Chapter 16: The most sublime act is to set another before you.
― William Blake
I'm surprised to have received a call from the very talented ballerina Jade Reyes earlier. It turns out that Jade Reyes is the one dating Micah's friend. Jade is an incredible dancer. Sage, Maleah, and I saw her perform at a Gala in Manhattan several months ago. Imagine their excitement when they found out that Jade called. We ended up making plans to meet at a Karaoke bar that night. I figure since Micah was going to be out all night, I'd enjoy some time with new and old friends.
Thankfully, Sage was able to get away from her crazy fan long enough to join us for a few songs. We all dressed to the nines that night. I'm wearing my favorite black halter top and tight leather skirt with knee-high leather boots. My hair is knotted into an intricate sideways braid, and my makeup is smoky. I feel sexy and badass at the same time. Maleah is wearing a short jean skirt, tight black crop-top, and a messy bun. Sage's long blond hair is loose around her shoulders. She's wearing a tight, red, bandage crop-top, with a matching tight fitted skirt and red platform heels. She reminds me of a china doll with her large blue eyes and peaches and cream complexion.
Jade is just as gorgeous as I remember, with her short honey-colored hair and hazel eyes. She's definitely the epitome of a ballerina with her slim body and graceful stride. Her partner Adrian came along with her. They're both dressed similarly in black mesh tops, black leather pants, and black boots. They also turn out to be super friendly and fun.
The bar is your usual classy New York hangout for hip Millennials. The place is surrounded by tinted windows, silky black curtains, high wooden tables with metal stools, and a wide black bar with mirrors behind it. There's a stage with black velvet curtains off on the side of the room. The stage has several sound systems placed discreetly in a corner. The floors are polished black wood, and the lighting is dimmed intimately. The waitresses are all wearing short black skirts and white button-down shirts, and the bartenders are all tatted up and dressed like bikers in their leather and lace. The place is packed to the gills. To my surprise, Jade is familiar with the owner, and we end up getting our own private room. The room is fairly large with a leather sectional, a coffee table, and a small stage reminiscent of the one in the main room. Several bottles of wine, tequila, and rum are placed on our table, along with several shot glasses and wine glasses. We all drink and dance, taking turns singing. What I like most is how Well we all hit it off.
We talk about everything as we sit on the couches and discuss school and life. Adrian's boyfriend shows up a few minutes later and hangs out with us. Taking a shot of tequila, I lean back in my seat and look at Jade. "So, you're dating one of Micah's friends?" Jade giggles excitedly and takes out her phone to show me a picture of her and this really gorgeous golden-haired man. "This is my boyfriend, Gideon. He and Micah work together." I look at the picture and smile. The guy looks intense as he holds Jade close to his firm chest. They are a very attractive couple. "You guys are so cute." I slur out a bit drunkenly. Jade's smile widens as she leans close and wiggles her eyebrows suggestively. "How about you and Micah. He was a little nervous when he mentioned you. I've never seen Micah nervous about anything. I could tell that he really likes you." I shake my head and bite my lip. I want to tell her that we're together, but everything is still up in the air between Micah and me. "I mean, I care about Micah. He's always been special to me, but we're still working things through." Jade's hand settles over mine in commiseration. "Don't sweat it, girl. That's the thing about men like ours. They can be very hard-headed and stubborn when it comes to their feelings. He'll come around."
I nod my head, even though I'm still unsure. Sage is up next. We watch as she goes on stage and takes the microphone. All conversation stops then. That's Sage for you. The girl is beyond talented. Everyone listens attentively as she sings, "Love the way you lie" by Rhianna. Loud applause follows the end of her song as we cheer and shout encouraging words.
Jade turns to me with wide eyes. "Holy shit, girl. That was amazing!" She utters to Sage as she takes a seat and watches Maleah take the stage. I nod my head and wrap an arm around her shoulders. "I keep telling her to go pro, but she won't." Sage rolls her eyes and shakes her head. "I told you it's not my thing. I'm just looking for a nice quiet life." Jade nods her head in camaraderie. "I know what you mean. I love dancing, but sometimes I'd rather sit at home, in bed with Gideon."
