Chapter 18: Love keeps the cold out better than a cloak
-Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
I watch Micah's departing form as he walks out the door, and feel a sense of elation.
I can't believe he just made love to me on top of Maleah and Sage's desk. It was so desperate and intense. Everything about Micah is that way. I look in the mirror, fix my hair, and make sure my dress is not rumpled before I walk out of the office. Maleah raises a questioning brow when I step around the counter. "Well, it looks like someone was having some fun. What did lover boy want from you?" She says, wagging her eyebrows mischievously. Taking a deep breath, I flush slightly. "You mean after he thoroughly ravished me on top of your desk?" Her eyes widen, and her mouth gapes open with surprise. "What? Are you telling me that you two just did the nasty on my desk? You little vixen!" She says with a sly grin.
I shake my head with a warning scowl and signal her to be quiet. "Geez, girl, you don't need to tell everyone my business!" She smirks again and leans her back on the counter. "Wow, you two are really something. That man is crazy about you." I nod my head, remove a few pastries from the table, and place them in the glass encasing. "Yeah, we're working it out. The only thing we have to worry about right now is our parents. Who knows how they'll react."
Maleah pats my back with a sympathetic grimace. "Shit, that's right. What are you going to tell them, girl?" I shake my head and puff out a breath. "I don't know. I don't even want to think about how my dad will react when he finds out." Maleah's mouth contorts into a cringe as she steps around me to put some coffee beans on the machine. "Well, I suggest telling them right away. Rip the bandage off per se." Depression settles over me as I consider how my dad will react. "The hard part is explaining, I guess. I mean, we just barely got together. And even though we decided to be together, we still haven't discussed feelings. Right now, it's about wanting, not love." Maleah turns the button on the coffee maker and leans a hip on the counter with her other hand on her waist. "But you're in love with him. You've always been in love with him." I nod my head. "Yeah, but he's never told me that he loves me. He just told me that he had feelings for me. Feelings don't mean love!"
Maleah shrugs with confusion. "From what you've told me, it looks like Micah has had feelings for you for a long time. No man wants a woman for nearly six years, Soph. He has to be in love with you." I shake my head, trying not to feel the spark of hope that Maleah's words kindled. Because even if Micah is in love with me— he will never admit it. But it all adds up, and it drives me crazy. Starting with the tattoo of me on his back. No man would do that unless he felt deeply for a woman. And his job. He has a very dangerous job. I mean, from what he told me, he kills people for a living. Mind you, they're really bad people. But what if they found out about us? He's so worried that I might get caught in the middle of what he is doing. With all of these obstacles, our relationship is barely hanging on by a thread. And I don't think I can take it if I lost him again.
Laying a cleaning cloth on the counter, I push it around distractedly. "Look…whatever. Can we just talk about something else? I just don't want to think about this right now." Maleah nods. That's what I love about Maleah. The girl knows when to back off, as well, as what to say to make someone feel better. So she leans her back on the counter and gives me a silly grin. "Okay, then. I like Hunter a lot!" She says with a resigned pout. I chuckle at her grumpy look and roll of my eyes. "So, what's the problem?" She takes the cloth from my hand and twists it around her hands. "It's just he's too perfect. I mean, he's great in bed, he's funny and sweet. There has to be something wrong with him."
My eyes widen incredulously at her estimation. "Are you kidding me right now? He's too perfect, and you're worried!" She rolls her eyes and gives me a peeved glare. "Yeah! What if he's secretly married or has a closet full of dead hookers! There has to be something. I've never been that lucky with guys. Remember the football player I dated sophomore year? The one who was secretly doing the cheerleaders? And the frat boy who was secretly gay and used me as his beard. Not to mention my disastrous relationship with Carlos. No, there has to be something wrong with Hunter!"
I cover my mouth to sustain my giggles as I consider Maleah's past relationships. I can see why she would be wary. However, Hunter is Micah's friend, and they work together. That's when it hits me; Hunter works with Micah. Perhaps doing the same thing Micah does. Maybe he does have a big secret. But I don't think it's the kind of secret Maleah is expecting. My mind wars with the idea of telling Maleah and keeping Micah's secret. On the one hand, Maleah is my best friend, which means that she deserves to know the truth. But on the other hand, Micah is my love. If Hunter is like Micah, then what he does is a secret too.
This means that revealing any of their secrets might put us all at risk. I don't want Micah to think that he can't trust me. Plus, if Hunter is doing what Micah does—he's not a bad man; and revealing his job is not my business. I figure if he wants Maleah to know, it's his decision to make. However, that won't stop me from asking Micah about him.
Wrapping an arm around Maleah's shoulder, I pull her close and mutter. "I doubt that Hunter is married, Mal. But if you're worried, talk to him. You can't let your past relationships dictate your relationship with Hunter. Give him a chance!" Maleah takes a deep breath and rests the cloth back on the counter. "You're right! I guess I'm just being paranoid."
