Chapter 6: To burn with desire and keep quiet about it is the greatest punishment we can bring on ourselves.

Chapter 6: To burn with desire and keep quiet about it is the greatest punishment we can bring on ourselves.

- Federico Garcia Lorca


I watch Micah's stiff back as he steps out of the room. Everything between us is so tense all the time. It's as if every time we try to keep things comfortable, it ends up turning into a disaster. Sometimes I glimpse at him and see something that tells me he's feeling something for me. But other times, all I see is a cold stranger, and it infuriates me. He was so sweet, holding me in his arms as he washed my back and comforted me. Then he ruins it over a simple question about his tattoos.

Leaning back on the lip of the tub, I close my eyes and enjoy the warmth of the water. Unfortunately, the relaxation doesn't last long because as soon as I close my eyes, my mind wanders back to the gas station. All I can think about is the clerk's lifeless eyes, and nausea churns through my stomach. That poor man was killed so senselessly.

Not wanting to think about it anymore, I rise from the tub and wrap a towel around me. Thankfully, I packed my favorite nightgown. It's a short, champagne-colored gown with a lace V-neck, spaghetti straps, and slits cut on the sides to reveal the muscles of my thighs. It's soft and smooth, and it makes me feel sexy. Unfortunately, it does nothing for my insomnia because I spend the next few hours lying in bed with my eyes glued to the ceiling. At first, I shift back and forth uncomfortably on the bed until eventually, I realize that I'm not going to get any sleep and decide to call Darren. He answers the phone after a few rings, but my relief at hearing his voice turns to disappointment when I hear music and loud chatter coming from the other end. "Hey, Soph." He answers with a slur in his voice. "Hey. Where are you?" I ask, sitting up on the bed.

Darren responds right away. "I'm at the house. The boys are throwing a party. You should come over."

For a moment, I consider saying yes, but then the vision of the gas station clerk forms in my mind again, and I cringe at the thought of going out at this time of night. "I can't, babe. Micah will have a fit if I leave the house at this time of night." Darren replies. "That sucks. Listen, babe, I gotta go. Call me tomorrow, okay?" I'm about to reply, but the line goes dead. I guess he has better things to do.

Laying my phone on the side table, I rise from the bed and step out the door. At first, I consider knocking on Micah's door, but then I hesitate and change my mind. Instead, I turn towards the empty hallway and head toward the living room. Everything is dark, with the exception of the natural light shining through the windows. Tiptoeing on bare feet, I move towards the windows and gaze down at the city. Everything looks so small and insignificant from this vantage point. Leaning forward, I rest my forehead on the cold soothing glass and close my eyes. My long hair creates a curtain around me, making me feel like I'm in a warm cocoon.

Suddenly all the hair in the back of my neck stands on end, warning me that I'm not alone. I don't have to turn because I can feel his warmth on my back. Micah leans an arm over my head and lays a soft kiss on my hair. "I thought you were asleep." He whispers in my ear.

Turning my head to face him from over my shoulder, I shake my head. Night shadows make it difficult to see his full features, but I can see the emerald glow of his eyes. "I tried, but every time I closed my eyes, I'd see the man falling lifelessly on the floor." Micah's eyes darken when he leans close and lifts a glass with some form of dark liquid in front of my face. "Drink this, it will make you feel better." I take the glass and give it a cautious look. "What is it?" He shakes his head and tilts my hand with the glass towards my lips. "Just drink it, Soph."

I take a small sip and almost choke as the liquid burns down my throat. I cough a few times and push the glass back into his hand. "This is disgusting," I whisper, turning my body to face his. His perfect teeth gleam in the moonlight as he raises the glass and swallows the liquid down carelessly. I watch entranced as his neck muscles move with each of his swallows. That's when I notice that he's shirtless. Unfortunately, the room is too dark for me to see his tattoos, but I can see that his perfectly muscled chest and arms are littered with them.

Raising my hand, I rest it over his heart and slide it up to his neck. "Wow, you're like a walking tapestry. I wish I could see them." I say with a curious frown. Micah raises his hand and wraps it around mine, then rests it on his chest again. "It's better if you don't." I shake my head in confusion. "Why, Micah? They're just tattoos." He shakes his head again and pulls away.

A shiver crawls through my body at the loss of his body heat. But he doesn't scold me or send me to bed. Instead, he moves to the chaise near the window, lays back, and holds his hand out to me. "Come here, Sophia." He says with a gruff bark. I take a few cautious steps before I accept his hand. But Micah isn't in the mood to deal with my reluctant act. With a rough pull, he lays me down next to him and rests my head on his muscled chest. "Close your eyes, Sophia. I'll chase your nightmares away."

I rest my head comfortably on his chest to listen to the steady beat of his heart and stretch my body halfway over his. It feels so good to lay in his arms like this. I can almost pretend that we're a couple. Wanting to touch him, I caress my hands up and down his chest, touch his rock hard abs and enjoy the contours of his toned body. He feels so solid, yet so soft at the same time. His breath hitches with every caress of my fingers, but he doesn't remove my hand from him. He simply slides his hand up and down my back with a hypnotic rhythm and whispers. "You were so brave today, Soph. It's okay to feel a little lost and afraid right now. It means that your human. Seeing someone die is never easy, but you can rest assured that his murderers are going away for a long time."

His words flow through my mind like a balm. He's right. Sometimes shit does happen. I was very lucky to have him there to make sure I was safe. So all I can do is hope that the man who died will be at peace and that the man who killed him is never given the opportunity to hurt anyone again. I'm just glad that Micah is here and that I'm safe in his arms. At that moment, the temptation to tell him how I feel is so strong that I can almost feel it on my tongue. But I know that he wouldn't be happy to hear it. We're just not meant to be, and my heart aches at the thought. Clinging to his strong body, I try not to fall asleep, but the warmth of his strong embrace and steady heartbeat is a lure I can't resist. It's a bittersweet moment for me to be so close to him and yet so far. Then we both fall asleep in each other's arms.