We all watch Maleah dance suggestively as she belts out her song. She also has a nice voice. Definitely not on par with Sage, but I don't think anybody is. Sage leans close to me and claps enthusiastically. "So Mal told me that you and Micah finally got together." I snort in amusement. I'm sure she's telling me a clean version of what Mal might have said. I can definitely guarantee that Mal told Sage that we were fucking. But Sage is too polite to repeat what she said. "Yeah, it's complicated. Even though we slept together, I still don't know where we're heading. Which makes me feel stupid the more I think about it. I mean, since when do I wait around for a guy to decide if he likes me?"
Sage looks at me with bemusement. "Well, you have been in love with this guy for years. And he must want you if he slept with you. Especially considering your close relationship. Just give him time. Guys are usually weird about relationships. I'm sure he'll come around." I give her a grateful smile. "Speaking of guys. Mal told me that there's some weird stalker following you around. What's up with that?" She closes her eyes and shakes her head miserably. "It's crazy, girl. I met him once, and now he follows me everywhere. I've tried to be nice and told him that he wasn't my type, but he's persistent. I even spent a whole week returning gifts that he sent me and explaining why I couldn't accept them. It's seriously annoying." I shake my head grimly and think. "What if you tell him that you have a boyfriend?" She shrugs her shoulder as she takes a sip of her drink. "I would, except that he knows that I don't have one because he's been following me around." Resting her drink on the table, she leans back on the couch and gives me a helpless look. "At this point, I'm just hoping he'll get bored and go away." I nod my head in agreement, but I can't help but feel that there needs to be something more to be done about the guy. Stalkers can get pretty crazy when they don't get what they want. "Well, let me know if you need anything. Maybe I can get my bat and rough him up for you." I utter with a humorous karate chop. Sage rolls her eyes and chuckles. "Yeah, I'll definitely give you a call if I need you."
We're all drinking and laughing when the boys walk in. I recognize Hunter and Gideon from Jade's picture, but I'm not familiar with the other men. Worry strikes me when I don't see Micah, but I don't let anyone see it. My mouth dries when I get a look at the other two men in the room. I can't deny that Micah and his friends are a feast for the eyes. They're all tall and Well, built. One of the men has pitch-black hair and cobalt blue eyes, and the other one is breathtaking. There's no other way to say it. Whereas Micah and the others are rugged, this man looks like an Abercrombie and Fitch model. The best way to describe him is beautifully perfect. He has dark almond, chestnut hair, high cheekbones, perfectly arched brows, a five o'clock shadow, and pouty lips. At first, I'm baffled by his black shades, but then I see the cane in his hand and realize that he's blind, which is weird because he seems aware of his surroundings.
Jade jumps up from her seat with a squeal and falls into her lover's arms ecstatically. And Maleah crooks her index finger towards a smiling Hunter. Adrian is off who knows where with his boyfriend. Which leaves Sage and I sitting in place. However, I can't help but notice Sage's breath hitch when she spots the hot blind guy. Her eyes go wide, and her face flushes. I can definitely see why.
"Maybe you should get a boyfriend now," I say, nudging my chin in the hot guy's direction. Sage shakes her head with a sardonic sigh. "Yeah…no. A guy that looks like that probably has women falling all over themselves for him. The last thing I need is a stalker and a player." We both giggle and watch as everyone as the men make their way over to us. Jade grips her boyfriend's forearm enthusiastically as she gestures to Sage and me. "Everyone, this is Sophia, Micah's girlfriend, and her best friends Maleah and Sage." I swallow down when Jade introduces me as Micah's girlfriend, but I don't correct her. Not because I want them to think that I'm Micah's girlfriend, but because I don't want to embarrass her.
Maleah gives everyone a two-finger salute while Sage simply waves shyly. I can't help but notice the two hot guys check her out. I can't see the blind one's eyes, but something tells me that his attention is focused directly on her. Jade points to the men and makes the introductions. "Ladies, this is my boyfriend, Gideon. And these are his friends, Declan and Priest." The men nod their heads in welcome. I'm about to ask where Micah is when he shows up behind the men holding a drink in his hand.
His demeanor seems grim and untouchable. As a matter of fact, all of the men look that way. It's' as if they saw something they didn't like. Rising from my seat, I stop in front of Micah. "Hey, is everything okay?" Micah nods as he stands there with his jaw clenched. Raising my hand up to stroke his jaw, I wrap the other around his neck. "Talk to me, Micah." Pulling me close, he tilts his head and kisses me on the tip of my nose. He can be so devastatingly sweet sometimes. Kissing him back, I run my thumb over his bottom lip and whisper. "What's wrong, Micah?"
