Chapter 14

Chapter 14: The greater the obstacle, the more glory in overcoming it.

― Molière


My body flushes, and my swollen lips tingle as I watch Micah drive away. I don't know what to make of his parting kiss. The man just confuses me beyond my control. There is no doubt that having sex with him last night was beyond my expectations. But every time he opens his mouth, I either want to punch him or kiss him. There's no doubt that he cares about me. Maybe more than he'd probably admit to himself. No man who just wants sex would have acted so possessively towards me.

Turning back to the shop, I step into the door and call out to Maleah. "Maleah! I'm here!" I can't help but feel bad for her when Maleah comes out of the back, looking pale. I'm sure her eyes are sunken beneath her sunglasses. She steps forward with a sad grimace on her face as she holds an ice pack over her head. "Please, Soph. Not so loud." She mutters weakly.

Laying my handbag down on the counter, I move to stand in front of her and pull her into a hug. "Oh, baby. Are you hungover?" Maleah gives me a miserable nod, takes her sunglasses off, and leans her head on my shoulder with a groan. "God, yes. My head is pounding, my stomach is rolling, and my mouth is as dry as a desert. I don't think I can ever look at sunlight again without wanting to puke." Rubbing my hand up and down her shoulder, I gesture to the coffee machine. "How about I make you some strong coffee and dry toast while you tell me how it went with Hunter last night."

Maleah gives me a happy smile and sits back on a stool to rest an elbow on the table. "Did I happen to mention how much I love you, and how great a friend you are? Because if I didn't, I do, and you are." I snort at her playful confession and move to prepare some coffee. Maleah doesn't wait for me to lay the cup on the counter before she takes it from my hands and chugs it down. I swear the girl has a cast-iron stomach. "Oh, man. This is so good. Thank you!" She utters with a pleasurable groan. Resting a piece of toast on a plate near her elbow, I lean on the counter and raise an impatient brow. "Well?" She takes another sip and giggles. "Well, I slept with Hunter if that's what you're asking."

My mouth gapes open with surprise at my friend's confession. "What? Are you serious?" She nods her head and takes a bite of her toast. "Yeah. and he was really good." A childish giggle escapes her lips as she chews her toast. "We also made plans to go out this weekend." I sputter in surprise and reach for the other piece of toast. "Wow, that was fast." Maleah nods her head enthusiastically as she snatches the toast from my hand and takes a large bite out of it. "Yeah, it was, but I like him. He's so cute and sweet. Plus, he's super energetic in bed." She utters with a sly smile. "Anyway, how about you and Micah? He was pissed when he walked into the club last night. You should have seen the look on his face when he saw you dancing with that guy. Girl, if looks could kill, that dude would have been dead. Shit Soph, why didn't you tell me that Micah is gorgeous. Those intense eyes, thick hair, and tall, muscular body are Yum!" She whispers as she wraps her arms around her shoulders and groans with a pleasurable shudder.

A snort escapes my mouth at her exaggerated movements. Then I drop the bomb. "I slept with him." Maleah stops shaking and sits up straight. "Wait. What? Did you say you slept with Micah?" I nod my head, take a sip of my own coffee, and swallow hard. "Yeah, we had sex a few times last night, and once this morning." Maleah's mouth gapes open as she stares at me in shock. After a moment, she recovers and from her daze and jumps up in excitement. "Holy cow! You had sex with him. How was it? How did it happen? Tell me!" Her enthusiasm is almost overwhelming yet nice at the same time.

I bite my lip, still feeling the firmness of Micah's lips on my mouth, and rub the back of my neck. "It was incredible. Better than I expected it to be. He was so mad at me for making out with that guy last night. It kind of started with an argument, and then we were naked in his bed." My breath hitches at the memory of his lips, kissing all over my body. Maleah listens raptly as I describe my night of sexual indulgence.

Looking a little less like death, Maleah leans her elbows on the counter and asks, "So are you two together now?" My breath stills as I recall the conversation Micah and I had this morning. "I don't know. I mean, I know that he cares about me. Yet he was so distant this morning. He told me he needed to think. That there was too much to consider. And there's no doubt that there is. For one, our parents. Who knows how they'd react if they found out about us. And he's so secretive and standoffish sometimes. I don't know what to think." Maleah places her hand over mine in comfort. "I say, give it time. Guys are weird about relationships. Even to me, it's obvious that he cares about you. And I was in his presence for less than a minute. You should have seen the look in his eyes when he saw you. I'm sure he'll come around."