Her sulk quickly fades as she moves towards the oven and removes a few sweets. "By the way, last night was awesome. I loved the look on the guys' faces when we sang. Jade was really cool too. And Micah's friends are seriously hot. I think the gorgeous one, Priest, liked Sage. At first, I thought he was blind, but Hunter told me that he wasn't. He said that he used to be, and that's why he uses the sunglasses and walking stick. Apparently, he had some new technological surgery that helped him regain his sight, and he's getting accustomed to it." I nod my head in understanding. It definitely makes sense.
"Wow, that's great. I think Sage liked him too. She couldn't take her eyes off him. But when I asked her, she hedged. Something about her already having a stalker and not adding to her drama by bringing a player into the mix."
Maleah snorts in derision. "Seriously, girl. We are all kinds of messed up. None of us can be in relationships without worrying about something." I sigh in commiseration as I move around the counter to clean the tables.
The mood rises throughout the afternoon. And to my surprise, I get a phone call with good news. The shop is busy, and we're working in tandem when my phone rings. Looking at the screen, I see an unfamiliar number. At first, I consider not answering it, but my curiosity wins out. Pressing answer, I place the phone over my ear. "Hello?" A female voice, on the other end, responds quickly. "Hello, I'm calling to speak to Sophia Drake." I frown in confusion then reply. "This is Sophia."
The woman's voice lifts with solicitousness. "Oh, hello, Ms. Drake. My name is Ms. Reynolds. I'm calling you because one of your design professors, Mrs. Carver, showed me your design portfolio, and I'm interested in contracting with you to design a place that I just recently purchased. Do you have time to meet with me?"
Sophia gives me a puzzled frown. "What's going on?" She nearly jumps back when I skip happily toward her and wrap my arms around her in excitement. "Holy cow, I have a design client! I just got a call from a prospective client that Mrs. Carver recommended me to." Pushing back from her arms, I look down in horror at my black, cap-sleeved dress and look back up at Maleah with a nervous squeal. "Oh, my God! I have to go and change! I can't meet a client looking like this! Do you need me?" Maleah snickers with a roll of her eyes. "Go ahead. I'll be fine. Just order an Uber driver to take you to Micah's and change." Giving her one last excited hug, I pull away and pick up my phone to request an Uber. Thankfully, the Uber is there within minutes.
"Good Luck!" Maleah calls out as I grab my handbag and run out of the shop. It takes me a half-hour to be ready and on my way to the location she gave me. I'm wearing my most professional, yet sexy navy blue, Bodycon dress with a floral lace top, nude blazer, and nude heels. I left my hair loose and just put on a little bit of eyeshadow and lip gloss. Thankfully, I have long lashes and peaches and cream complexion. I feel like a million bucks.
Mrs. Reynolds meets me at the front of the building right away. The building is on the upper east side of Manhattan near Micah's place. It's an old high-rise with a very well maintained red brick façade. Definitely, a multi-million-dollar investment. I shake Mrs. Reynolds's hand, giving her a polite smile. Ms. Reynolds is an attractive woman with short blond hair and cornflower blue eyes. I would say she's in her early thirties and in good shape. She's wearing a stylish paisley top with dark gray slacks and black pumps. Something that niggles at me, though, is the way she runs her eyes over me in a measuring manner. Once she's done inspecting me, she gives me a cold smile.
"It's a pleasure to meet you, Ms. Reynolds," I say, keeping a polite smile on my face even though I'm feeling uncomfortable at her appraisal. For some reason, I expect her to put me at ease and ask me to call her by her given name, but she doesn't. Instead, she shakes my hand loosely and replies. "Yes, of course. It's a pleasure to meet you too. Shall we?" She says, gesturing to the building's entrance. Not letting her snotty attitude faze me, I nod my head and follow behind confidently.
A doorman opens the door and gives us a polite smile. "Good afternoon, ladies." We greet him courteously and move towards the elevator. We both stand there uncomfortably as we wait for the elevator to reach the floor. I feel tense, which annoys me because this is not the feeling I expected to have on my first job. So I pull out my computer tablet and ask. "Is it okay if I take a few notes and ask a few questions, Ms. Reynolds? I want to make sure I get enough information to create the best design for you." She nods her head. "Of course. Ask away."
Feeling a bit relieved, I nod my head and turn on my tablet. Just then, the doors open, and a beautiful apartment is revealed. The apartment is large and spacious, with white columns, a high cathedral ceiling, and white, polished marble floors. The place has wall-to-wall ceiling to floor windows with white crown molding surrounding it. The place is gorgeous, but maybe I'm biased because I don't think it's as beautiful as Micah's penthouse.