His face loses its harshness as he gazes into my eyes and pulls my hair behind my ear. "We need to talk, Sophia." My heart plummets at his serious words. He's so closed off sometimes that I don't know what to make of his expression. Swallowing my fear down, I lower my hands to his chest and blink back tears. "Wow. Should I be nervous?" Micah licks his lips hesitantly and places his palms over my head to whisper over my mouth. "I don't want to hurt you, Sophia."
A cry threatens to escape my lips as I hear the finality in his response. However, I don't let it overtake me. Instead, I kiss him deeply, caressing my lips over his and sliding my tongue pleasurably in his mouth before I move back with a soft sigh. "Then don't. But if you are, just tell me, don't string me along. I deserve more than that from you." He takes a deep breath and leans his forehead over mine before he pulls away, takes my hand, and ushers me to a more private corner of the room.
Pushing me against a nearby wall, he slams his mouth down and kisses me hard. My body melts under his right away, but I don't let the kiss deter me. Placing my hands on his chest, I push his chest gently and whisper dejectedly. "Just say it, Micah!" His lips quirk as he slides his fingers down my neck and rubs his thumbs across my collarbone. "I want you to be mine, Soph. Only mine." Exhilaration courses through me, making me feel heady. Yet I hold my excitement back, lean my forehead into his firm chest, and whisper. "But?" He exhales deeply and wraps his arms around my back. "But there's a lot we need to talk about, and this is not the time to do it. I just want to put everything out there before we commit fully to this. Is that okay?" I nod my head and tuck my face further into the crook of his neck, enjoying the husky sound of his voice. "Okay."
"How is it going with Jade?" Giving him a wicked smile, I pull back, take his hand in mine and lead him to the bar. I pour us both a glass of wine and wave at the couple. "She's really great. The girls and I have actually been to one of her shows before. I can't believe that you know Jade Reyes!' Micah chuckles. "Yeah, she's great. She and Gideon have been together for about a year."
Micah ushers me back to the crowd and accepts a beer from one of the men. Just then, Adrian, Jade's partner, walks back in and cries out in exhilaration. "Okay who's turn is it to sing now?" Maleah shakes her head, and Sage looks away shyly. "So, no one is going up?" He asks with bemused outrage. However, he's not taking no for an answer.
Instead, he moves around and herds us all up to the stage. The men whistle and hoot in encouragement as they stand in front of the stage to watch. I look at Micah, who gives me a daring grin and points to the microphone. "Come on, ladies, sing something!"
Hunter gives Maleah a thumbs up and wiggles his eyebrows suggestively, while Gideon simply gives Jade a cocky smile.
Adrian hands us each a microphone as he blows his boyfriend Mason a kiss and waits for us to start. The ladies and I all stand there, unsure. The boys heckle us because we're taking our time. That's when Sage takes over and says. "How about we show these boys how good we are." Then she turns to Jade and asks, "We're going to do a Bruno Mars song, "Locked out of Heaven," can you keep up?" Jade gives her an impish smile and nods. With the exception of Jade, this is not the first time we've done the song or the dance as a group. Let's just say that we're going to knock the boys' socks off. We stand in place when the song begins, and the men grow quiet.
Sage kicks it off with her strong, talented voice, followed by Maleah, Jade, and me until it's time for Sage to close it. You can hear a pin drop once the song is over. The men are all stunned. Adrian and Mason break the silence when they applaud and cheer enthusiastically. The men join the revelry, completely amazed by our performance. The party dies down after that. Everyone starts heading home to either sleep or make love. Which is exactly what Micah and I are doing right now.
We're both naked and writhing in his bed as my fingers claw gently down the muscled contours of his back. I swirl my hips to slam down my pussy and grind my clit against his abs. My walls contract around Micah's hard shaft as he thrusts harder into my sheath. Arching my back, I close my eyes and slide my hands down his firm hips and thighs to pull him close. Our mouths fuse, and our tongues meet and plunge. Wrapping my legs firmly around his waist, I cling to him and cry out in pleasure at the feel of his hard chest, rubbing against my hard nipples.