We both stand there for a moment, lost in our own thoughts. Wanting to change the subject, I move to the baking area. "I don't want to think about his now. How about we set up for the day?" Maleah nods in accord and starts setting up for the lunch crowd. We both work quietly and joke around for the next few hours. I really enjoy helping around the shop.

My phone rings as I'm cleaning out the tables. Looking down at the screen, I look at the unfamiliar number in question and answer. "Hello?" To my surprise, a familiar male voice answers. "Hello, this is Detective Colin Vane. Am I speaking to Sophia?" My gaze meets Maleah's speculative one as I answer. "Yes, this is Sophia. What can I do for you, Detective Vane?" He sighs over the line and answers. "Actually, Sophia, I was wondering if you have a few minutes to go over the other night's events. I'll meet you anywhere." I look back at Maleah, who raises a questioning brow. "Sure, detective. How about you meet me at my friend's sweet shop it's called Sweet Perfect. The address is…" I give him the address and hang up the phone.

"What was that about?" Taking a deep breath, I roll my eyes and slump back in defeat. "That was Detective Colin Vane. He's calling because several armed men robbed the gas station that Micah and I stopped at several nights ago." Maleah gasps in surprise. "WHAT? ARE YOU SERIOUS? Why am I finding out about this now?" I shake my head with a grim smile. "To be honest, I didn't want to think about it. It was the most terrifying moment in my life. They killed the clerk…" I stop with croak as emotion over what happened to the man wells up inside of me again. "…they shot him. They would have hurt me, too, if it wasn't for Micah. He was amazing. Like someone you'd see in an action movie."

Maleah shakes her head in disbelief. "Are you kidding me right now?" Shaking my head, I rub my hand over my forehead to relieve the tension. "No, I'm not. Micah messed those men up without breaking a sweat." She pushes back in her seat with a snort. "Holy shit, girl, I'm so glad you're okay. It looks like you have an alpha male on your hands. A real badass."

I bite my lip and look at the time on my screen again. "I better text him and let him know that the detective is coming." Lifting the phone in my hands, I send a quick text. Hey, Micah, FYI Detective Vane called me because he wants to talk about last night. I told him to meet me at the shop.

Maleah strums her fingers on the table. "Damn, girl, and I thought Sage and I had drama." I shake my head. "Yeah, tell me about it? So what do you plan on doing with this stalker guy?" Maleah waves her hand over her shoulder with a shrug. "I don't know. I guess we're just hoping he'll get sick of following her around and go away." My lips tighten with anger for my friend. "Well, I hope he does because I miss her." Maleah's eyes brighten with anticipation. "Oh, yeah. We can go to the Stardust again and sing with the waiters. Sage would love that. She hasn't sung in a long time. I swear I don't get why she hides her voice. If I could sing like her, I'd be freaking famous." We both nod in commiseration. Sage is the singer in our little group of friends. The girl has vocals reminiscent of Christina Aguilera, but she refuses to make a career out of it. It's crazy.

We both turn when the bell on the front door entrance rings. Detective Colin Vane walks in, looking gorgeously tussled. Unlike the other night's casual wear, he's wearing a black suit, crisp white shirt, and black tie. He looks amazingly masculine in it. His hair is slicked with gel, and his goatee is nicely trimmed. Maleah's eyes widen as she takes in the glorious man standing before us. He gives us a small smile as he makes his way to the table. "Hello ladies, May I have a seat?" He asks in a husky tone. Maleah and I nod and gesture to the empty chair in front of us. He takes a seat and gives Maleah a curious grin then looks at me.

"Oh, um…Detective Vane, this is my best friend, Maleah." He extends his hand to Maleah and nods his head. "It's nice to meet you, Maleah." Maleah doesn't respond. She simply nods her head enthusiastically and places her hand on his. I wait for a moment as Maleah continues to shake his hand. It's almost comical to see my friend shell-shocked. I kick her under the table to snap her out of her haze, which earns me a mean look. "How about you get the Detective some coffee?" I ask with an even tone. Maleah narrows her eyes as she stands up and makes her way to the coffee maker. I can almost hear what she's thinking. Girl, you didn't tell me that the detective was a hottie!

