I'm leaving" Christian said goodbye so I immediately opened my eyes to stop him.
"Don't" I shouted so he stopped losing and they also looked at my aunt.
"Alex are you okay?" aunt asked.
"Yes, aunt im ok" I said to aunt.
I looked at Christian to stop him I held his arm "please stay here" I told him.
I looked at my aunt to ask for her answer if it was ok with her.
"it would be better for you to rest here first "said my aunt.
"All right" Christian replied.
"Oh i will sleep and you two , I'll just take care of the room you will use Christian" aunt explained.
"Thank you aunt" I thank aunt.
When my aunt left, I immediately hugged Christian. Christian didn't yell so we stayed in that position I didn't realize I was crying.
the sleeve of Christian's was so swet because i cried to much. So I immediately apologized.
"I'm sorry " I sighed in apology.
"It's ok. Are you ok?" Christian asked.
"Uhmm" I could not immediately answer his question.
"it's ok what do you want?" Christian asked.
"Uhmmm i want ice cream" i said to him.
"Wait, i will look in the kitchen, maybe you have one there" I immediately pulled his clothes and he was about to stand up.
"I don't want that" I said to him.
"Huh? You said you wanted ice cream" he asked again.
"Yes but let's go out and buy" I said to him.
"Ok let's go then" he said to me.
We didn't bother to say goodbye to my aunt and uncle. We left the resort immediately. No one saw us. Everyone was busy with the proposal that took place, even though I didn't see Nico. I feel bad, I feel angry, then they are really just trying to play with me.
I want to be angry with them but my anger has no destination especially since they cheated on me and Shane cheated on me. I remember when we were still in New York I heard them talking in the living room Nico and Shane at first I could not understand what they were talking about they were very serious so i did not make noise to disturb them as I approached the person talking what I hear is clear ---
"But sister, when she found out that I was not really her brother, and about her father, I don't want to feel sorry for her" Nico explained.
"Please Nico help me and mama planned this we need to we just want Alex to be happy" Shane explained.
"And how can the person you are fooling be happy? How did she find out? What are you going to do?" Nico asked Shane one after another.
"It's up to Nico but ---" I did not finish listening to their conversation and I left I could not bear all their lies. I didn't realize that I was crying that Christian also noticed my crying.
"Hey here we are, I'll just buy you here" Christian said goodbye.
" Wait "I said to him.
"Ok let's go" He said to me.
We walked to 7-Eleven to buy ice cream when we arrived inside 7-Eleven we chose Ice cream 1 gallon we took I went round and round to get food and so did he.
"Just take whatever I treat" I bragged to him.
Christian just shook his head and I took the Chips I wanted to eat, I also took the two of us to drink, as well as the chocolate I saw Christian at the counter so I also went to pay for all the mascan we took.
"She will pay" Christian pointed at the same time.
"Wait" while I was digging my wallet in my Hodie
"I forgot my wallter" I looked at Christian.
He immediately grabbed his wallet to pay. The Cashier just smiled at them both.
"Wait Chris I'll just go back to these" when I was about to take what I had taken he suddenly restrained my hand. So the hand of the two of us clung together as if electricity flowed so I was immediately released.
"Don't bring it back" Christian said I immediately smiled at him selectively.
"i will go first" I said to him as I was ahead I held my hand did he feel? I also touched my chest the speed of my heartbeat.
"Hey" Christian shouted.
"I'm sorry I forgot my wallet" I apologized.
"It's ok to treat me next time" he said while winking at me.
"Let's get in the car first, get caught" so I immediately ran but he preceded me in the car.
"Oh here" he gave Ice cream at the same time.
"Thank you" I said to him.
I was confused because he was just looking at me while eating so I made a noise but before that I immediately choked.
"Hey, this is water, you are greedy so that you will run out," he preached.
"Why are you staring at me ,you know it's awkward" I explained to him.
"I'm sorry you ate so cute" he put his hand on her nape at the same time.
While we were eating and talking, someone suddenly called Christian.
* Kringggg kringgg*
"Answer that it may be important" I said to him.
He also answered immediately while I was still eating, they also finished talking to the person he was talking to.
"Alex, we're just going somewhere" he said to me.
"It's ok, where is it?" I asked him.
"Yuri" Christian said confused while driving I was immediately nervous about what Christian said. What could have happened to Yuri, I hope she is ok.