Sweat glistens over our bodies with every exertion. Delicious heat coils inside me with every hard thrust of his cock inside my womb. "Micah!" I cry out impassioned as I arch my back and dig my heels into the mattress. Micah's lips trail down my throat to kiss and suck until he reaches the soft mounds of my breasts. A gasp escapes my lips when he bites gently on the crowns of my nipples and sucks them hard into his mouth. Wrapping my hands around his head, I writhe and slam harder into his shaft, feeling a zing of heat with every thrust. Micah releases my breasts with one last lick and swirls it around my rigid buds, resting his palms flat on my head as he picks up his pace. His damp hair is in disarray, and his arms strain with every exertion. Gazing into his beautiful green eyes, I raise my head and suck on his lower lip and tongue before I clamp my mouth under his with a pleasurable moan.
Sparks of shock threaten to take me over the edge with every grind of his hardness into my weeping center. My hands clamp down on his tattooed arms, and my body shudders as wave after wave of ecstasy crashes down on me. The world fractures, and my womb clamps down hard on his stiff shaft to milk every frisson of pleasure from his body. Suddenly Micah's hips stiffen, his shaft pulses, and his essence explodes inside my body. We both cry out as our peak takes us over the edge.
Micah's body melts over mine, exhausted. Wrapping my arms around him, I hold him close and revel in the delicious aftershocks of my climax. His body feels so good resting on mine. I just want to hold him forever. Inhaling the sweet scent of his manly body, I sigh, enjoying the feel of our bodies connecting. After a moment, Micah lifts away from my body and lays on his back. Feeling pleasurably relaxed, I turn to him and rest my head on his shoulder with a contented sigh. I feel completely and utterly relaxed. Micah's arm wraps around my shoulder, rubbing his hand up and down my back with a gentle caress.
My hands explore the contours of his heaving chest and arms, enjoying the hard steely feel of his skin. It feels so good to feel him and touch him openly. My eyes feel heavy as fatigue settles in my bones, but I don't let it overtake me. There's just too much to settle right now. So I lay a kiss on his tattooed arm and lean an elbow on the bed to hover over him. My hair is loose around my shoulders, creating a curtain around us. Running an index finger over the line of his collarbone, I look into his calm eyes and whisper. "Why now, Micah? Why, after all of these years, did you decide to give in to this…us? I mean, you were so adamant about not feeling that way about me. I don't understand." I ask as I solemnly lower my eyes to gaze down at his chest.
Micah's eyes sharpen as he runs his eyes over me, then raises his hand to shift my hair from my face. He caresses the strands softly as he gazes into my eyes with a laser focus. "I've always wanted you, Soph." He mutters with suck direct honesty that it's unexpected.
Before I can ask, he rises up on his elbow and faces me. "Five years ago, something happened that made me rethink who I could trust. Someone I worked with and trusted turned on us. Unfortunately, and a lot of people were hurt and killed in the process. I didn't know what to do. I worried that he'd come after me and anyone that I loved. Then, this beautiful girl who has had my head spinning since the first day I saw her tells me she wants me. This girl had me captivated from the moment she walked into a restaurant, with her gorgeous golden hair and these perfectly golden doe eyes. Well, I never expected to be scared of what might happen if I told her that I felt the same way. So I did the hardest thing that I can think of; I told her—you that I didn't want you; even though inside I was slowly dying. For years all I've thought of is you. Even though I know it was wrong because you were my stepsister, and you were so young. What kind of man would I have been if I had seduced you?"
Sitting up against the headboard, he runs his fingers through his hair in agitation as he stares off into the distance. He is so unabashed about his naked body that it makes me want to make love with him again. Resting his hand on a bent knee, he utters tensely. "So I stayed away and hoped that the feelings would die. But then, I see you again, and this time you're grown up, and with a boyfriend. I couldn't believe that you were sitting in our parent's backyard, naked and about to have sex with another man. I guess I was in denial and thought you'd somehow stay a virgin for all of these years. Which, when I say it out loud, is stupid. But that's how I felt. I realized then that you were not the little girl you used to be and that you had moved on with your life." His gaze meets mine with a furrowed brow. "You've only been here for a few days, yet I feel like a different man. And I don't know how to handle it."
His honest confession leaves me speechless. I never expected him to be so honest. Sliding the sheet up to my chest, I rise from my prone position and kneel before him on the bed. "I never expected this to happen, Micah. Not after the way things ended five years ago. The truth is, I had a hard time after you broke my heart. I went a little crazy. I partied, drank, did drugs, and had sex with random guys because I felt that it didn't matter─ that love didn't matter."