Once Maleah walks away, the detective sets his sights back on me. "Thank you for meeting with me, Sophia." I shrug my shoulders with a puzzled frown. "Why are we meeting, detective? I thought that a report was already filed." He shakes his head and sets his elbows on the table with a relaxed pose. "I just had a few questions." Unable to come up with a reason to turn him down, I cross my legs and fold my hands over the table. "Fine. What do you want to know?" He pulls out a notebook and pen from the inside of his jacket and looks back at me. "You said that Micah St. Clair was not your boyfriend. How do you know him?" My mouth tightens at his question. I don't understand why he wants to know about Micah and me. I definitely can't tell him that Micah and my relationship has changed. But I see no reason not to answer him, so I do. "Actually, Micah is my stepbrother." His eyes widen, and his eyebrows go up to the top of his head. "He's your stepbrother? Really?" I nod my head. "Yeah, his mom is married to my dad. Why?"

At first, he looks uncomfortable as if he doesn't want to answer. I can see by the look in his eyes that he'd prefer not to respond. But he does. "It's just…he seemed pretty possessive when I was talking to you. And not like a brother would be with a sister." I scowl at his statement and stiffen my spine in agitation. "Why are you suddenly so interested in Micah, detective? I mean, it's pretty clear what happened. So what is it that you want?" The detective's face falls into a repentant frown as he places his hand over my folded ones and clears his throat. "Please, call me Colin, Sophia. I didn't mean to make any implications. It's just that I can't wrap my mind around how he was able to take down three men without breaking a sweat. You must see why it's ringing all kinds of warning bells in my head. I just don't want you to get hurt." I sense the sincerity in his voice. However, I know that Micah would never physically hurt me. Biting my lip, I lean forward and whisper. "I appreciate your concern Colin, but Micah would never hurt me."

He's about to respond when the bell over the door rings again. This time Micah walks in, and he's pissed. A glass shatters behind the counter, diverting my gaze from Micah to a gaping Maleah. She's standing there like a statue as she follows Micah's firm, masculine stride. He looks almost animalistic as he prowls towards us with a grim scowl. You can almost feel the temperature drop when Colin stands up and meets Micah's stalking form. "Mr. St. Clair…"

He doesn't get a chance to say more when Micah strides past him, wraps his arm around my waist, and growls out. "Let's go, Sophia!" Colin narrows his eyes and tightens his mouth into an angry scowl. "Hold on a minute Mr. St. Clair. I still have some questions for Sophia." Micah narrows his eyes and turns to face Colin. "I don't think you have anything to ask Sophia. And if you do, you can do it through a lawyer." However, Colin isn't backing down. Instead, he places his hands on his waist and gives Micah a determined glare. "I'm just looking out for Sophia, Mr. St. Clair." Micah snorts and mimics his stance. "Really, detective? Or is there another reason why you're here?" Colin's face darkens further. "What reason would I have to be here?" Micah moves close and utters through gritted teeth. "Don't waste your time, detective, Sophia is taken." However, Colin is irreverent to Micah's deathly stare. "Really, Mr. St. Clair? Thank you for the warning. However, it's not Sophia's relationship status that I'm concerned with."

Micah's body stiffens as he absorbs Colin's comment. "I appreciate your concern, detective, but this conversation is over. Now, I suggest you leave before I call your station and report you for harassment." I've never seen such restrained violence coming from two men. You can cut the tension with a knife. They're both so dominating. All I can do is stand there with my head volleying back and forth between both men. I don't know what to do.

Thankfully, the decision is taken from me when Colin gives me a slight bow and utters. "You have my number if you need me, Sophia." Before he leaves, he turns back to Micah, gives him a furtive glare, and walks out of the shop. It doesn't take long for Micah to turn his laser focus back to me. "You are not calling that man, ever. Do you understand me?" He says with a derisive scowl. Narrowing my eyes at his commanding tone, I shake my head and take a step back. "What are you talking about, Micah?"

Micah shakes his head with a glare. "I'm talking about the fact that you flirt with every man you meet." My face heats at his poisonous words. "Seriously? Do you really think that I was flirting with Detective Vane?" He shakes his head, pulls me into his arms, and grits out. "Cut the shit, Sophia. Do you think I'm blind? The first thing I saw when I walked in here was you holding hands with the detective."

Anger suffuses me at his jealous implication. Thankfully the bell on hanging over the door rings at that moment. Two customers walk in the door, smiling and giggling with excitement. Maleah gives us one last warning look before she walks over to the customers and greets them. Micah's hand tightens on my waist as he leads me towards a more private spot in the shop. "I meant what I said about talking to Detective Vane. I don't trust him. And I don't like that he called you and didn't call me." I roll my eyes at his comment. Of course, he's right, but I won't give him the pleasure of acknowledging it. Instead, I move away with a snicker. "You are so bossy. Did you know that?"