Ms. Reynolds steps into the apartment and walks towards the center of the room with an elegant wave of her hand. "What do you think?" I nod my head with an agreeable smile. "It's beautiful." She gives me an arrogant smile before she says. "As you can see, this is a very exclusive building. I'm not sure if you're accustomed to apartments like this, but I'm looking for a top of the line design. I looked at some of your designs and found a few that caught my eye. Do you think you can design something better for my new place?" I nod my head enthusiastically. "Yes, of course. My boyfriend owns a gorgeous penthouse in a similar building not far from here. So I'm familiar with the architecture. I can definitely design something for you."
Her voice becomes sharper as she approaches me with an incredulous sneer. "Really? You have a boyfriend who lives in a penthouse?" I nod my head, not liking her rude tone. "Yes, he does." I guess she can tell that I do not like her attitude because she puts on a false smile and utters politely. "How long have you been with your boyfriend?" She asks speculatively. Somehow her questioning makes me uncomfortable. I don't know why, but I feel like she's fishing for something, which makes no sense because we just met.
Thinking that I'm paranoid, I answer honestly. "Oh, not that long. Micah and I've only been together for a few days, but we've known each other for years." I add quickly. I don't want her to think I'm some kind of slut who jumps on the first guy who has money. I've loved Micah for years, and I've never cared about his money.
Ms. Reynolds's mouth quirks into a derisive smile. "That's great. He must really care for you then." I give her a noncommittal shrug and take a few more steps into the room. "How about you, Ms. Reynolds. Is this going to be a family home or a swinging bachelorette's pad?" She smiles slyly and places her hands on her hips. "Unfortunately, there's no husband. I thought there was someone a while back, but he fell for another woman. Men can be so fickle. However, I do have a few male interests. As for right now, I want to turn this space into a single girl's palace."
Giving her a commiserating nod, I move around the floor and stop in front of a set of double doors. It's a large bedroom with an én-suite bathroom and a large walk-in closet. "It's spacious. I can put a large king-sized bed and a chaise…" I sketch out a plan for her as we talk until we come up with a good design. "This should work. I'll work on a few designs tonight and email you my finished work. If you like them, we can meet up in a few days and discuss a budget and materials."
Mrs. Reynolds nods in agreement and hands me a thumb drive. "What's this?" I ask, taking the drive between my fingers. She rolls her eyes and gestures to my tablet. "This is a list of requirements that I have for the apartment. I also took the liberty to draw up a budget and a timeline."
I have to say I'm impressed by her preparedness. It's always good when clients know what they want. "Alright, I will look through the information and call you as soon as I have a few ideas." She gives me another false smile and waves her hand around dismissively. "Of course."
I don't go back to the shop after that. Instead, I go back to Micah's apartment, change into one of his shirts, and look through the information Ms. Reynolds gave me. She's pretty thorough. I'm designing my second pallet when my phone rings. This time I recognize the number. My stomach falls with apprehension as I look at the name on the screen. It's my dad. Swallowing deeply, I take a deep breath before I answer. "Hey, dad. How's Paris, or London, or wherever you are?" My father's familiar husky chuckle echoes through the earpiece. "Hi, baby. Do you miss me?" I shake my head to regain my balance. I have to keep it cool. It's only a phone call. So I clear my throat and answer. "Of course I miss you. How's Chelsea?" An intelligible snort resounds from the other end. "Chelsea is fine. I was just calling to check in with you, baby. I haven't spoken to you in a week, then I get a text from you that you're staying with Micah. Is everything okay?"
I let out a relieved sigh before I respond. "Yeah, everything is fine. I was going to stay at the house, but Micah was worried about me staying there alone and offered to let me stay with him." My father exhales with relief. "That's good, sweetheart. It's better if you stay with your stepbrother. It's safer." My face heats up at his words. If he only knew that I don't think of Micah as my stepbrother.
I bite my lip as I try to formulate the words that I need to say, but nothing comes out. How do I tell my dad that Micah and I are together? That I'm having sex with Micah. I just can't do it. I reason it out by telling myself that it's better if I tell him in person. But I know that the real reason is that I'm too scared to do it. "Yeah, dad, this is much better. So when are you and Chelsea coming back?" I ask, changing the subject. Thankfully, my dad doesn't hear the duplicity in my voice. He simply tells me about his and Chelsea's adventures in an English castle.
I hang up the phone a few minutes later, feeling completely and utterly remorseful. My dad sounded so happy. It looks like he and Chelsea are having a great time. Feeling guilt-ridden for not telling my dad the truth, I stand up and head to the kitchen. Micah has a wine fridge filled with very expensive wine. Taking a wine glass, I open a bottle of Malbec and pour some in the glass.
The kitchen is beautifully clean with its gleaming countertops. Looking in the refrigerator, I take out a few ingredients and begin to cook. I love to cook. It's so relaxing. It makes me forget the drama that is my life. After a few minutes, I'm in the zone, and all thoughts of the obstacles standing between Micah and me are forgotten.