Micah rises to his knees with a guilty expression and
whispers. "I'm sorry, Sophia. I didn't think about what my rejection would do to you." I shake my head and caress his jaw. "It's not your fault Micah. I was just a stupid girl who didn't know how to deal with a broken heart. Thankfully, your mom was there for me to set me straight about my stupid decisions. Looking back on it now, I'm not proud of what I did. I was trying to get back at you for something that wasn't your fault."
Leaning forward, I place a gentle kiss on his mouth and wrap my arms around his neck. "It doesn't matter now, Micah. Every other man that I've been with pales in comparison to you. You're not even the rebound guy because I never cared about anyone enough to hang around. Not even Darren. I want to be with you." His jaw ticks, and his eyes narrow as he pulls me close, kisses me hard, and whispers. "I do want to be with you, Soph. But there's more that you need to know about me before we can move forward. A lot more."
For a moment, his face tightens with disquiet, then he rises from the bed. I observe him pace in front of the bed, looking a bit distressed. The morning light is blanketing the room with its beautiful golden glow highlighting all of his tattoos and the rigid contours of his six-pack abs, firm chest, and muscled arms. I bite my lip when he turns to the side and gazes out the window. Getting a good view of his firm ass and broad shoulders make my body come alive.
My passion turns to shock when he turns back to me and says, "I'm a killer, Soph!" My mouth gapes open, then I shake my head as if I heard him wrong. "What?" I ask, confused. He takes a deep breath and moves to stand before me. "When you asked what I do for a living, I told you that I worked for the government. All of which is true. What I am, though, is a government-sanctioned assassin. I kill bad people for a living." He stops talking and gazes down at me with an expectant frown. It's almost as if he's waiting for me to tell him to go to hell or something. However, I don't know what to feel or say. I guess a part of me is waiting for him to start laughing and tell me that he's kidding.
Taking a deep breath, I rise from the bed and stand before him with an incredulous frown. "Is this a joke, Micah?" Micah's hands rest on my waist as he pulls me close to his body. "No, Sophia. I'm one hundred percent serious. I work for an organization that sanctions the assassination of men who have committed atrocious crimes against humanity. Men who have gotten away with it because they are rich or are protected by their country's laws. That man that I'm scared might find out about you, and hurt you used to be an assassin."
He must see the skeptical look on my face because he releases my waist, rubs his fingers across his mouth, then walks over to his headboard and presses some kind of tile.
To my shock, the tile glows beneath his palm, like if it's reading it. The headboard begins to shift until splits off in opposite directions to reveal some kind of secret room. Stepping beside him, I watch as the bed moves away from the wall and settles a few feet from the opening. The room lights up with some kind of halogen light, revealing staid white walls, shelves filled with weapons, and protective gear. Micah takes my hand and leads me into the room. I'm sure my mouth is gaping open when he presses a few buttons on the wall, and gleaming metal shelves retract and reveal large monitors and what looks like a state of the art computer equipment.
Micah gestures to the screens and the weapons before he turns back and faces me. "These are all of my weapons. Whenever an assignment comes in, I receive a coded message through my phone, and the files load into this system. Our offices are located in different parts of the world. And there are handlers who supply us with Intel and anything else we need. That day that I found you at our parent's house, I had just come from a mission. Do you understand what I'm saying, Sophia? Can you accept this?"
I don't respond at first. Instead, I walk towards the weapon's shelf and caress my fingers across a gun's shining black surface. Micah reaches for the gun, turns it over in his hand, then places it back on its stand. My breath hitches at the sight of him so professionally handling the weapon.
I feel like I'm in some kind of sci-fi world where Micah and I are both the last naked people left. Yet, most of it makes sense. That's when a thought occurs to me. Our parent's house! "The men that mysteriously died in that ranch. That was you?" I ask warily. Micah nods his head evenly. "Yes. Those men were planning on violating a dozen children that night. I found the children in a secured horse's stall that night and released them before I completed my mission."
I think back to the newscaster's report about all of the dead bodies found in a mass graves, and realize that I'm glad that Micah killed those men. I'm glad people like him punish those who seek to hurt others without repercussion. With a smile, I rise up to my toes, wrap my arms around his neck, and mutter. "I'm glad you gave those children justice. I don't care what you do. I still want you." Without another thought, I kiss him hard and deep.