The bell on the door rings again, and to my surprise, Hunter walks in. Micah narrows his eyes and walks towards Hunter. "What are you doing here?" Hunter gives us a chagrined smile and waves his hand in Maleah's direction. "Actually, I came to see Maleah." Maleah squeals in excitement when she sees him. "Baby!" She cries out as she runs around the counter, throws her arms around him, and kisses him hard. Both customers smile indulgently as they make their way out the door.

Now it's my turn to roll my eyes. "Okay, you two, break it up." They both pull apart with an amused chuckle. Hunter looks back at me, then at Micah. "I got your text, man. I sent the information." Micah nods at his cryptic words. "Did you tell Priest about the meeting?" Hunter nods. "Yeah. We'll bring the equipment you'll need." They are both so secretive. It's a little annoying. I want to ask them about it, but before I can, Maleah stands between them and gives them both a death stare. "What's with all the secrecy, boys?" I snort at her honest question. Leave it to Maleah to cut to the chase.

Hunter and Micah give each other imperceptible nods before they shrug their innocent shoulders. "It just works," Hunter answers vaguely. But I can tell from Micah's mien that this is a lot more serious than they're making it out to be. I guess I just don't understand his world of secrecy. Maleah gives them both a suspicious glare but doesn't comment on it further. Instead, she turns back to Hunter. "Want something to eat?" Hunter gives her a sly smile and wiggles his eyebrows suggestively. "Oh, yeah. I'd love something to eat?" Maleah chuckles in amusement as she takes his hand and leads him to the pastry counter, giving Micah and me some privacy.

Needing a moment to find some control, I move to a nearby table and lean on it. Micah's emerald eyes become molten as he runs his gaze settles over my bare stomach. Pretending to not notice his assessment, I look down at my outfit and adjust my black, lace crop-top, tweed mini-skirt, and black knee socks sexily. This is my favorite outfit.

Micah licks his lips and moves to stand before me. "I have to go." He says, placing his hands in his pockets. I roll my eyes at his insistent tone and give him a dismissive wave. "Then go!" I don't mean to sound so snippy, but it pisses me off that he's completely unaffected by me. He looks down at my hand then looks back at me with a perceptive gaze. "You're pissed at me?"

Not wanting him to see my frustration, I shrug my shoulders and shake my head. "No. I'm fine." I say with a belligerent pout. Micah snorts at my response but refuses to say more. He can be such an aloof bastard sometimes. I hate the fact that he shows very little emotion. I know it's my fault for letting it happen. He's just so closed off when it comes to his private life. I guess what aggravates me most about him is the fact that he doesn't trust me.

He doesn't move away for a moment. Instead, he raises his hand up and pulls a few strands of my hair behind my ear. "A friend's girlfriend, Jade, is going to call you later to invite you to go out. I gave her your number since I have to work late. You should accept her invite. Jade's a ballerina. I think you'd get along with her." I raise a brow at his spontaneous matchup. "Are you setting me up on a playdate, daddy?" I ask with a little girl's voice. He rolls his eyes and tightens his hand over my hair. "No. I'm just trying to keep you out of trouble. Bring Maleah if you want to since Hunter is working too." Biting my lip, I place my hands on his shoulders and move closer. "Fine, I'll go. Are you going to kiss me, goodbye?" He looks towards Hunter, who is talking and laughing with Maleah, then looks back at me and leans down to lay a soft kiss on my lips. He's about to pull back, but I don't let him. Instead, I tighten my hands around his neck and deepen the kiss. I sigh with relief at the feel of his warm lips settling over mine and bite his lower lip gently before I pull away.

He looks at me intensely before he releases my hair and pulls away. "Be good." He whispers before he turns around, signals Hunter, and steps out of the shop. I snort at his words and turn back to Maleah. "You want to go out and party later?" Maleah gives me a sly smile and shrugs. "Hell yeah!" It amuses me to see that her hangover is forgotten at this point. The woman is a machine when it comes to partying. Giving her my best smile, I move around the counter. "Okay then, let's get to work first." Maleah chuckles with delight before she says. "Yeah, no more kissy-face with our men. By the way, that was really hot!" I ignore her comment but secretly smile as I prepare to greet an incoming customer.