As if taken by surprise by my acceptance, Micah hesitates at first. Then he wraps his arms around my waist and deepens the kiss. We stand there for a few more moments, kissing and touching until Micah lifts me in his arms and carries me back to the bed. I had never been so satisfied.
We spend the rest of the night, making love again. Micah is definitely an insatiable and generous lover. Right now, we're both in the kitchen. Micah is standing in front of the sink, loading the dishwasher. He looks so good in his low-rise jeans and bare chest. He gave me his t-shirt to wear earlier with the pretext that he wants to see me in something of his. My mouth waters at the sight of his wide shoulders and six-pack abs. I know we've had sex several times already, yet I still feel a deep ravenous need for him.
Rising from the stool, I wrap my arms around his waist and place a few kisses on his back. His stomach clenches under my hands as I run them down his textured abs. "Tell me about your tattoos," I whisper in his ear. He looks at me from the corner of his eyes, then pulls me in front of him, places my hand over his left pec, and moves it down his tight stomach. The tattoo is a large, red, and black dragon. The dragon's head starts at his shoulder, and the tail ends at his bellybutton. The wings stretch over his right pec, and his claws extend over his ribcage.
On the inside of his forearm, there is a tattoo of a man with half his face missing. It's a morbidly beautiful tattoo because the other half of the face is a skeleton. Taking my hand from his arm, he moves it to his other pec where there's a tattoo of a wild-looking man standing in only a loincloth ─kind of like Tarzan. The picture doesn't show his face. Just his bowed head and his strong muscled body holding a really sharp looking knife in one hand. There are other tattoos, but what is most interesting is that both tattoos connect at his back. Moving around him, I see that the dragon's mouth is spewing fire and that there's a fairy girl hiding protectively behind the dragon's claws. It looks like the dragon is protecting her. The fairy has long blond hair, caramel-colored eyes, and a slim body covered in a white silk sheath. My heart speeds up when I notice the resemblance between the fairy and myself─ it's me. No doubt about it. The fairy looks like she's caressing the dragon's claw as she looks longingly up at the dragon. The tattoos are beautiful and heartbreaking in their stories.
Running my hand over the fairy's face, I place a kiss on his shoulder and ask. "Is this…me?" Micah turns around to face me again. I can see a tick working his jaw as he gazes at me intently. At first, I don't think he's going to answer, but to my surprise, he grumbles out. "Yes, she's you. And I'm…" He points to the familiar-looking savage man on his chest, then the dragon. "I'm both of them. I'm both the dragon and the man." I want to ask why he has a tattoo of me on his back, but I can tell by the stiffening of his jaw that he's reluctant to talk about his tattoos. However, I can't help but feel giddy emotions stir inside of me at the thought of why there's a tattoo of me on his back. "They're beautiful," I whisper with a secret smile.
He gazes at me from under his lashes for a moment, then walks to the living room. "I have to go to work. Are you going to be here tonight?" He asks with a raised brow. I can see that he's bothered by the fact that he has to leave me alone. Shaking my head, I sit back on the couch and rest my feet on the coffee table. "Only if you come home and entertain me."
I guess that was the wrong thing to say because he stops before me, lifts me in his arms, and grits out. "What if I don't come home to entertain you?" I look at his eyes, seeing that he's upset, then place my hand on his jaw to gentle him. "You know that I'm joking, right?" Wrapping my arms around his neck, I cling to him tightly. "I want you so much, Micah. I would never mess around now that we're finally together. Is that what you want to hear?"
His eyes lose their hardness as he takes a few deep breaths and pulls me closer. "I'm sorry, Sophia. That was a really shitty way for me to react. I'm just worried about you wandering around the town alone." I shake my head and bite my lip. "You don't need to worry about me, Micah. Just go to work and come home fast so that we can get back into your bed."
Micah's eyes roam over my face with a quiet intensity. With a husky voice, he leans close and asks, "Okay. So what will you do?" I wave my hand and shrug my shoulders. "I'll probably go back to Maleah's shop and help her out. She and Hunter seem to have become serious." Micah's rolls his eyes. "I saw that she and Hunter were going pretty hot and heavy at the bar the other night." A giggle escapes my lips as I bend my knee and rock side to side. "Looks like lust is in the air." Micah scoffs at my comment and moves back into the bedroom. "I have to get dressed." I follow behind him and watch as he changes into one of his suits. I can't believe my boyfriend is a bonafide badass.